Guest guest Posted December 13, 2004 Report Share Posted December 13, 2004 A devotee gave me a copy of souvenir of a conference titled 'Brahma sabhA", coordinated by SrI Krishna Premi svAmi. This was held for three days in Royampettai staring Janaury 2, 2003. Well-known scholars from all the three sampradAya-s have participated in this gathering. Among those who have given SrImukham are: SrI vAnamAmalai jeeyar (rAmAnuja sampradAya), kAnci Sri Sa'nkarAcArya (advaita), and UttarAdi muTT (dvaita sampradAya). I see photograpahs of SrI Karunakaran svAmi, nAvalpAkkam SrI varadAcArya svAmi, SrI SaThakopAcArya svAmi, the sampAdakar of SrI ahobila MuTT, the SrIkSryam of SrI ahobila MuTT, nRsimha tAtAcArya svAmi, and SrI KozhiyAlam svAmi, representing our sampradAyam. According to the brochure, there were discussions on 50 topics, and recommendations on each. While I do not know whether all the above attended all lthe discussion, and whether they all agreed on everything that is published in the souvenir, the following appears in one of the talks by a Neela BAla SarmA: "The SAstra-s declare that travel to foreign country is forbidden because it leads to association with mleccha-s (I will leave the translation to each of you based on your dictionary), and this association with mleccha-s comes in the way of vaidika karmAnushThAnam. The SAstra-s say that even within India, there are certian regions that have become dominated by mleccha-s, and so one should go to these places only for pilgrimage, and then one should do prAyaScittam for having been to these places in general. dESam, kAlam, phalam, nimittam, and samskAram are declared to be the a'nga-s of karma properly performed. Even though dESam is just one a'ngam for karma, if the karma itself cannot be performed properly in a foreign country, travelling abroad strictly leads to impurity. A prAyaScittam is dictated under these circumstances. There are different prAyaScitta-s specified for stay for one year, four years, and twelve years. After a stay of twelve years, a braAhmaNa is considered to have become a mleccha". (Before I proceed further, let me honestly declare that I have become a mleccha several times by now). In another segment, I find the following: Only in the bhArata deSam, we have - the purifying flow of sindhu, gan'ngA, yamunA, sarasvati, narmadA, kAverri, godAvari, pushkaram, mAnasarovar, candra pushkariNi, etc. - himAlaya, kailAsa, vindya, malaya, sahya, ve'nkaTa, citra kUTa, RSyamUkha, govardhana, etc. - kASi, kA'nci, mAyA, dvArakA, mathurA, ayodhyA, avanti, indraprastha, etc. - SrIr'angam, tiruvanantapuram, pAnDarIpuram, jaganAtham, badrikASSrmam, tirunArAyaNa puram, gurvAyUr, etc. - rAmAyaNa, bhAgavata, bhArata, etc. originated only in bhArata deSam. - agastya, durvAsa, kaSyapa, bhRgu, markhaNDeya, Suka, vAlmIki, etc. originated here. To make the list short, let me just say one or two or the remining examples: (arundati, anasUyA, sItA etc.; paraSurAma, rAma, kRshNa etc.; Sa'nkara, rAmAnuja, madhva etc; AzhvAra, nAyanmArs, etc.; ) The author quotes a passage from SrImad bhAgavatam that declares that it is better to beg and live in bhArata, rather than lead a life in devaloka even. Another passage in bhAgavatam declares that bhArata is karma bhUmi and other places are bhoga bhUmi. Then the writer concludes that a puNya karma will have effect only if performed in bhArata deSam. The author suggests that those of us who choose to live in America have probably been sent to lead a life here as an alternative to living in svarga loka to enjoy the remnants of our previous puNya-s before taking our next birth. This almost looks true since there is 'unlimited' bhogam in these places, as in svargam. (My own personal experience, having lived in this part of the world for close to two-thirds of my life here, is that it is difficult, and almost impossible, to perform pitR karma-s and the like properly here. I am not sure whether one can safely say that they can be performed well in bhArata deSam either, even though if one tries, one can perform them properly in India). The veda-s declare that the best of brAhmaNa-s have lived in the vicinity of ganga and yamuna. The author then goes on to establish that the bhUmi-s which are not part of bhArata deSam are mleccha bhUmi-s. The vaidyanAthIya dIkshitIyam declares that wherever there is no following of varNASrama dharma-s, these places are by definition mleccha bhUmi-s. The Aditya purANa declares that any deva and pitR kArya performed in a mleccha bhUmi is ineffective, even if repeated a hundred times. vishNu smRti reinforces the same. In kali yuga, the vaidyanAthIya dIkshitam declares that samudra yAtrA is forbidden. It was allowed in the other yuga-s because these were not mleccha bhUni-s at that time. Even within bhArata deSam, the ares such as sindhu, sauvIra, surAshtra etc., are considered mleccha deSa-s now because of the dominance by muslims etc. I believe I have included enough material here to create some hot arrows directed at me already. So I will not continue this write-up further at this time. -dAsan Krishnamachari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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