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Reg: Swami Desikan's Hyagreeve Stothram

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha


Dear Bhagavathas,

On reading your query and the subsequent thoughts that flowed out of it, It is

my humble suggestion to all concerned , that it would be better for people like

us to refrain from debating on questions like this under reference.

It would be like pondering over the birth star of Hiranyakasipu and the likes,

instead of finding out why the Lord took that Narasimha form to remove

Hiranyakasipu from this world and the lesson conveyed to us through that


We have read in Mahabharat, the Lord breaking HIS own pledge by taking the

Chakram in His hands, just to oblige the desire of his ardent devotee Bheeshma

Pithama. Also to make his Bhaktha Prahalada's words come true, the Lord occupied

each and every thing in this universe so that when Hiranyahasipu asks His

devotee the question, where the Lord is and if he answers, you can see Him

every where and any where, the devotee's words would become true.


So also when Swami Desika titled himself with Kavitharkika Kesari , probably,

Lord Rangatha wanted to oblige his ardent devotee by reconfirming the very same

title on him later, to show to us, how the LORD can oblige His sincere devotees


I feel that only this kind of thinking will put an end to the type of questions

under debate and I would pray to all the devotees to spend time usefully,

discussing the positive aspects of our philosophy .

Questions like this, may probably put the younger generation, into a deviated

path. Trust all would agree with my views.



Ramanuja Dasan. G.Sampath.


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