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sandhyaa vandhanam

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Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,


Many a times the topic of sandhyaa vandhanam has featured in the lists. Many a

times what is the procedure, whether can I do like this can I do that way etc

have been asked. One particular thing that has not been asked is, "what are the

benefits of doing the sandhyaa vandhanam regularly?" or may be that it is asked

but answer also is not so direct or hard-hitting. That is why it is not staying

in the mind.


"Not doing sandhya will result in paapam, doing it will result puNNiyam, also it



These may be the general replies that have been given. But these do not convince

us so easily. But here is one point, which I think every body will desire to

have as a result of doing sandhyaa vandhanam - viz - long life.


"Hey, no, I do not want to live long" etc are just words coming from lips, but

tell me sincerely - may be your heart longs for that.


May be, yudhishtira the eldest among paaNdavaas also had similar doubt like us.

So he asked his grand father Bhishma, lying in the arrow bed awaiting the

arrival of uththaraayaNam. What he replies is the one which we all must read and

remember. After knowing this at least I hope every body will start doing

sandhyaa vandhanam without fail. For this benefit is very dear to each one of

us. Now read on.


Section 107 in anusaasana parvam of mahaa bhaaratham - available through the

links to mahaa bhaaratham in the web site www.sanskrit.gde.to


Quote --

Yudhishtira asks his grandfather Bheeshma --

satha aayur uktha: purusha: satha veeryas cha vaidhikE |

kasmaan mriyanthE purushaa baalaa api pithaamaha || 1




SECTION 104 of anusaasana parvam - translation in English by kisari mohan

ganguly in web site www.sacred-text.com <http://www.sacred-text.com/>




Meaning: Yudhishthira said, 'Man, it is said, is endued with a period of life

extending for 100 years, and with energy and might that are considerable. Why

then, O grandsire, do human beings die even when they are very young?



aayushmaan kEna bhavathi svalpa aayurvaapi maanava: |

kEna vaa labhathE keerthim kEna vaa labhathE sriyam || 2


thapasaa brahmacharyENa japair homais thathaa oushadhai: |

janmanaa yadhi vaachaaraath than mE broohi pithaamaha || 3




meaning: By what does a man become endued with longevity, and by what is his

life shortened? Through what does a man acquire the fame that rests upon great

achievements? Through what does one attain to wealth and prosperity? Is it by

penances, or Brahmacharya, or silent recitation of sacred Manthras, or drugs? Is

it by his acts, or speech? Do thou explain to me this, O grandsire!'



Bhishma replied, [or said]

'I shall tell thee what thou askest me. In fact, I shall tell thee what the

reason is for which one becomes short-lived, and what the reason is for which

one becomes endued with longevity. I shall also explain to thee the reason for

which one succeeds in acquiring the fame that rests on great achievements, and

the reason for which one succeeds in acquiring wealth and prosperity. Indeed, I

shall enlighten thee as to the manner in which one must live in order to be

endued with all that is beneficial for him.




It is by conduct that one acquires longevity, and it is by conduct that one

acquires wealth and prosperity. Indeed, it is by conduct that one acquires the

fame that rests upon great achievements both here and hereafter.




The man whose conduct is improper or wicked never acquires a long life. All

creatures become afraid of such a man and are oppressed by him. If, therefore,

one wishes one's own advancement and prosperity, one should, in this world,

betake to conduct that is proper and good.




Good conduct succeeds in dispelling the inauspiciousness and misery of even one

that is sinful. Righteousness has conduct for its indication. They that are good

and righteous are so in consequence of the conduct they follow. The indications,

again, of good conduct are afforded by the acts of those that are good or





People esteem that man who acts righteously and who does good acts even if they

only hear of him without actually seeing him.




They that are atheists, they that are destitute of all acts, they that are

disobedient to preceptors and transgress the injunctions of the scriptures, they

that are unacquainted with and, therefore, unobservant of duties, and they that

are wicked of conduct, become short-lived. They that are of improper behaviour,

they that transgress all restraints, they that are unscrupulous in respect of

sexual congress, become short-lived here and have to go to Hell hereafter.




Even those men live for 100 years who, though destitute of all accomplishments,

betake themselves to propriety and righteousness of conduct and become endued

with faith and freed from malice.




He that is free from wrath, that is truthful in speech, that never does any

injury to any creature in the universe, that is divested of malice and

crookedness and insincerity, succeeds in living for 100 years.




He who always breaks little clods of earth, or tears up the grass that grows

under his feet, or cuts off his nails with his teeth, or is always impure, or

very restless, never succeeds in acquiring a long life. --- unquote



MGV's Point: perhaps the above may not be of much interest to us since it is all

good "sermon on the mount" on good conduct. But comes next line which is

important and precious from that angle of getting a long life - here also

bheeshma did not put it straight but said rishis got a long life because they

never missed the sandhyaa vandhanam. So the point here is "if one wishes a long

life please do sandhya vandhanam regularly". See the slOkams and meaning given



Quote --

braahmE muhoorthE budhyEtha dharma arthou cha anuchinthayEth |

uththaaya aachamya thishtEtha poorvaam sandhyaam krutha anjali: || 16


Evam Eva aaparaan sandhyaam samupaaseetha vaagyatha: |

na eekshEtha aadithyam udhyantham na asthamyaantham kadhaachana || 17


rishayO dheergha sandhyathvaadh dheergham aayur avaapnuvan |

thasmaath thishtEth sadhaa poorvaam pashchimaan cha Eva vaagyatha: || 18


yE cha poorvaam upaasanthE dhvijaa: sandhyaam na paschimaam |

sarvaan sthaan dhaarmikO raajaa soodhra karmaaNi kaarayEeth || 19



meaning: One should wake up from sleep at the hour known as the Brahma Muhurtham

and then think of both religion and profit.




Getting up from bed, one should then wash one's face, mouth, and joining one's

hands in an attitude of reverence, say the morning prayers.




In this way, one should when evening comes, say one's evening prayers also,

restraining speech (with other people) the while.




One should never look at the rising sun, nor at the setting sun. Nor should one

look at the sun when he is in eclipse; nor at his image in the water; nor at

midday when he is at the meridian.




The Rishis, in consequence of their adoring the 2 twilights with great

regularity succeeded in attaining to longevity.




Hence, one should, restraining speech, say one's prayers regularly at the 2

twilights. As regards those Brahmanas that do not say their prayers at the 2

twilights, a righteous king should set them to accomplish such acts as are

ordained for the Sudras". --- unquote




Explanation on What is The Brahma Muhurta? It means - that time when the sun is

just below the horizon. The prayers said in the morning and the evening [or the

sandhyaa vandhanam] are also spoken of as adoring the 2 twilights.




Please read once again if it is not clear in first reading, and carry it in the

mind always. Wish you all a long and happy life obtained through doing sandhyaa

vandhanam properly.






Vasudevan m.g.





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proprietary.Information in this mail is for L&T Business Usage only. Any Use to

other than the addressee is misuse and infringement to Proprietorship of L&T

ECC.If you are not the addressee please return the mail to the sender.L&T ECC


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Dear Sri Vasudevan,


Thanks for very revealing references which should help us to hold Sandhya

vandanam in greater reverence. Furthermore, two verses that specify Sandhya

vandanam as reproduced from your mail below

may perhaps be the simplest form of Sandhya vandanam. Lot easier to follow.

Also there is no mention of mAdhyAnikam.


>>Getting up from bed, one should then wash one's face, mouth, and joining one's

hands in an attitude of reverence, say the morning prayers.


In this way, one should when evening comes, say one's evening prayers also,

restraining speech (with other people) the while. <<





K.S. tAtAchAr



M.G.Vasudevan <mgv


Cc: ramanuja; tiruvenkatam

Sun, 12 Feb 2006 21:19:22 +0530

sandhyaa vandhanam



Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,


Many a times the topic of sandhyaa vandhanam has featured in the lists. Many a

times what is the procedure, whether can I do like this can I do that way etc

have been asked. One particular thing that has not been asked is, "what are the

benefits of doing the sandhyaa vandhanam regularly?" or may be that it is asked

but answer also is not so direct or hard-hitting. That is why it is not staying

in the mind.


"Not doing sandhya will result in paapam, doing it will result puNNiyam, also it



These may be the general replies that have been given. But these do not convince

us so easily. But here is one point, which I think every body will desire to

have as a result of doing sandhyaa vandhanam - viz - long life.


"Hey, no, I do not want to live long" etc are just words coming from lips, but

tell me sincerely - may be your heart longs for that.


May be, yudhishtira the eldest among paaNdavaas also had similar doubt like us.

So he asked his grand father Bhishma, lying in the arrow bed awaiting the

arrival of uththaraayaNam. What he replies is the one which we all must read and

remember. After knowing this at least I hope every body will start doing

sandhyaa vandhanam without fail. For this benefit is very dear to each one of

us. Now read on.


Section 107 in anusaasana parvam of mahaa bhaaratham - available through the

links to mahaa bhaaratham in the web site www.sanskrit.gde.to


Quote --

Yudhishtira asks his grandfather Bheeshma --

satha aayur uktha: purusha: satha veeryas cha vaidhikE |

kasmaan mriyanthE purushaa baalaa api pithaamaha || 1




SECTION 104 of anusaasana parvam - translation in English by kisari mohan

ganguly in web site www.sacred-text.com <http://www.sacred-text.com/>




Meaning: Yudhishthira said, 'Man, it is said, is endued with a period of life

extending for 100 years, and with energy and might that are considerable. Why

then, O grandsire, do human beings die even when they are very young?



aayushmaan kEna bhavathi svalpa aayurvaapi maanava: |

kEna vaa labhathE keerthim kEna vaa labhathE sriyam || 2


thapasaa brahmacharyENa japair homais thathaa oushadhai: |

janmanaa yadhi vaachaaraath than mE broohi pithaamaha || 3




meaning: By what does a man become endued with longevity, and by what is his

life shortened? Through what does a man acquire the fame that rests upon great

achievements? Through what does one attain to wealth and prosperity? Is it by

penances, or Brahmacharya, or silent recitation of sacred Manthras, or drugs? Is

it by his acts, or speech? Do thou explain to me this, O grandsire!'



Bhishma replied, [or said]

'I shall tell thee what thou askest me. In fact, I shall tell thee what the

reason is for which one becomes short-lived, and what the reason is for which

one becomes endued with longevity. I shall also explain to thee the reason for

which one succeeds in acquiring the fame that rests on great achievements, and

the reason for which one succeeds in acquiring wealth and prosperity. Indeed, I

shall enlighten thee as to the manner in which one must live in order to be

endued with all that is beneficial for him.




It is by conduct that one acquires longevity, and it is by conduct that one

acquires wealth and prosperity. Indeed, it is by conduct that one acquires the

fame that rests upon great achievements both here and hereafter.




The man whose conduct is improper or wicked never acquires a long life. All

creatures become afraid of such a man and are oppressed by him. If, therefore,

one wishes one's own advancement and prosperity, one should, in this world,

betake to conduct that is proper and good.




Good conduct succeeds in dispelling the inauspiciousness and misery of even one

that is sinful. Righteousness has conduct for its indication. They that are good

and righteous are so in consequence of the conduct they follow. The indications,

again, of good conduct are afforded by the acts of those that are good or





People esteem that man who acts righteously and who does good acts even if they

only hear of him without actually seeing him.




They that are atheists, they that are destitute of all acts, they that are

disobedient to preceptors and transgress the injunctions of the scriptures, they

that are unacquainted with and, therefore, unobservant of duties, and they that

are wicked of conduct, become short-lived. They that are of improper behaviour,

they that transgress all restraints, they that are unscrupulous in respect of

sexual congress, become short-lived here and have to go to Hell hereafter.




Even those men live for 100 years who, though destitute of all accomplishments,

betake themselves to propriety and righteousness of conduct and become endued

with faith and freed from malice.




He that is free from wrath, that is truthful in speech, that never does any

injury to any creature in the universe, that is divested of malice and

crookedness and insincerity, succeeds in living for 100 years.




He who always breaks little clods of earth, or tears up the grass that grows

under his feet, or cuts off his nails with his teeth, or is always impure, or

very restless, never succeeds in acquiring a long life. --- unquote



MGV's Point: perhaps the above may not be of much interest to us since it is all

good "sermon on the mount" on good conduct. But comes next line which is

important and precious from that angle of getting a long life - here also

bheeshma did not put it straight but said rishis got a long life because they

never missed the sandhyaa vandhanam. So the point here is "if one wishes a long

life please do sandhya vandhanam regularly". See the slOkams and meaning given



Quote --

braahmE muhoorthE budhyEtha dharma arthou cha anuchinthayEth |

uththaaya aachamya thishtEtha poorvaam sandhyaam krutha anjali: || 16


Evam Eva aaparaan sandhyaam samupaaseetha vaagyatha: |

na eekshEtha aadithyam udhyantham na asthamyaantham kadhaachana || 17


rishayO dheergha sandhyathvaadh dheergham aayur avaapnuvan |

thasmaath thishtEth sadhaa poorvaam pashchimaan cha Eva vaagyatha: || 18


yE cha poorvaam upaasanthE dhvijaa: sandhyaam na paschimaam |

sarvaan sthaan dhaarmikO raajaa soodhra karmaaNi kaarayEeth || 19



meaning: One should wake up from sleep at the hour known as the Brahma Muhurtham

and then think of both religion and profit.




Getting up from bed, one should then wash one's face, mouth, and joining one's

hands in an attitude of reverence, say the morning prayers.




In this way, one should when evening comes, say one's evening prayers also,

restraining speech (with other people) the while.




One should never look at the rising sun, nor at the setting sun. Nor should one

look at the sun when he is in eclipse; nor at his image in the water; nor at

midday when he is at the meridian.




The Rishis, in consequence of their adoring the 2 twilights with great

regularity succeeded in attaining to longevity.




Hence, one should, restraining speech, say one's prayers regularly at the 2

twilights. As regards those Brahmanas that do not say their prayers at the 2

twilights, a righteous king should set them to accomplish such acts as are

ordained for the Sudras". --- unquote




Explanation on What is The Brahma Muhurta? It means - that time when the sun is

just below the horizon. The prayers said in the morning and the evening [or the

sandhyaa vandhanam] are also spoken of as adoring the 2 twilights.




Please read once again if it is not clear in first reading, and carry it in the

mind always. Wish you all a long and happy life obtained through doing sandhyaa

vandhanam properly.






Vasudevan m.g.





This Message and its contents is intended solely for the addressee and is

proprietary.Information in this mail is for L&T Business Usage only. Any Use to

other than the addressee is misuse and infringement to Proprietorship of L&T

ECC.If you are not the addressee please return the mail to the sender.L&T ECC















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