Guest guest Posted August 25, 2004 Report Share Posted August 25, 2004 SrI: SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah: Dearest Srivaishnavas, Now, hereafter, Alavandhar mentions in the third sloka- verse- that it is only due to Sri Mahalakshmi's power and grace – anugraham to bless and grant one with the fruits of Aiswaryam [material wealth], Kaivalyam [enjoying one's own self- jeevathma saathShAtkAram- Athma anubhavam] and finally redemption and attainment of the Srivaikuntam, namely, Moksham. The glories of Lakshmi Kataksham are saluted here. YamunA hints that the Lord has no existence outside Her and mentions that truth when saying to PiraaTTi, "all jeevans get their good only due to your grace alone". Third verse of ChathuslOkI- Eeshath tvad karuNA nirIkshaNa sudhA sandhukshaNaath rakshayathE nashtam praaktha dhalApadhasthribhuvanam samprathyanthOdhayam SrEyO nayaravindha lOchanamana: kaanthAprasAdhAdhrithE Samsruthyakshara vaishNavaathvasunruNAm sambAvyathE karhichith Now, with your graceful mere glances for a fraction of a second to spread, then, the sorrows and suffering of three worlds [due to the absence of such glances from her earlier] are now removed and the worlds are completely protected to the largest extent. Without the anugraham (merciful glances and blessings) of Yours- the divine darling consort of the red lotus eyed Lord; sweetheart of the red lotus eyed Lord (mana: kaanThA:) the worldly pleasures, material wealth, the jeevaathma anubhavam and the mOkshAnubhavam – whatever of these three- would never be possible even a fraction of it. Can not be even thought of; It is just not possible [nahi sambAvyathE] at all times. [karhichith].. In the third sloka beginning with "Eshat tvat karunA.." - it is emphasised that all benefits including Moksha are to be obtained through Lakshmi's abiding grace. Alavandhar thus points out that None will be able to obtain the boons to enjoy the blessings of this world, Kaivalyam and Parama Padam WITHOUT the anugraham of the Consort of the Lotus-eyed Lord. Swami Desikan offers a very fine commentary on the unique blessings of Sri Devi and how she influences Her Lord without usurping His power to grant wishes (Pala Pradhana Adhikaratvam). Here, Alavandhar declares PiraaTTi's jagath kaaraNathvam says Sri Periya vacchaan Pillai as discussed between PiLLaan and Nadaadhoor ammAL. Though, due to other words, like Thribhuvanam, ananthOdhayam, subsequent lines, Swamy Desikan mentions that it not only covers shrushti, it includes all rakshaNam and encompasses all Her protection right upto recommending us [prapannans] to the Lord granting us of mOksham, However, the jagathkaaraNathvam is also enjoyable and is appropriate here writes Sri UttamUr Swamy. Swami Desikan explains that She through Her influence turns him away from His intention to punish (Nigrahonmukan) those, who stray from Saastraas. She pleads for Her children, who have erred. When the Lord decides to reward the Prapannaas (Anugrahonmukhan), She grows his desire (Anuvritti) to bless the Prapannaas even further. That is the nature of Her Vaatsalyam and Purushakaara Quality. In LakshmI thanthram (50) the saranagathi is performed with five angas, at Her lotus feet and thus the mOksham granting can also be given by Her and final chapter there with Athri maharishi establishing that one can perform saranagathi to Both Together as upAyam (means)- comments SrI UttamUr Swamy so mercifully mentioning all pramANams for reinforcing the verses of Sri Alavandhar and drilling the same into our heads. ThirumaamagaL ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Alavandhar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo Narayana dAsan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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