Guest guest Posted April 4, 2004 Report Share Posted April 4, 2004 SrI: SrImathE Ramanujaya namah: Dearest Srivaishnavas Srirangam - is bubbling with devotees rushing into enjoy the Dhivya Dampathi appearing together. Today is Panguni Utthiram with Divya Dampathi SrI RanganAthan and Sri Ranaganayaki appearing together (On the panguni utthiram day Lord RanganAtha (namperumAL) appears along with our mAthA pirAtti Sri RanganAyaki thAyAr and on only this day, one can have this sEtthi sEvai (darshan of Divya dampathis together) and words can NOT come to our rescue for expressing the happiness and bliss one gets during this utsavam when a person looks at Them; Especially because the scene is this: The Lord (namperumAL) is standing majestically as usual and more beautiful and graceful today due to the fact that His consort, the Most gorgeous looking pirAtti is enjoying the beauty of Her Lord without taking Her eyes off Him even for a second (She does not even sit facing us; She has turned her posture by 90 Degrees and is facing the LORD fully;) That should definitely make our pithA feel PROUD and HAPPY and one can actually the beaming face of the Lord depicting His happiness in His eyes and His impish smile [mandhahAsam]; And this is the right opportunity for a person to ask for favours from our Divine Eternal PARENTS. Our yatirAjar makes no mistakes; He has taken the pirAtti first in his side (knowing fully well that pirAtti is only listening; but not looking at him;) by praising Her attributes of mercy, dayA, vAtsalyam and Her being together with the Lord always at all times under all circumstances (nityAnapAyinee) and pleads to the pirAtti for recommending to the Lord. She is the Purushaakaaram and She is equal to Him in all apsects and kalyANa guNas. There goes the Gadhya trayam composition ( saraNagathi Gadhyam, Sriranga Gadyam and Vaikunda Gadhyam composed in prose forms) by sri rAmAnujar, the beauty of which must have already been known to BhagavatALs. These gadhyams are in fact only to guide us who are caught in samsaaric troubles and are in deep waters. There is no other sign of escape for us; except for such excellent compositions of seers. These compositions of yatirAjA had been immediately appreciated by Divya dampati Themselves and their assurances to protect and save him at all times and to take yatirAjA to Their Lotus feet at the end to perform ceaseless kainkaryam at Srivaikuntam. Only Sri Sudharsanasuri, Periya vacchaan Pillai and Swamy Desikan have written commentary for them. SaraNAgathi Gadhyam : This deals with the most important SaraNAgathi ( Prapatthi )doctrine , which is cardinal to our unparralelled Srivaishnava Sampradayam. Sriranga Gadhyam : This grantham is in the form of a soul-stirring prayer to Sri RanganAthA. Sri Vaikuntha-Gadyam: Describtion of Sri Vaikunta Divya lOkam - Paramapadham -and the position of the liberated souls. A moving description of the scenery, the athAscharya, athiadhbutha narration of Paramapadham by Udayavar. One should make an attempt to recite this Gadhya thrayam at least today at PerumAL Sannidhi. AzhwAr EmperumAnAr Desikan ThiruvaDgaLE SaraNam Regards Namo Narayana dAsan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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