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Presenting Sri Vaishnavism in American Schools

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I would like to present below a great opportunity to present Sri Vaishnavism in

schools across America and influence millions of school children. Please read on

if interested.


American children are taught that vedas originated at a particular point in time

as recent as 1500 BCE. They present it as such because it is the "scholarly"

opinion. But "scholarly" opinion is not presented with respect to Jesus

Mythology. Schools teach Vedic System as per western indological opinion and

Semitic Religions as per their internal faith system.


Varnashrama system is ridculed without even making the basic attempt to

understand it. Untouchability is a social practice and has nothing to with Vedas

or varnashrama. But children are taught to identify social ills such as

untouchability with the Vedic System. But they are not taught that all semitic

religions support slavery.


The text books make fun of Vedic personalities including the incarnations of the

lord himself. For example, Lord Rama is called a "monkey-god" in a demaning

manner. The god of vedas is written in small letter and the God of semitic

faiths is written in capital letter.


They make sweeping generalization about Vedanta as if it is atheistic. There is

absolutely no recognition of the fact that there are different schools of



I am part of a group working on correcting presentation of "Hinduism" as one

monolithic structure and ensuring that different vedic schools are presented as

per their respective internal faith system. This will ensure parity among all

faiths semitic and non-semitic on the American land.


Here is an opportunity for Sri Vaishnavas to present the this parama vaidhika

tradition great acharyas. The beliefs of Sri Vaishnavas in Sriman Narayana

Varnashrama System, Cyclical Time etc., can be presented. To do this, it needs a

team of intelligent educated volunteers who can work on the presentation. If

they have the energy and the courage, they can contribute to the legal battle

also. But that is not mandatory. But I request that sri hnavas with a standing

are put together to present to present Sri Vaishnava tradition in an authentic



Please pass this information on to scholarly, renown Sri Vaishnavas and help in

putting to gether a team.



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Dear Sir,


In my observation, generally presentation of any particular sub-set of Hinduism

like Vaishnavism, Srivaishnavism, Veerashaivism etc receive a much better



However, generic Hinduism/India receives a very shabby treatment, just like

you hav ementioned. Even academic scholars of Indian/Hindu up bringing


start their Hinduism chapter with Gandhi, untouchability,and Babri Masjid- as if


are some great aspects! This will be like starting a chapter on islam with 9/11

or chapter

on christianity with slavery, colonialism, Hitler or inquisition.


This is very similar to India(ns) as a whole as well- great individuals

poor community!


I think the need of the hour is how to present/protect Hinduism as a whole in

the right spirit,

and not worry about countless sects, which only present partial truths with

partiality, however

dear it may be to us!


I use the attached article while presenting generic Hinduism, and is very well




When they ask me is cow holy?

I ask them, tell me which animal is not holy.


When they ask why Hindus are against cow slaughter or consuming beef?


I tell them it is more to do with culture than religion.

Just like Americans do not eat dog, whereas in parts of Russia, Nagaland-

Christians do eat dog.





K.S. tAtAchAr




Rajaram Venkataramani <v_raja_ram


Sat, 21 Jan 2006 00:01:07 -0800 (PST)

Presenting Sri Vaishnavism in American Schools



I would like to present below a great opportunity to present Sri Vaishnavism in

schools across America and influence millions of school children. Please read on

if interested.


American children are taught that vedas originated at a particular point in time

as recent as 1500 BCE. They present it as such because it is the "scholarly"

opinion. But "scholarly" opinion is not presented with respect to Jesus

Mythology. Schools teach Vedic System as per western indological opinion and

Semitic Religions as per their internal faith system.


Varnashrama system is ridculed without even making the basic attempt to

understand it. Untouchability is a social practice and has nothing to with Vedas

or varnashrama. But children are taught to identify social ills such as

untouchability with the Vedic System. But they are not taught that all semitic

religions support slavery.


The text books make fun of Vedic personalities including the incarnations of the

lord himself. For example, Lord Rama is called a "monkey-god" in a demaning

manner. The god of vedas is written in small letter and the God of semitic

faiths is written in capital letter.


They make sweeping generalization about Vedanta as if it is atheistic. There is

absolutely no recognition of the fact that there are different schools of



I am part of a group working on correcting presentation of "Hinduism" as one

monolithic structure and ensuring that different vedic schools are presented as

per their respective internal faith system. This will ensure parity among all

faiths semitic and non-semitic on the American land.


Here is an opportunity for Sri Vaishnavas to present the this parama vaidhika

tradition great acharyas. The beliefs of Sri Vaishnavas in Sriman Narayana

Varnashrama System, Cyclical Time etc., can be presented. To do this, it needs a

team of intelligent educated volunteers who can work on the presentation. If

they have the energy and the courage, they can contribute to the legal battle

also. But that is not mandatory. But I request that sri hnavas with a standing

are put together to present to present Sri Vaishnava tradition in an authentic



Please pass this information on to scholarly, renown Sri Vaishnavas and help in

putting to gether a team.

















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Dear Bhagawatas


It is really a great effort of Sri. Rajaram

Venkataramani to project the right images of Hinduism.

My humble observation is, this might be the first

step. But generally for America, economy matters more

than religion, since the religion here is money,

market and consumerism. They probably think and belive

for any thing to have steam it needs money. Hence %

contribution of belivers to their comunity Churches.

They tend to equate economical performance with

religion. When Japan started performing economically,

they started thinking and knowing about Bhudism and

same thing about China. Now every channel talks about

China and the religion of the people and if possible

criticise the practise. Once India starts performing

more in economics then the visibility to the Hinduism

will be more.


Having said this, it is even difficult for Hindu's to

understand our system of vedantha, meemansa, nyaya,

tharka, vyakarna etc with the background of values and

traditions well in to our blood, I would very much

doubt the ability of others to digest these concepts.


My opinion is, if India progresses economically and

the language such as Sanskrit is made available for

easy access to any person, which includes easy step

clasess to learn language, its grammer and litreture,

the proper understanding of Hinduism by both Hindus

and rest of the world would not be far away.


Towards the Cow topic I found one interesting web site




Again it is circling arround Gandhiji.


Anekakoti Namaskarams


Suresh Parthasarathy


--- tatachar wrote:


> Dear Sir,


> In my observation, generally presentation of any

> particular sub-set of Hinduism like Vaishnavism,

> Srivaishnavism, Veerashaivism etc receive a much

> better treatment.


> However, generic Hinduism/India receives a very

> shabby treatment, just like

> you hav ementioned. Even academic scholars of

> Indian/Hindu up bringing typically,

> start their Hinduism chapter with Gandhi,

> untouchability,and Babri Masjid- as if these

> are some great aspects! This will be like starting a

> chapter on islam with 9/11 or chapter

> on christianity with slavery, colonialism, Hitler or

> inquisition.


> This is very similar to India(ns) as a whole as

> well- great individuals

> poor community!


> I think the need of the hour is how to

> present/protect Hinduism as a whole in the right

> spirit,

> and not worry about countless sects, which only

> present partial truths with partiality, however

> dear it may be to us!


> I use the attached article while presenting generic

> Hinduism, and is very well received.



> When they ask me is cow holy?

> I ask them, tell me which animal is not holy.


> When they ask why Hindus are against cow slaughter

> or consuming beef?


> I tell them it is more to do with culture than

> religion.

> Just like Americans do not eat dog, whereas in parts

> of Russia, Nagaland-

> Christians do eat dog.



> dAsan,


> K.S. tAtAchAr




> Rajaram Venkataramani <v_raja_ram


> Sat, 21 Jan 2006 00:01:07 -0800 (PST)

> Presenting Sri Vaishnavism in

> American Schools



> I would like to present below a great opportunity to

> present Sri Vaishnavism in

> schools across America and influence millions of

> school children. Please read on

> if interested.


> American children are taught that vedas originated

> at a particular point in time

> as recent as 1500 BCE. They present it as such

> because it is the "scholarly"

> opinion. But "scholarly" opinion is not presented

> with respect to Jesus

> Mythology. Schools teach Vedic System as per western

> indological opinion and

> Semitic Religions as per their internal faith

> system.


> Varnashrama system is ridculed without even making

> the basic attempt to

> understand it. Untouchability is a social practice

> and has nothing to with Vedas

> or varnashrama. But children are taught to identify

> social ills such as

> untouchability with the Vedic System. But they are

> not taught that all semitic

> religions support slavery.


> The text books make fun of Vedic personalities

> including the incarnations of the

> lord himself. For example, Lord Rama is called a

> "monkey-god" in a demaning

> manner. The god of vedas is written in small letter

> and the God of semitic

> faiths is written in capital letter.


> They make sweeping generalization about Vedanta as

> if it is atheistic. There is

> absolutely no recognition of the fact that there are

> different schools of

> interpretation.


> I am part of a group working on correcting

> presentation of "Hinduism" as one

> monolithic structure and ensuring that different

> vedic schools are presented as

> per their respective internal faith system. This

> will ensure parity among all

> faiths semitic and non-semitic on the American land.



> Here is an opportunity for Sri Vaishnavas to present

> the this parama vaidhika

> tradition great acharyas. The beliefs of Sri

> Vaishnavas in Sriman Narayana

> Varnashrama System, Cyclical Time etc., can be

> presented. To do this, it needs a

> team of intelligent educated volunteers who can work

> on the presentation. If

> they have the energy and the courage, they can

> contribute to the legal battle

> also. But that is not mandatory. But I request that

> sri hnavas with a standing

> are put together to present to present Sri Vaishnava

> tradition in an authentic

> manner.


> Please pass this information on to scholarly, renown

> Sri Vaishnavas and help in

> putting to gether a team.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




[Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]











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Dear Bhagavatas:

There can be no comparison between a billion year old "Sanatana Dharma" and

religions that have mushroomed in the recent past, say a few hundred years, (may

be a couple of thousand years)!


They are all "kal ke bache", incorporating points they find convenient to do so

from our ancient religion and masquerade as "new" ones.


I entirely agree with Sri Suresh Iyengar's assessment. The fact is that none of

them could fool the intelligentsia among the Hindus whether by force or by

inducements during the last few centuries!


We can safely leave it to the mighty hands of Bhagavaan and not feel over

anxious about a development that is bound to vanish as quickly as it appeared!


Once again, your attention is invited to the "Mission statement" of "Sri Ranga

Sri". No further discussions on the subject will be approved for featuring in

"Sri Ranga Sri".


Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.





Dear Sir


First of all adiyen is not too worried about even

projecting the image of Hinduism. If we all belive

"Truth triumps" and Sanathana Dharma is based on

Truth, then it will survive no mater what is done to

deface or eradicate.


In communication, one need to tell and another need to

listen. But the listener need to accept the one who

tells him some thing. Other wise that talk will just

yield no result. For a listener to take interest in

the other person, either he needs to have the craving

for learning about the subject the other person is

talking or some circumstances and attributes of the

other's should attract him. One of the attribute is

wealth. That is the universally accepted attribute for

the present era. The present form of wealth's author

is US. Here every thing is driven by numbers. That is

what I was trying to communicate and no casting

aspersions on any locals.


Same way our house will be in order if we start making

things easily available and restore the systematic

study our ancient seers engaged in with out any bias

against any subsects which was not really the

character of India once upon a time. Almost all the

Acharyas' have debated and established their faith and

none of the debates turned in to violence. That

indicated that they were true seeker's and not

bothered about the externals. I would think Sri Veda

Vyasa, has done precisely the same, sytematising the

learning and making it available easily.


And time immemorial, as per our scriptures, there

always had been time the threats for the survival of

Sanatana Dharma, but all of a sudden it will come

right back up. That shows it is truthful and will

survive ever.


Anekakoti namaskarams


Suresh Parthasarathy


--- Gopi Chari <ekcvv wrote:


> Dear Parthasarathy,

> Adayen!


> What is really dangerous to our community here is

> Indians. A very few

> Hindus bother to read our scriptures. Those that do

> not read any

> scriptures still have no problem in talking and

> arguing about it. Most of

> the 'Hindu' s feel it is their obligation to be

> 'secular'. Unfortunately,

> they feel that secular means knocking the practices

> of the religion.

> Quite a few of these practices may have nothing to

> do with the

> scriptures. Then we have non-Hindu Indians. Most of

> them neither know

> their religion & scriptures or Hindu scriptures. But

> the first chance

> they see any perceived problem with the Hindus they

> make noises. An

> example is the present problem with California

> education.


> I find locals in US to be less aggressive than that.

> They seem to have

> (those that learned some thing about Hindus) are

> quite respectful. In

> general, those spiritual sorts are lot less

> materialistic than Indians.


> I honestly think that we have to get our house

> straight before we say

> unnecessary things about local people. The question

> is how do we go about

> making Hindus understand their scriptures and

> history!


> I do not have any answer!


> Gopi Chari








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"billion year old Sanatana Dharma" - I wish this fact is proven once and

for all to the public including so called 'scientists'

I wish to narrate a small story in this regard!

I was at Visakha patnam (A.P) and by chance attended a seminar on

archeology of Dwaraka. The scientists were describing in detail about the

city they discovered at the mouth ofArabian Sea The subject was quirw

absorbing except when they came to the date! They dated as 1500 B.C. Then

I asked "From what I understand Krishna died apparently in3102 B.C. per

the position of the stars. Dwarka was supposed to have gone under the

waters around that time. Youare dating it over a millineum later?"

The scientist(s) replied, "Sorry, but if my dates do not coincide with

those accepted by the West, our articles will not be published. So, we

fudged the data."

That is my story!


Gopi Chari

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