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Speaking Out Against Prejudice Toward Hinduism and India

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Dear Bhagavatas:

Though the articles quoted below have nothing to do with the mission statement

of "Sri Ranga Sri", we are tempted to feature them.


Much of the material in these articles are really interesting and substantiate

the views expressed in the first Chapter of my book "Hinduism Rediscovered" -

"What is Religion? Why Religion?" etc.





However, if you have any inputs, you may feel free to send them to my personal

id "Ramanbil". Such messages will be reviewed and, if found

suitable, published in "Sri Ranga Sri"


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Anbil Ramaswamy






Dear Friends


This is an excellent article by Stephen Knapp.


Venkitesh (Viji)



Speaking Out Against Prejudice Toward Hinduism and India


by Stephen Knapp






Although I am primarily engaged in writing books, there are times when I notice

that prejudice and false ideas about Hinduism and India become too apparent in

various publications to disregard. In such cases, we will write in and speak out

to present more accurate views regarding the true nature of Vedic culture.




Here is an example of our response to a Christian minister who wrote a letter to

the "India Tribune" about his false notion regarding the need for the freedom of

Hindus to convert to Christianity to bring them out of their plight of poverty

and oppression under "Hindu" leaders. His prejudice and bias was so obvious that

we felt compelled to write in a more accurate and truthful view of the

situation. This was also appreciated by others who wrote in their approval of

our letter, and contributed additional valid points with which we agree, some of

which we have included following our letter. We wrote it under our publicist's

name of Jim Martin. The letter was published in the September 2, 2000 edition of

the paper, and was printed and titled as follows:




Invaders Aimed to Dismantle Indian Culture


by Jim Martin


Dear Sir:


I am writing in response to the letter published in the August 5 edition of

India Tribune, by Rev. Dr. George E. David, titled "Legitimate Conversions Must

Be Supported." He is a Christian minister and I am also one who was born and

raised a Christian. However, I have some serious differences of opinion in

response to what he said in his letter.




First of all, I also agree that everyone should have the right to decide for

themselves what faith is most appropriate for them. No one has to really monitor

that, as he seemed to suggest. It is a freedom in any democratic country. But he

goes on to criticize Hinduism as being to blame for the poor and illiterate

people in India. And that the Hindu leaders have kept people under control

through such illiteracy and poverty. He suggests that is the reason why there is

a need for so many Christians, due to their love of Jesus Christ, to come to the

rescue and save India and help the needy.




There are many parts of the world who need humanitarian work, and to do that is

fine. However, as a Christian myself, I know and have heard time and time again

this ploy as a standard tactic to justify why Christians need to go to India and

"Deliver the good news about Jesus" while bringing different kinds of

humanitarian help. I have heard this from local churches as well as numerous

television evangelical preachers as well, such as Jerry Falwell and others, and

then watch them count their success in how many converts they have made. So this

is nothing new. And after a while you begin to see through it.




To me this seems completely unfair to make such an assumption that illiteracy

and poverty are caused by Hinduism, as if Rev. David knows all about the history

of India and why it has lost so much of its glory and power, and the immense

damage the "Christian British" did to India, and its attempt to dismantle

whatever there was of Hinduism and its Vedic literature. Also, how they

purposely controlled food production and distribution of commodities in order to

turn people to Christianity. How they purposely tried to control and change the

Vedic texts to reduce the high standards of living, morality, and its

understanding of God so that people would more easily be converted to

Christianity, along with so many other things they did. He has little right to

blame the social conditions of India on Hinduism.




Rev. David goes on to say how he sees anger and hatred in a prior letter of Dr.

Gangadhar Maddiwar, as if Dr. Maddiwar would prefer to keep Hindu people of

India being poor and illiterate, rather than knowing other faiths. Here is

another ploy to get Indians to stop being Hindus. Rev. David seems not to

understand in the slightest degree that simply knowing other faiths is hardly

anything that will improve the education of Indian citizens. The poor and

illiterate is a social condition that was inflicted upon India and caused by

outside invaders, from which India is still slowly recovering. It was never

caused by Hinduism. History shows that.




Even though I am born and raised a Christian, I believe in finding the truth.

And anyone can investigate the true history of India and look back to see how

India has been controlled and dominated by invaders of all kinds for the past

1000 years and more, invaders from the Middle East, the British, and even their

missionaries. They have all come to dismantle what is India and its culture and

force a new religion and government on its people, whether through obvious or

covert attempts. During his latest visit to India the Pope stated: "Just as in

the first millennium the Cross was planted on the soil of Europe and in the

second on that of the Americas and Africa, we can pray that in the third

Christian millennium a great harvest of faith will be reaped in this vast and

vital continent of Asia." Do you think that does not mean to make Indians





So there is no doubt that the Christian motive is not necessarily to help all

people of the third world countries in a selfless manner simply to express their

love of Christ, but also to provide the means by which everyone can be swayed to

adopt the same religion. Once you begin to truly investigate history, anyone can

understand that India has the oldest religion and culture in the world, and it

can work perfectly well if it is given a chance. A chance outside the dictates

of its past invaders, or present sectarian government officials who work for the

cause of minorities at the expense of the majority Hindus. Do not think that a

born and raised Christian and American such as myself cannot see this. In fact,

anyone can.




For example, there have been two newly released books that are packed with

important and revealing information about India's history from thousands of

years ago up to the present. One book is "Proof of Vedic Culture's Global

Existence" by Stephen Knapp (available through The World Relief Network, P. O.

Box 15082, Detroit, Michigan, 48215), and the other is "The True History and the

Religion of India" by Swami Prakashanand Saraswati (available through the

International Society for Divine Love, Barsana Dham, 400 Barsana Road,

Austin,Texas, 78737).




These books show how India once had a glorious past and was a global influence,

in fact the parent of humanity and the heritage of all religions. It was

advanced in many medical, mathematical and scientific inventions that the world

uses today without recognition of their origins. These books also show the

damage that invaders, including the Christian British and German nationalists,

did to the true culture of India and its people in general, and how India has

been making an uphill battle since then to regain stability. Furthermore, these

books show that many practices of the ancient Vedic culture, which is far older

than either Judaism or Christianity, were adopted by each of these newer

religions. Even the story of Jesus has many adaptations and similarities to the

older story of Lord Krishna.




It would be to the advantage of any Indian to be aware of the abundant

information that these two books contain to keep in mind the antiquity and

authenticity of their true past and heritage. There has been many attempts to

stifle and suppress the knowledge in the above mentioned books for years. After

learning this information myself, I am embarrassed whenever I see these same age

old tactics as found in Rev. David's letter, to belittle India and its religion

by unjustly using social issues to criticize religions, and thereby try to

establish the superiority of their own religion, such as Christianity, which has

proved to be one of the most violent and dominating religions in history. And I

know this is something that most Christians don't like to discuss. However, even

the Pope has acknowledged and apologized for the cruel past of Christianity, so

this cannot be denied. Therefore, Indians have every right to be proud of their

culture, and every right to be a little tired of those

who make continued efforts to defraud or tear it down in any way, religious or

otherwise. This has gone on long enough. So, as Rev. David says at the end of

his letter, let us work together to give peace a chance, but I say let everyone

follow the religion of their choice without the continual attempt to sway them

this way or that.






In response to our letter were others, such as the following that appeared in

the October 14, 2000 issue, that not only praised us for speaking out, but also

made creditable points to which we agree, and share with you here. This makes it

evident that it is better not to be shy about speaking the truth, for when it is

done appropriately, it may also become a gathering point and provide the impetus

for others to come forward to do the same.



Tolerant Hindus Respect all Religions


by S. Arora


Dublin, OH: I read with great interest Jim Martin's opinion -- "Invaders aimed

to Dismantle Indian Culture"-- published in India Tribune dated September 2, in

response to Dr. George E. David's view - "Legitimate conversions must be

supported" - appeared in India Tribune dated August 5.




I was greatly impressed by Jim Martin who rightly said that invader's aim was to

dismantle the Indian culture. I think, it is praiseworthy and highly creditable

that one such as Jim Martin, who is born and raised as a Christian, would so

boldly proclaim what he sees as the truth. He has done his homework well, for he

definitely has a fair grasp of Indian culture and the reasons that gradually led

to its decline over the centuries.




Anyone who has read about Hinduism knows how at one time India was respected and

looked up to for guidance in matters of religion and spirituality. Even Jesus

Christ is said to have gone to India for several years during his early life to

get guidance and spiritual instruction from the sages and yogis of north India.

(Reference: "Jesus Lived in India" by Holger Kerston).


Swamy Vivekananda represented Hinduism as a delegate in September 1893 to the

Parliament of World Religions in Chicago, where delegates from all nations

gathered. There, he emphasized the harmony of all religions, and got a standing

ovation, significant of their approval. For two minutes, he attempted to speak,

but the wild enthusiasm of the audience prevented him. When silence was finally

restored, he introduced Hinduism as "the mother of religions, a religion which

has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance," and he quoted two

passages from the Hindu scriptures in support. "As the different streams having

their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord,

the different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though

they may appear, crooked or straight, all lead there."




The second quotation, "All men are struggling through paths, which in the end,

lead to Me," is indicative of the truth which his guru, Sri Ramakrishna, had

taught him, "as many paths, so many religions." Hence, in a democracy, each one

should have the freedom to follow his conscience, and opt for and follow the

religion of his choice, without being pressured to conversion to other





Referring to Swami Vivekananda's speech, the president, Merwin-Mariesnell, of

the assembly said, "One of the chief advantages has been in the great lesson

which it has taught the Christian world, especially to the people of the US,

namely that there are other religions more venerable than Christianity, which

surpass it in philosophical depth, in spiritual intensity. . ."


In light of this, it is hard to understand why Christian missionaries go to

India to convert the poverty-stricken Hindus to Christianity, under the guise of

humanitarian reasons. As Jim Martin has pointed out, the Indians have the

invaders (wave after wave of them) to thank for the present plight of India and

the Indians today. In the last 1,000 years, at least, India has not invaded any

country, but it has patiently suffered the onslaught of aggression from

foreigners who have unscrupulously taken advantage of the trusting Hindus.


Hinduism accommodates all religions, so Hindus not only tolerate, but respect

all religions as true, without trying to convert followers of other religions to

Hinduism. Should not followers of other religions do the same, and live in a

spirit of peace, goodwill and co-existence?






Another letter in support of our views appeared in the October 7, 2000 edition,

and was published as follows:



God is Too Big for any one Religion


by A. Ramachandran


Shrewsbury, MA: I wish to compliment Jim Martin for his lively

opinion--"Invaders Aimed to Dismantle Indian Culture"--published in India

Tribune dated September 2. It was his response to Rev. David's

views--"Legitimate Conversions must be Supported"--published in India Tribune

dated August 5.




First, I also agree that conversion is a moral right. India has a long tradition

of conversion from one faith to another. When Lord Buddha preached his

eight-fold path to Nirvana, Hindus in large numbers converted to Buddhism. When

in the 8th century Adi Shankar expounded his philosophy of Adwaita, many

Buddhists converted to Hinduism. In the 16th century, Guru Nanak offered his

simpler way to God and many Hindus chose to become Sikhs. In 50 A.D., when St.

Thomas brought Christianity to Kerala, many Hindus converted to this faith.


All these conversions were motivated by the hearts and intellects of the

individuals and no temptation or coercion was involved. Unfortunately, St.

Thomas was martyred in Madras because of his insistence that Hindu gods were

false and their devotees were bound to go to hell. (We hear these words are

repeated even today--please see the Southern Baptist's Prayer Book.)




Hindu India in the first millennium was a very prosperous country, rich in

culture, sciences and wealth. Thanks to their religion, they were a gentle and

mild people. (Read the impressions of the two Chinese pilgrims to India.)

However, India's fame attracted booty-seekers from the West who came to plunder,

pillage, massacre, subjugate, rule and eventually pauperize economically.




The Christian missionaries followed in the wake of this conquest and

proselytized under the protection of the Raj. They used Western funds, material

goods, and medicines to entice poor people to convert. They also used the threat

of hell to convince the gullible and berated the Hindu religion.




This manner of spreading Christianity was also employed in South America by the

Spanish conquerors and in North America by the European settlers, when the

natives were vanquished by saber, spear, gunfire and then by the Christian

cross-war, planted on their soil to save the "poor heathens."




India lost everything to the Western conquerors except its soul, and hence

Gandhi was born, the freedom movement evolved, and India was able to free itself

from centuries of debilitating foreign rule.




When the Indians gave themselves a Constitution, they incorporated the ancient

Hindu belief of "Sarva Dharma Samabhava"--all religions are equal--contrast to

the recent Vatican statement that orthodox Catholics and other denominations are

imperfect. A bumper sticker says it all--"God is too big for any one religion."






One final letter that we will include that was inspired by our original letter,

and which holds some strong points with which we also concur, was published in

the January 27, 2001 edition of India Tribune as follows:



India subjugated by invaders - Hindus are secular-minded


by Bhikhu Patel


Marshall, TX: I am writing this belatedly in appreciation of Jim Martin's

opinion--"Invaders armed to dismantle Indian culture"--published in India

Tribune dated September 2, 2000.




Jim Martin needs to be congratulated for his efforts to seek out the truth about

India's past, and then being a Christian, had the courage to express it in a





Hindu-bashing has been a fashion in the Christian and the Islamic worlds. Hindus

and their organizations have been labeled as fundamentalists. They are being

held responsible for all the aches and pains the two creeds are having with

their policy to proselytize the Indian subcontinent.




A Hindu cannot be a fundamentalist because of his universally accepted belief in

the "Sarva Dharma Samabhava." Dan, Daya and Dharma are the three ingredients of

the behavior in daily life. That does not mean that every Hindu would qualify

for a sainthood. He carries all the traits of the human weaknesses. However, his

overall performance towards his brethren carries high marks. India was ruled by

foreigners for nearly 1000 years. The British came last, seeking trade, but

ended up acquiring the whole of India.




The Indians were dazzled and outwitted by the cunningness of the invaders. The

Hindus knew very little of the atrocities and terrorism of the crusades or

Jehads. Still less, they knew about the spread of the two religions in the "Old

World." The Indian elite adopted the English way of dressing and mannerism.

Persian and English replaced Sanskrit. The Christian missionaries with the help

of the British proceeded to Christianize India. The method adopted was unique.


India was unique. Islam, which was successful in converting the whole population

in other countries, was only partially successful. Christianity, which

successfully converted the continents and destroyed cultures of the "New World,"

had a very weak foothold.




This unique method was developed by Muller, Cunningham and Jones. The fictitious

theory of invading Aryans was invented. The scriptures were doctored

derogatively to demoralize Hindus. The records in the Archeological Department

were manipulated. Many rare copies of scriptures were destroyed. The Hindu

building structures became Moghul. The art turned Persian. The etiquette became

English. The architect of the Taj Mahal was an Italian, maybe a Spaniard, not

sure. Thus, the roots of India-bashing or Hindu-bashing were laid centuries ago

and are very deep. The Indian history was rewritten by the British and Islamic

rulers. It was like Hitler that was given the task of writing British history.




Hindus have been the temple builders, not the temple destroyers. India welcomed

people of other cultures who were being persecuted in their own land, and lived

amicably with them. The ruins that one may find all over the world were not the

handiwork of the Hindus. The cultural and civilizational destruction of the

Aztecs, only 500 years ago, was criminal, was not carried out by the Hindus, nor

had any hand in the management of slavery. This is by no means a full list of

big crimes. The worst was to come.




The Jewish people continued to suffer at the hands of their brothers, the people

of the Books. It reached the peak during the second world war, when trains

loaded with human cargo were sent into gas chambers. The Jewish race was nearly

exterminated in Europe. The Jewish people in India were quite happy living among

the Hindus.




When around 392 AD, Christianity became the favored and predominant religion of

the Roman Empire, Emperor Theodosius proclaimed it the sole legal religion and

ordered all Roman subjects except Jews to become Christians. To be a Christian

was henceforth a matter of law, not of religious conviction.




The burning of the main scientific medical library in Cordoba, Spain, was

carried out on the pretext of "horrible calamity" to Islam. The famous library

of Alexandria, which was in existence for nearly 1,000 years containing 700,000

manuscripts, was destroyed at the instance of caliph Omar. Prior to that, the

same library suffered destruction at the hands of the Roman emperors in the

years 272 AD and 391 AD. The actions were criminal. Hindus have always been the

promoters of knowledge.




Hindus have never entertained crusades or Jehads against any religion, nor sent

missions to other countries on a religious conversion drive. The world

population comprises 2.5 billion Christians and 1.5 billion Muslims. Still, the

zeal of these two creeds to proselytize continues unabated. The Pope's recent

"call for conversion" of Asia, and the Southern Baptists' prayers for the "more

than 900 million people lost in the hopeless darkness of Hinduism" suggest a

very strong Christian desire for proselytizing the Indian subcontinent. They can

do it. They have the power, organizations and the people to act upon their





The Islamic desire has taken to the road of violence and terrorism. The Islamic

organizations have built up a worldwide network of organizations to train people

in terrorist activities and send them to all parts of the world. All sorts of

clandestine activities are undertaken, unashamedly to fund these terrorist

cells. Mosques and madrasas are also being used to indoctrinate people,

particularly children. Bodarsky, in pointing out the strong, unyielding and

violent attitudes among the Islamic groups, states that "the dominant historic

trend in the region (Middle-East) is adamant opposition to the mere existence of

Israel, let alone peace with it." In their prayers, "Dua" of the Azzam

Organization states, "O Allah! Cause this relation to come in the form of

intensified attacks on the Hindu forces in Kashmir." Further, the organization

states openly its support to Pakistan in its war against India. These terrorist

groups have no physical boundaries. Professor Masud-ul-Hasan, in his book,

"History of Islam," writes "Islam is the end all and be all of the existence of

the Muslims."




The American government, in supporting the Afghanistan war against Russia,

poured funds and armaments into Pakistan. The Americans have created a monster

they know not. They certainly don't know how to handle it. It is growing in

power and its reach is extensive. Does Lord Jesus need Christian organizations

with their loaded purse and devious methods to propagate the message of love?

Does Prophet Mohammad need Islamic organizations with their highly devoted Jehad

to propagate the message of submissiveness to God? Perhaps not. There would not

be sufficient space to list the ways in which these groups may be able to

destroy the fabrics of India. Christian, Islamic or other groups should be

barred and restricted from any activity of forced conversions on Indian soil.




India is a secular and democratic country. The Indian Constitution provides for

equality and progress for all. Every Indian has a duty to make certain that

foreign groups do not play "tricks" on India. All Indians have lived together

quite happily in the past. The Christian and Muslim brethren and sisters need to

disassociate themselves from the clutches of these groups.

(This article is from: http://www.stephen-knapp.com)















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