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Re. Bhagawad Gita and Capitalism

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>>>>Hi All


Is there a similarity between the Gita and Capitalism? Does Sri

Krishna talk about Capitalism?






Dear Sangeetha,


Here is some thoughts in response to your question.


Capitalism is means of production. These include (but not limited to) land,

buildings, farms, factories, mines, machines, as well as money. Even Gita

itself can be means of production. Like Passion movie, someone can make a movie


Gita and make money etc.But that is not the question you are asking.


In Capitalism, businesses are owned and controlled to a greater extent by

individuals rather than by the Govt. In a Capitalistic society, individuals are

relatively free to decide how to use their wealth and skills. There is also

controlled Capitalism, in which Govt regulates businesses (similar to what we

have in the USA), mixed economies (like India) and complete abolishment of

Capitalism (like erstwhile Communist countries).


Of course, life and living is a prerequisite to any business. Even the

affairs of dead people (cremation, burial, memorial services, selling burial


building pyramids, death rites, etc.) is handled by the living. Bhagavadgita

is a TRULY capitalistic approach to the business of life - Capitalism and far


Here are some examples.


Just as the individual freedom in Capitalism,

There is no compulsion in Gita:


yatEcchasi tatA kuru (Ch 18 V 63 line 4)


You get what you seek in Capitalism, so also in the Gita:


yAnti dEva vratA dEvAn

pitREn yAnti pitRevratAh |

bhUtAni yAnti bhUtEjyAh

yAnti madhyAjinOpimAm ||(ch 9, v 25)


In Capitalism your productivity is proportional to

how good you are in your chosen trade, which is

staying close to one's basic nature (aptitude and attitude).


svE svE karmaNyabhiratah

samsiddhim labhatE narah |(Ch 18, v45, lines 1 and 2)



To be successful in Capitalism, you have to share your proceedes

(give back to the community in which you operate the business

in the form of tax, charity etc. That's why charity is 100% tax deductible).

If you don't, you will b elooked upon a sa cut-throat person or a thief.


iSHTAn bhOgAn hi vO dEvAh

dAsyantE yagna bhAvitAh |

tairdattan apradAyaibhYO

yO bhunktE stEna Eva sah ||(Ch 3, V12)



You have to be knowldegeble !


nahi gnAnEna sadResham

pavitamiha vidyate |


You shoul dnot lose your cool!


sukha dukhE samE kRetvA

lAbhA lAbau jayA jayau | (ch 2, v 38, lines 1-2)


Should be focussed !


vyvasAyAmikA buddhih

EkEha kuru nandana | (Ch 2, v41, lines 1-2)


Should have high self-esteem !


uddharEt AtmanAtmAnAm | (Ch 6, v 5 line 1)


Don't be lazy, do the best you can with what you have and where you are.


karmaNyEvAdhi kArastE.......

mA tE sangOstvakarmaNi || (ch 2, v47)


Certain amount of trust and be decesiveness !


samshayAtmA vinashyati |


Moderation is important !


yuktAhAra vihArasya....(Ch 6, v17)


After you have attained success, you need a differen approach to hol don to



Aru rukshOr munEryOgam

karma kAraNamucyate |

yOgArUDasya tasyaiva

shamah kAraNamucyatE ||(Ch 6, v 3)


You should see the underlying $ sign in all your contacts (animate or



panditAh sama darSHInah |(Ch 5, v18, line 4)


Lust anger and greed drag a business to hell!


I can go on. Hope you got the picture.



Ps: In understanding Gita verses, get the facts (meaning) and think freely.

Don't be bound by any one set of thinking or Bhashyam.

Gita is unlimited and should be studied that way to get the full benefit of

the truth)




K. Sreekrishna Tatachar




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Without any bad intentions here some of my thoughts.

> Ps: In understanding Gita verses, get the facts

> (meaning) and think freely.


evam parampara-praptam

imam rajarshayo viduh

sa kaleneha mahata

yogo nastham parantapa


This supreme science was thus received through the

chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings

understood it in that way. But in course of time the

succession was broken, and therefore the science as it

is appears to be lost.



As soon as the original purpose was scattered by the

motives of the unscrupulous commentators, there arose

the need to reestablish the disciplic succession. Five

thousand years ago it was detected by the Lord Himself

that the disciplic succession was broken, and

therefore He declared that the purpose of the Gétä

appeared to be lost. In the same way, at the present

moment also there are so many editions of the Gétä

(especially in English), but almost all of them are

not according to authorized disciplic succession.

There are innumerable interpretations rendered by

different mundane scholars, but almost all of them do

not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead,

Krishna, although they make a good business on the

words of Sri Krishna.

So many people just think there is some sentiment of

people so let me use to become rich, or let me become

a self proclaimed Bhagavan, like we see nowardays.



So Lord himself is saying that the proper way to get

the right meaning of gita is by learning from an

acarya and school.




> Don't be bound by any one set of thinking or

> Bhashyam.

There are three main pramanas:

pratyaksha senses, so we can explain Gita in the way

we perceive the world, but senses are limited. I can

not see what is going on another part of the world


anumana through mental logic thinking, here also we

are bound by culture, education, social environment


only shabda the transcendental sound and words of self

realised people free from greed, anger and lust,

illusion and desire to cheat people can be taken as

the proper pramana


> Gita is unlimited and should be studied that way to

> get the full benefit of

> the truth)


Some people say we can take any path to reach the

goal. So once there was a person who has met a saint

and to some was a yogi asking where to find a hotel

that he can take any path and he will reach the right

destination. Anyone travelling next time to India, can

just say give me any route, since everything is same.

Is it logical, for me it isnt. Sorry.


Damana Krishnan







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