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The VimAnams for Dhivya Dampathis at the 108 Dhivya dEsams : Part II

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Sri :


Dear Sriman Narayana BhakthAs :


Miscellaneous Information on the VimAnams of Dhivya dEsa PerumALs



I will assemble here the rest of the Names of the VimAnams from

the 108 dhivya dEsams and provide soem comments on the origin of

those names .


1. Those having links to PraNavam and Vedam


PraNavAkruthi or PraNavAkAra VimAnam with Para VaasudEvan

in residence is seen at Lord RanganAthA's temple at Srirangam . It

is also known as Veda Srunga VimAnam out of which appeared

the Vaidhika VimAnam of Lord AarAvamudhan at Thirukkudanthai .


Veda Sundara VimAnam is at TanjayALi Nagar dhivya dEsam .


Veda VimAnam is at Thiru TeRRiyambalam and ThirunAvAi .


Purusha Sooktha VimAnam is at Thiru NilAtthingaL TuNDam .


Veda Saara VimAnam is at ThiruppuLingudi and Thiruvehhaa.


1.1: The name PraNavam is associated with the VimAnams of PerumAls

at : Thiru AadhanUr , ThirumaNimADa KOil and ThiruvallikkENi

MannAthan/RanganAthan Sannidhi; the other four vimAnams at

ThriuvallikkENi are : PaarTasArathy ( Aanandha VimAnam ) ,

TeLLiya Singar ( Pushpa VimAnam ) , Sri Raamachandran

( Sesha VimAnam ) and Dhaivika VimAnam for GajEndhra Varadhan .


2. AshtAkshara VimAnam is at ThiruvAli dhivya dEsam .


3.GaganAkruthi VimAnams are at ( Thirukkadal Mallai , Thiru Attabhuyakaram ,

Thiru Kapisthalam) . Gaganam means the vast universe .VishNu NaarAyaNan

pervades every thing in this Universe as GaganAkAran . Hence the Name

for this type of VimAnam . VimalAkruthi VimAnam is at ThiruveLLaRai .


4. Vijaya Koti (ThiruyevvuL , Thirupputtkizhi , Thiru VaraguNa Mangai) ,

PuNya Koti ( Thiru AtthiyUr , ThirukkaditthAnam ) vimAnams suggest

the infinite KalyANa guNams and aparAjitha tatthvam of the Lord thru

the addition of the "Koti " and "Vijaya" sabdhams .


5. Suddha Sathva VimAnam ( ThirukkUdalUr near Aaduthurai ) relates to

the Suddha Satthva Maya Sri Vaikuntam . Saathvika VimAnam is at

Thirucchitthirakootam .


6. KalyANa VimAnam ( Thiru UrayUr, ThiruppullANi ) stands for

Sarva MangaLam and SarvathO bhadhram . Sobhana VimAnam is

at ThirutthEvanAr Thogai and PuLLambhUthangudi dhivya dEsams .

Sobanam and KalyANam as well as Bhadram have the same meaning .

Bhadhra VimAnam is at Thiru Paadakam and ThiruppErai .


7. Srikara VimAnam is at ThirukkOLUr , ThiruttaNNkaa ) ;

SrinivAsa is the One who is Srikaran .The VimAnam named

after SrinivAsan as Srikaran is at ThirunaRayUr and Thiru NinRavUr .


8. Names for VimAnams relating to DasAvathArams

and AshtOttharams are :


Govindha VimAnam ( ThirukkuruhUr ) Vaamana VimAnam

( ThirukkaLvanUr, ThirukkArakam , ThiruvARan ViLai ) ,

Mukundha VimAanam ( ParamEswara ViNNagaram) , NaarAyaNa VimAnam

( Thiru Paartthan PaLLi) , Govardhana VimAnam ( Thirupirithi ,

Thiruvada Mathurai ) , PurushOtthama VimAnam ( ThiruppuliyUr) .


9. Hema Kootam ( Thiruvananthapuram) , MaNi Kootam ( ManikkunRa

PerumAl) , PravALa (Pavazham) VimAnam( ThiruppavaLa VaNNam)


10.Garuda VimAnam is at ThErazhunthUr . Garudan is on Sama Peetam

with GhOsakan here .


11. VimAnams with links to divine pushpams


KamalAkruthi VimAnam ( ThirukkaNDiyUr ), Uthpala VimAnam

(ThirukkaNNa Mangai) , Uthpala VimAnam ( ThirukkaNNapuram ) ,

Kumudha VimAnam ( Thiru Tholaivili Mangalam) ;MandhAra VimAnam

( Thiru Nandhipura ViNNagaram) ,


12. Named after one of the Copious Rain drenching Megams ,

which took part in ThAyAr's Thirumanjanam before Her Svayamvaram:


Pushkala VimAnam ( (ThirukkAtkkarai) , ThirukkArvAnam) ,

PushkalA Varthakam at ThiruveLLiyankudi .


13. SvayambhU (Self-manifested) VimAnam ( ThirukkavaLampAdi)


14 . Names with links to Aanandham(Bliss Primciple) :


Aanandha Nilyam ( ThirukkuLanthai and Thirumalai ) , Nandha Vardhana

VimAnam ( SrIvara Mangai , SiRu puliyUr ) , SuddhAnanadha VimAnam

(ThiruviNNagar) , TatthvOdhaka VimAnam ( ThiruveLlakkuLam)


15. PanchakEthaka VimAnam , Kethaki VimAnam ( ThirumOhUr) . Ketaka

is a shrub like tree . It forms thickets .


16. Names with links to Gold ( Kanakam, Kaanchanam):


Kanaka VimAnam ( SaaLigram , Semponn sey Koil , ThirumaNikkUdam ,

Thiru VELukkai ) , Taptha Kaanchana VimAnam ( BadarIkAsramam) ,

Tatthva Kaanchana VimAnam( ThiruvitthuvakkOdu )


17. Guhai VimAnam (AhObiam ) ; AhObala Narasimhan's mouth

at avathAra Time was so huge like a Guhai .


18. Saara VimAnam ( ThirucchErai) . The KshEthram is Pancha

Saara KshEthram . One of the Five Saarams is SaaranAthan ,

the PerumAL of the Temple .


19. Soundharya VimAnam ( Thiruttanjai MaamaNikkOil , Thiru Naagai ,

and ThirumoozhikkaLam ). PerumAL's name at Thiru Naagai is

SoundararAjan . The name of the VimAnam follows that reality .


20. Names with links to Chandran/Soma :


Deva Chandra VimAnam ( ThiruttaNNkaal ) , Chandra VimAnam

( Thiru Talaicchanga NaaNNmadhiyam , Thiruvaheendhrapuram

and Sri Vaikuntam in PaaNDya dEsam) ; Soma Sundara VimAnam is

at ThirumAlirum ChOlai .


21. Jagdheeswara VimAnam ( Thiru Neeragam) . He is the Lord of

the Jagath (Worlds) containing the Chith and achith .


22. ThOyagiri VimAnam ( Thiruneermalai) . Literal translation of

the name in Tamil (Thiruneer Malai) . ThOyam means water or Neer

in Tamil .


23. Sri Hari VimAnam ( NaimisAraNyam) . PourANikars

assembled here to hear and recite Hari KathAs .


24. Indhraa VimAnam is at ThiruppErnagar .

Indhra KalyANa VimAnam is at ThiruvaNN ParichAram .

IndhrA here denotes MahAlakshmi .


25. Thirumayyam (Sathyagiri VimAnam ) . PerumAL's name is

Sathyagiri Nathan .The VimAnam's name follows that .


26. Sanjeevi Vigraha VimAnam ( ThiruvaNN PurudOtthamam).

Sanjeevi is one who brings back to life ,one who is near death

bitten by the snake called Kali Purushan . Our Lord is the rejuvenator.


27. Samsana VimAnam ( Sri VilliputthUr) ; Samsam means to extinguish

or issues that are settled or decided upon . ANDAL's Prabhandhams extinguish

(Samsanam) the SamsAra Taapams and put us on the track of Prapatthi to Her Lord



Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Oppiliappan koil Varadachari Sadagopan









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