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Parasurama Avatar. – a glimpse. - Battle between the Head and the Heart.

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Sri Ramanujaya Namaha .


Sri Vedhantha Desikaya Namaha .


Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Divyapadukasevaka Srivan Satakopa Sri

NarayanaYatindra Mahadesikaya namaha .


Dear Bhagavathas ,


Kindly permit me to send this second article to you all through this site , for

your reading. Trust the thoughts expressed make some sense , for us to

understand the significance of the Avatar.


May Sriyapathi bless us all.


Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu !




Ramanuja Dasan , G.Sampath.






Parasurama Avatar. – a glimpse. - Battle between the Head and the Heart.




Sriman Narayanan , has taken number of Vibhava Avatarams , only to teach the

mankind , the importance of righteousness, virtue, kindness , friendliness

,principles of empathy , importance of performing one’s prescribed duties within

the laid down norms etc.etc and bring the humanfolk into the right path by

removing adharma in any form . In this Parasurama Avataram is one such Sakthi

form of Vishnu. The Lord took up this form only to remove the arrogance of the

Kshatriya rulers, who harmed the sages and unprotected mortals. If we try to

analyze the sequences in detail , we can notice that this Avatar teaches us a





Parasurama was born to Rishi Jamadhagni and his wife Renuka, as the fifth boy.

He was initially named Bargava Rama and later on when he took to great penance ,

lasting over 10 years in the Himalayas ( Kailash) , Bargava Rama was renamed

Parasurama by Lord Siva himself , who gave him his Siva Dhanus and the Parasu (

the Axe) as the boons for his deep penance and devotion and blessed him to

achieve his objectives with the help of those gadgets . Parasurama , primarily

did the penance to Lord Siva only to get enough powers to avenge the kshatriya

rulers , who were harming the sages.




When Parasurama came back from Kailash , he found his father in deep sorrow and

distress . As his aim was only to remove the sorrow of the sage and avenge the

person who created such distress to the Rishi , without even using his senses

properly , he gave the word to his father that he would fulfill his wishes in

the acts of revenge . This revengeful bent of mind put Parsurama in a deep





So in life one should always use the sense organs properly , at the same time

having full control over them , and take such prudent decisions , which would

result in actions of glory and fame .




The conversation between Rishi Jamadagni and Parsurama after the latter cutting

the head of his mother Renuka , based on the orders of his father Jamadagni is

quite revealing and educating . Parasurama regrets a lot for his impulsive and

sinful actions. Then Rishi Jamadagni , uses his extraordinary powers of penance

and rejoins the head of Renuka with her body to bring her back to life. Even

though this action brings happiness to all the five children , Parasurama

continues to regret and goes to his father questioning his actions. He wonders ,

how can , a Rishi , who is well educated , having a profound vision and

accomplished lots of glory , could suspect his own wife. Is it just because

Renuka Devi happens to be a woman ? Rishi does not have the right to suspect her

actions and put her to such insult and cruel punishment. If a great Rishi can go

ahead and do such a sinful act , in future how a common person , who is not

blessed with such wisdom or education or vision can control

his senses and ego. Rishi Jamadagni seeks the pardon of Parasurama number of

times and Parasuram refuses. He categorically says that his father’s act cannot

be pardoned by any one , except by his own mother Renuka devi , who was the then

affected person . Rishi Jamadagni then seeks the help of Renuka Devi, his wife

to pardon him . In the over all interest of the family to be together . She

gracefully accepts the request, thereby establishing the kindness of a

motherhood .


Thus one can notice that while children should respect their parents and their

orders , it should not be a blind faith . The actions should follow the laws

laid down in society . Also, a righteous woman would always look into the over

all interests of the family instead of her own self.




The raged Parasurama , regretting his cruel action and in deep despair ,feels

ashamed and curses his own fate , for bringing such a blemish to his life and

seeks the blessings of Lord Siva to explain to him , why He gave that Parasu (

the axe) to him and made his mother to be the first victim .




If one ponders a bit more , we can realize that , this is what happens to a

person , when he is driven by his high ego and the ego centric desires , and

takes up actions with only revenge as the motive , without having restraint and

self control .




Parasurama wanted to avenge the Kshatriyas , who were giving trouble to the

sages. His main aim in life was only that. But to achieve that aim , he chose to

follow a path , with only anger and revenge in mind , without any self control,

which tripped him to the trap of giving word to his father without even thinking

of the consequences and thus got into a situation which brought him such a bad





Again , with such a distressed mind and anger , Parsurama goes to the King’s

palace , who was responsible for his father’s despair , to avenge him . When

Parsurama tries to kill the King , the King’s wife intervenes and stops

Parsurama from another cruel act and says that she will not allow him to take

revenge against the King till she is alive. She wanted Pursurama to kill her

first before proceeding further. Even though the King was disloyal to his wife ,

the greatness of the queen is well revealed by her own selfless actions.




The story thus reveals how the two ladies , Rishi’s wife Renuka and the king’s

wife protect their husbands , when they were in despair. They used their heads

properly to arrive at decisions which would benefit the entire family . If

people are upright , straight forward and devoted to their respective duties ,

no force on earth can keep those people suppressed and their glory will come out

automatically with full force and vigour.




In Vaikuntam , Mahavishnu and Mahalakshmi are in dialogue. Goddess Lakshmai

rightly questions her husband Mahavishnu , how He could take an avatar like that

in the world , where He is forced to cut His own mother’s head based on the

orders of His father and how can He give word to His father without

understanding the details of the wishes of His father. Was it not an act of

arrogance or immature behaviour ? She says she was unable to understand the

significance of this Avatar. While this may look a bit strange , actually the

Goddess Lakshmi wanted the Lord Himself to convey to the world , the

significance of this Avatar .




As usual Lord Vishnu then replies calmly and says that He wanted to prove to the

world how even a well read and accomplished person can succumb to the ego , if

he does not have self control. While the saying "Pithru Devo Bhava" is to be

observed , so also the saying "Mathru Devo Bhava" , which is equally important.

When He talks of Mathru here , the Lord covers all the Women folk in the

universe. He even says , because of the impulsive action of Parasurama , in only

desiring to fulfill his promise to his father , he engaged himself in such a

cruel action , which when goes in history , is not going to bring him a big fame

and despite all his other achievements and accomplishments it would remain as a

blemish in his life history. Also the path chosen by any one to achieve his

objectives should be bounded by the laid down laws of the universe. Moreover ,

persons should never be self centered and impulsive in their actions . Persons

should use their head more than their heart while

taking crucial decisions in life .


Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu ! !









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