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Salagrama Details

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Dear all:

The best course will be to accept Salagramam

as gift from AnushTatas who have been doing

Tiruvaradanam and are willing to part with them.


Elders used to advise against BUYING Salgaramams,

like from shops.


May be one can check the geniuneness of the Salagramams

with the help of reliable AnusTatas before buying them.


This is because lot of spurious stuff get into such outlets

- may be without their knowledge.


Anbil Ramaswamy






You can contact Khadi Gramodyag at Ranganathan Street, T Nagar







There are 4 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. types of dharmam


2. Hello! Are there any group-members out there residing in Stuttgart, Germany

sudarshan madabushi

3. Salagrama - Details


4. SRS Vol 7-44 dated 03-16-06 SV 2-5







Message: 1

Thu, 16 Mar 2006 15:51:51 +0530


types of dharmam


Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,


Many a sri vaishNavaas in the lists of may well be aware that in

sri vishNu sahasra naamam there is a slOkam which reads


Sree vaisampaayana uvaacha -

sruthvaa dharmaan asEshENa pavanaani cha sarvasa: |

yudhishtira: saanthanavam puna: Eva abhyabhaashatha: ||


This slOkam will on anvayam - putting in prose order - read as


yudhishtira: Eva dharmaan cha pavanaani sarvasa: asEshENa sruthvaa, saanthanavam

puna: abhyabhaashtha: ||


Meaning: sree vaisampaayana said - having listened to a complete ennobling and

purifying ethical principles, yudhishtira spoke to bheeshma the son of santhanu



This means that even after listening quite a lot about dharmam from bheeshma,

still yudhishtira had some more doubts and as such wants to continue the

conversation. Yes. That is what all 'saanthi parva' and 'anusaasana parva' the

12th and 13th parvaas of mahaa bhaaratha talk about.


On the above slOkam sri parasara bhattar, in his 'bhagavath guNa dharpaNam', the

commentary on 'sree vishNu sahasra naama', on the word "dharmaan" comments as


dharmaan - this comprehensively embraces

1. raaja dharma [duty of the kings]

2. mOksha dharma [the code for attainment of salvation]

3. dhaana dharma [the principles underlying the dispensation of charity]

in accordance with the decrees and injunctions enjoined by sruthi and smrithi

conferring material benefits here and in yonder worlds.


[Please note the word dharma is translated here as ethical principles. In other

place it was done as religion, by another author. Further here itself three

kinds of dharma are brought out].


By way of continuing his talk with his grandfather bheesham, the questions what

yudhishtira asked are also well known [which we recite daily in sree vishNu

sahasra naamam] -

1. lOkE kim Ekam dhaivatham?

2. Ekam kim paraayaNam?

3. sthuvantha: kam?

4. maanavaa: subham praapnuyur kam archantha:?

5. sarva dharmaaNam bavatha kO dharma: parama: matha ?

6. janthu: samsaara bhandhanaath kim japan muchyathE ?


[For those not familiar with above Sanskrit anvayam done to the slokam - please

refer next slokam of above quoted one "sree vaisampaayana uvaacha"]


We, in this write up, are interested to study the answer to the 5th question

only, which is bhavatha sarva dharmaaNaam ka: parama dharma: matha?


Meaning: "Amongst all dharmam, which is the supreme dharmam in your opinion"

asks yudhishtira to bheeshma his grand father.


The answer given by bheeshma is simple and great - or is it simply great?


Esha mE sarva dharmaaNaam dharma: adhika thamO matha |

yath bhakthyaa pundareekaaksham sthavai: archEth nara: sadhaa ||


When anvayam is done - then it will read - nara: yath bhakthyaa pundareekaaksham

sadhaa sthavai:, sadhaa archEth, [thath] sarva dharmaaNaam adhikathamo dharma:,

Esha mE matha |


Meaning: bheeshma said or replied "This I consider the highest ethical act among

all where a person incessantly and devoutly adores with hymns the lord who has

eyes like lotus".


[MGV - please note the word sadhaa - normally translated as 'always' is put here

as 'incessantly']


On this reply slokam of bheeshma, sri bhattar comments on the word "dharmaaNaam

adhikathama dharma:" by elaborating on the classification of dharma as


- dharma is four fold - viz.

1. Dharma performed for material benefits viz. cattle children and other


2. Dharmam performed for obtaining celestial pleasures such as svarga [the world

of gods]

3. Dharmam for attainment of salvation, which consists of realization of time

knowledge by purification of self, by sacrifice, by charitable acts without

desire for fruits.

4. Dharmam of Meditation, singing in praise, prostration before the lord with

love and affection.

And the fourth is the best of all as indicated by the superlative suffix thama:


[MGV adds not simply thama: which itself is superlative, but adhika thama:]


Dear readers, perhaps, now you will ask why all these, when these two slokams

are well known, or on things are already known. The highlight or emphasis, I

want to present before you all, is on the types of dharmam -


The dharmam in this world is predominantly

- performed for material benefits

- for obtaining celestial pleasures

- for attaining salvation

- done with love and affection.


Perhaps we can say, again, this classification is from the very famous bhagavth

geethaa slOkam -


chathur-vidha bhajanthE mam jana: sukrithinO 'rjuna |

arthO jijnasu: arthaarthee jnaani cha bharatharshabha || 7-16


meaning: O best among the Bhaarathaas, four kinds of pious men begin to render

devotional service unto Me -

1. the distressed,

2. the desirer of wealth,

3. the inquisitive,

4. who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute."


Further if we analyse why persons do render devotional service to the lord - for

- the distressed need material benefits here and now in this world

- the desirer of wealth - may need wealth for doing dharma here as well in the

other world by way of dhaanam, yagnaas etc

- inquisitive - by repeated questioning wants to attain salvation

- searching for knowledge of the absolute simply out of love and affection - by

enjoying his guNaas as in sahasra naama.


Also as bhagavaan himself says in his next slOkam


thEshaam jnaani nithya-yuktha Eka-bhakthir visishyathE |

priyO hi jnaaninO 'thyartham aham sa cha mama priya: || 7-17


meaning: Of these, the one who is in full knowledge and who is always engaged in

pure devotional service is the best. For I am very dear to him, and he is dear

to Me".


Both, the lord as well the devotee have mutual love for each other. This is what

bheeshmaa also said in his elaboration - dharma adhika thama --- yath bhakthyaa

puNdareekaaksham ----'.


Perhaps what the lord said is echoed by bheeshmaa since there was also a small

time lapse in between the dates of geethaa [the first day of war] and bheeshmaa

uttering sahsra naamam [after 18 days of war].


Comments on the above lines are welcome.




Vasudevan m.g.





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Message: 2

Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:22:16 +0000 (GMT)

sudarshan madabushi

Hello! Are there any group-members out there residing in Stuttgart,




Dear members,


I'm travelling out to Stuttgart on business and be

camping there next week. If any of you happen to be

residing there, it would be a pleasure to connect with

you. I will be staying at the Mariott Hotel in

Stuttgart ahd should be generally free after about 6



Thanks and regards,







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Message: 3

Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:55:55 +0000 (GMT)


Salagrama - Details


dear bhakthas,


If some one can provide details about, where can i get

salagrama- Vasudeva ,Lakshmi narayana ,Narashima and

Hyagreeva etc.


I stay in chennai. Please help to serve my lord.


Please provide me full details for contacting.








With Thanks and Best Regards


K.S. Ramakrishnan


Reach Rams @ 98408 69121










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Message: 4

Thu, 16 Mar 2006 15:43:29 -0000


SRS Vol 7-44 dated 03-16-06 SV 2-5


SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha //

SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha //

SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/

SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya//

KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: /

SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm//


SRI RANGA SRI VOL.07 / ISSUE # 44 dated 16th March 2006




Dear Bhagavatas:


It gives me great pleasure to record that the first course of SV

classes comprising of 6 sessions was successfully completed. Almost

all the participants have now mastered the sequences of the

procedures and the Mantras associated in a short period of time.

They now feel happy that they have been piloted to the mainstream

and have vowed to continue doing Trikaala SV for the rest of their



All the credit goes to asmad Achaaryan, Srimad Andavan, Poundarika

puram Swami Asramam, Srirangam who is very strict in insisting on

the performance of SV and is the motive force behind this effort. I

had the Bhaagyam of informing him of the successful completion.

Naturally, he was extremely happy.


Many other aspirants have petitioned for the commencement of the

next session. Some have also desired starting of classes

for "Tiruvaaraadanam". We will try our best to accommodate them at

an early date. An announcement will be made as soon as the details

are finalized.






2. SANDHYAA VANDANAM -– Part 2 - 5





The following questions have been answered


Q. 21. What is "Pancha katcham"? Why should we wear "Pancha

katcham"? What other practices are to be observed with reference to

dress codes while engaging in religious rites?

Q. 22. Is there any justification for the use of "paTTu" (silk)

and "ajina" (deerskin) tied to the Brahmachaari's "mounji" (girdle

made of a triple string of Munja-grass) etc. that obviously

involve "himsa" (injury to a living being)?

Q. 23. If plants have life, how can we pluck flowers, TuLasi, Darbha

etc that also involve "himsa"?

Q. 24. What is the difference between

Pavitram", "KoorchamDarbham", "Kusam" etc and what purposes do

they serve?

Q. 25.What is the purpose and significance of wearing "PooNool"?

Why do we wear it in different modes on different occasions?

Q. 26. Can we drink coffee? How about medicines? Are there any

guidelines in the matter of taking food?



So far, 220 Regular issues of SRS have been released apart from

Special Issues:

27 Issues of Vol. 1

15 Issues of Vol. 2

42 Issues of Vol. 3

35 Issues of Vol. 4

28 Issues of Vol. 5

30 Issues of Vol. 6 and

43 Issues of Vol. 7


These issues have been archived for public view at -


by Sri Diwakar Kannan (diwakark)


You may also view the archives at http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia

maintained by Sri Srinivasan Sriram (ajiva_rts )


We strongly urge you to kindly peruse the "Regular Issues" archived

in the "Files" Section and view the Contents at "srsindex.html" (Not

the individual postings allowed for encouraging "Reader

participation"). We are sure that you will be convinced of the

quality of the contents.


IF you are satisfied with the quality and contents of "Sri Ranga


Tell your friends to join by sending an email to



IF NOT: Tell us, as to how we may improve.

Ever at your service




Anbil Ramaswamy,

Editor & Publisher, "Sri Ranga Sri"








02/03-16-06/Thursday/Hastam/Dviteeyai/ 21st PaTTam (AM)






KrishNapaksha Sarva Ekaadasi, SravaNa Vratam


12/03-26-06/Sunday/AviTTam/Dwaadasi/ Nam Jeeyar

(As per Srirangam Koil Panchangam)


14/03-28-06/Tuesday/PooraTTaadi/Chaturdasii/BOdaayana Amaavaasya











23/04-06-06/Thursday/Punarvasu/AshTami-Navami/ SRI RAMA NAVAMI


24/04-07-06/Friday/Poosam/Navami-Dasami// Selva PiLLai/






26/04-09-06/Sunday/Magam/ Ekaadasi/Sukla Paksha Sarva Ekaadasi


28/04-11-06/Tuesday/Utthiram/TrayOdasi/PANGUNI UTTHIRAM


30/04-13-06/Thursday/ Hastam/PourNami/














Q. 21. (a) What is "Pancha katcham"? (b) Why should we

wear "Panchakatcham"? © What other practices are to be observed

with reference to dress codes while engaging in religious rites?



(a) "Pancha katcham" is the traditional manner of wearing a Dhoti by

the men folk. It consists of wrapping around the waist with one end

folded lengthwise and taken around the legs to the back and tucked

at the hip and the other end folded breadth wise is tucked in front

at the tummy. The front tucking has five folds. It is therefore

called "Pancha (Five) Katcham (folds). A Grihasta is expected to

wear this method of Dhoti always, but most certainly at least during

performance of religious rites and while attending any religious

events like KaalakshEpams etc.


(b) Even at the height of scorching summer in a hot region like

India, we find people attending official meetings in Western dress,

what with a tightly closed suit and a necktie to boot, all the time

sweating profusely like a horse - because this is supposed to be

the "formal" dress code in the said setting!.


If this is the discipline required to be observed in spite of utmost

discomfort, wearing the "Pancha katcham" is the discipline required

to be observed in the setting of religious activities.


© There are very many practices adopted by AnushTaatas. We give

below a few of them that may be noted. (As learned from KaalakshEpa

Adhikaaris during AnushTaana Granta classes)


(1) A Brahmachaari (celibate) and a Sannyaasi (ascetic) should wear

only one cloth and no upper cloth. The clothing of a Sannyaasi

should be in ochre color.

(2) A Grihasta is expected to wear an upper cloth always along with

the "Pancha katcham.

(3) No religious rites can be performed wearing a wet cloth.

When a wet cloth cannot be dried, it can be waved in air for 7 times

and then it is considered to have dried enough to equal a dry cloth.

This is called "Sapta Vaataahata"

(4) A new "Kaarigam" cotton cloth or PaTTu (Silk) Vastram can be

worn. Both "Kaarigam" and PaTTu (Silk) are said to get polluted

(Vizhuppu) if washed with water. On the other hand a used cotton

cloth that is normally considered "Vizhuppu" when coming into

contact with Sareeram becomes fit to wear (maDi) when washed and

dried up as aforesaid.

(5) Eating and drinking while wearing Kaarigam or PaTTu vast ram are

said to make them polluted.



Q. 22. Is there any justification for the use of "paTTu" (silk)

and "ajina" (deerskin) tied to the Brahmachaari's "mounji" (girdle

made of a triple string of Munja-grass) etc. that obviously

involve "himsa" (injury to a living being)?



The term "PaTTu" was originally used to denote cloths woven with

strings of gold and silk yarns. The "Peeta-ambharam" which the Lord

wears referred to only such vastrams. Only after the Chinese came

over to our land with their wares made out of silk from silkworms,

the term "PaTTu" came to denote such material otherwise

called "China Silk" and this practice had come to stay.


Gold and silver yarn laced cloths can be worn in the place of such

silk garments. Thus, originally, there was no "himsa", no killing of



In these days, we get also artificial silk without resorting to

PaTTu made out of killing silkworms. We can safely use the same.


As for "ajina" or deerskin, the skins were and I believe even now

are taken from dead animals and, therefore, no "himsa" was or is




Q. 23. If plants have life, how can we pluck flowers, TuLasi, Darbha

etc that also involve "himsa"?



The discovery that plants have life is no discovery at all! They are

found in the Vedas themselves.


"Our scriptures say that all sentient beings have what is known

as "Dharmi-boota- Jnaana" (Intrinsic consciousness) as also "Dharma-

boota-Jnaana" (External perception).While intrinsic consciousness is

common to all in the same degree, the extrinsic perception or the

awareness of not only things around but also things beyond varies in

degrees – with humans having the greatest, animals to a lesser

extent and PLANTS WITH THE LEAST IN THE SCALE. This is conditioned

by environment and is subject to expansion (vikaasita) and

contraction (sankuchita)"

(Vide p143-144 of "Hinduism Rediscovered").


The concept of "ahimsa" is central to our philosophy. That is the

reason why, Grihastas are required to do what is known

as "VaisvadEvam" to rid them of sins of "himsa" incurred by them in

their daily routines. Manu has identified that "himsa" can occur

unwittingly at five spots listed the scriptures, namely,

(i) "suLLee" - the Ovens,

(ii) "pEshaNee" - the grinding stones,

(iii) "upaskaree"- the winnowing instruments,

(iv) "kaNTinee" –mortar and pestle and cutting plate and


=== message truncated ===








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