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Sri Srinivaasa Vaibhavam- ThiruppANaazhwAr anubhavam on ThiruvEnkatam- Introduction

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Dear BhakthAs :


Sriman MadhavakkaNNan is depicting beautifuly every day

the anubhavams of AzhwArs about ThiruvenkatamudayAn .


It would be of interest for you to know that Sriman M.A.Alwar of

Mysore and adiyEn have released one Multimedia CD ROM on

the Vaibhavam of 7 AzhwArs ( 3 Mudhal AzhwArs, PeriyAzhwAr ,

ANDAL , ThiruppANar and ThoNDaradippodi ) . We are midway thru

our completion of the second Multimedia CD ROM that would cover

the Life and dhivya Prabhandhams of Swamy NammAzhwAr ,

Madhura Kavi , KulasEkharar , Thirumazhisai and Thirumangai

Mannan .


These Multimedia CD ROMs have excellent graphics about their

lives , audio narration , ease of navigation and the recital of

the dhivya Prabhandhams of these AzhwArs by the Melkote

AdhyApaaka GhOshti . It is a rare educational treat relevant

for the young and old alike . Number of you have provided

support for the creation of these CD ROMs .


Please contact Dr.M.A.Alwar at Mysore at the abovee-mail address

or adiyEn , if you wish to acquire these CD ROMs for your libraries .

The second volume will be ready by the end of Summer . The two

audio Tapes and the First Multimedia CD ROM covering the Vaibhavams

and the dhivya Prabhandhams of the 7 AzhwArs are currently available .


There are also 2 audio casettes , which have the Text of the audio scripts

on the lives of the 12 AzhwArs .


We are placing these casettes and Multimedia CD ROMs

at the sacred feet of Sriman NaarAyaNan so that He can

bless us to be part of this educational Kaimkaryam to

Sri VaishNavAs and abhimAnis .


Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan

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