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Emperumanar Darsanam-services rendered by Swami Anbil Ramaswami.

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Dear Bhagavathas,


Before we embarked on our first trip to U.S. way back in April 2001 along with

U.Ve Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami,our imagination ran wild with regard to the

Srivaishnava sampradhayam practiced at States.

Our first stop was at New Jersey/New York and we participated in the

Emperumanar Thirunakshatra festival organized there.It was there that we met two

of the leading beacons/luminaries of Srivaishnava sampradhayam spreading the

sacred messages of Azhlwargals ,Udayavar and other Acharyans .One was U.Ve

Anbil Swami and the other U.Ve Satagopan Swami.There were a number of other

Srivaishnava Satellites too thro U.S

With still some kind of reservations by Acharyans and other learned Scholars

,crossing the sea ,I always used to wonder whether Sri Ramanuja ,if he had been

alive would have crossed the seas or not.My firm conviction is that to spread

the sampradhyam ,he would have definitely found a way or atleast he would have

convinced and deputed his trusted Lieutenants like Swami Koorathalwar or Sri

Mudaliyandan Swami who washed his feet in the pond as directed by Swami

Ramanuja,to bring the locals, into our sampradhayam.

We were aghast and spell bound by the enthusiasm,sincerity in approach,depth of

knowledge and the conviction by the Srivaishnava community at States.It was

not difficult to find out to as to how this could happen and who were all

instrumental for this.

Eventhough both the Swamis belonged to different Acharya Mattams,they

represented and still represent the unified Swami Ramanauja samprdhayam .While

sampradhya pedams in Srivaishnava sect is prominent and shows its ugly face now

and then in India and elsewhere,these two swamis have been encouraging spread

of "pure" knowledge and knowledge alone and shunning away the pedams.The have

been steadfast in their singular mission of spreading our sampradhyam .We bow

in respect to their service.


During his last visit to Chennai,I met Anbil Swami and could easily place him

,while he could not,and he was carrying the the first copy of the first book and

we were fortunate to glance it. He was proceeding to Srirangam for the release

of the book. In a lighter vein we can say If a person is sporting Thriuman

brightly and wearing a casual and Nike shoes ,you can safely bet that he is from


I have been expressing my deep anguish,our sampradhyam is slowly and steadily

poisoned and killed by our own Srivaishnavas spreading the message of hatred on

the differences and pedams.Differences and pedams will be there for ever and let

us learn to appreciate each others views.If we cant appreciate, atleast let us

not hate the other.

We still have noble souls like Sri Anbil Ramaswami and may Lord with His consort

bless Sri Anbil Swami for a healthy long life and for his KAiNKARYAM IN



Sri Mudal;iyandan Swami sishya sampath






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