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Efficacy of Prayer / Namasankeerthanam - lesson taught by Sri Andal.

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Sri Ramanujaya Namaha .


Sri Vedhantha Desikaya Namaha .


Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Divyapadukasevaka Srivan Satakopa Sri

NarayanaYatindra Mahadesikaya namaha .


Dear Bhagavathas ,


Now we all recently celeberated the Thirukkalyanam of Sri Andal with Sri

Ranganathar after the succeeful completion of the Marghazhi month. The only way

we could show our reverence to Sri Andal is to understand the "Efficacy of

Prayer / Namasankeerthanam " to Sriman Narayanan . Hence , the writer submits

the following for the benefit of our modern youth . Trust this would be of some

benefit to all of us.


Adiyen , Ramanuja Dasan - G.Sampath.




Efficacy of Prayer / Namasankeerthanam .




What do we understand by the word " Prayer " ?


The word in sanskrit "Prarthana " denotes Prayer in Indian culture . This word

is also used to mean , to request, or to ask or to seek something politely from

some one. One way of interpreting is "Prar" + "dhana" . "Prar" means to ask orto

seek or to request. " Dhana " means wealth or something most valuable .


Why , this Prayer ?


During Vedic times , people used to ray to Lord before each harvest season for a

good crop so that there would be plenty of food grains for all . The Vedic

Aryans were pastoral people, who usually prayed to various Gods for some

material gain, such as the wealth of cattle, good harvest, victory in war, good

health, progeny, success in some venture and so on . Vedic Aryans listed the

following four to be the most important aim in their life. They are Dharma (

righteousness ), Artha ( wealth or security ) , Kama ( fulfillment of all forms

of enjoyment and desires ) and Moksha ( Salvation ) . Thus in Vedic parlance ,

prayer was a mode by which humans were seeking some kind of wealth from



Having said that we should not undermine the Vedic Aryans and term them as

materialistic people. They were also deeply spiritual minded and tried to

integrate and harmonize the various aspects of life in a very religious and

agreeable way , as per the laid down norms in Vedas . The wealth they were

longing for , were the wealth of all kinds - spiritual wealth, physical wealth,

personal wealth, universal wealth, wealth of character, wealth of power and

prestige, wealth of name and fame, wealth of happiness and joy and so on.


They were very clear in their minds that these would enrich their life and make

it more pleasant for them , to live and experience. They prayed not only for the

welfare of themselves, but for the welfare of the entire community to which they

belonged. They believed in the doctrine " Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu " , in

its real sense. Hence through Prayers to Lord , they were able to get all the

happiness they wanted .


>From time immemorial there is a saying " More things are wrought by Prayer than

this world dreams of " .


There is nothing wrong in our asking something to God during our prayers , so

long as it is beneficial to society and does not harm any one. One can seek

salvation for himself , which is the highest form of gift one can get from the

Almighty. God responding depends on , how desperate one seeks this gift and how

sincere one is in his prayers , devotion and approach . The Divine is nothing

but love and compassion in their highest form. HE therefore would respond

promptly , to fulfill HIS devotee’s desire . This is the experience of every

genuine devotee. HE is in constant touch with each and every aspect of HIS

creations , from within as well as without. This aspect of the Lord is very well

brought out in the Vedas in " Narayana Sukhtam " in the following line. " Anthar

Bhahischa Thath Sarvam Vyapya Narayanaha Sthithaha " .


When ever there is a genuine call from HIS ardent devotee , He responds very

promptly and provides necessary help. There are plenty of examples , which we

can cite from the Epics and the Puranas to substantiate this. Gajendra Moksham,

Droupathi Manasamrakshnam , Prahalada Charithram are some of the classic



How do we do this Prayer and to whom ?


Only thing is , we should know how to pray , how to approach HIM and make

ourselves heard. Here implicit faith , in HIM , total surrender unto HIM ,

courage and conviction in our prayers are very important. We have to make it

happen with HIS blessings . WE have to break the barriers of egoism and

selfishness in us, for us to be heard by HIM. Prayer would be the most effective

, if it is intended for the welfare of all or when we have intention to get

spiritual knowledge. If the prayer is done without any expectations or without

any desire for the results , it would indeed be the best form of Prayer.


God created this universe , through HIS MAYA and also the four yugas through

Brahma , viz. Krithayugam , Threthayugam , Dwaparayugam and kaliyugam .

Krithayugam is characterized by virtue , wisdom and Religion . In the

Threthayugam , vice is introduced. In the Dwaparayugam greater decline of virtue

and Religion are noticed coupled with increase in vices. Finally in kaliyugam ,

one would notice in abundance strife, ignorance , irreligious activities and

increase in vices , true virtue being practically nonexistent. In Krithayugam ,

being filled with Sathviga gunas ( mode of goodness ) , people resorted to

Thapas ( meditation ) , the highest and most difficult path to reach the

Supreme. In Threthayugam , some Rajoguna ( mode of passion ) is added to

Sathviga guna , there by people resorted to Yagnam or Yagam to invoke the

blessings of Almighty. In Dwapara Yugam , more of Rajoguna is added along with a

bit of Thamoguna ( mode of ignorance and passion ) with lessening of Sathvaguna


Hence people resorted to listening to the glory of the Lord and doing Archana

to HIM to invoke HIS blessings . In Kaliyugam , presence of Thamoguna is much

more predominant than the other two and in fact Sathvigaguna becoming

practically nonexistent . So in this Yugam , one can reach the abode of Almighty

by the most simplest way of singing His glories or Namasamkeerthanam. This is

explained very well in the following lines from our puranas.


"Dyayan Krithe YagnanYagnais stotrayam Dwapare Archayan !


Yadapnothi Tadhapnothi Kalow Sankeerthya Kesavam !! "


Our Prayer should have no desire to accumulate wealth , nor to enjoy beautiful

women or to seek plenty of followers. It should be our endeavor to seek HIS

mercy for getting the opportunity to do devotional service to HIM alone, in the

remaining part of this life and there after , for HIS satisfaction. The Karmas

we do should be basically " Nishkamakarmas " as explained by Lord Krishna in the

Bhagavad Gita.


" Yajnnaarthaat Karmanos Nyatra Lokos Yam Karma Bhandhanaha !


Tad Artham Karma Kaunteya Mukhtha Sangha Samaachara !! "


---Bhagavad Gita--- Chapter 3, Slokam-9.


The Lord goes by the sincere love and devotion shown than what is offered to HIM

during prayers , as explained in,


Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam Yo Me Bhaktyaa Prayacchati !


Tad Aham Bhaktyupahrtam Asnaami Prayataatmanaha !!


---Bhagavad Gita--- Chapter 9, Slokam-26.


The Lord believes in making HIM the supreme goal of life of a devotee as

explained in ,


" Math Karma Krun Math Paramo Madh Bhakthaha Sanga Varjithaha !


Nirvairaha Sarva Bhuutheshu Yaha Sa Maam Eti Pandava !! "


----Bhagavad Gita –Chapter 11, Slokam –55.


There are nine ways in which we can invoke God’s blessings , as mentioned by

Prahlad . Hearing the glory of Lord, chanting HIS glories and HIS names,

worshipping HIS form , remembering HIM in all our activities , serving the Lotus

feet of the LORD , offering prayers to HIM , Making friends with HIM, carrying

out the order of the LORD , and surrendering everything to HIM. Out of the above

two activities Viz. Chanting HIS glories and HIS names and Offering Prayers to

HIM are the easiest ways in Kaliyugam to get HIS blessings in full.


In Thiruppavai , SRI ANDAL , has brought out this mode of singing the glory of

LORD very well in all the 30 verses and emphasizing the same . It is amazing to

note that , at that young age , the commitment and conviction Sri Andal had in

her devotion to Lord Ranganatha .No wonder she is ranked along with other Alwars

and also termed as their best offspring ( to call in modern parlance , just for

understanding ) by excelling other Alwars through her works . Andal gave the

garland to Lord Ranganatha after wearing it ( Soodikodutha Sudarkodi) and gave

us all , the garland of 30 verses ( Paamalai ) through Thiruppavai .


Through this mode of Prayer / Namasankeertanam to Sriman Narayanan ,we all will

get only good thoughts , speak only good things , develop good habits and

indulge in good deeds , which will take us nearer to the LORD.


So let us all adopt this mode for the Satisfaction of SRIMAN NARAYANAN and for

the benefit of the community as a whole.


Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu ! Adiyen . Ramanuja Dasan- G.Sampath .



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