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Sandhyavandanam Classes in Atlanta by Sri Anbil Ramaswamy HINDUSIM RE-DISCONVERED IN THE REAL SENSE

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Most Respected members:




Very nice to hear of this ultimate initiative by Shri Anbil Ramaswamy. This

is the single most critical requirement for this age, especially for us who

wear the Sacred thread. As a Venerated Sage from Kanchi exhorted and

lamented long ago : non-performance of the Sandhya is the curse of this

Kali yuga when worship in various forms is given undue importance at the

cost of the Sandhya which is relegated to a mechanical meaningless, casual

ritual to be rushed thru.


In Mumbai a small initiative was taken 3 years ago by an obscure scholar

associated with the Bhajana Samaj. Every Sunday between 3 to 5, free.

Please believe this writer, but except for just 4 people there were no

takers. He had to ultimately discontinue the class as even this bleak

number started diminishing and he had only this writer and his sons as

students. He took a very reluctant decision to call-off the classes and

blamed the parents, especially mothers for pampering their boys by urging

them to attend the Rudram, Sanskrit, V-Sahasranama, Narayaneeyam and other

chanting classes on weekends conducted by professional tutors charging a

fee, when at the primary level their eligibility itself was in question

since they were not performing the Sandhya regularly. Boys were more regular

in their Mridangam classes at the Shankmukhananda Sabha and would rush from

their school and the parents would be very proud to distribute the

elaborate invitation cards for their 'first stage performance' of their

Carnatic vocal rendition or the Mridangam or flute performance, but when

one discreetly enquired, they simply brushed off with typical "street-smart

rhetoric" - where is the time for Sandhya? we listen to the Gaythri Cassette

or do this with the prayer in the morning and so on and so forth....."

Boys would attend in droves with their fathers to the Sanskrit classes run

by many mutts here, and learn by rote the Upanasids and other complicated

Vedic chantings, but when it came to the Sandhya they would blindly turn

away. No one would be chided by their parents.


Most of us are aware of Shri Anbil Ramaswamy's magnum opus


Re-discovered" which is just a book, but this initiative is the book

playing out in real-time 3-D action.


If one may humbly request, one would urge members to spread the message far

and wide in the winds to all and sundry so that the baton is taken up from

Shri Anbil Ramaswamy and the relay continues. Let us pray to the Mighty

Heavens that this initiative becomes a mass movement and Sanatana Dharma

gets a fitting revival.


Om tat sat

Tat tvam asi






<rajangopalan23@ to:="">


> cc:

Sent by:

Sandhyavandanam Classes in Atlanta by Sri Anbil Ramaswamy





02/04/06 03:02








Sri Rama Jayam!


Bhagavatas residing in or around or passing through Atlanta area

during the next 3 Saturdays at the time of the classes (between

10.00am and 11.00n am) and are desirous of joining the classes may

register at email id:


or call on the following Phone number

© 404-421-7567


While registering, you may provide details such as: whether you have

had your "SamaasrayaNam" and the Achaarya lineage to which you belong



On registering, we will give you the directions to the venue and

instruct you on the requirements for attending the classes.


In case this is very short notice, please send an email letting me

know if you will be available at a future date. There will me more

classes on other topics and Bhagavatas as welcome to participate.


Om Namo Narayana!

Rajan Gopalan




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Namaskaram to all.


Kudos to Sri Anbil Ramaswamy for taking up this

wonderful initiative. As Sri Ramachandran rightly

says, people have totally forgotten the essentiality

and magnanimity of Sandhyavandanam and are looking up

to many other things. This is like neglecting one's

own parents and doing great service to the society.


I have come across several people professing with

pride about their belonging to the Brahmin community,

but do not perform the Sandhya even for a day, not

even on the day of the upakarma. What is the use of

being a Dwija and not performing the most important

part of it?


Many more say they have been initiated into this

mantram and that mantram, but without performing the

Sandhya, these are least fruitful.


Many belonging to the priestly class also have given

up this sacred ritual. They adorn themselves with the

eye-catching religious insignia thinking that these

will attract many people. But seldom do they know that

the tejas obtained from performing the Sandhya will be

far more than anything else.



Sudarshan Iyer



--- s.ramachandran wrote:


> Most Respected members:




> Very nice to hear of this ultimate initiative by

> Shri Anbil Ramaswamy. This

> is the single most critical requirement for this

> age, especially for us who

> wear the Sacred thread. As a Venerated Sage

> from Kanchi exhorted and

> lamented long ago : non-performance of the

> Sandhya is the curse of this

> Kali yuga when worship in various forms is given

> undue importance at the

> cost of the Sandhya which is relegated to a

> mechanical meaningless, casual

> ritual to be rushed thru.


> In Mumbai a small initiative was taken 3 years

> ago by an obscure scholar

> associated with the Bhajana Samaj. Every

> Sunday between 3 to 5, free.

> Please believe this writer, but except for just

> 4 people there were no

> takers. He had to ultimately discontinue the

> class as even this bleak

> number started diminishing and he had only this

> writer and his sons as

> students. He took a very reluctant decision to

> call-off the classes and

> blamed the parents, especially mothers for

> pampering their boys by urging

> them to attend the Rudram, Sanskrit, V-Sahasranama,

> Narayaneeyam and other

> chanting classes on weekends conducted by

> professional tutors charging a

> fee, when at the primary level their eligibility

> itself was in question

> since they were not performing the Sandhya

> regularly. Boys were more regular

> in their Mridangam classes at the Shankmukhananda

> Sabha and would rush from

> their school and the parents would be very

> proud to distribute the

> elaborate invitation cards for their 'first

> stage performance' of their

> Carnatic vocal rendition or the Mridangam or

> flute performance, but when

> one discreetly enquired, they simply brushed off

> with typical "street-smart

> rhetoric" - where is the time for Sandhya? we listen

> to the Gaythri Cassette

> or do this with the prayer in the morning and

> so on and so forth....."

> Boys would attend in droves with their fathers to

> the Sanskrit classes run

> by many mutts here, and learn by rote the

> Upanasids and other complicated

> Vedic chantings, but when it came to the Sandhya

> they would blindly turn

> away. No one would be chided by their parents.


> Most of us are aware of Shri Anbil Ramaswamy's

> magnum opus

> "Hindusim

> Re-discovered" which is just a book, but this

> initiative is the book

> playing out in real-time 3-D action.


> If one may humbly request, one would urge members to

> spread the message far

> and wide in the winds to all and sundry so that the

> baton is taken up from

> Shri Anbil Ramaswamy and the relay continues.

> Let us pray to the Mighty

> Heavens that this initiative becomes a mass

> movement and Sanatana Dharma

> gets a fitting revival.


> Om tat sat

> Tat tvam asi




> <rajangopalan23@ to:="">



> > cc:



> Sent by:

> Sandhyavandanam Classes in

> Atlanta by Sri Anbil Ramaswamy

> @yaho






02/04/06 03:02



> AM











Sri Rama

> Jayam!


> Bhagavatas residing in or around or passing

> through Atlanta area

> during the next 3 Saturdays at the time of

> the classes (between

> 10.00am and 11.00n am) and are desirous of

> joining the classes may

> register at

> email id:

> rajangopalan23

> or call on the following

> Phone number

> ©

> 404-421-7567


> While registering, you may provide details

> such as: whether you have

> had your "SamaasrayaNam" and the Achaarya

> lineage to which you belong

> etc.


> On registering, we will give you the

> directions to the venue and

> instruct you on the requirements for

> attending the classes.


> In case this is very short notice, please

> send an email letting me

> know if you will be available at a future

> date. There will me more

> classes on other topics and Bhagavatas as

> welcome to participate.


> Om Namo

> Narayana!

> Rajan

> Gopalan












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