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Reg: Swami Desikan's Hyagreeve Stothram

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SrimathE NigamAnta MahA DesikAya namaha.


Dear Bhagavatas,


I am a Vadagalai Iyengar and I respect and love

Swami Desikan very much. I consider my greatest

bhagyam to be following Desika-sampradayam.


The question I asked was just out of curiousness.

I am very a lowly soul. I did not have any

intention of starting a debate when I posed the

question ( I have no capabilities whatsoever).

It was just pure curiosity.


As Sri Sampath has rightly pointed out, if this

is leading or suggesting the younger generation

to a deviated path, we must immediately stop

discussion on this.


We have hundreds of SrisUktis of Swami Desikan

which we can enjoy through postings of learned

bhagavatas on the list.


I apologise and offer my dandavat pranamams at the

feet of all bhagavatas if i have offended anyone

with my question.


With this, let us end this topic here and move

on to other useful discussions.


(BTW, I am very much convinced by Sri Sampath's

reply regarding Lord Ranganatha's grace on

Swwami Desikan :-))


KavitArkika simhAya kalyANa guNaSAlinE

SrimathE vEnkaTeSAya VEdAnta guravE namah


Swami Desikan Tiruvadigale Saranam,




--- Sampath G <sampath_govindachari



> Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha


> Dear Bhagavathas,

> On reading your query and the subsequent thoughts

> that flowed out of it, It is my humble suggestion

> to all concerned , that it would be better for

> people like us to refrain from debating on questions

> like this under reference.

> It would be like pondering over the birth star of

> Hiranyakasipu and the likes, instead of finding out

> why the Lord took that Narasimha form to remove

> Hiranyakasipu from this world and the lesson

> conveyed to us through that Avatar.

> We have read in Mahabharat, the Lord breaking HIS

> own pledge by taking the Chakram in His hands, just

> to oblige the desire of his ardent devotee Bheeshma

> Pithama. Also to make his Bhaktha Prahalada's words

> come true, the Lord occupied each and every thing in

> this universe so that when Hiranyahasipu asks His

> devotee the question, where the Lord is and if he

> answers, you can see Him every where and any where,

> the devotee's words would become true.


> So also when Swami Desika titled himself with

> Kavitharkika Kesari , probably, Lord Rangatha wanted

> to oblige his ardent devotee by reconfirming the

> very same title on him later, to show to us, how

> the LORD can oblige His sincere devotees .

> I feel that only this kind of thinking will put an

> end to the type of questions under debate and I

> would pray to all the devotees to spend time

> usefully, discussing the positive aspects of our

> philosophy .

> Questions like this, may probably put the younger

> generation, into a deviated path. Trust all would

> agree with my views.

> Regards.

> Adiyen

> Ramanuja Dasan. G.Sampath.


> India Matrimony: Find your life

> partneronline.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]












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