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SrI Ahobila matam : PoorvAchArya PaadhukA JeerNotthAranam Project : Part I

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SrImathe Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama :


Dear AaasthikAs and AchArya AbhimAnis :


Sri Ahobila Matam owes its origin to Ahobila MalOlan ,

who initiated directly SrI Aadhi VaNN SaThakOpan as

the FIRST Jeeyar of the revered Matam in the year 1398 C.E .

It was a BahudhAnya ( BahudhA + anya ) year , which is different

(anya) in many ways (bahudhA ) than other years .


Since the appointment of SrI Aadhi VaNN SathakOpa Jeeyar

to become the MalOla PaadhukA Sevakan , the Jeeyar observed

60 ChAthur Maasyams and fulfilled the wishes of the Lord

by travelling with the Lord's archA Moorthy to bless one and

all with Pacha SamskAram and SaraNAgathy/Prapatthi.

This celebrated Matam and their 45 PeetAdhipathis

have now completed 608 years of continous service to

MalOlan as His Dhivya PaadhukA SEvakAs .


Each one of the 45 AchAryAs of the Ahobila Matam have been

blessed with SrI Nrusimha SaakshAthkAram and are avathAra

PurushAs . Their Manthra siddhi , Pravachana Sakthi , AchAram

and anushtAnam are matched only with their ability to intercede

on our (SamsAris' ) behalf with SrI Lakshmi Nrusimhan to accept

our aathma nivEdhanam/SamarpaNam . MalOlan listens to them

and we are saved from the reentry into this SamsAra BhUmi at

the end of our physical existence .


Such is the glory of the 45 AchAryAs , who have adorned

the throne of SrI Matam and performed wonders with

the power delegated to Them by Their AarAdhana Moorthy ,

SrI MalOlan .


The PaadhukAs of all the 45 AchAryAs are worshipped

every day at the SrI matam and on special days , the Paadhukais

recive special AarAdhanam and AbhishEkam and we are blessed

with the PaadhukA theerttham for our internal purification .


Fourty of the PaadhukAs over time have worn out and need

reconstruction over the existing form . This is the JeerNOtthAraNa

Kaimkaryam that is about to be launched now .


This PaadhukA JeerNotthara Kaimakryam project has been

approved personally by the Revered 45th Jeeyar ( Prakrutham

Azhagiya Singar ) , SrI NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA Desikan

today during His KaalkshEpam on ThirunedumthANDakam .


AdiyEn invites you all to select a particular AchArya Paadhukai

as Your own to be linked with in this MahA Kaimkaryam . AdiyEn

has sought the permission of my AchAryan and the Current Jeeyar

to sponsor the reinforcement and consecration of the Silver

PadhukA of SrI Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar . adiyEn is blessed to

learn that Prakrutham Azhagiya Singar has conferred on adiyEn

the BhAgyam of being linked with Adhi VaNN SathakOpa

Jeeyar's Paadhukai to start the project in a systematic way .


AdiyEn invites all SrI Nrusimha BhakthAs to join in

and create the new set of PaadhukAs and have them

consecrated during this year . Each set of Silver PaadhukAs

would need 900$ for exclusive sponsorship. The individual

AchArya Paadhukais can also be collectively sponsored

by Family and friends .


The samarpaNams are totally Tax free as long as they

are routed thru either Ahobila Matam of North America or

through SrI RanganAtha Temple of Pomona , NY .


We need 39 full sponsors or 200 partial sponsors

to raise the funds to complete this PaadhukA

Kaimkaryam , which will last for many , many

years .


At this time , adiyen is only seeking pledges

and reserving the individual AchArya PaadhukAs

of interest to the aasthikAs ( From 2nd Pattam

to the 41st Pattam SrImath Azhagiya Singars ).


Please let adiyEn know of your interests and

special choices among the Paadhukais that you

wish your Family to be associated with in

the context of this Kaimkaryam .


Your choice may depend on the links to

their Thiru nakshathrams , AvathAra Sthalams ,

SrI Sookthis and number of other unique things

such as many anniversaries in your personal

lives ( Birth of a Baby , Yaj~nOpaveetham ,

VivAham , Shasthi abdha Poorthy , SathAbhishEkam ,

career growth , business succes et al ).


adiyEn will write briefly on the sacred AchAryAs

and high lihgt their Vaibhavams in the subsequent

postings related to this specail project .


SrIMath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi ,

Oppiliappan KOil VaradachAri Sadagopan








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Dear SrI Rajagopalan Narayanan:


You are right .It was an oversight . There are

only 44 PaadhukAs as of now. May our current Jeeyar

live to be one hundred and beyond !


You are welcome to consider supporting this Kaimakryam .

The PaadhukAs of the 42nd , 43rd and 44th Jeeyar has been

protected with the silver Kavacham as of now.


As of today , Three AchArya PaadhukAs have sponsors .

These are the 1st , 2nd and 6th Azhagiya Singars .


Therefore , we have ony 38 PaadhukAs to take care of now

for posterity .


I request all bhakthAs to consider support for the project

YathA Sakthi.


SrImath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi





Rajagopalan Narayan


Sunday, July 18, 2004 12:15 PM

Re: SrI Ahobila matam : PoorvAchArya PaadhukA

JeerNotthAranam Project : Part I



respected swamin,

you mention 45 padukas/ are you including the paduka of the present jeer.i do

not think he will be worshipping his own paduka. please excuse me dasan


Sadagopan <sgopan wrote:



SrImathe Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama :


Dear AaasthikAs and AchArya AbhimAnis :


Sri Ahobila Matam owes its origin to Ahobila MalOlan ,

who initiated directly SrI Aadhi VaNN SaThakOpan as

the FIRST Jeeyar of the revered Matam in the year 1398 C.E .

It was a BahudhAnya ( BahudhA + anya ) year , which is different

(anya) in many ways (bahudhA ) than other years .


Since the appointment of SrI Aadhi VaNN SathakOpa Jeeyar

to become the MalOla PaadhukA Sevakan , the Jeeyar observed

60 ChAthur Maasyams and fulfilled the wishes of the Lord

by travelling with the Lord's archA Moorthy to bless one and

all with Pacha SamskAram and SaraNAgathy/Prapatthi.

This celebrated Matam and their 45 PeetAdhipathis

have now completed 608 years of continous service to

MalOlan as His Dhivya PaadhukA SEvakAs .


Each one of the 45 AchAryAs of the Ahobila Matam have been

blessed with SrI Nrusimha SaakshAthkAram and are avathAra

PurushAs . Their Manthra siddhi , Pravachana Sakthi , AchAram

and anushtAnam are matched only with their ability to intercede

on our (SamsAris' ) behalf with SrI Lakshmi Nrusimhan to accept

our aathma nivEdhanam/SamarpaNam . MalOlan listens to them

and we are saved from the reentry into this SamsAra BhUmi at

the end of our physical existence .


Such is the glory of the 45 AchAryAs , who have adorned

the throne of SrI Matam and performed wonders with

the power delegated to Them by Their AarAdhana Moorthy ,

SrI MalOlan .


The PaadhukAs of all the 45 AchAryAs are worshipped

every day at the SrI matam and on special days , the Paadhukais

recive special AarAdhanam and AbhishEkam and we are blessed

with the PaadhukA theerttham for our internal purification .


Fourty of the PaadhukAs over time have worn out and need

reconstruction over the existing form . This is the JeerNOtthAraNa

Kaimkaryam that is about to be launched now .


This PaadhukA JeerNotthara Kaimakryam project has been

approved personally by the Revered 45th Jeeyar ( Prakrutham

Azhagiya Singar ) , SrI NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA Desikan

today during His KaalkshEpam on ThirunedumthANDakam .


AdiyEn invites you all to select a particular AchArya Paadhukai

as Your own to be linked with in this MahA Kaimkaryam . AdiyEn

has sought the permission of my AchAryan and the Current Jeeyar

to sponsor the reinforcement and consecration of the Silver

PadhukA of SrI Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar . adiyEn is blessed to

learn that Prakrutham Azhagiya Singar has conferred on adiyEn

the BhAgyam of being linked with Adhi VaNN SathakOpa

Jeeyar's Paadhukai to start the project in a systematic way .


AdiyEn invites all SrI Nrusimha BhakthAs to join in

and create the new set of PaadhukAs and have them

consecrated during this year . Each set of Silver PaadhukAs

would need 900$ for exclusive sponsorship. The individual

AchArya Paadhukais can also be collectively sponsored

by Family and friends .


The samarpaNams are totally Tax free as long as they

are routed thru either Ahobila Matam of North America or

through SrI RanganAtha Temple of Pomona , NY .


We need 39 full sponsors or 200 partial sponsors

to raise the funds to complete this PaadhukA

Kaimkaryam , which will last for many , many

years .


At this time , adiyen is only seeking pledges

and reserving the individual AchArya PaadhukAs

of interest to the aasthikAs ( From 2nd Pattam

to the 41st Pattam SrImath Azhagiya Singars ).


Please let adiyEn know of your interests and

special choices among the Paadhukais that you

wish your Family to be associated with in

the context of this Kaimkaryam .


Your choice may depend on the links to

their Thiru nakshathrams , AvathAra Sthalams ,

SrI Sookthis and number of other unique things

such as many anniversaries in your personal

lives ( Birth of a Baby , Yaj~nOpaveetham ,

VivAham , Shasthi abdha Poorthy , SathAbhishEkam ,

career growth , business succes et al ).


adiyEn will write briefly on the sacred AchAryAs

and high lihgt their Vaibhavams in the subsequent

postings related to this specail project .


SrIMath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi ,

Oppiliappan KOil VaradachAri Sadagopan





























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