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is she capable - continuation - 2

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Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,


We are continuing the discussion - "is seethaa not capable of

eliminating raavaNa on her own?" Now let us consider some slokams in

baala kaaNdam – raama and lakshmaNa are going along with sage

visvaamithra to fulfill the orders of the sage, for which reason the

sage wanted these two from king dhasaratha.


adhyardha yOjanam gathvaa sarayvaa dhakshiNe thatE | 1-22-10

raamaa ithi madhuraam vaaNeem visvaamithra: abhyabhaashatha |


10b, 11a. adhi artha yOjanam gathvaa = on going one and half yojana

sarayvaa dhaskhiNe thatE = Sarayu river's southern bank

visvaamithra = sage visvaamithra

raama ithi madhuraam vaaNeem = 'oh, Raama' thus in harmonious voice

abhya bhaashatha = spoke.


Meaning: On going one and half yOjana distance, visvaamithra

addressed Raama in a harmonious voice calling, 'oh, Raama', on the

southern riverbank of Sarayu.


gruhaaNa vathsa salilam maa bhoot kaalasya paryaya: || 1-22-11

manthra graamam gruhaaNa thvam balaam athibalaam thathaa |


11b, 12a. vathsa salilam gruhaaNa = my boy water you take

thvam thathaa = you like that

manthra graamam = hymns group of

balaam athibalaam = bala, athibala hymns

gruhaaNa = receive

kaalasya paryaya: maa bhooth = time's lapse not let there be.


Meaning: Take water, my boy, and like that you receive a group of

hymns, bala and athi bala from me, and let no time lapse.


Note: Since the Vedic hymns cannot be taught after sunset, the sage

says, `now it shall be evening time before sunset, when oblations

will be offered at sunset, and hence no time lapse can be envisaged'.


na sramO na jvarO vaa thE na roopasya viparyaya: || 1-22-12

na cha suptham pramaththam vaa dharsayishyanthi nairruthaa: |


12b, 13a. thE = to you

srama = tiredness

na = not - will not be there

jvara: vaa na = fever or no

roopasya viparyaya: na = form or personality mis-shaping no

suptham vaa pramaththam = sleeping either [or] unvigilant

nairruthaa: = demons

na dharsayishyanthi = not attack [you]


meaning: On receiving these hymns neither tiredness nor fever, nor

disfiguring of personality can effect you, nor the demons can charge

you either when you are sleeping or unvigilant.


na baahvO: sadhrisO veeryE prithivyaam asthi kaschana || 1-22-13

thrishu lOkEshu vaa raama na bhavEth sadhrusa: thava |


13b, 14a. raama baahva: veeryE = by arms strength - dexterity

[thava = your]

sadhrusa: = co-equal

kaschana = none

pruthivyaam [na] asthi = on earth [is not] there

thrishu lOkEshu vaa = in the three worlds, either

thava sadhrusa = your co-equal

na bhavEth = will not be there.


Meaning: As it is none whosoever on earth can equal you in dexterity,

raama, and by reciting these hymns, none can equal you in the three



balaam athibalaam chaiva patatha: thaatha raaghava || 1-22-14

na soubhaagyE na dhaakshiNyE na jnaanE budhdhi nischayE |

na uththarE prathi vakthavyE samO lOkE thava anagha || 1-22-15


14b, 15. thaatha = my dear

raaghava = hey Raaghava

balaam athibalaam cha Eva = bala, athibala, also thus

patatha: = if practised

anagha = oh, impeccable one

soubhaagyE thava sama: = in handsomeness [apart from fortune] your,


lOkE na = in world will not be there

daakshiNyE = by caliber

jnaanE = in erudition

buddhi nischayE = in mental determination - discernment

uththare prati + vakthavyE = in replying or rebutting

na = no.


meaning: My dear Raaghava, if bala, atibala hymns are practiced, oh,

impeccable one, none can equal you in the world by your handsomeness,

caliber, erudition, by your discernment, and even in replying or

rebutting you.


Ethath vidhyaa dhvayE labdhE na bhavEth sadhrusa: thava |

balaa cha athibalaa chaiva sarva jnaanasya maatharou || 1-22-16


16. Ethath vidhyaa dhvayE labdhE = these teachings two of them on


thava sadhrusa: na bhavEth = your similar will not be there

balaat athibalaath cha Eva = by bala and athibala also only

sarva jnaanasya maatharou = all knowledge's mothers of.


Meaning: On receiving these two teachings there will be none similar

to you, for bala and athibala are the mothers of all knowledge.


kshuth pipaasE na thE raama bhavishyEthE narOththama |

balaam athibalaam chaiva patatha: thaatha raaghava || 1-22-17


17. nara uththama raaghava = people best among Raaghava

balam athibalam cha Eva = bala and athibala hymns

patatha: = if recited

thaatha= my dear

thE = to you

raama = Raama

kshuth = hunger

pipaasa = thirst

na bhavishyEthE = not will be there.


Meaning: Oh, best one among men, Raaghava, if you go on reciting bala

and athiblala hymns, my dear Raama, there will be no hunger or thirst

to you. [1-22-17]


gruhaaNa sarva lOkasya gupthayE raghu nandhana |

vidhyaa dhvayam adheeyaanE yasa: cha atha bhavEth bhuvi |

pithaamaha suthE hi EthE vidhyE thEja: samanvithE || 1-22-18

pradhaathum thava kaakuthsa sadhrusa: thvam hi paarthiva |


18, 19a. vidyaa dvayam = teachings two

adheeyaanE = if practiced

bhuvi: = on earth

a+thula = not weighable [inestimable]

yasa: cha = renown also

atha bhavEth = then will accrue

raghu nandana = oh Raghu's legatee

thEja: samanvithE = brilliance possessed with [hymns]

pithaamaha suthE = Forefather's [brahma's] daughters

kaakuthsa = oh, Kakuthsa Raama

thava pradhaathum = to you to be given

dhaarmika = virtuous one

thvam sadhrusa: = hi you are befitting – most eligible one indeed

gruhaaNa = you take

sarva lOkasya gupthayE vidhyE = from all world kept safe [are these



meaning: And if these twin teachings are practiced an inestimable

renown will also accrue, oh, Raghu's legatee, these two hymns that

possess brilliance are the daughters of forefather Brahma, and oh,

Raama of Kaakuthsa clan, I intend to impart these hymns to you, oh

virtuous one, as you are the most eligible one, hence take the

teachings that are kept safe from the world.


kaamam bahuguNaa: sarvE thvayi EthE na athra samsaya: |1-22-19

thapasaa sambhruthE cha EthE bahu roopE bhavishyatha: |


19b, 20a. EthE = these;

bahu guNaa: = numerous, qualities;

sarvE = all of them;

kaamam = abundantly;

thE = in you [are available];

athra na samsayaH = in that matter, no, doubt;

thapasaa sambhruthE EthE = by ascesis, when nurtured, these [hymns];

bahu roopE = various forms;

bhavishyatha: = the become – yield various kinds of results.


Meaning: Though all of these numerous qualities are undoubtedly

available with you, that too in abundance, yet these hymns if

ascetically nurtured will yield various results". Thus spoke Sage

visvaamithra to raama.


Point: the sage visvaamithra has given two wonderful and great

manthraas to raama and lakshmaNa. Dear readers, if you have got what

point I want to highlight or stress, fine, otherwise please wait

until next post.




Vasudevan m.g.

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