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aahara niyamam ... a wonderful article

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ahara niyamam


In 21 Tamil verses it prescribes the articles of food for a Sri

Vaishnava suitable for leading the life of religious discipline.






seeraarum vEdhaantha dhEsi garkOn

sezhumaRaiyi NnutporuLaich sindhai seydhE

yaaraayndhu vaazhvuRavip puviyOr thangat

kanbudanE yaagaara niyathi sonnaa

NnEraaru methiraasa raruLi NnaalE

yedhirnthavargaL singamena vingu vandhOn

seeraarum vEngadavan RooppuR piLLai

sezhunthiirutthaa LiNaimalaren senni mElE.


aagaarath thiruvagaiyaa nanRun^ theethu

marumaRaikoN dethiraasa rivaimo zindhaa

raagaadha vazhivilakki yaakkuNG kaNNa

Nnanaitthulagum vaazhavidhu saaRRi vaitthaan

pOgaathu pOkkuvikku munivar sonna

poyyaatha mozhigaLaiyum porundhak kENmi

Nnaagaathen Ravaithavirnthaa madhuvE koNda

vasagaranu maakangaath tharuLpeR RaanE. [1]


vaayilallaa vaayilinaal vandha sORum

varagumudha laagaathen Ruraittha sORum

vaayininRum vizhumavaithaam patta sORum

vaaykkoNda kavaLatthin migundha sORun^

theeyavar_kaN paduncOrun^ theethaR sOruNY

seeraiyurai thummalivai patta sORu

naaymudhalaa Nnavaipaarkkun^ theeNduNY sORu

naadooythal laaccORu naNNaach sORE. [2]


manisar_pasu mudhalaanOr mOndha sORu

manisar_thami laagaathaar theeNduNY sORu

minimaiyuda Nnaatharamil laathaar sORu

meeppuzhun^oon mayirugirga LirukkuNY sORu

munivarenun^ thuRavaRtthO reendha sORu

munivar_thangaL paatthiratthiR patta sORu

manisareli kukkudangaL kaagam poonai

vaaykkoNda kaRisORu maruvaach sORE. [3]


atthigaLpE raarkkiRali veNkath thaari

yaalarasu naRuvilipuNG kaayi laarai

putthikolli kuRincithaanRi kusumbai vELai

punamurungai murungaisuga muLari yuLLi

siRRavarai kommatti paNNai thoyyil

seengaadan RERaloovai panaima yooran

sutthiyilaa nilatthilavai kadambu kaaLaan

suraipeerkkuch saNandhinnaar suruthi yOrE. [4]


siRukeerai sevvagatthi murukki raNduNY

siRupasaLai perumpasaLai yamma NandhaaL

paRitthoruvar kodaathirukkath thaanE senRu

paaynthedutthuk kuLLumavai pagiraak kooRuNG

kuRitthaalun^ thinnavoNaak kaippu varppuNG

koorkkumavai yazhalumavai kodumpu LippuNG

kaRikkaagaa vivaiyenRu kaNdu raitthaar

kaarmEni yaruLaaLar kadakath thaarE. [5]


maalamudhu seyyaamal vandha vellaam

varuvirundhil vazhangaamal vaittha vellaaNG

kaalamidhu vanRenRu kazhittha vellaaNG

kadaiyinvaruNG kaRi mudhala kazhuvaa vellaa

noolisaiyaa vazhikaLinaal vandha vellaa

nugaraadha thudanparakaNY seydha vellaaNY

seelamilaach siRiyOraak kinivu nallOr

selamalangaL pattanavun^ thinnaar thaamE. [6]


dhEvarkaLuk kivaiyenRu vaittha vellaaNY

sivanmudhalaath dhEvarkaLuk kitta vellaa

maavimudha laanavaRRuk kaakaa vellaa

madhuvidhuven RaRiyavari thaana vellaa

naavilidu vadhaRkarithaa yiruppa vellaa

nanRenRu thammuLLa misaiyaa vellaa

mOviyan^aa LOvaadha poovuNG kaayu

mutthamarka Lattuppu mugavaar thaamE. [7]


kiLincinmudhal suttanasuN Naambu thaanuNG

kiLarpunali lezhungumizhi nuraika daamum

viLaindhathanin mudhanmaaluk keeyaa vellaam

viLaindhan^ila maRugaampen Rezhundha vellaaNG

kaLaindhamanath thaarmaRRuNG kazhittha vellaaNG

kadiyamuthi Nniyamatthaar kazhittha vellaaNG

theLindhapunaR RiruvEnga datthu maaRan

RiruvaaNai kadavaathaar thinnaar thaamE. [8]


mEralathu saarangaL vaangiR Rellaa

muzhuppagalil viLanganiyun^ thaanan^ thaanu

mOriravi leLLudanE koodiR Rellaa

meLlathani leNNeythayir tharupaN daanga

LOr_thavatthai mandhiratthai yozhippa vellaa

muNNaatha naatkaLiloo Nandhip pOthoo

NaaraNanaa radipaNiyu nallOr naaLu

naLLiravi looNumivai yuNNar thaamE. [9]


kuLimudhalaa Nnavaiseyyaa thuNNu mooNuNG

koottallaap pndhiyilooN piRarkai yooNu

naLimathithee viLakkaaga vuNNu mooNu

naLLiravil viLakkinRi yuNNu mooNuNG

kiLimozhiyaa LooNaan^iRkak kaNava NnooNuNG

keezhOrai nOkkooNu midakkai yooNu

moLimaRaiyOr maRRumuga vaadha vooNu

moLiyaranga radipaNivaa rugavaar thaamE. [10]


ecchiRanil vaarkkun^n^ey yirupaa kanga

LirumpaaluNG kaiyaalu mitta vellaam

pacchaiyalaaR kaditthakuRai pazhaiya voosal

piRaragatthup paagancey theduttha vanna

nacchinavai pazhitthavaimaN NaaRRan^ theethu

nagatthaalE viNavaithaaNG kaaNU mooppum

picchuLathaa mavaikaadi pinnai paagam

pisinkadaniR sivandhathuvum pizhaiyoo NaamE. [11]


thaathain^allaa siriyanmudhaR Ramaiya Nnecchi

RaraNisurar sOmatthi lirundhu mecchin

maadhaakadakuk kaNavanitha maana vecchin

mayirpuzhun^ool vizhundhaalum punidha maNNin

maadhavatthuk kooviLangaay mugavaa satthu

maadhuLangaay maraNamvariR kazhittha vellaa

mOthivaittha vuNNaan^aa Lukandha vettu

muLavenRuNG kazhitthavaRRi NnanRaa mooNE.



maakarumbin saaRuthayir paaney paakku

vaLaimiLagu thEnElam panin^ee raathi

yaagarasan^ thooythaagu maRiyaa vellaa

maRiyaathaark kaRiyaLavun^ thooya vaaguNY

saagaranga dooyanavaa moovaakkaL koodiR

salamellaaNG gangaiyathaa muparaa katthin

maagarangaL piNamudhalaa manaitthuNG koNdu

varupunalun^ thooyathaagum vEgath thaalE. [13]


theeyaalE neerozhiya vEndha vellaan^

theeyidutha lozhindhidavE pazhuttha vellaan^

theeyaalu neeraalum vendha vaRRiR

RERavular nellumudha laana vellaa

moosaadha maavadaka mappaNY seedai

yurottimudha laamavaRRiR pazhaiya thEnuNG

koosaathE koNdidumin puthiya thEnuNG

koLLEnmin RannirathaNG kulaindhak kaalE. [14]


thalaippayanaam vigaarangaL saaga dangaL

sakkaranga danakkadaittha marundhu thaanuNG

kalakkamilaa nanneeril vaittha sORum

kaRimOrn^ey paaRayir_kaL kalandha sORum

vilakkamilaa maakkannaR kOthu matthaal

viLaivuRavaak kiyan^alvi kaaran^ thaanu

milaikkaRipO livaiyanaitthum pazhaiya vEnu

men^n^aaLum vaitthuNNa visaigin RaarE. [15]


thayirthannin vigaarangaL pooviR kaayiR

pazhatthilvaruNY saaRoosa Rooya vaagu

muyirazhiyaa maikkuNNaa voosa luNNi

luRakkazhuvi neythEnit tuNNa laagum

payinmaRain^oo luraiyaatha pazhaiya voosal

pazhippilathaa neyyaalen Ruraitthaan sangan

mayirmudhalaa Nnavaipinnum patta thaayin

maNNeermaR RuraitthavaRRaal varanga LaamE. [16]


orukuLambi yirukanRi yotta kappaa

luppudanpaan mOrudanpaan maadhar thampaal

karuvudaiya vaRRinpaal kanRi laappaan

maRukanRaaR kaRandhidumpaa Ririndhi dumpaa

RirumaLaar kaNavanalaath dheyvath thinpEr

sinnamudai yavaRRinpaal semma Rippaal

parivathilan^ thaNarvilaippaal sembi NniRpaa

Reethaampaa livaiyanaitthum parugaap paalE. [17]


gangaiyalla thiraNdaan^aaL vaittha neeruNG

kaalkazhivi migun^eeruNG kalanga Nneerun^

thenginuLa thaayttheeyaaR kaayndha neeruNY

siRukuzhin^eer vazhitthaNNeerp pandha NneeruNY

sangaiyudai neervaNNaan RuRaiyi Nneerun^

thaaraiyinaa lEcchilithu venRa neeruNY

sangukala maakkoNdu parugu neerun^

tharaiyilvizhaa mazhain^eerun^ thaviru neerE. [18]


veRRilaimun RinnaathE thinnum paakkum

veRRilaiyi Nnadin^uniyu naduvi leerkum

veRRilaiyum paakkumudan koottith thinnum

vidhavaikku mudhanmudivaach siramath thaarkkum

veRRilaiyuNY suNNaambi Nnilaiyu maRRum

viradhangoN didun^aaLveR Rilaiyum paakkum

veRRilaithin Nnaan^iRkap parugu neerum

vidhaiyenavaith thathuthinalum vilakki NnaarE. [19]


saathiguNa maacchiraman^ dhEsaNG kaalan^

tharumanga NimitthangaN mudhalaa vOthum

pOthamudha laagavoru thiravi yandhaan

parindhun^alan^ theenginaiyum peRRu niRkum

paathamisaip piRanthOrkkuk kabilai yinpaal

parugidalaa kaathenRu maRaiyOr sonnaa

rathalinaa lOthiyuNarn^ thavarpaa lellaa

madikkadiyuNG kEttayarvu theermi NneerE. [20]


kangiruLaal vidiyaadha vulaguk kellaNG

kaiviLakkaa mivaiyenRu kaNnan kaattum

pongupuga zhaagamanga deLiyach sonna

poruLivain^aam puNNiyar_paaR kEttuch sonnO

mangudalum poruLumalla thaRiyaa maandhar

valaiyuLagap pattuvaram pazhiyaa thenRum

pangayamaa thuRRavaru LaaLar thampaaR

patthimigu pavitthirangaL payinmi NneerE. [21]


seeraar thooppil thiruvEngadamudaiyaan thiruvadigaL saraNam.


Thanian: The vEdhaantha dEsikar, the one with the grace of

Ethiraajaa stood like a lion and triumphed over many debating

adversaries; researched the vEdhaas and saasthraas, with the view to

guide us in choosing foods that ennoble us and avoid foods that

debase us, has given us this prabhandam called aagaara niyamam. I

shall wear His flower like thiruvadi as an ornament on my head.


[1] All chEthanaas must understand that there are two kinds of foods,

those that are ennobling (saathveega) and those that are debasing

(thaamasa). These are described by KaNNan in sri bagavath geethai, by

Ethiraajaa in srimadh geethaa bhaashyam, and by many rishees in many

saasthraas and smrithees. By following these principles, ajakaran

attained mOksham. Likewise, we must understand and follow these rules.


[2] Forbidden foods:

- Foods that are not brought into the house through the main door.

- grains such as varagu, etc.

- foods that mingle with stuff that have fallen from the mouth

- remainder of what was put into the mouth

- foods seen by immoral people

- foods that are burnt

- foods touched by clothes, or contaminated by saliva or sneeze.

- foods seen or touched by dogs

- foods cooked on days such as Ekaadhasi


[3] forbidden foods continued...

- foods smelt by animals or people

- foods touched by people with decease

- foods that are not offered with kindness

- foods contacted by fly, worm, thread, hair, and nail

- foods offered by sanyaasi or touched by his vessel

- foods touched by the mouth of people, rats, chicken, crow, and



[4] This paasruam lists the vegetables that are forbidden. I can't

recognize many of them. Of the ones I am able to recognize, I don't

know the English names. The rest are listed below.


White eggplant, lotus stem, garlic, certain kinds of spinach,

mushroom, certain kinds of drumstick


[5] More forbidden foods:

Vegetables taken from other's garden without permission, portion

that is set aside for oneself prior to the partaking of the rest of

the group, foods that are exceedingly bitter, salty, pepper hot, or



[6] More forbidden foods:

Foods that were not offered to our Lord, foods that were not offered

to the guests, foods that were cooked without first cleaning them,

foods earned in immoral ways, cooked with other foods that are

forbidden, cooked by unclean children, and foods that are

contaminated by



[7] forbidden foods continued...

- foods intended for dEvathaas

- foods offered to dEvathaas such as Sivan

- foods that harm our praaNan and indhriyam

- foods that are unrecognizable

- foods that are intolerably hot

- foods that are not palatable to the mind

- vegetables and flowers that bloom in an untimely fashion

- dirty salt.


[8] forbidden foods continued...

- Calcium (suNNaambu) extracted from sea shells

- bubbles and froth from water

- foods that are not offered to our Lord

- harvested from the stems that were previously harvested

- foods avoided by learned persons with pure heart


[9] forbidden foods continued...

- Foods from which the essence is taken out, except buttermilk

- viLaam fruit and popped rice during the day

- foods prepared with curd and sesame seed oil,during night time

- foods that are said to give magical powers

- no foods on Ekaadasi days, and at dusk or midnight.


[10] Do not eat,

- before your shower and sandhya japam

- alone, eat with a group of bhakthaas

- foods that are mashed by someone else

- under the moonlight or fire

- husband and wife together

- while staring at inferior individuals

- with your left hand

- anything that is avoided by religious people.


[11] Do not eat,

- ghee that is served after you have begun eating

- foods that have been cooked twice (reheated?)

- foods served by bare hand or spatulas made of

iron, uncooked foods may be served by bare hand

- foods already bitten into,

- old, and spoilt foods

- foods prepared in someone else's house (no potluck)

- foods that someone else wanted or rejected

- foods with smell of earth, or separated by finger nails, salt

that you can see

- separated for one self and guests

- sap coming out of trees, except asafoetida.


Foods that may be accepted are listed now.

[12] Accept without hesitation,

- foods with the saliva of one's father, teacher, and

first older brother

- Saliva in the sOmaa vessel during sOma yaagam

- foods with husband's saliva for wife, if such food

is contaminated with hair, worm, or thread, these

may be removed properly and the food accepted

- maadhuLangaay, only during our Lord's muga

vaaSa soorNam

- all prohibited foods during calamitous times

- water, roots, ghee, milk, havis from yaagam,

nimandhraNam, guru's teachings, and medicine

may be accepted even during fasting days.


[13] Accept without hesitation,

- sugar cane juice, yogurt, milk, ghee, beetle nut,

pepper, honey, cardamon, water made from snow

- anything until you realize its blemish

Dip in the ocean is permitted on full moon day and new moon day.

During times of lunar and solar eclipse all waters will be considered

equal to gangaa water; water in rivers, even if it carries horses,

donkeys and cadaver, will become purified with current.


[14] Accept without hesitation,

- foods cooked without water

- fruits ripened on their own accord

- boiled rice

- vadaam, snacks such as appam, seedai, rotti, even

if they are old, but tasty; do not accept foods that are fresh,

but not tasty


[15] Accept without hesitation,

- Foods prepared with milk, like thirattuppaal

- snacks like thEnkuzhal, muRukku, etc.,

- medicines prescribed by physicians, flower, vellam, wheat

- old rice that is soaked in clean water may be taken with

buttermilk, ghee, milk, yogurt


[16] Accept without hesitation,

- snacks made of yogurt and juice of flower, vegetables, and

fruits; these are OK even if they are slightly spoilt.

- foods that are spoilt may be taken during calamitous times by

cleansing them and adding ghee and honey. If these foods are further

contaminated with hair or other unclean stuff, cleanse them with sand

and water.


[17] Forbidden milk

- milk from one hoofed animals like horse or donkey

- cow that has twin calf, or camel milk

- salt added milk

- milk from women

- milk from pregnant cow

- milk extracted with the help of calf that does not belong to the


- cows that belong to temples (?)

- goat milk, milk bought from brahmins

- milk kept in copper vessels, burnt milk


[18] Forbidden water

- Water from previous day, except gangaa water

- remainder of water used for cleaning feet

- murky water

- heated coconut water

- water gathered in a ditch

- water offered in "water-sheds"

- doubtful water, water taken from where washermen work

- water contaminated by saliva

- water from conch

- rain water that has not fallen on the ground


[19] about beetle leaves

- don't chew beetle nut without beetle leaves

- don't consume the bottom, stem, or tip of beetle leaves

- don't chew beetle leaves and nuts at the same time

- widows, sanyaasi, and bachelors must not consume beetle leaves

- don't consume the beetle leaf used to keep calcium

- never use beetle leaves on fasting days such as Ekaadasi

- don't drink water while chewing beetle leaves



A particular food item may be acceptable or forbidden based on the

caste, stage in life, geography, time of eclipse, individual dharmam,

etc., etc. For example, it is said that milk from kapilai cow is

acceptable for brahmins, but forbidden for shudraas. Therefore, one

must approach learned people and get your doubts clarified.



For the benefit of people who live in this world characterized by

lack of wisdom, Lord kaNNan showed many principles in saasthraas.

After consulting with aachaaryaas these principles have been laid out

in this

prabhandam. Guard yourself against the agnostics who believe only

in this transient body and world. Consume only those saathvega foods

that helps us amplify our devotion to the thiruvadi of pEraruLaaLan.

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chitra_vidya [chitra_vidya]

Saturday, February 19, 2005 12:34 PM


aahara niyamam ... a wonderful article



[18] Forbidden water

- water from conch



In our abhishekam to Lord daily using tulasi water and conch I will take the

thirtha that flows out of idols. This way I am taking water/thirtha flows

o/o conch.


Also, I heard that this world is trigunatmaka and like wise people are

either of these trigunas and so do animals and vegetables. But you have

listed only satvik and tamasik. Are there no rajasik food in this world

(say those food which when taken energises us.. glucose etc.,) Is there

any listing of vegetables avlbl based on these three gunas.




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