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Sevai of Thiruneermalai PerumAl after Thirumanjanam & Introduction toKaliyan's Pasurams on SrI NeervaNNan : Thiruvaheendhrapuram RathnAngiKaimkaryam : Part190

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Dear SrIman Raghuveeradayal:


If you are in USA , I can make a copy for you

of the Thiruneermalai CD . If you are in India ,

My friend , SrI Sridhar can make one for you.


Saccharithra Raksha as one of the 5 RakshA Granthams

is not with me . As you know , it deals with

TaptamudhrAdharaNam , Urdhvapundhra dhAraNam ,

Bhagavath Prapatthi Bhagavan nivEdhithOpayoga .


The 441st to 477th NaamAs of Swamy Desikan's

dhivya Sahasra Naamams composed by

Thirukkudanthai Desikan deal with the content

of Saccharithra Raksha . Dr. N. V. VasudEvan

Swamy has written scholarly commentary in Tamil

for these Sahasra NaamAs of Swamy Desikan .


The above commentary has been released by

HH Poundarikapuram SrIMath Andavan's aasramam at

Srirangam in 2002. You can acquire a copy there .


Best Wishes ,







"rajamragu" <rajamragu

"Sadagopan" <sgopan

Monday, August 23, 2004 8:38 AM




> Dasasya Vignabanam. Kindly let me know how and fromwhere I can get the

> said

> CDs. Is there any translation of "Sacharithra Raksha" either in Tamil or

> in

> English (with explanations) available?

> Dasan,

> Raguveeradayal,T.

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