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Do dreams convey any message? - The utlimate solution !

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Respected madam:


With reference to queries,


1. dreams occur due a variety of reasons one among them being that as Shri

Tatachar has indicated subconsciousness/unconscious levels getting

"activated" when the mind is done with its mundane, day-to-day affairs and

the senses are all withdrawn and there is a state of 'pratyahara'

(depriving the sense organs of normal perception inputs of the

material/external world). Typically this occurs in the night when the mind

goes into a torpor state and the eyes and body through involuntary reflexes

tends to wind down for sleep and rest.


During the day/active state when we are in office, travelling, partying,

eating, talking, watching tv etc. the 5 sense organs are engaged in a

flurry of constant activity. Almost every impression is dutifully recorded

in the brain in its various layers to be played out at the appropriate



When the constant superficial activity ceases, lights are dimmed, sounds

cease, then in the calmness, especially being Tamas time, the

unconscious/sub-consciousness starts to awaken. Basically it is all the

time struggling to play out but since during the day the sheer force,

frequency and speed of activity at the outer level is too much for the

subconscious-unconsciousness to reckon with and it get subdued. At night

it gets a chance to manifest.


2. Coming specifically to the replay which occured to you. All one can see

is (a) you were perhaps close to your cousin and there was a bonding (b)

the unfortunate event occured just a year back and time is yet to play its

part. One year in comparison to the degree of bonding is too short a time

and therefore, perhaps, the replay is taking place, especially when you are

asleep and the record of the approaching 'anniversary rituals' is nearing.

The apporaching date is in your outer consciousness constantly reminding

you of the date/day and since this constant inner proding is dominent, the

moment you try to sleep, the first thing the proding digs is its

counterpart viz the related and associated impressions, thoughts, emotions

and images.


One is certain that as time passes this will taper off as newer impressions

gather and push back the existing 'fresh' -one year old - impression.

However, this will never vanish. The venerated Sage Patanjali in his Yoga

Sutra has clearly indicated that memories are foreever and nothing gets

erased so to say. Not even at death.


3. As to your query on what happens to 'atma' after death etc. to be frank

is practically impossible to answer except perhaps by a very very few

highly accomplished acharyas, gurus and elders who are 100% perfect in

their practices, anushtanams and who may be safely considered as "

aptavachaka". This is obvious because the dead cannot answer and unless

one is dead the 'atma's' transition cannot be gauged, percieved, known.


4. your query on whether dreams convey any message. Yes and No. Normally

no, but occasionally, depending on the extent of our good karma-accruals,

certain symbolic references are known to have occured to various persons

portending of coming events. The common refrain "coming events cast a

shadow" is in line with this logic.


The pre-requisite for this is however, the person is not of a casual

caliber but is intently inclined to spiritual pursuits and again is perfect

in his/her practices, prayers,worship or whatever it be. For instance, in

a family of 5 children and the parents, with the children all living in

different cities, married etc. while the parents stayed in their ancesteral

house in the village, one of the younger daughter had a dream of a big

jackfruit tree gettting uprooted and falling...the next day she got the

unfortunate news of her dear father's demise the previous night. It seems

that in their ancesteral home there was a big jackfruit tree which though

remained upright, reflected perhaps the coming events in the dream of this

younger girl signifying perhaps a tragedy. In fact the dream caused fear in

her and she could not sleep the whole night. As to why it occured to her

and not to the others, there could be a variety of reasons one of them

being that she was the 'pet' (chellam) of the father and among the 5

children she was least interested in material pursuits, had had a string of

bad time which was patiently borne with a deep spiritual faith in her

acharyas and Kula daivam, our dearest Lord Balaji of Tirupati. This trait

was singularly missing in all the other children.


So you see, while there cannot be a direct scientific proof which can

establish this, the facts being beyond the ken of normal human

comprehension, but they seem to fit into some sort of logic.


5. Relevance/ necessity : Dreams per se are not a necessity. They are an

impediment to our attempts to delve into ourselves and know ourselves

better. Moreover, dreams also like sleep is a state when the modifications

of 'kleshas' keep on occuring and prevent clarity of perception of the

reality through our higher intutition.


You need not bother about your cousin's dreams. Before going to sleep,

please listen to a particular stanza in that greatest of greatest antidote

"VishnuSahasranamaa". There is a particular sloka "uttaarano dushkritihaa

punyo duhsvapnanaasanah " (please forgive this writer's atrocious

Sanksrit). Say this thrice or at least hear this thrice.


The ultimate solution of course is why dabble and think and be busy about

'atma', dreams, soul after death and other things when everything and

anything is compressed into the beautiful " Vishnusahasranamaam ". It would

at the best take 20 minutes for a CD to run thru. Put it just as you are

about to lie down and press the play button. Listen intently with your

bone marrow and not with your ears !. As you deeply sink into the

rendition, you will see a magic happening. This cannot be described. It

would be suffice at this point to just say that the sleep will be

absolutely dreamless, blank, utterly refreshing and rejunevating Do not

dwell on categorising the dream as bad or good




Stanza 99


"uttaarano dushkritihaa punyo duhsvapnanaasanah

veerahaa rakshanah santo jeevanah paryavasthitah"


923. Uttaaranah –"One who lifts us out of the ocean-of-change." We,

by identifying through our body- mind-intellect, with the changing

whirls of matter around us, assume to ourselves the changes and these

provide us, in their totality, the horrible sorrow of the mortal

finitude. On lifting our attention from the giddy changes in these

whirls of finite matter, when we fix it upon Him, the one

Consciousness that illumines all changes in all living creatures, we

get uplifted into a state of Immortality-Changeless, Blissful,

Supremely Satisfying. Hence, Sree Narayana is called as the `Up-

lifter,' the `Saviour.'


The `Taara-mantra' lifts us from the cesspool of sense living into

the serener climes of the lit-up peaks of peace and perfection.


924. Dushkritihaa –`Kriti' means actions; `Dush-kriti' means bad

actions. When actions are undertaken, prompted by sensuous desires,

they leave impressions (vaasanaas) and these always have a tendency

to make us repeat similar actions. When one turns the mind towards

Narayana,-the Self, he is emptied of his existing vaasanaas, so Lord

is indicated as the `destroyer (Haa) of the sins.'


925. Punyah –"Supremely Pure." One who purifies the heart of His

devotee-removing all his sensehunting vaasanaas of indulgence. Sree

Narayana guides the pure-hearted to the portals of the final goal,

the Higher Consciousness.


926. Duh-svapna-naasanah –"One who destroys all `bad dreams'." The

worst dream is the samsar. Perception of plurality is the horrible

dream of terrible pangs, consuming fears and drowning sorrows. Dreams

are explosions of the suppressions stored away in the subconscious. A

real devotee exists in utter surrender unto the Lord. When his life

is ever-centred in Narayana-smarana, in such total and humble

dedication he has no chance of earning these suppressions. Since his

sub-conscious mind is not loaded with half-digested thoughts and

unexpressed intentions, repressed desires and suppressed motives,

immoral passions and covetous inclinations, he has no fearful dreams

in his daily sleep. Ultimately each seeker will rise above his little

ego and its hungers and enters into the plane of Narayana-




Kayena vacha.....sarvam Krishnaarpanam.......Forgive the writer for errors

if any

Om tat Sat

Tat tvam asi







(Krishna Srinivasan),

11/03/04 03:16 v_sripriya (V sripriya)

AM cc:


Re: Do

dreams convey any message?








>>I personally feel, dreams come when we do not have proper sleep and it

does not have any influence on us.<<


Dreams are an essential phenomenon.

Seem to be more important or as important as sleep it self.


Here is teh response, I sent o Ms. Sripriya:


Dear Ms. Sripriya,


Sorry to hear about your cousin. One of the mind's most exciting creations

is the dream. Hope the dreams help you to heal your loss.


Dreams are the portals through which we gain access to the unconscious and

its miraculous content and process. As for as we can tell, for the first

time, it is the Upanishadic Royal seers who consciously discussed our

unconscious. They talked about the dream state. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is

one such example.


We do not know what exactly exists in our unconscious mind, precisely

because it is unconscious! -- but the dream is our greatest and most

prolific tool for comprehending what we have stored in this vast part of

the mind.


In my own experience, usually whatever is bothering me within, fear,

uncertainty, unfulfilled desires/fantasies,

anxiety, etc. often make up dreams.

Rarely, my pleasant experiences show up in the dream-

they come to my memory when I am awake or at times I may go to sleep

thinking of those pleasant experiences.



These are somethings I found on the internet on what the modern thinkers

have to say on dreams:

Well, there are many theories out there to explain why we have dreams.

Evans (a psychologist) believes that dreaming is our body's way of storing

information... while Crick and Mitchinson believe that dreaming is our mind

dumping the information. Freud thinks that dreams carry information about

our hidden desires. Finally, Jung thinks that dreams carry meaning... and

the dreamer can interpret their dreams.

Pagans believe that dreams have meanings in them. Certian things in dreams

can symbolize different meanings of what is happening or will happen in the

person's life.<<<


Soul it self is never born and never dies. "a-jaaya maano bahudaa



I don't think we should attach too much value or meaning to death

ceremonies. They are meant for the alive to handle grief with some activity

and sort of social welfare (feeding and monitory gifts to people). In this

day and age we have numerous other things to keep busy, and other means of

social welfare. In the Bhagavadgita, the lord was not at all bothered

about Arjuna's concern about "patanti pitarohyeshaam lupta pinDodaka

kriyaah" (ancestors are doomed because of absence of water and food

offerings). What's good enough for the lord is good enough for us.

It is okay to keep thetradition, without reading too much into it.



K. Sreekrishna Tatachar




I had similar experiences , I could not get much out of explanations but

some one gave a simple advise that before going to sleep do a Japp

everyday and say OM NAMAH SIVAYA, OM NAMAH SIVAYA. This Japp you do in


mind .This gives me peace and I very rarely see any dreams.

vanakam to every one.


>V sripriya <v_sripriya

>srs <>

> Do dreams convey any message?

>Tue, 2 Nov 2004 06:04:29 +0000 (GMT)



>vannkam to everyone,


>i've a query on dreams that i've dreamt:


>I am seeking for some clarifications about the soul or athma .


>people say the soul of nearest ones stay with us for 1 yr after death and

>that we say the final good buy to the soul in the first annual ceremony.


>i've also heard some one saying that out of "pancha boothams" the fifth


>leaves at the time on 1yr ceremony.


>Last year my cousin expired and his first yr ceremony is approaching in a

>week.And for the last 3 days he had been contineously coming in my

>dreams:once showing his presence in a huge gathering of families,second

>time saying bye to me while i was leaving out.


>my father guessed and said as his first yr ceremony is approaching ,his

>soul is finaaly roaring around the people for whom he had special respect

>and love.


>Can someone clarify me as to what happens to the atma after death,do the

>dreams like this convey any message?


>My analysis as per my fathers answer seemed that he is always with us by

>showing his presence in huge gathering and saying a final good bye to me


>his ceremony is approaching.


>i've a strong desire and interest to know about such things.Here's looking

>forward for your opinions.



>Sripriya Ravikumar












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Hello sir,


Thanks for your reply.What u have sated in 2nd point is absolutely right.Its not

only abt my cousin coming in dreams but also has to do with many other

things.Most of the time i don't have a sound sleep,some or the other things keep

coming in dreams(good,bad,or something which means nothing ),now i realised that

my dreams has to do more with what i think bfore sleeping.


As suggested by u,i'll listen to VishnuSahasranamaa .i always pray god(specially

anjaneyar) bfore going to bed.


It was very kind of you for having taken time and giving such a good



Thanks again.




Sripriya Ravi Kumar.



s.ramachandran wrote:




Respected madam:


With reference to queries,


1. dreams occur due a variety of reasons one among them being that as Shri

Tatachar has indicated subconsciousness/unconscious levels getting

"activated" when the mind is done with its mundane, day-to-day affairs and

the senses are all withdrawn and there is a state of 'pratyahara'

(depriving the sense organs of normal perception inputs of the

material/external world). Typically this occurs in the night when the mind

goes into a torpor state and the eyes and body through involuntary reflexes

tends to wind down for sleep and rest.


During the day/active state when we are in office, travelling, partying,

eating, talking, watching tv etc. the 5 sense organs are engaged in a

flurry of constant activity. Almost every impression is dutifully recorded

in the brain in its various layers to be played out at the appropriate



When the constant superficial activity ceases, lights are dimmed, sounds

cease, then in the calmness, especially being Tamas time, the

unconscious/sub-consciousness starts to awaken. Basically it is all the

time struggling to play out but since during the day the sheer force,

frequency and speed of activity at the outer level is too much for the

subconscious-unconsciousness to reckon with and it get subdued. At night

it gets a chance to manifest.


2. Coming specifically to the replay which occured to you. All one can see

is (a) you were perhaps close to your cousin and there was a bonding (b)

the unfortunate event occured just a year back and time is yet to play its

part. One year in comparison to the degree of bonding is too short a time

and therefore, perhaps, the replay is taking place, especially when you are

asleep and the record of the approaching 'anniversary rituals' is nearing.

The apporaching date is in your outer consciousness constantly reminding

you of the date/day and since this constant inner proding is dominent, the

moment you try to sleep, the first thing the proding digs is its

counterpart viz the related and associated impressions, thoughts, emotions

and images.


One is certain that as time passes this will taper off as newer impressions

gather and push back the existing 'fresh' -one year old - impression.

However, this will never vanish. The venerated Sage Patanjali in his Yoga

Sutra has clearly indicated that memories are foreever and nothing gets

erased so to say. Not even at death.


3. As to your query on what happens to 'atma' after death etc. to be frank

is practically impossible to answer except perhaps by a very very few

highly accomplished acharyas, gurus and elders who are 100% perfect in

their practices, anushtanams and who may be safely considered as "

aptavachaka". This is obvious because the dead cannot answer and unless

one is dead the 'atma's' transition cannot be gauged, percieved, known.


4. your query on whether dreams convey any message. Yes and No. Normally

no, but occasionally, depending on the extent of our good karma-accruals,

certain symbolic references are known to have occured to various persons

portending of coming events. The common refrain "coming events cast a

shadow" is in line with this logic.


The pre-requisite for this is however, the person is not of a casual

caliber but is intently inclined to spiritual pursuits and again is perfect

in his/her practices, prayers,worship or whatever it be. For instance, in

a family of 5 children and the parents, with the children all living in

different cities, married etc. while the parents stayed in their ancesteral

house in the village, one of the younger daughter had a dream of a big

jackfruit tree gettting uprooted and falling...the next day she got the

unfortunate news of her dear father's demise the previous night. It seems

that in their ancesteral home there was a big jackfruit tree which though

remained upright, reflected perhaps the coming events in the dream of this

younger girl signifying perhaps a tragedy. In fact the dream caused fear in

her and she could not sleep the whole night. As to why it occured to her

and not to the others, there could be a variety of reasons one of them

being that she was the 'pet' (chellam) of the father and among the 5

children she was least interested in material pursuits, had had a string of

bad time which was patiently borne with a deep spiritual faith in her

acharyas and Kula daivam, our dearest Lord Balaji of Tirupati. This trait

was singularly missing in all the other children.


So you see, while there cannot be a direct scientific proof which can

establish this, the facts being beyond the ken of normal human

comprehension, but they seem to fit into some sort of logic.


5. Relevance/ necessity : Dreams per se are not a necessity. They are an

impediment to our attempts to delve into ourselves and know ourselves

better. Moreover, dreams also like sleep is a state when the modifications

of 'kleshas' keep on occuring and prevent clarity of perception of the

reality through our higher intutition.


You need not bother about your cousin's dreams. Before going to sleep,

please listen to a particular stanza in that greatest of greatest antidote

"VishnuSahasranamaa". There is a particular sloka "uttaarano dushkritihaa

punyo duhsvapnanaasanah " (please forgive this writer's atrocious

Sanksrit). Say this thrice or at least hear this thrice.


The ultimate solution of course is why dabble and think and be busy about

'atma', dreams, soul after death and other things when everything and

anything is compressed into the beautiful " Vishnusahasranamaam ". It would

at the best take 20 minutes for a CD to run thru. Put it just as you are

about to lie down and press the play button. Listen intently with your

bone marrow and not with your ears !. As you deeply sink into the

rendition, you will see a magic happening. This cannot be described. It

would be suffice at this point to just say that the sleep will be

absolutely dreamless, blank, utterly refreshing and rejunevating Do not

dwell on categorising the dream as bad or good




Stanza 99


"uttaarano dushkritihaa punyo duhsvapnanaasanah

veerahaa rakshanah santo jeevanah paryavasthitah"


923. Uttaaranah –"One who lifts us out of the ocean-of-change." We,

by identifying through our body- mind-intellect, with the changing

whirls of matter around us, assume to ourselves the changes and these

provide us, in their totality, the horrible sorrow of the mortal

finitude. On lifting our attention from the giddy changes in these

whirls of finite matter, when we fix it upon Him, the one

Consciousness that illumines all changes in all living creatures, we

get uplifted into a state of Immortality-Changeless, Blissful,

Supremely Satisfying. Hence, Sree Narayana is called as the `Up-

lifter,' the `Saviour.'


The `Taara-mantra' lifts us from the cesspool of sense living into

the serener climes of the lit-up peaks of peace and perfection.


924. Dushkritihaa –`Kriti' means actions; `Dush-kriti' means bad

actions. When actions are undertaken, prompted by sensuous desires,

they leave impressions (vaasanaas) and these always have a tendency

to make us repeat similar actions. When one turns the mind towards

Narayana,-the Self, he is emptied of his existing vaasanaas, so Lord

is indicated as the `destroyer (Haa) of the sins.'


925. Punyah –"Supremely Pure." One who purifies the heart of His

devotee-removing all his sensehunting vaasanaas of indulgence. Sree

Narayana guides the pure-hearted to the portals of the final goal,

the Higher Consciousness.


926. Duh-svapna-naasanah –"One who destroys all `bad dreams'." The

worst dream is the samsar. Perception of plurality is the horrible

dream of terrible pangs, consuming fears and drowning sorrows. Dreams

are explosions of the suppressions stored away in the subconscious. A

real devotee exists in utter surrender unto the Lord. When his life

is ever-centred in Narayana-smarana, in such total and humble

dedication he has no chance of earning these suppressions. Since his

sub-conscious mind is not loaded with half-digested thoughts and

unexpressed intentions, repressed desires and suppressed motives,

immoral passions and covetous inclinations, he has no fearful dreams

in his daily sleep. Ultimately each seeker will rise above his little

ego and its hungers and enters into the plane of Narayana-




Kayena vacha.....sarvam Krishnaarpanam.......Forgive the writer for errors

if any

Om tat Sat

Tat tvam asi







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