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Do dreams convey any message?

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vannkam to everyone,


i've a query on dreams that i've dreamt:


I am seeking for some clarifications about the soul or athma .


people say the soul of nearest ones stay with us for 1 yr after death and that

we say the final good buy to the soul in the first annual ceremony.


i've also heard some one saying that out of "pancha boothams" the fifth one

leaves at the time on 1yr ceremony.


Last year my cousin expired and his first yr ceremony is approaching in a

week.And for the last 3 days he had been contineously coming in my dreams:once

showing his presence in a huge gathering of families,second time saying bye to

me while i was leaving out.


my father guessed and said as his first yr ceremony is approaching ,his soul is

finaaly roaring around the people for whom he had special respect and love.


Can someone clarify me as to what happens to the atma after death,do the dreams

like this convey any message?


My analysis as per my fathers answer seemed that he is always with us by showing

his presence in huge gathering and saying a final good bye to me as his ceremony

is approaching.


i've a strong desire and interest to know about such things.Here's looking

forward for your opinions.



Sripriya Ravikumar




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Well, I do not know much about the spirit, so can't comment on that.


But the conotation in which you had mentioned "PANCH BOOTHAMS"

is interesting.


Pancha bootham means Prithvi, App, Vayu, Tejas & Aakasam.

When some one passes away all the constituents of this "Pancha Bouthika


leaves the Jeevathman.


Please refer the email sent by Shri Sadagopan(enclosed here) for more details


what happens after we pass.


I personally feel, dreams come when we do not have proper sleep

and it does not have any influence on us.


Hope I have not hurt anyone's feelings.

Pardon me if I have done so.


dasan krishna srinivasan.



--- V sripriya <v_sripriya wrote:



> vannkam to everyone,


> i've a query on dreams that i've dreamt:


> I am seeking for some clarifications about the soul or athma .


> people say the soul of nearest ones stay with us for 1 yr after death and that

we say the final

> good buy to the soul in the first annual ceremony.


> i've also heard some one saying that out of "pancha boothams" the fifth one

leaves at the time

> on 1yr ceremony.


> Last year my cousin expired and his first yr ceremony is approaching in a

week.And for the last

> 3 days he had been contineously coming in my dreams:once showing his presence

in a huge

> gathering of families,second time saying bye to me while i was leaving out.


> my father guessed and said as his first yr ceremony is approaching ,his soul

is finaaly roaring

> around the people for whom he had special respect and love.


> Can someone clarify me as to what happens to the atma after death,do the

dreams like this convey

> any message?


> My analysis as per my fathers answer seemed that he is always with us by

showing his presence in

> huge gathering and saying a final good bye to me as his ceremony is



> i've a strong desire and interest to know about such things.Here's looking

forward for your

> opinions.


> Nandri

> Sripriya Ravikumar




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__________________Krishna Srinivasan.






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"srivaishnavan" <srivaishnavan


Re: A doubt about life after death.

Thu, 14 Oct 2004 02:01:54 -0000



SrimathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dear Sri Srinivasa raghavan


It is mentioned in Upanishad [KatOpanishad?- [as explained by Yama

dharmarajan to Nachikethas]] - also mentioend by Swamy NammAzhwAr in

10.9 - soozhvisumapnimugil- as well beautifully elaborated by Sri

Ramanujacharya in Sri Vaikunta Gadya. Swamy Desikan has mercifully

detailed the nine steps to Paramapadham- and 8th and ninth step is

at Srivaikuntam.


Your father has attained Acharyan Thiruvadi at Srivaikuntam; However

sruthi, smruthi are His agnyA and we need to perform the rituals as

prescribed in saasthrAs with respect to obsequies, tharpaNams,

maasyams, srAddham etc...


Given below is how the soul's journey towards the Lord takes place:

[from Paramapadha sOpAnam written by Swamy Desikan- posted by Sri

Sadagopan Swamy of New York, few years ago]



Namo Narayana



The Divys dEsa PrApthi parvam is the eighth of the nine chapters

(steps ) of parama padha sOpAnam . After crossing the VirajA river

during the journey on the archirAdhi margam , the jeevan undergoes

the following experiences :


8.1: " VirajAm vimunchathi tanum sookshmAm " :

The Muktha jeevan crosses the amrutha nadhi , Virajai , by its own

sankalpam . This nectarine river flows at the boundary of Sri

Vaikuntam . It is also considered as the boundary of thriguNam and

Suddha sathvam . The thriguNams ( Sathvam-Rajas-Tamas ) represent

the desert of prakruthi and forms one side of the river VirajA . On

the other bank is Sri Vaikuntam , which is suddha sattva mayam . The

jeevan crosses this boundary and enters the land of Suddha sattvam

and leaves its sookshma sareeram . That is the cleansing power of

the " vimala -madhura-surabhi-seethaLa " ( Blemishless, fragrant ,

cool and sweet ) VirajA river . After that purification by VirajA ,

the AmAnavan ( the appointed divine 0ne ) touches the Jeevan devoid

of sookshma sareeram and removes all the traces of vasanAs ( Karma

vAsanais ) .


The sthUla sareeram is left behind , when the Jeevan gets out of the

cage of its body via mUrdhanya naadi ; it travels with sookshma

sareeram during its journey on the archirAdhi path. After crossing

the Viraja river , it shakes off its sookshma sareeram and when it

is touched by the amAnavan , it looses all karma vasanAs . The

shedding of the sookshma rUpam is covered by Brahma sUtram 4.2.9 :


Sookshmam pramANathsccha tathOpalabdhE :


The jeevan attains its atomic svarUpa AvirbhAvam and shines once

again with its natural guNas ( apahatha pApmathvAdi sathya

sankalpathva paryantha guNashtakam -- sinlessness , lasting and

changeless youth , immortality , freedom from sorrow, hunger ,

thirst , sathya kaamathvam and sathya sankalpathvam ) . This is

indicated by the Brahma sUtram " AthmA prakaraNAth " ( 4.4.3) . The

Muktha Jeevan now enjoys the sAdharmyam with the ParamAthmA . It

does not get created at the time of Srushti; it does not suffer at

the time of mahA praLayam as indicated by BhagavAn's words in

GeethA :


idham jn~Anma upAsrithya mama sAdharmyamAgathA : |

sarkEpi nOpajAyanthE praLayE na vyathanthi cha || ( GitA --14.2 )

After crosisng the VirajA river and being touched by the AmAnavan ,

this muktha Jeevan is never sent back to the cruel world of samsAram

again as indicated by the last of the Brahma sUtram :

anAvrutthi sabdhAdh anAvrutthi sabdhAdh -- Br.Sutram 4.4.21

>From here on , the enjoyment of the Muktha jeevan is described as it

entered the Divya dEsam of Sri Vaikuntam .

8.2 : Divya dEsa prApthi:

The blessed muktha jeevan shares the world of the Lord ( salOkan ) ;

It enters the kingdom of Sri Vaikuntam , which is " nithya

niravadhya niradhisaya BhOgyam " ( eternal , blemishless and with

limitless bhOgams ) . It is the divine kingdom which has the jyOthi

of " AnyanirapEksha PrakAsam " ( an effulgence , which is not

dependent on any other sources such as Sun or stars , svayam

prakAsam ) . It is beyond the reach of even great yOgis by mind or

speech as indicated by AchArya RaamAnujA in his SaraNAgathi gadhyam

( Parama yOgi vaangh manasA aparicchEdhyam ) . The muktha jeevan now

enters this supremely divine kingdom of the Lord .


8.3 : Darsanam of the oceans of nectar and the pond of


The jeevan now travels further towards the center of the kingdom. It

sees on its way the two oceans , " Aram " and " Nyam " . These are

amrutha maya samudhrams as described by ChAndhOgya Upanishad . After

that , the jeevan encounters the blissful pond of Iyrammadheeyam .

This also has nectar for its contents .


8.4: Approaching the pupil tree known as Somasavanam:

Now , the jeevan reaches the asvattha tree , Somasavanam , which is

worshipped by the dEvAs . The wonder-struck jeevan now enters the

rajadhAni o fthe Lord known as " AparAjitham " and arrives at the

Mantapam named " prabhuvimitham " .


8.5 : the welcome by Apsaras and BrahmAlankAram:

At this mantapam , 500 apsaras ladies grouped in assemblies of one

hundred welcome the muktha jeevan with garlands, fragrant incenses ,

sandal paste , dheepams and the sunAdhams raised by their musical

instruments and celebrate the arrival of the Jeevan in Sri

Vaikuntam . NammaazhwAr describes this beautiful scene of welcome in

his Thiruvaimozhi ( 10.9.6 ) . The apsaras ladies adorn the jeevan

with the peethAmbharam worn by the Lord and present him with the

food partaken by the Lord and perform mangaLAsAsanam .


8.6 : Further progress to the interior of the Lord's garbha graham:

The jeevan now travels past the forest of Thilya trees , the AsthAna

mantapam known as Saalajyam and is pervaded by the divya rasa,

gandha , tejas of Sri VaikuntanAthan and becomes filled with

ullasitha vigraha guNams ( with shining and radiant body ) . It now

reaches the interior of the kingdom of Sri Vaikuntam , which is far

superior to the worlds of AmOdham , PramOdham and SammOdham( the

three VishNu lOkams in prakruthi mandalam ) .


8.7: Welcome by Indran and PrajApathi:

IN ThiruvAimozhi ( 10.9.8) , NammAzhwAr describes the welcome he

received befitting that of a muktha jeevan from the nithya sUris .

There the eight gaNaathipathis ( Kumudhan , KumadhAkshan ,

Pundareekan , Vaamanan , SankukarNan , Sarva nEthran , Sumukhan and

Suprahtishtan ) , the eight dwAra PaalakAs ( Chandan , Prachandan ,

Bhadran , Subhadran , Jayan , Vijayan , DhAthA , VidhAthA ) welcome

the jeevan with great affection and regard and open the golden door

of the inner chambers of their Lord .


8.8 Welcome by Sri , BhU and neeLA dEvis

The NithyasUris washed the feet of the jeevan in grateful

recognition of the arrival of that Sri VaishNavan at the chambers of

their Lord ( ThiruvAimozhi : 10.9.10 ) . The consorts of the Lord

with their beautiful moon-like splendorous faces offered the jeevan

Sri SatakOpam , Sri ChUrNam and welcomed the jeevan with pUrNa

kumbhams and dheepams .


8.9 Approach to the divya vimAnam and the bejewelled mantapam

As the jeevan approached the ThirumAmaNi mantapam under the golden

VimAnam , Brahma Yasas pervaded it . It had reached the ghOshti of

Sri Vaikunta nAthan and stood in front of the 1000 pillared

mantapam , which is the embodiment of Anandham as described by

ParAsara Bhattar in his Sri RangarAja sthavam ( 1.38 ) .


8.10 : Salutation to Garudan, Periya Thiruvadi

At this point, the Veda svarUpan , Garudan , who stands in front of

the Lord , who is like a mirror to the Lord is saluted by the

Jeevan .


8.11: Joining of the Ghoshti of Nithya sUris & wishing to perform

kaimkaryam like them :

In that sabhA full of Nithya sUris going about doing the kaimkaryam

to the Lord as assigned by VishvaksEnA , the jeevan longs to do

similar service ( Thiruvaimozhi 1.6.4) . Then , The jeevan

approached the Lord's throne .


8.12, 13 &8.14 : Saluting the PurvAchAryAs near the Lord's Throne

The jeevan sees the assembly of purvAchAryAs infront of the

simhAsanam of Sri Vaikunta nAthan . They are beaming with joy over

the Lord's efforts bearing fruit . The jeevan offers its salutations

to them and comes closer to the Lord's throne. There , the muktha

jeevan witnesses that the foot (support ) of the legs of the throne

are the Past , the future , Isvaryam and amrutham as stated in

Kousheedhaki Upanishad . The legs themselves are constitued by the

four attributes of Dharmam, VairAgyam , Jn~anam and Isvaryam. The

four planks on top of them are adharmam , Ajn~Anam , AvairAgyam and

Anaisvaryam . These are the abhimAni dEvathaa viseshams of the

throne of the Lord.


8.15: The Ladies offering Fan service to the Lord

On top of the throne , the jeevan sees an eight petalled lotus

flower , whose effulgence is like the dawn of 1000 Suns . On the

eight petals pointing to the eight directions are the eight divine

damsels ( VimalA , UthkarshaNee , Jn~AnA , KriyA , yOgA , PrahvA ,

SadhyA and IsAnA ) . In front of the fruit of the lotus inside are

the ladies looking like the rays of the Moon performing fan service

( ChAmara Kaimkaryam ) . The jeevan wants to perform this type of

kaimkaryam to the Lord.


8.16 and 8.17 : AdisEshan resting on top of the Lotus Center

The Jeevan sees the 1000 hooded AdisEshan resting on top of the

fruit of the 8 petalled lotus . The jeevan recalls the 53rd Pasuram

of Mudhal ThiruvandhAthi and salutes AdhisEshan as the umbrella for

the travelling Lord ( senRAl kudaiAm --) , the throne , when He is

seated, the paadhukhAs, when He stands and the bed , when He

sleeps . He serves also the pillow and the mangaLa dheepam with the

jewels on his hoods. He receives the blessings and permission of

AdisEshan to climb over him and approach the Lord seated on him .

The Jeevan becomes the object of attention of the two thousand eyes

of AdisEshan . which shower nectar on him and thereafter reaches the

proximate space next to the Lord.


This concluding ninth chapter has the following Nine subdivisions:


9.1: The Jeevan's Divya Darsanam of the SaraNya dampathis seated on

Adhi sEshan at the center of their ThirumAmaNi mantapam


9.2: The Jeevan's performance of MangaLAsAsanam on the beauty and

KalyANa guNams of the Lord and His consort . The Muktha Jeevan is

overwhelmed by the unmatchable beauty of the limbs of the Lord and

focuses on the different aspects of the soundharyam one limb at a

time . KesAdhi paadhAntha varNanai of the Lord's soundharyam is

undertaken by the Jeevan and it performs mangaLAsAsanam of the

AparyApthAmurtha Parabrahmam. There are 22 subsections in this

eulogy . Swami Desikan recalls the beautiful and tender

AnandhAnubhavams of NammAzhwAr , PeriyAzhwAr , ANDAL and

ThiruppANAzhwAr and includes them in this portion saluting the

SarvAnga -- Soundharyam of the Lord . The individual sections are as

follows :


2.1 : the AnandhAnubhavam of the crown & tEjas of the Lord

2.2 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His curly, black tresses

2.3 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His lofty Forehead

2.4 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His beautiful brows

2.5 : the AnamdhAnubhavam of His most merciful eyes

2.6 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His aquiline nose

2.7 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His KapOlams ( the region of the face

between the eyes and the ears )

2.8 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His bewitching coral lips

2.9 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His inviting smile

2.10 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His ears with kundalams

2.11 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His entire face

2.12 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His slender neck

2.13 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His strong shoulders

2.14 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His broad chest

2.15 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His stomach region

2.16 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His peethAmbharam

2.17 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His anklets

2.18 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His holy feet

2.19 : the AnandhAnubhavam of the Lotus below His sacred feet

2.20 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His Sarvaanga Soundharyam

2.21 : the AnandhAnubhavam of the jewels that adorn Him

2.22 : the AnandhAnubhavam of His Abhaya Hastham


9.3 : The MangaLAsAsanam of His KalyANa guNAs


9.4 : Prayer for the boon and bliss of the Lord's sacred feet


9.5: The Lord's response by placing His holy feet on the Jeevan's



9.6: The Jeevan's ascent of the divya paryankam of the Lord and

sitting on the lap of the Lord


9.7: The Lord's query on the identity of the Jeevan and the Jeevan's



9.8 : The obtainment of the complete blessings of the SaraNya

Dampathis by the Muktha Jeevan


9.9 : The Muktha Jeevan's thorough and full BrahmAnubhavam as a

permanent rsident of Sri Vaikuntam

9.1 : Jeevan having the Darsanam of the Lord with His consorts on

His Adhi sEshAsanam.


Beauty of the Lord on Adhi sEshan.

The beauty of Adhi sEshan with his radiant white hue is

captivating . He is like a mountain made up of dazzling silver . On

that soft and beautiful seat , the Lord is resting like an emerald

mountain . From there , our Lord , the YajamAnan of all nithya

sUris , rules all the universes . Swami Desikan describes the Lord

as Marathaga Giri ( emerald mountain ) seated on the rajatha giri (

silver mountain ) of Adhi sEshan , which is His bhOga Paryankam (

enjoyable throne /bed ) .


The jeevan according to Swami Desikan begins to enjoy the

indescribable soundharyam of the Lord without satiety . He is the "

kumAra -yuvA " ( iLam - kumaran as NammAzhwAr saluted Him at

ThiruviNNagar ) . He is between youuvanam and KaumAram ( between the

stages of a KumAran of 16 years or less and YuvA of 16 to 20

years ) . The jeevan experiences Him as being seated as Param jyOthi

in the middle of an ocean of effulgence ( "sOthi veLLatthinuLLE

yezhuvathOr uru " as NammAzhwAr saw Thirukkurungudi nampi in his

Thiruvaimozhi 5.5.10 paasuram ) . His lustre is resembling that of

the assembly of hundred -thousand Suns ( Adhitya satha sahasra

samudhAyam ) and at the same time , it is a cooling presence like

thousands of full moons .


The beauty of His Consorts seated next to Him

On both sides of the Lord are seated His three consorts . Periya

PirAtti ( Sri dEvi ) , the embodiment of the Lord's DayA is seated

on His right side . On the left side are BhU dEvi , the embodiment

of the Lord's KshamA ( forbearance and patience ) and NeeLA dEvi ,

the personification of the Lord's oudhAryam ( kodai or limitless

generosity ) .


Sri dEvi

Periya PirAtti has a special place in the Lord's chest and heart .

She has the "svaabhimatha nithya niravdhya anurUpa svarUpam " ( She

has a beautiful form most desired by the Lord , which is changeless

and without any blemish and matching the Lord in evey way regarding

soundharyam , kalyANa guNams and Isvaryam ) as saluted by AchArya

RaamAnujA in his SaraNAgathi gadhyam . AchArya RaamAnujA was

inspired by the vision of his paramAchAryA , ALavandhAr in his

chathuslOki verse , " SaanthAnandha mahA vibhUthi paramam " .


She is the PeNNamudhu as pointed out by Thirumangai in his paasurams

on Oppiliappan ( Periya Thirumozhi 6.1.2) . She is the essence of

the nectar churned by the Lord from the milky ocean . The dEvAs ate

the husk of nectar . The Lord partook the essnce of the nectar , the

femenine sArAmsam (amudhil varum PeNNamudhu ) that resulted from His

efforts .


She is the one , who is seated on the forever fragrant lotus flower

and destroys our Paapams ( vEri mARAtha pU mEl irundhu vinai

theerkumavaLAi -- Thiruvaimozhi 4.5.11 ) .


She is the dEva dEva divya Mahishi ( the consort of the Lord of the

dEvAs ) and with her mere glances ( katAksha lEsam ) , confers on

Her bhakthAs unmeasurable wealth . She is the boundary of DayA and

Her eyes are drenched with drops of tears out of Her compassion for

Us . Her unmatchable affection for us , Her children , makes Her

face bend downward as described by one of the Lakshmi Sahasra

Naamams ( karuNAsthra aanatha mukhi ) .


She is the limit of Daya ( DaakshiNya seemA ) and through Her

intercession with her Lord protects us from His anger , when we

trespass His sAstraic injunctions . She shines at the right side of

Her Lord like a golden lightning that has embraced the dark-blue

cloud laden with rain .


She is forever attached to Her Lord and through Her Eka seshithvam

as SaraNYa dampathi . The Lord becomes sarva sEshi , BHOgyan and the

acceptor of Kaimkaryam through His union with Her . Without Her

involvement , He does not enjoy the Kaimkaryams offered to Him . She

delegates the akhila parijanams ( the nithya sUris and muktha

Jeevans ) with appropriate kaimkaryams befitting the occasions and

serves as the YajamAni of the Lord's household in Sri Vaikuntam .


BhUmi and NeeLA dEvis on the Left side of the Lord

BhUmi piratti is like another embodiment ( rUpAntharam ) of Sri

dEVi . She is the object of unceasing reverence of all at Sri

Vaikuntam ( anavaratha bahumAna vishayai ) . She has the most

beautiful green hue like a mountain in spring ( pacchai maamalai pOl

mEni ) .


NeeLA dEvi has a complexion like a dark blue lotus ( karu neythal

flower ) . She is the NeelOthpala shyAmaLai. She exceeds the

enchanting power of Sri Devi , when it comes to overpowering Her

Lord through Her charm and bhOga sakthi . The Lord , who is forever

awake ( nithya bhOdhan ) gives up that ever-vigilant state in Her

presence and relaxes and falls asleep amidst Her lofty breasts (

NeeLA thunga sthana giri tati suptham ) .


All the three consorts stay in their wonted positions on the sides

of the Lord to permit the Nithya sUris and muktha jeevans to offer

their kaimkaryams to their Lord and enjoy the bustling scene .


9.2 : the eulogy to the Lord"s sarvAnga Soundharyam


The Jeevan now enjoys the Lord in the company of His pirAttis and

nithya sUris in the spirit of NammAzhwAr , who described the Joy

that encircled him ( avAvaRa soozhndhAi -- thiruvaimozhi 10.10.10 )

at Sri Vaikuntam , when the Lord gave him the darsanam as Parama

padha nAthan accompanied by His consorts ( udanamar kAdal mahaLir

ThirumahaL MaNNmahaL Aayar-- madamahaL yenrivar moovar ,

Thiruvaimozhi 1.9.4) .


The bliss ( aanandham /rasam ) enjoyed by the Jeevan is equal to

that described by the TaittirIya upanishad passage ( 2.7) : " rasO

vai sa: I rasam heyvAyam labdhvA Anandhee bhavathi II " . The

upanishad points out that the Lord is both upAdhAna and Nimittha

kAraNam for the universe besides being the rasam and bhOgyam .

Those , who meditate on Him this way are filled with bliss form that

effort . The experience of the Jeevan is full of such rasam , which

makes it Anandha pUrNan .


The jeevan enjoys the darsanam of the valorous Lord , whose beauty

is like insatiable nectar ( aparyApthAmrutham ) and salutes the

amudhan in the spirit of NammAzhwAr's anubhavam of thirukkudanthai

AparyApthAmruthan ( ThiruvAimozhi 5.8.7) :


ariyErE ! yennam poRsudarE ! senkaNN karumuhilE ! yeriyE !

pavaLakkunrE ! NAALTHOL YENTHAAI ! unatharuLE piriyA adimai

kondAi ! ---


( O Lord independent like the Lord of the jungle ! O Lord who has a

golden effulgence like the melted gold ! O Master with the lotus red

eyes and the hue of the rainy season cloud ! O Lord shining like

Agni jwAlai ! O Lord who is enjoyable to look at like a coral

mountain ! O master, who has enslaved me with the nectar-like

sweetness of Your four shoulders ! --- ) .


The jeevan standing before the Lord is totally immersed in the

enjoyment of the avayava sObhai ( the beauty of each limbs ) and the

AabharaNa alankArams ( the jewelery that adorns the Lord's limbs )

and notices that the mumukshus are in a similar state of trance and

have become bhagavadh-- anubhava rasa paravasars . It starts to

eulogize the Lord in the Saama Veda manthram starting with "

Vipanyva : " :


tadhviprAsO vipanyavO jAgruvAmsassamindhathE -- ( Saama Veda

PrapAtakam )


Meaning : The Brahmins , who ceaselessly meditate on the limitless

auspicious attributes of the Lord and attain minds filled with

Bhagavadh guNam and become like Nithya sUris engaged in service to

the Lord without let and out of their deep involvement with the

Lord's kaimkaryams become alert to any untoward event happening to

the Lord and offer rakshai through pallAndu and managaLAsAsanams.


The Jeevan now attains this state of mind and begins to offer its

eulogies to the Lord's beauty ( kesAdhi paadAntham ) and His

aabharaNams and Aayudhams . This comprehensive salutation takes the

form of 22 subchapters under the heading of section 9.2 .


In the ninth sOpanam , the Jeevan stands in front of Parama Padha

Naathan and eulogizes the Sarvaanga Soundharyam of the Lord . The

salutation takes the form of kEsadhi PaadhAntha namaskaraNam .


9.2.1: The enjoyment of the Kireetam of the Lord

The Lord's kireetam is resplendent in its brightness like the

thousand rayed Sun befitting His status as Jagadheesvaran .

PeriyAzhwAr has alluded to this Jyothi of the Kireetam as "

kathirAyiram Ravi kalanthu yeritthAlottha neeLL Mudi " (PeriyAzhwAr

Thirumozhi 4.1.1 ) .


NammAzhwAr has also inquired the Lord about the mystery of this adhi-

adhbhutha Jyothi of the kireetam , " Mudic chOthiyAi unathu muhac

chOthi malarnthathuvO ? -- ThirumAlE KatturayE " (Thiruvaimozhi

3.1.1 ) . Here , NammAzhwar asks His Master and Lord to explain , if

He can , about the unmatched radiance of His kireetam . He wonders

whether it is the kAnthi of His radiant face that has blossomed

forth as the JyOthi of His kireetam .


Swami Desikan's anubhavam combines that the radiance of the dark ,

curly forelocks ( Kaaka Paksham /alakalalla aadi gaganE --) dangling

on the Lord's forehead have mysteriously combined with the jyOthi of

the kireetam through the Lord's unique power to reconcile elements

that normally are unrecocilable (agaDitha GaDanA sakthi ) . The

opposite pairs are united by the Lord of ThiruviNNagar thru such a

sakthi as revealed by NammAzhwAr's exquisite paasurams on Oppilaa-

appan . In the case of Parama padha nAthan , the dark tresses are

like the darkness of the night and that darkness is united with the

jyOthi of the thousand -rayed Sun ( Kireetam ) . The union and co-

existence of the darkness of the night ( kaaka paksham ) with the

brightness of the jyOthi of the kireetam is made possible only

because of the agaDitha GaDanA Sakthi of the Lord ( " -- karumai

veLumayamAi -- ThiruviNNagar sErntha PirAn seytha kaavu kandeer --

NammAzhwAr : Thiruvaimozhi 6.3. 5) .


Swami Desikan's anubhavam of the Kireetam of BhUlOka VaikuNta

naathan at Sri Rangam in the ninth verse of Sri Bhagavadh DhyAna

sOpAnam is an elaboration of his anubhavam in Parama Padha sOpAnam :


maalyairantha: sthira parimaLai : vallabhA sparsa mAnyai: kupyath

chOLee vachana kutilai: kunthaLai: slishta mUlE I rathnApeeta

sapalithE Rangabharthu: kireetE Raajanvathya: sthithimathigathA

vrutthaya: chEthasO mE II


( Meaning ) : The Lord of Sri Rangam is adorning His radiant

kireetam on His black tresses. Those tresses are already encircled

by the fragrant flower garlands . Hence , the tresses are filled

with the most captivating fragrance that extends to the kireetam .

Those dark tresses under the kireetam have the auspicious contact of

the hands of His Consorts , who comb those locks of hair and

decorate them with the flower garlands prior to placing the tall ,

navarathna kireetam on those curly tresses , which resemble in their

curliness the vakra vachanams (non-straight , crooked speech ) of

the women of ChOLa desam , when they get angry . The base of the

kireetam is pressed tightly against those curly tresses and the

lustre of the nava rathnams spreads over those dark kesabhaarams .


My mind is deeply attached to that beautiful kireetam of my Lord .

My mind , which until now was roaming all over and now it is locked

in the enjoyment of the Lord's most beautiful kireetam and hence my

mind is under control like the blessed pathivrathai , whose total

devotion is to her Lord .


Such is the anubhavam of the Jeevan , when it enjoys the jyOthi of

the tall Kireetam of the ThiruviNNagarAn ( parama Padha Naathan ) .


9.2.2 : The Enjoyment of the black kEsa bhArams of the Lord

Swami Desikan is the Jeevan that is enjoying the bewitching beauty

of the Lord . After taking in the soundharyam of the kireetam , our

AcharyA's gaze concentrates on the dark forelocks dangling on the

Lord's forehead . He considers them as the hungry dark bees dipping

down to enjoy the honey of the lotus of the Lord's face

(VadanAravinda makarantha rasa aasvAdhanam ) .Those locks are moving

gently , when the Lord's glances shift to bless the nithya sUris and

the Muktha Jeevans . That movement reminds Swami Desikan of the

movements of the bumble bee .


This anubhavam reminds Swami Desikan of NammAzhwAr's celebration of

the beauty of those kuzhal of the MaayAvi : " koLhira kOLiruLaic

chuharnthitta kozhumsuruLin uLL konda neela nannUl tazhai kuzhal ?

anRu Maayan kuzhal " ( Thiruvai- Mozhi : 7.7.9 ) . Here nammAzhwAr

explains the unique beauty of the dark tresses ( karum kuzhal ) of

the Lord and asks his mother to understand the hold that beauty has

on her as ParAnkusa Nayaki . NammAzhwAr attaining Nayaki Bhavam says

here :


" O my Mother ! Please do not be angry with me ! You do not

understand how much I am under the spell of the beauty arising from

the combination of those Tulasi-fragrance laden dark tresses . The

dark hue of those locks of the hair of my Lord appear as though they

are the distilled essence of the darkness of the night of mahA

praLayam . Actually , the beauty of my Lord's dark tresses exceed

even that of the integrated essence of the dark hue of that famous

night . That beauty has stolen my aathmA and I am helpless ." (

ThirvAimozhi 7.7.9) .


9.2.3: The Enjoyment of the soundharyam of the Forehead of the Lord

The combined presence of the dark forelocks with the bright forehead

of the Lord reminds Swami Desikan of the AshtamiChandran shining in

the dark night . Swami Desikan's mind is still thinking over the

ThiruvAimozhi paasurams of 7.7 .7 , where ParAnkusa Naayaki enjoys

the beauty of the Lord's forehead ( thiru nuthal ) and compares it

to the blemishless , radiant Moon : " nALL mannu veNN ThingaL kol ?

nayanthArkatkku nicchilai kol ? " Parankusa Naayaki wonders here

whether the radiant forehead is perhaps the blemishless ( white )

Moon . He recognizes that the radiant object bewitching his mind is

indeed the forehead of Her Lord . ParAnkusa Naayaki points out that

the beautifully radiant forehead of the Lord removes the desire of

those , who desire to enjoy it by blessing them with its auspicious



9.2.4 : The enjoyment of the eye brows of ThiruviNNagarAn


The Jeevan now focuses on the beautiful eye brows of Sri

Vaikuntanathan . Swami Desikan is reminded of the anubhavam of

ParAnkusa Nayaki , where she explains the effect of the soundharyam

of the Lord's eye brows on her :


innuirkku yezhayar mEl vaLayum iNai neela viRk kol ? manniya seer

madhanan karuppuc chilaik kol? madhanan tannyuir thAthai KaNNa

perumAn purvamavayE yennyuir mElanavAi aduhinranavenRu ninRE


ThiruvaiMozhi 7.7.4

( Meaning ) : These beautiful brows are aimed at my jeevan and are

intent on making me suffer . Whose are these curved brows bent like

a bow that is about to release the arrows ? Do they belong to my

KaNNan , whose brows were aimed at the poor , infatuated Gopis , who

desired to have Him as their lover ? What a power they have over me

as well ? Are they instead the bow of ManmathA of enduring

soundharyam ? No , they really belong to the Lord , who gave life to

ManmathA . It is His brows that are torturing me with their

unsurpassed beauty.

9.2.5: Enjoyment of the Lord's sacred eyes


The Jeevan now shifts its gaze downwards and gets locked in the

beauty of the eyes that reminds it of the statement of the Lord in

Bhagavadh GitA , " IsvarOham Aham BhOgi siddhOham balavAn sukhi " .

Those eyes immediately shook up the Jeevan and made it remember that

it was the Jagdheesvaran that it was being blessed to look at .

Overpowered by the welcoming and generous nature of those eyes (

SvAgathOdhAra nEthram ) , the jeevan fell down at the feet of the

Lord with the prayer :


jitham thE PundareekAksha namsthE VisvabhAvana I namasthE asthu

HrusheekEsa MahApurusha Poorvaja II


----JithanthE SthOthram 1.1


( Meaning ) ; O Lord of Lotus soft eyes ! This jeevan has now been

conquered ( reclaimed ) by You . This is not my property . It is

Yours . You have reclaimed Your property . O Lord , who created the

entire Universe ! O Lord , who is the foremost among boon-givers !

Please bless me to place your property ( this jeevan ) at your feet

as its rightful owner .


Swami is reminded of the paasurams of ThiruppANAzhwAr and

NammAzhwAr , when he thinks about the anubhavam of the jeevan , when

it is overpowered by the merciful eyes of Sri VaikuntanAthan .


In his eighth paasurm of AmalanAdhi PirAn , AzhwAr describes those

beautiful , resplendent , broad , dark eyes of the Lord set in a

white background and with red lines criss-crossing the white areas

this way :


" kariyavAhi pudai paranthu miLirnthu sevvariyOdi neenda

apperiyavAya kaNNgaL "


NammAzhwAr reaches the state of ParAnkusa Naayaki and describes the

tortures that she underwent from those bewitching eyes of the Lord :


Yezhayar aavi uNNUm iNaik kUrramkolO ? aRiyEN aazhiyamkaNNapirAn

ThirukkaNNkaL kolO? aRiyEn soozhavum tAmarai nANNmalar pOl vanthu

thOnRum kandeer ThozhiyarkAL! annaimeer ! yen seyhEn? turAttiyEnE


------------Thiruvaimozhi : 7.7.1


( Meaning ) : Are these pair of eyes the twin Lords of Death (

Yamans ) intent on taking the lives of the girls , who fall in love

with the Lord ? Are they the big and beautiful eyes of the most

merciful Lord ? I do not seem to know their identity . They surround

me like the freshly blossomed lotuses . O Friends ! O Mothers ! Do

not you all see these eyes ? What can I do , who has been born to

experience the sufferings caused by them ?


Swami Desikan's salutation of the sacred eyes of the Lord are many

and most moving . I will quote a few to enjoy our Guru

Saarvabhouman's aanandhAnubhavam :


aalakshya satthvam = fully covered with satthva guNam & redeeming



athivEla dhayA uttharangam = boundless ocean with the never ceasing

waves of mercy


abhyarthinAm abhimatha prathipAdhana arham = Capable of granting to

the seekers all that they desire


snigdham = beautiful because of their friendliness


aayatham = long , extended


prathimasAli thE vilOchanam = Your broad and sacred eyes


dhugdha ambhudhE : anukarOthi = resembles the milky ocean .


The above are the salutations housed in the 24th slOkam of Sri Deva

Naayaka PanchAsath .


In the next slOkam , Swami describes further the power of those

unique eyes :


visva abhirakshaNa vihAra krutha kshaNai : = They are intent on

engaging in the sport of protecting the universe


viDampitha muktha padmai : = resembling the freshly blossomed lotus



aamOdha vAhibihi : = full of Joy


anamAya vAkhya garbhai: = of the nature of inquiring about our well

being ( KshEmam )


amrutha varsha nibhai: = like the rain of rejuvenating nectar Such

is the power and greatness of the Lord's karuNA katAkshams


9.2.6: The enjoyment of the beautiful nose of the Lord


The jeevan contemplates on the nose of the Lord next , This nose

draws in and out the wind ( breathing ) of the vedAs ( Sruthi

surabhi nisvAsam , yasya nisvasitham vEdA: ) . The jeevan thinks of

it as a divine bamboo ( divya NaasA vamsam ) and thinks of the power

of the nose as experienced by nammAzhwAr in Thiruvaimozhi paasuram

7.7.2 :


aatiyum thURRiyum niRu annaimeer! yennai neer nalinthu yenn? mAttyur

karpatthin valliyO? kozhundhO? aRiyEn yeetiya veNNai undAn thiru

mooku , yenathAviyuLLE mAttiya valviLakkin sudarAi niRkum vAliyathE


( Meaning ) : Are they the kalpaka creeper flourishing in between

His eyes ? Or are they the tender shoots of that kalpakA creeper ? I

do not seem to know. That nose which took in the fragrance of the

assembled veNNai at AyarpAdi shines inside me as an intense steady

flame . It is making my inside very hot . I can not bear its

intensity . O My Mothers ! What is the use of You moving me from

here and there , blaming me and belittling me ? This nose of the

Lord is causing me all that suffering


9.2.7:The anubhavam of the beauty of the Cheeks

The shining cheeks of the Lord are like the mirror set among the

gems ( maNI darpaNam )for His consorts and the jeevan finds their

beauty beyond its descriptive power .


9.2.8 : The enjoyment of the beauty of the Lovely lips

The fully ripe red lips of the Lord reminds the jeevan of the

integrated essence of the hue of the red coral branches . Swami

Desikan refers to the anubhavams of ParAnkusa Naayaki who was

haunted by the beauty of those red lips and ANDAL who so very much

wanted to know how they tasted and queried the divine conch ,

Paanchajanyam , which enjoys the taste of those sweet lips (KaRpuRam

nARumO --) . ParAnkusa Naayaki wonders whether those haunting red

lips are a piece of red coral or BimbhA fruit ( kOvai pazham ) . She

complains that those enchanting lips of the Lord surround her aathmA

in every direction and that there is no escape from them .


9.2.9: Eulogizing the bewitching smile of the Lord

In Thiruvaimozhi 5.3.8 pasuram , ParAnkusa Naayaki appeals to her

mother to save her from the power of the Lord's smile . She refers

to the combined effect of the white rows of teeth of the Lord and

the beautiful red lips , which together destroy her by making her

long for the union with her Lord . She wonders whether that radiance

arising from the two rows of white teeth are the bright , blinding

bolt of lightning or the jyOthi of the row of white pearls intent on

driving her mad through their beauty .She complains to her mother

that she does not know of any place to escape from the power of the

Lord's intoxicating smile .Swami Desikan describes the Jeevan's

anubhavam of the Lord's inviting smile in the context of ParAnkusa

Naayaki's anubhavam .


9.2.10 : The enjoyemnt of the beauty of the Lord's Ears

The Jeevan shifts its glance away from the lips housing the smile of

the Lord and focuses on the two ears of the Lord , which remind it

of the swings meant for sport ( LeelA Dolai) .ParAnkusa Naayaki

describes the disturbance that those beautiful ears caused to her

psyche in Thiruvaimozhi 7.7.6 paasuram . She views them as creepers

taking the shape of a pair of beautiful fish (Makaram tazhaikkum

taLir kol ? )


9.2.11: The enjoyment of the Thirumuka Mandalam of the Lord

The Jeevan is reminded of PeriyAzhwAr's anubhavam of that radiant ,

round face , which is like the full moon ( SuRRum oLivattam sUzhndhu

sOthi parantha ) . The integrated beauty of the organs in the face

of the Lord reminds the jeevan of ParAnkusa Naayaki's anubhavam of

the incomparable beauty of the face of the Lord (Thiruvaimozhi

7.7.8) . Naayaki is very much affected by the power of the beauty of

the Lord's face .According to her , the eyes have the radiant lustre

of a full blown lotus flower ; The nose is like an exquisitely

tender creeper ; the lips are like coral stems ; the eye brows are

like a bent bow ; the rows of teeth are like the two rows of

dazzlingly white pearls; the two ears are like two more tender

creepers ; the forehead has the shape and beauty of ashtami

chandran . The beauty of the face of the Lord is multiplied by the

individual beauty of each of the contributing parts . Naayaki cries

out loud that the integrated beauty of the Lord's face is driving

her mad . Jeevan feels the same way ,when it experiences the beauty

of the face of Sri Parama Padha Naathan .


9.2.12: The beauty of the neck of Sri Parama Padha Naathan

The conch-like slender and beautiful neck of the Lord attracts the

attention of the Jeevan as its gaze shifts downward from the Face of

the Lord . It tries to escape from the power of the eyes housed in

the face of the Lord . The jeevan is reminded of the anubhavam of

ThiruppANAzhwar at Srirangam , the BhUlOka VaikunTam : " muRRum unda

Kantam kandeer adiyEani uyyakkondathE " . Here AzhwAr refers to the

Lord's neck that swallowed during PraLayam , the aNdams ,

anDAvaraNams , MahA prithvee , and the seven kula parvathams in one

gulp .


9.2.13: The anubhavam of the Lord's shoulders

>From the neck region , the jeevan's focus shifts now to the

sundaratthOLgaL Like Kamban , It feels : "ThOL KandAr ThOLE

KandAr " . Swami Desikan is reminded of the aanandAnubhavam of

HanumAn , when the thankful RamachandrA embraced with His hands and

powerful shouders His messenger ( Raama dhUthan ) for bringing the

auspicious news of finding His piratti in the city of LankhA . Sri

RaamA acknowledged that the embrace of His is all the wealth that he

had to confer on HanumAn for his unmatched service : " yEsha

SarvasvabhUthO mE parishvanghO HanUmatha:" .The coolness of that

embrace associated with the powerful shoulders and the comfort that

the nAyaki ( ParAnkusa Naayaki ) derived from those shoulders

holding her tight is described by her as being under the cool shade

of the fragrant KaRpakA tree ( Thiruvaimozhi 6.6.6) .


9.2.14: The enjoyment of the Beauty of the chest of the Lord

>From the enjoyment of the powerful and lovely shoulders of the

Lord , the jeevan reluctantly moves its gaze to the region between

the shoulders (viz)., the chest region . What does it see there? The

jeevan has the sEvA bhAgyam of Periya Piratti there along with the

pearl necklace , Srivathsam , Kousthubam gem and the vana maalai (

Mouktika - Srivathsa -Kousthubha -VanamAlA -virAjitham ) . There it

finds Mahaa Lakshmi residing in a state of Athyantha BhOgyam and is

thrilled .


9.2.15:The enjoyment of the Lord's stomach region

The jeevan shifts its gaze downwards from the chest to the stomach

region now. It remembers the service done by the Lord's stomach of

holding all the prapancham ( Seven oceans , seven mountains , seven

clouds et al ) and protecting them in that stomach , which still had

room for more things. NammmAzhwAr salutes that capacious and

protective stomach this way :


"KaarEzh malai yEzh ulahamundum

aarAvayirrAnai adangap piditthEnE " . ( TVM: 10.8.2)


The occasion is the mangaLAsAsanam for ThiruppEr Nampi . AzhwAr is

about to leave for Sri Vaikuntam by the archirAdhi maargam soon.

Here , he acknowledges that he has held that Lord , who still has

room in His stomach after that prodigious feat. AzhwAr says that he

held the Great Lord tightly to the satisfaction of the Lord.


9.2.16: The enjoyment of the PeethAmbharam in the waist

The Lord's thirumEni is like an emerald mountain . The golden yellow

silk garment adorning His waist is like the cloud of mAnnickkam .

The jeevan sighs and takes in the beauty in the spirit of

NammAzhwAr , who described his feelings of joy this way :

paticchOthi aadaiodum palkalanAi ninn paimponn katic chOthi

kalanthathuvO ?


AzhwAr wonders whether the lustre of the Lord's waist has

transformed itself into the radiance of the peethAmparam and the

jewels found around the waist region .


9.2.17: The enjoyment of the ankles of the Lord

Those finely chiseled-ankles remind the jeevan of the trbutes paid

by PeriyAzhwAr , when his gaze fell on the beautiful jangAs (ankles)

of Bala KrishNa in his role as the doting mother , YasOdhA piratti .

Here , AzhwAr taking the role of YasOdhA invites her friends to

enjoy the beauty of those ankles adorned by the silver ankle

jewelery :


iNaikkAlil veLLitthaLai ninRilangum

kaNaikkAlil irundavaa kANeerE karihayeer ! vanthu kaaNeerE .


Swami Desikan describes the well shaped ankles as " kandharpa-kAhALa-

kaLAchi-thUNeera maathrukai " ( ManmathA's musical instrument,

YekkALam , the vessel known as KaaLAnchi with a wider top and narrow

bottom , the arrow cage /ampaRAtthUNi ) .


9.2.18 : Salutation to the glorious feet of the Lord

The Jeevan's sevai of the Lord arrives now at His lotus feet and

find them standing on the top of the siras of the Vedams . It is

reminded of the anubhavam of PeriyAzhwAr , where the AzhwAr saw the

power of the Lord as an emperor as revealed by the insignias of

conch , disc on His inner feet that imprinted themselves on the

bhUmi , when he moved around .


9.2.19 : The Lotus below the Lord's paadha Kamalam

There is an AdhAra Padhmam under the Lord's sacred feet . NammAzhwAr

has wondered about the origin of that lotus below the Lord's holy

feet this way : " adic chOthi nee ninra thAmaraiyai alarnthathuvO "

( Meaning ) : Did the kaanthi of Your Thiruvadi blossom forth into

the aadhAra Padhmam on which You are standing ?


9.2.20 : Enjoyment of the beauy of all the limbs

Now , the jeevan has enjoyed from the holy head to the sacred foot

the beauty of the Lord of Sri Vaikuntam . This is reminiscent of

NammAzhwAr's anubhavam of the SarvAnga Soundharyam of the Lord :


karumANiccka malai pOl maNit tadam thAmaraik kaadugaL pOL ThirumArvu

vaai kaNN kai undhi kAludai aadaigaL seyyap pirAn


Here , NammazhwAr , who has enjoyed the samslEsham with " her " Lord

as ParAnkusa Naayaki describes to her thOzhi about the beauty of the

Lord : He is like a mountain of sapphire and His chest , lips ,

eyes , hands , navel , feet and the silk garment on His waist

blossomed and shone like the freshly blossomed lotuses in a cool

pond . Similar is the anubhavam of the jeevan of the total

captivating beauty of the Lord of Sri Vaikuntam .


Elsewhere, NammAzhwAr describes the beauty of the Lord shining thru

every limb of His this way :


senthAmarait tadankaNN sengani vaai senkamalam senthAmaraiadikkaL

semponn thriuvudambE

9.2.21: The enjoyment of the AabharaNangal of the Lord

Here NammaazhwAr visualizes how the Lord appeared before him as

SarvAbharaNa bhUshithan and in a state of joy and beauty .Azhwar

states that the Lord came to his side with the same solicitude that

He shows to Nithya Sooris in parama padham and had the flower

garland wrapped around His crown and adorned Sankham , Chakram ,

sacred thread and His pearl necklace. Azhwar remembers that the eyes

of the Lord then were like just blossomed red lotuses and His red

lips resembled the color of the petals of Red lotus and His sacred

feet were red like lotus and His entire body was like molten red

gold ( Thiruvaimozhi 2.5.1) .

9.2.22: The salutation to the Chakram and Sankham

The Lord was like a dark mountain ( anjana giri ) in hue and the

fiery disc and the cool conch in His two hands with paraspara-

paribhAgam ( equal attributes ) were like the Sun and the Moon

hugging that anjana giri .The jeevan like NammAzhwAr (Thiruvai-

Mozhi 7.2.1) salutes those two divya Aayudhams ( Sankhu

chakkarangaLenru kaikUppum --IvaL ).


After the enjoyemnt of the beauty of every one of the limbs of

Parama padha nAthan , the jeevan starts to enjoy the anantha kalyANa

guNams of the Lord


9.3: The Muktha Jeevan enjoys the kalyANa guNAs of the Lord

The Jeevan now stands in awe contemplating the Parathva- Soulabhya

guNams of the Lord of Sri Vaikuntam and His divya- Athma svarUpam.

The jeevan reminds itself of the two paasurams of NammAzhwAr

(TVM:1.1.1 and 8.1.8). The jeevan thinks of that Lord, whose kalyANa

guNAs are unsurpassaable, who is the Lord of the Nithya sUris, who

out of His own immeasurable mercy grants the jeevan knowledge and

devotion about Him and who has the natural jyOthi of the sacered

feet that dispell the samsaric sorrows.


The jeevan longs for nithya sevai at those holy feet of Sri

VaikuntanAthan. The Jeevan then thinks about the words of

NammaazhwAr :"VaNangumARu aRiyEn manamum vAchagamum, seykaiyum

yaanum nee thAnE" (Oh Lord of Sri Vaikuntam! Myself, my mind, my

speech and this body of mine which is the cause of my deeds are all

under Your control. Therefore, Please bless me with the insight to

worship You).


9.4: Prayer for the placement of the Lord's Feet on its head

The Jeevan now approaches close to the foot rest of the Lord, where

SatakOpan stands and looks at the Lord's eyes, which convey the

leanings of the Lord clearly . These are the same eyes described by

Swami Desikan In Bhagavadh DhyAna sOpAnam: "SaabhiprAya smitha

vikasitham". Those smiling eyes have artha pushti and abhiprAyam. It

asks the Lord like NammAzhwAr, who stands nearby: "vAnurinbam manni

veeRiRinthAi, arulu ninn taalkaLai yenakkE"(Thiruvaimozhi 8.1.9). Oh

Lord, who is seated in Your Parama Padham in a state of everlasting

and supreme bliss! Please bless me with the placement of Your feet

on my head!


9.5: Lord's granting of that boon & Consequent Kaimkarya SaamrAjyam

Sri Vaikuntanaathan, the parama DayALu readily responded to the

Jeevan's earnest request and placed His fragrant lotus feet, which

enhances the fragrance of even the soft and beautiful hands of Sri

Devi (Vaasam sey pUnkuzhaLAL) and BhUmi Devi (Gandhavathi). This

Sarvagandhan placed His golden lotus feet on the bent head of the

Jeevan and gave the jeevan Nithya, Niravadhya Kaimkarya

SaamrAjyam.The ecstatic jeevan offered its salutations and joined

the ghOshti of parama padha vaasis blessed before to join the Lord's

court at Sri Vaikuntam.


9.6: Climbing of the Divya Paryangam & Reaching the Lord

The Jeevan climbs the divya aasanam on which the Lord was seated and

recited the ThiruvAimozhi (3.2.4), "Soozhcchi J~nAna sudar oLi

aahi". This paasuram recognizes the Lord as the pervasive AntharyAmi

Brahman, sarva vyAptha VishNu and as the one radiant and self-

effulgent jyOthi, which has the ability to remove all samsaric

distractions and blesses the muktha jeevans to enjoy His sacred



The jeevan's deep desire is now fulfilled. It pinches itself as it

were to digest the great blessing that has come its way due to the

benevolence of Sri VaikuntanAthan,the avyAja karuNa mUrthy. The

jeevan thinks about the series of upakArams (upakAra Paramparais)

that the Lord has blessed it to realize in the spirit of

Thirumangai"s ThirunedumthAndakam paasuram," MinnuruvAi munnuruvil

Vedam NaankAi". The Lord of this Paasuram is the One, who blesed us

with the Four Vedams. He stays inside them as the UpadEsa J~Nanam.

He is the One, who is shining as the flashing, evanescent lightning

in achEthanams, which undergo changes. He is the One, who guides one

gradually through the successive steps of SravaNam, Mananam, DhyAnam

and ultimately SamAdhi. He is the One, who stands as the 25th

Tattuvam and the controller of the Jeevan . He is the One with the

RamaNeeya ParamAthma SvarUpam. He is the lustre behind all that

shines in His worlds. With the power of His supermacy, He is like

unapproachable Agni. He is of the PanchOpanishad form of the five

aprAkrutha BhUthams.






The blessed jeevan decalres in the spirit of another paasuram of

NammAzhwAr (Thiruvaimozhi 4.9.9) that it has now experienced the

bliss of the paadha dheekshai of the Lord's sacred feet and is

carrying them and wandering everywhere with those sacred feet on its

head (Unn ThiruvadiyE sumanthuzhala kootariya ThiruvadigaL kootinai

naan kandEn).


The blessed jeevan thinks of the Paasuram of PeriyAzhwAr (Periya

Thirumozhi 5.4.7): "Oh Lord who placed Your sacred feet on my head

and made me Your Sesha bhUthan ! What an incomparable blessing!I

have the symbol of incomparable Isvaryam, Your tender, red lotus

feet on my head and have become a qualified member of the group of

the other BhaagyasAlis, the Nithya Sooris and the other muktha

jeevans, offering nithya kaimkaryam to You! (Thiruppolintha sEvati

yenn senniyin mEl poRitthAi)".


In this mood of celebration of the unique blessings that came its

way, the muktha Jeevan climbs the seat of the Lord and arrives right

next to Him. All along, it says to itself: "Who am I, the lowly self

compared to the mighty Lord holding Sudarsanam in His hand? What a

wonder! Even for MahA Paapis, the parama Kaaruneekan's grace is

granted once they perform anjali to Him and express their longing

for Him. I am indeed blessed to become the object of His parama

Krupai (Thiruvaimozhi 5.1.7). He kindled my svarUpa aavirbhAvam with

His act of grace ".


9.7: The Lord's query and the response of the Jeevan

The Lord with His cool (Aarthi nivarthakam)and beautiful lotus like

eyes looks with affection at the jeevan that has climbed His

Paryankam (bed/Seat) and queries the Jeevan as to "Who it is ?" He

asks "Who are You?".


The Joyous jeevan responded with the answer: "Oh, My Supreme Master!

For time immemorial, I have been sunk deep in the turbulent and

fearsome Ocean of SamsAram. Now, I am blessed to be immersed in the

ocean of nectar, which is Your Divya SvarUpam . I have been blessed

to see You and to come in contact with Your redeeming lotus feet.


You are Ubhaya VibhUthi Visishtan . I am enjoying you as the tasting

of nectar and thus I have become BhOkthA . You are enjoying me, Your

property. In this context, I have become bhOgyam to You.


I have become the Daasa bhUthan as indicated by the MakAram of Your

PraNavam. I have attained Soori Tulya SvAta*ntryam (the freedom

equal to that of the Nithya sUris). All the obstacles that stood in

the way of SvarUpa prAptha Kaimkaryam have melted away. Attaining my

natural status as sEsha bhUthan of You, the Sarva Seshi, I am

blessed to engage in Your eternal service.


Thou art the Lord of NithyAs and MukthAs (VaanuLAr PerumAn:

Thiruvaimozhi-2.3.1). I have united with You as the union of the

rasams of Honey, Ghee, Milk, Sugar and Nectar (TEnum paalum neyyum

kannalum amuhtamum pOl kalanthu: Thiruvaimozhi - 2.3.1) and have

become both BhOkthA and BhOgyam. There is none, who is equal to me



I am the one, who is standing in front of You after climbing Your

paryankam requesting the boon of no return to samsAra Mandalam again

and stay forever at Your side performing uninterrupted kaimkaryam to

You. This is my prayerful VINNAPPAM.


9.8 :The Jeevan receives the Divya Dampathi's anugraham

THe Lord of MahA Lakshmi (Sriya: pathi) is overjoyed to hear the

explanation of the Jeevan about its nature and identity . He feels

elated like the endearing mother, who hears Her child's first words.

The Lord of Sri Vaikuntam turned His radiant face towards His divine

Consort, since He is guided by Her unspoken signals arising from the

movement of Her brows (YasyA VeekshyA mukahm tadhingitha parAdhEnO

VidatthE akhilam kreetEyam kalu: Sristhavam -Verse 1).


Our Akhila Jagan MaathA concurred with Her Lord's wish to grant

BhramAnandham to the Jeevan and with united hearts (yeka Hrudhayam),

they said"asthu thE"as they said to Sri RaamAnujA at Srirangam, when

the great AchAryA peformed SaraNAgathi on a Panguni Uttaram day

infront of Them seated on Their YekAsanam.


9.9 : Jeevan enjoying ParipUrNa BhrammAnandham

The Bhramma SaakshAthkAram makes the muktha Jeevan united with Para

Bhakthi, Para J~nAanm and Parama Bhakthi, the three stages of

spiritual ascent experienced by the Mudal AzhwArs at ThirukkOiyulUr.

The Muktha Jeevan in this sate found no upper limit to its Anandham

resulting from Bhagavadh Anubhavam.


Just lie NammAzhwAr (Thiruvaimozhi 3.3.1: ozhivil kAlamellAm udanAi

manni vazhuvilA adimayai--), the Muktha Jeevan performs Sarva desa-

Sarva Kaala - SarvAvastha-Sarva vitha Kaimkaryams to the Lord and

His divine consort staying at their side without any distraction.The

Jeevan is immersed in anavadika aananda mahArNavam (Limitless ocean

of nectarine bliss). It becomes rid of prakruthi guNAs and takes on

Bhagavdh guNAs. It enjoys equality of enjoyment with its Lord

(Brahma sUthram :4.4.21 - bhOgamAthra saamya lingaasccha) and is

assured by the anavrutthi sabdham (Brahma sUthram: 4.4.22 - There is

no return to the prakruthi mandalam for the muktha jeevans). The

muktha jeevan experiences the Lord in this worry and fear-free state

and remembers the word of GeethAchAryan (Gita:8.15-16):


"Having attained Me, these great souls are never again subject to

rebirth in the abode of sorrow and transcience, for they have found

the highest perfection . All the worlds, and even the realm of

BrahmA, are subject to return, Oh ArjunA, but reaching me, there is

no rebirth".


Thus ends the parama Padha sOpAnam with its nine steps of :


(1) VivEka parvam (MaNNUlahil mayal theernthu)

(2) NirvEda Parvam (Manam tathumpi)

(3) Virakthi parvam (Mannaatha payan ihanthu)

(4) MaalE anRi kaNN ilathu anji (Bheethi parvam)

(5) PrasAdhana Parvam (avan kazhalE poondu :Bhakthi or Prapatthi)

(6) Kadum siRai pOy (UthkaramaNa parvam)

(7) Karai yERum gadhiyE seRu (archirAdhi maargam)

(8) ViNNulahil Viyappu yellAm viLangak kandu (Divya Desa prApthi


(9) ViNNavar tamm kuzhAmkaLudan Vedam paadi, paNN ulahil padiyAtha


isayAl paadum pallAndE pall aandum paaduvOm (PrApthi parvam).


After last sOpAnam (step of the ladder), the muktha jeevan joins the

nithya sUris and other muktha jeevans and recites the Veda manthrams

and sings the divine songs of AzhwArs in a manner not experienced by

the ordinary sangeetham and hails the Lord with its pallAndu.


Thus concludes the powerful vision and description of Swami Sri

Desikan about the journey of the Jeevan up the ladder towards its

ultimate goal, Parama Padham.


Pala sruthi

sri VenkatanAthA: trayyantha guru : svbhAva chithramidham |



(Meaning) : Sri VenkatanAthan, who was awarded by the Lord, the

title of VedAnthAchAryan, composed this grantham inspired by the

image written in his heart by the Lord, which defines the nine steps

to be climbed by the jeevan to reach the auspicious, upper world of

Parama Padham, where Sri Vaikunta Naathan presides with His divine

consort surrounded by the Nithya- Sooris and Muktha Jeevans

performing eternal kaimkaryam to Them.


KavithArkika SimhAya KalyANa guNasaalinE |

SrimathE VenkatEsAya VedAntha GuravE nama: ||



Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan



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I had similar experiences , I could not get much out of explanations but

some one gave a simple advise that before going to sleep do a Japp

everyday and say OM NAMAH SIVAYA, OM NAMAH SIVAYA. This Japp you do in your

mind .This gives me peace and I very rarely see any dreams.

vanakam to every one.


>V sripriya <v_sripriya

>srs <>

> Do dreams convey any message?

>Tue, 2 Nov 2004 06:04:29 +0000 (GMT)



>vannkam to everyone,


>i've a query on dreams that i've dreamt:


>I am seeking for some clarifications about the soul or athma .


>people say the soul of nearest ones stay with us for 1 yr after death and

>that we say the final good buy to the soul in the first annual ceremony.


>i've also heard some one saying that out of "pancha boothams" the fifth one

>leaves at the time on 1yr ceremony.


>Last year my cousin expired and his first yr ceremony is approaching in a

>week.And for the last 3 days he had been contineously coming in my

>dreams:once showing his presence in a huge gathering of families,second

>time saying bye to me while i was leaving out.


>my father guessed and said as his first yr ceremony is approaching ,his

>soul is finaaly roaring around the people for whom he had special respect

>and love.


>Can someone clarify me as to what happens to the atma after death,do the

>dreams like this convey any message?


>My analysis as per my fathers answer seemed that he is always with us by

>showing his presence in huge gathering and saying a final good bye to me as

>his ceremony is approaching.


>i've a strong desire and interest to know about such things.Here's looking

>forward for your opinions.



>Sripriya Ravikumar




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>>I personally feel, dreams come when we do not have proper sleep and it does

not have any influence on us.<<


Dreams are an essential phenomenon.

Seem to be more important or as important as sleep it self.


Here is teh response, I sent o Ms. Sripriya:


Dear Ms. Sripriya,


Sorry to hear about your cousin. One of the mind's most exciting creations is

the dream. Hope the dreams help you to heal your loss.


Dreams are the portals through which we gain access to the unconscious and its

miraculous content and process. As for as we can tell, for the first time, it is

the Upanishadic Royal seers who consciously discussed our unconscious. They

talked about the dream state. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is one such example.


We do not know what exactly exists in our unconscious mind, precisely because it

is unconscious! -- but the dream is our greatest and most prolific tool for

comprehending what we have stored in this vast part of the mind.



In my own experience, usually whatever is bothering me within, fear,

uncertainty, unfulfilled desires/fantasies,

anxiety, etc. often make up dreams.

Rarely, my pleasant experiences show up in the dream-

they come to my memory when I am awake or at times I may go to sleep thinking of

those pleasant experiences.



These are somethings I found on the internet on what the modern thinkers have to

say on dreams:

Well, there are many theories out there to explain why we have dreams. Evans (a

psychologist) believes that dreaming is our body's way of storing information...

while Crick and Mitchinson believe that dreaming is our mind dumping the

information. Freud thinks that dreams carry information about our hidden

desires. Finally, Jung thinks that dreams carry meaning... and the dreamer can

interpret their dreams.

Pagans believe that dreams have meanings in them. Certian things in dreams can

symbolize different meanings of what is happening or will happen in the person's



Soul it self is never born and never dies. "a-jaaya maano bahudaa vijaayate"


I don't think we should attach too much value or meaning to death ceremonies.

They are meant for the alive to handle grief with some activity and sort of

social welfare (feeding and monitory gifts to people). In this day and age we

have numerous other things to keep busy, and other means of social welfare. In

the Bhagavadgita, the lord was not at all bothered about Arjuna's concern about

"patanti pitarohyeshaam lupta pinDodaka kriyaah" (ancestors are doomed because

of absence of water and food offerings). What's good enough for the lord is good

enough for us.

It is okay to keep thetradition, without reading too much into it.



K. Sreekrishna Tatachar

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I think ,one should not brush aside the injunctions of scriptures.You can do

away with rituals when you are in a state of realisation but when you perform

your mundane duties,you cannot ignore religious duties.AJAAYAMANO BAHUDAA

VIJAAYATE is meant for the LORD & not for jeevas.




On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 tatachar wrote :



> >>I personally feel, dreams come when we do not have proper sleep and it does

not have any influence on us.<<


>Dreams are an essential phenomenon.

>Seem to be more important or as important as sleep it self.


>Here is teh response, I sent o Ms. Sripriya:


>Dear Ms. Sripriya,


>Sorry to hear about your cousin. One of the mind's most exciting creations is

the dream. Hope the dreams help you to heal your loss.


>Dreams are the portals through which we gain access to the unconscious and its

miraculous content and process. As for as we can tell, for the first time, it is

the Upanishadic Royal seers who consciously discussed our unconscious. They

talked about the dream state. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is one such example.


>We do not know what exactly exists in our unconscious mind, precisely because

it is unconscious! -- but the dream is our greatest and most prolific tool for

comprehending what we have stored in this vast part of the mind.



>In my own experience, usually whatever is bothering me within, fear,

uncertainty, unfulfilled desires/fantasies,

>anxiety, etc. often make up dreams.

>Rarely, my pleasant experiences show up in the dream-

>they come to my memory when I am awake or at times I may go to sleep thinking

of those pleasant experiences.



>These are somethings I found on the internet on what the modern thinkers have

to say on dreams:

>Well, there are many theories out there to explain why we have dreams. Evans (a

psychologist) believes that dreaming is our body's way of storing information...

while Crick and Mitchinson believe that dreaming is our mind dumping the

information. Freud thinks that dreams carry information about our hidden

desires. Finally, Jung thinks that dreams carry meaning... and the dreamer can

interpret their dreams.

>Pagans believe that dreams have meanings in them. Certian things in dreams can

symbolize different meanings of what is happening or will happen in the person's



>Soul it self is never born and never dies. "a-jaaya maano bahudaa vijaayate"


>I don't think we should attach too much value or meaning to death ceremonies.

They are meant for the alive to handle grief with some activity and sort of

social welfare (feeding and monitory gifts to people). In this day and age we

have numerous other things to keep busy, and other means of social welfare. In

the Bhagavadgita, the lord was not at all bothered about Arjuna's concern about

"patanti pitarohyeshaam lupta pinDodaka kriyaah" (ancestors are doomed because

of absence of water and food offerings). What's good enough for the lord is good

enough for us.

>It is okay to keep thetradition, without reading too much into it.



>K. Sreekrishna Tatachar













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