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Sri VenkatEsa SuprabhAtham ( brief slokam defintion )

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Sri VenkatEsa SuprabhAtham



The Sri VenkatEsa SuprabhAtham composed by Sri PrathivAdhi Bhayankaram

ANNA is a splendid Sri Sookthi that is recited every morning in front

of the

Sayana Mantapam at Thirumalai. This was composed by Sri ANNA at the

request of his AchAryan , Sri MaNavALa MaamunigaL . The divine

inspiration for ANNaganrAryA came from ThoNDardippoDi AzhwAr's

ThirupaLLyezucchi Paasurams and some of GodhA Piratti's ThiruppAvai



There are 29 slOkams in this SuprabhAtham composed by ANNangarAryA for

ThiruvEnkata- mudayAn . AdiyEN would give the general meaning for the

individual slOkams and add brief comments on them .May Lord SrinivAsan

bless this Kaimkaryam



In the first slOkam , the Lord of ThiruvEnkatam is awakened as Sri

Raama - chandran ( KousalyA Suprajai) and in the second slOkam as


The third and the fourth slOkams awaken Sri MahA Lakshmi. From the


slOkam onwards ThriuvEnkatamudayAn is awakened


In the fifth and the sixth slOkams , the arrival of sages like Adhri

and Gods

like Paramasivan to participate in the SuprabhAtha darsanam of the

Lord of

seven hills is described.


The seventh focuses on the fragrant , morning breeze and the eighth

covers the parrots in house cages bestirring themselves



The tenth slokam talks about Sage Naaradha playing deva ghAnam in

praise of the Lord. The tenth verse describes the bees emerging from

their flower beds to be of service to the Lord.



The eleventh verse takes us to morning activities in the house of

cowherds , where churning for the curds is taking place.


The twelfth slOkam reverts to the bustle of the bees competing with

the blue lotuses to settle the issue of who has a better blue hue.


The thirteenth slOkam is a naamAvaLi of the great Lord of



The fourteenth slOkam describes the devAs and demi-gods waiting

eagerly to enter the ardhamantapam to join in the suprabhAtham



The fifteenth slOkam lists the seven hills associated with the Lord.

The sixteenth talks about the different Lords of directions

(Dhig PaalakAs) jostling to get into the temple.


The seventeenth slOkam is about nithyasooris like Garudan,

AdhisEshan waiting to perform Kaimkaryam for their Lord.


The eighteenth slOkam focuses on the nava grahams waiting for the

darsanam of the Lord.


The ninteenth slOkam refers to the navagrahams looking for

oportunities to perform Bhaagavatha Kaimkaryam as a way to

gain the approbation of their Lord.


The twentieth slOkam recalls the power of Gopura darsanam

at Thiruppathi.


The tweny first to the twenty third slOkams are beautiful naamAnjalis

to the Lord to cajole Him to awaken and bless the world .


The twenty fourth slOkam is a celebration of ThiruvenkatamudayAn

as dasAvatharan .


The twenty fifth slOkam deals with the kaimkaryaparALs

engaged in carrying the Thirumanjana theertham.


The twenty sixth slOkam covers the scene of Sri VaishNavAs

waiting to perform mangaLAsAsanam for the Lord.


The twenty eighth slOkam describes the Gods and the great Yogis

(Sanaka-SanathkumArALs)waiting in the forecourt with auspicious

objects needed for the suprabhAtham in their hands.


The twenty eighth slOkam is a beautiful assembly of the NaamAs

of the Lord invoking Him to awaken and bless the world.


The twenty ninth verse is the Phala sruthi slOkam listing the benefits

of reciting this auspicious SuprabhAtham of Lord venkatEsA .

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