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Fw: Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam Special: Part 191/Sun

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SrI Raama Jayam


Kula-dhaivatham asmAkam KOdhaNDa Sara MaNDitham

Ishta-dhaivatham asmAkam IshvAku Kula-dhaivatham


Dear Raama BhakthAs:


SrI Raama Navami is fast approaching . Based on Thithi nirNayam ,

the day of celebration for U.S East Coast residents is March 29 , March 30

for SrI Matam and for Srirangam , Koil SrI Raama navami , it is on April 29.

For Raama BhakthAs , every day is SrI Raama Navami . Hence , from now

until April 29 , we will select a theme relating to Lord Raamachandran

and Jaanaki Devi as in previous years and enjoy the series . The theme for

this year will be samkshEpa Sundara KhANDam of Aadhikavi , Sage Vaalmiki

with infusions from dhivya Prabhandham of Swamy NammAzhwAr et al.


Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam


At Thiruvaheendhrapuram , there are beautiful ArchA Moorthy's of Lord

Raamachandra , SithA Piraatti and ILaya PerumAL . Swamy Desikan's

Raghuveera Gadhyam was born here to salute these ArchA Moorthys .


The RathnAngi kaimkaryam for Lord DevanAthan is progressing . Four

AchAris are at work now and the padhma Raaga gems have been inlaid .

The gold layer enveloping has started .Soon , we should have the scanned

images of the Lord's Paadhams to enjoy online . We need some more funds

to complete the Kaimkaryam and will look for the Lord's guidance to

complete His kaimkaryam soon . Anyone wishing to particpate in this

ongoing kaimkaryam is welcome to join .It is not too late.


Nine days of PaarAyaNam of Sundara KhANDam


Earlier adiyEn has written about the sequence of recitation of

Sundara KhANDam in nine days (NavAha PaarAyaNam) .

There are 68 chapters (Sargams) in Sundara KhANDa.

It is customary to conclude the paarAyaNam with

SrI Raama PattAbhishEka Sargam .


Here is one sequence used by BhakthAs :


Day 1: Sargams 1-5


Day 2: Sargams 6-15


Day 3: Sargams 16-20


Day 4: Sargams 21-26


Day 5: Sargams 27-33


Day 6: Sargams 34-40


Day 7: Sargams 41-52


Day 8: Sargams 53-60


Day 9: Sargams 61 to 68 and SrI Raama PattAbhishEka Sargam


As mentioned earlier , there are Raama BhakthAs , who complete the recital

of the entire Sundara KhANDam on one day ( SrI Raama Navami day ).


Method of PaarAyaNam


There is a sankalpam , aavahanam , upachAram including nivEdhanam

at the aarambham stage of PaarAyaNam . There is SrI Raama ashtOttharam

for those , who wish to perform archnaai for the Lord Raamachandran ,

which starts with " SrI Raamaaya nama:" and concludes with

" Parasmai nama: ".SrI VishNu Sahasra Naamam is also recited

before the day's paarAyaNam .


Phalans and dhOsha ParihArams


There are specific descriptions of Phalans to be gained from Sundara

KhANDa PaarAyaNam in SkAndha PurANam and Vaayu PurANam .

Many with the exception of PrapannAs recite specific sargams for

relief from Navagraha dasA bhukthi dhOsha parihAram .


Some examples of specific sargams for parihAram are:


1. For removal of dhAridhriyam ( impoverishment) , the recital of

the Fifty Four slOkams of the 15th Sargam known as the "Seetha Darsanam " ,

where HanumAn sees SithA PirAtti for the first time during His search at Lankaa.


2. For overcoming the ill effects of bad dreams , the 27th Sargam

is recited during successive three mornings .


3. For apachArams performed to Lord Raamachandra with or without

knowledge , the 38th Sargam is recited , where the most merciful

Lord pardons the KaakAsuran , who fell at His sacred feet .


Navagraha dhOsha parihAram for Non-prapannAs



For those , who have surrenderd totally to SrIman NaarAyaNa ,

there is no need to worry about Nava grahams and their ill

effects or beneficial effects . BhagavAn is the ruler of them all .

They can also recite the specific slOkam in SrI RanganAtha

PaadhukA Sahasram saluting SrI RanganAtha Paadhukais

as the remover of navagraha dhOshams.PrapannAs recognize

SrIman NaarAyaNa is the ultimate Master of all these grahams .


For others , who are concerned about different dasA bhukthi dhOshams ,

scholars in SrImadh RaamAyaNa PaarAyaNam have recommended

the recitation of the following chapters:


1. Disturbances in Chandra dasai( 5th Sargam+ Sukla Paksha pradhOsha

worship of Chandran).


2. Disturbances in AnkAra dasai /Guru BHukthi ( 51st Sargam)


3. Disturbance of Sukra Bhukthi in AnkAraka dasai (53rd Sargam)


4. Disturbance of Sukra Bhukthi in Raahu dasai , the 65 th sargam ,

where HanumAn presents the hand ring ( ChUDAmaNi ) to

Lord Raamachandra after return from His trip to Lankaa.


5. Disturbance of Sani Bhukthi in Raahu dasai ( 47th Sargam).


6. Severe Guru DasA dhOsha ParihAram ( First Sargam and

nivEdhanam of parched rice with sugar to Hanuman ).


7. Disturbance of Kethu bhukthi in Guru Dasai ( 61st and 62nd Sargams)


8. Disturbances in Sani Bhukthi during Sani Dasai (48th Sargam)


9. Disturbance in Bhudha Bhukthi in Sani Dasai ( 54th Sargam)


10. Disturbance in Sukra BHukthi in Sani Dasai ( 38th Sargam)


11. Bhudha DasA dhOsha PaihAram: 35th Sargam


12. Bhudha dasA+ AnkAraka Bhukthi dhOsham: 27th Sargam ,

where SithA PirAtti experiences Subha sakunams .


13. Bhudha Dasai+ Kethu BHukthi dhOsham: 14th Sargam


14. Kethu Dasaai+ Sukra Bhukthi dhOsham: afore-said 65th Sargam


15. Sukra Dasai+ Sukra bhukthi dhOsham : 36th Sargam during

three sandhis .


16. For ladies with Sukra bhukthi dhOsham in Sukra dasai ,

listening to the 33rd slOkam is recommended with meaning ,

where the conversation between SithA PirAtti and HanumAn

takes place in AshOka Vanam .


There are specific nivEdhanams for Jaanaki SamEtha Raamachandran

after recitation of specific Sargam (e-g) Sarkarai POngal for nivEdhanam

after recital of 36th Sargam . One can however offer fruits , if other


are not easy to make.This is the nivEdhana kramam .There are also DhAnam ,

Japam , Homam , archanam . Sage AgasthyA who interacted with Lord

Raamachandra at the battle field in Lankaa sums the benefits of Nine day

PaarAyaNam of SrImadh RaamAyaNa Sundara KhANDam in KumAra SamhithA:


SrImadh-RaamAyaNAkhyasya IthihAsOtthamasya cha

NavAha PaDanam kruthvA Sarvam soukhyam avApnuyAth


(Meaning): Those who perform the Nine day recitation of the most sacred

IthihAsam with the name of SrIMadh RaamAyaNam in the time honored

way will be blessed with all auspiciousness by SithA-LakshmaNa-HanUmath

SamEtha SrI Raamachandra Parabrahmam.


In this context , One is reminded of a great Raama BhakthA's insight :


" yEmi chEsithEmi SrIraama Swamy KaruNalEni VaarilalO ? "


( Meaning): What does it matter , whatever one does , IF one does not

have the grace and anugraham of SrI Raamachandraa on this earth ?


The whole of SrImath RaamAyaNam in general and SrI Sundara KhANDam

in particular are the treasured abodes of the dhivya KaaruNyam of

the divine couple. Let us seek their grace during this SrI Raama Navami

season !


VaidEhi-Sahitham sura-dhruma-talE haimE MahAmaNDapE

madhyE-pushpakamAsanE maNimayE veerAsanE SusTitham

agrE vaachayathi prabhanjana-suthE tatthvam munibhya: param

vykhyAntham BharathAdhibhi: parivrutham Raamam bhajE SyAmaLam


SrI Raamachandra ParabrahmaNE Nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


P.S: These special postings from here on (after the introductory

postings will appear only in Oppiliappan , SaraNAgathy and

Raama Bhakthi lists that adiyEn has responsibility as moderator .
























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