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does plants have life?

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one of the yamas and niyamas is Ahimsa -non violence ( non-killing of anykind,

direct of indirect).


so what disturbs me is if plants do have life, are we not doing violence to them

even being a vegetarian. The reasons and benefits of being a vegetarian is

explained in several scientific ways. But spiritually it is said mainly to

observe non-killing or non-violence. then how about eating vegitables ,

especailly teh plant varieties. if we think plants have life, it is equivalent

of observing violence.


Could some on please, clear me of this Dilemma !


I am a non-vegetarian turned Vegetarian and abstain myself of all animal

products except milk. but my above questions puts me down all the time. i would

appreciate somebody helping me out in this.


Thanks in advance..




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