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RE: Importance of Birthdays for all aged people

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Sri Raman swamigal,




Let me venture out and reply as to what I have heard in this regard.


The birth as a human being is one of the biggest reward a soul can get. If

you are also blessed a brahmin, then Imagine you have won a lottery.


That means the great Shriya:pathi has chosen you soul to decide whether you

want to try for the biggest prize of it all - i.e attaining his lotus feet.


So, the scriptures have tried to lay out a route to attain that ultimate

prize. The route is narrow, long and strenous. It has prescribed dos and

don'ts which are very difficult to comply.


There are plenty of chances for this chance to be squandered due to

ill-health, ill-mind or ill-wealth. We can only reach that goal if HE

also desires that we succeed.


So, We need his constant support. Which is required in the form of punyam.

For earning this, various karmas are prescribed by scriptures. Many of

these aim at long and prosperous life.


Scriputures are like our best friends. They give you millions of ways in

which you can BOTH live a prosperous life her and also reach HIM post-life.


Birthdays - or janma dinams are one way of appeasing the various planets or

stars ruling our present life. These are done to ward off the prarabda and

sanchita sins so that we can lead a better life and also not miss the main

chance of reaching HIM.


Actually, celebration of birthdays is only a small function. Every deed in

our life is for this. Why? - Cutting hair and shaving is also called

"Ayush karma" - the deed to prolong life. (For example, never / never shave

on Chandrashtama days!).


The first birthday is very important for ear piercing. Among other

birthdays, The sixtieth birthday is another important milestone. That is

the day on which the jyotish circle has spun one full level and the soul

starts embarking on his second journey. A soul is gifted 120 years. At the

end of sixty years, All the stars are in the same position as when he was

born. They have all completed one full cycle. So, a parihara karma

(shanti) is done praying for the prosperity and good health.


When a guy attains 70, It is called "Bheema ratha" shanti.


When a guy begets great-grand son, It is called "Pra-Poutra shanti".


Shatabishekam literally means 100 years. This is done at three occasions.

(a) When a guy reaches 80 years - when he sees 1000 moons (b) when he gets

great-grand son and © When he completed 100 years.


The scriptures say "SatAyu: purusha: shankara:" which means a person who

has reached this milestone of "shatabishekam is very auspicious and sacred

soul. His blessings are very important for the family.


So, It seems in our culture, the more aged one gets, the more it is

celebrated. Unlike western cultures where youth is worshipped.


I think the post has been a long one. I am sorry. Still, I left many more














np raman [raman786]

05 July 2004 15:54


Importance of Birthdays for all aged people



Adiyen Swamigal,



Jai Srimannarayana


Normally in all traditions everybody will perform

birthdays. I want know something about why people

celebrate birthdays espcially big one.


Is there any importance for celebration of birthdays.

If so kindly pass on me along with sloka and meaning

so that i can tell somebody why do we celebrate





Navilpakam Raman














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