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RE: Growth of foetus and our sAstrAs

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Dear Bhagavatas:

Iam forwarding my reply to a query by Sri Srivatsan Narasimhan

(srivatsann) on the subject. Hope you may be interested in this.


Anbil Ramaswamy




Dear friend:


All your questions have been answered in detail in my book "Hinduism

Rediscovered" published by “The Tiruvenkatam Group, Kuwait” and released by

His Holiness Srimad Andavan, Sri Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam, Srirangam,

in 2004)


I am, however, giving some brief references here. As for abortion, our

scriptures strictly prohibit it except in some special circumstances (These

have been extensively detailed in Chapter 14 of the said book)


“GarbhOpanishad” forms part of KrishNa yajur vEda Samhita and is imparted by

Sage Pippala and describes how the fetus grows in the mother’s womb and the

travails it undergoes during this period. Long before the modern scientists

what with their instruments, gadgets, X-Rays etc were tracing this; this

Upanishad had already done it with minute details by sheer supersensory


(Vide page 52 ibid)


The GarbhOpanishad gives a graphic description not only of the trauma and

the travails suffered by the fetus during this process but also the pangs of

birth and the toils and troubles during childhood, youth and old age. Even a

cursory reading of the Upanishad would instill in us a total abhorrence of

our existence before, during and after birth.


“Saara Prakaasikai quotes “GarbhOpanishad” which describes the stages of

development of the embryo in the womb of the mother thus:


“Eka raatrOshitam kalilam bhavati, sapta raatrOshitam budabudam,

ardha-maasaabhyantarENa piNDa: maasaabhyantarE kaTinO bhavati, maasa dvayEna

sirah kurutE, maasatrayENa paada pradESa: chaturthE gulpha jaTara kaTina

pradEsa: panchamE prushTvamsa: shashTE mukha naasikaa akshi srOtraaNi,

saptamE chaitanyam, ashTamE sarva sampoorNO bhavati, navamE sarva lakshaNa

jnaana karaNa sampanna:”



“The nondescript mass forms like a thicket (kalila) on the first day

For 7 days, it stays in that condition

On the seventh day, it becomes a bubble (budbudam);

In 15 days, it becomes a handful of mass (piNdam);

In a month it gets hardened;

In two months the head appears;

In the third month, the feet appear;

In the fourth month, the knees and the tummy form;

In the fifth month spinal chord develops;

In the sixth month, eras, eyes and nose formations appear;

In the seventh month, symptoms of life appear;

In the eighth month all limbs form;

In the ninth month, the formation of human figure takes shape in full”


(Vide Page 996 0f ‘Srimad Rahasya Traya Saaram” published by Srimad Andavan,

Sri Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam, Srirangam (3rd Edition- 2000)


Swami Desika in “Nigamana Adhikaara” of his “Srimad Rahasya Traya Saaram”

compares this to the processes to which cotton is subjected to right from

the time of plucking from the plant to the stage when it is turned into a

piece of cloth.


“An interesting revelation is that when in the 9th month, the mental and

sense faculties had fully developed, the Jiva remembers all the good and bad

deeds it had done during its previous births and looks forward to correct

and evolve itself on birth. But, the moment it falls down on delivery, the

strange illusion that is “maayaa” overtakes it and it forgets all that and

starts associating with the mundane objects that lead again to rebirths”

(Vide page 53 of “Hinduism Rediscovered, ibid)


Anbil Ramaswamy


>"Srivatsan Narasimhan" <srivatsann


>Growth of foetus and our sAstrAs

>Sat, 25 Mar 2006 14:28:42 -0800


>Dear Sri Anbil Swamy & Sri Sadagopan Swamy,


>Yesterday there was discussion with adiyEn's friend

>about the growth of foetus in mother's womb and our

>sAstrAs. With the limited knowledge we gained by

>reading email groups and other books, we could not

>figure out a satisfactory answer.


>We had following questions and would like to see

>what our Sastras have to say about them. If you

>could quote pramAnAs along with your reply, it

>would be very helpful. If you could give references,

>if these have been discussed earlier, that would

>also be great.


>1) When does a jivAtma enter the embryo? Is it

>transmitted from the male or enters at later stages?


>2) When are the pancha mukhya prAnan (Pranan, Apanan,

>vyAnan, udAnan and samAnan) obtained by the baby?


>3) Does the embryo have life, say during the first

>3 weeks?


>4) By saying "life" do we mean "jivAtma" or the "prAnan"

>or something totally different?


>5) Is there any reference to abortion in our sAstrAs

>or itihAsAs? Do they claim it to be equivalent to killing

>a life? We got into this, when we were discussing about

>the opposition to the abortion bill in the US.


>Sorry if adiyEn's questions are bordering

>adhika prasangithanam.




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Dear Sriman Anbil Swamy :


Thanks very much for your detailed answers .


Readers : Please browse thru Sri Anbil Swamy's

responses first ( located at the end of my mail)

to relate to the questions and the answers .



Surely , this subject would be of great interest

to AasthikAs everywhere . This is not an easy suject to

handle over the impersonal medium of Internet because

of the ongoing controversies that are clamoring for

the attention of the US Supreme Court ( Roe vs Wade etc ) .

Back in India, a doctor was convicted today for the first time

in India for using sonograms and abetting in abortion of

a female child . In one village in Punjab during this year ,

there were the birth of 39 boy babies and 19 female

babies . This is no fluke . Many emotional issues

are also here including "test tube babies , cloning " etc.


Let us stay away from the temptation of being dragged into

these side debates and focus on what SaasthrAs say independent

of them being followed in modern day India or not .



Sriman Srivatsan Narasimhan is asking some astute questions .


His six questions can be answered by competent authorities

from a neonatal , ethical and SaasthrA point of view . AchAryans are

ideal to answer these questions from a SaasthrA point of view but

we can add to the discussions and direct AasthikAs to approach their

AchAryAs for authoritative answers .


The answers to the Six questions of Sri Narasimhan are found in Upanishads ,

Sri Bhaashyam, ThiruvAimozhi , VishNu PurAnam and other source granthams .




Question ONE is about Growth of Fetus in Mother's womb :


The answers provided by GarbhOpanishad are backed up in great detail

by Developmental Biology Tutorials by Medical Schools of U. Penn and

other Medical Schools . Google search under embryology would give

the growth of the fertilized embryo from day 1 to the 39th week .The first

8 weeks cover the embryonic growth and the 8th to the 39th week time

frame comes under the fetal growth . At MIT during my student days ,

I took special courses in Neurobiology and it was revelatroy in the sense

that opened one's eyes about the mysteries of the miraculous clockwork like

growth of the embryo and the fetus from conception to birth over ~39 weeks .

It was staggering to see what can go wrong and how most of the cases the


has its defenses to cope with the stresses of pregnancy .


The 8 week long embryonic period is divided into " 23 Carnegie Stages " ,

which are distinct phases of the growth of the embryo . Human development

charts are available from extensive studies form a Physiological point of

view :




Comparitive embryology Gallery is also available there for easy tracking of

human, amphibian , Fish , Drosphilia , chicken embryo growth and the time

cycles have been well studied . There is a lot of commonality among species.

The human cycle of development is about 39 weeks for the birth of a fully

developed baby and the rest of the growth takes place outside the Mother's

womb due to the space limitations .




Question 1 of Sri Narasimhan is largely about Developmental Biology . Plenty


information is available and the GarbhOpanishad has cast light on this topic

much before modern science entered as A nbil Swamy has pointed out . Nothing

much to add here . Plenty of detailed scientific references ( cited above)

are available .




Question 2: " When does a JeevAthma enter the embryo ? "

At the time of successful garbha DhAnam and consequent

fertilization of the egg . The transmigration of the Jeevan from

the body enveloped with the subtle elements at the time of the body

falling down and entering another body is covered in Brahma Soohtram 3.1.1

The commentaries on this Soothram by AchArya RaamAnuja based

on the insight of PanchAgni VidhyA upAsanam are :


" dEhAnathara gamanE dEha kaaraNa bhUthai: bhUtha sookshmai: samyukthO

gacchathy. "


While attaining a different body based on residual karmAs ( for those

who have not performed an appropriate UpAyam like Bhakthi or Prapatthi

yOgam) , the JeevAthman moves in with the accompaniment of the subtle

elements/ PrANans and sense organs in their subtle forms ( BrahadhAraNyaka

Upanishad : 4.4.2 and GitA 15.7 ). Leaving the body , travelling to dhyulOka


Narakam to enjoy the pleasures temporarily or suffering in narakam based

on their PuNyams and Paapams are stages before being born in different

wombs ( ChAndhOgyam 5.10.7) . The JeevAthma descends with residual

karma to become embodied again . Mumukshu Jeevans follow the archirAdhi

mArgam , cros sthe Viraja river and do not return to this karma bhUmi again





Question 3:" When the Pancha PrANAs obtained by the baby ?"


The usage of the word "baby" is inappropriate .


Pancha PrANAs exited with the Jeevan at the time of exit from the worn body


Once it transmigrates to another womb , they come together with the jeevan .




Question 4: " Does the embryo have life during the first 3 weeks ?"


Ofcourse . The cell division is taking place . Stem cells are taking over

as early as the second day after fertilization of the egg .



Question 5: " By life , do we mean the JeevAthma or PrANan or some thing

totally different ?


JeevAthmA with prAnan and the subtle indhriyams is "Life" . The Lord is

inside the Jeevan and is not affected by the karmAs of the Jeevan .



Question 6: " Is there any reference to abortion the SaasthrAs? Do they

claim to be equivalent to killing Life ?"


" Sisu Hatthi" is a subject covered by Sage ParAsara"s VishNu PurANam

in the context of various Narakams . Those who destroy the embryo/fetus

are sent to a special Narakam called "RhOdham" , where the Jeevan

is given a body and buried alive to suffocate . The jeevan feels the

suffering .

"Aathma Hatthi" is another topic , which is also condemned by

the Bhagavath Saasthrams.


One can quote more PramANams from the Saasthrams but it will

lead to too much length in this posting .


The whole purpose of this exercise in answering is to suggest

that our Saasthrams are far sighted and are also compassionate

and provide prAyascchitthams and ParihArams .






"Ram Anbil" <Ramanbil


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:37 AM

RE: Growth of foetus and our sAstrAs



> Dear Bhagavatas:

> Iam forwarding my reply to a query by Sri Srivatsan Narasimhan

> (srivatsann) on the subject. Hope you may be interested in this.

> Dasoham

> Anbil Ramaswamy

> =============================================================



> Dear friend:


> All your questions have been answered in detail in my book "Hinduism

> Rediscovered" published by “The Tiruvenkatam Group, Kuwait” and released

> by His Holiness Srimad Andavan, Sri Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam,

> Srirangam, in 2004)


> I am, however, giving some brief references here. As for abortion, our

> scriptures strictly prohibit it except in some special circumstances

> (These have been extensively detailed in Chapter 14 of the said book)


> “GarbhOpanishad” forms part of KrishNa yajur vEda Samhita and is imparted

> by Sage Pippala and describes how the fetus grows in the mother’s womb

> and

> the travails it undergoes during this period. Long before the modern

> scientists what with their instruments, gadgets, X-Rays etc were tracing

> this; this

> Upanishad had already done it with minute details by sheer supersensory

> perception.” (Vide page 52 ibid)


> The GarbhOpanishad gives a graphic description not only of the trauma and

> the travails suffered by the fetus during this process but also the pangs

> of birth and the toils and troubles during childhood, youth and old age.

> Even

> a cursory reading of the Upanishad would instill in us a total abhorrence

> of

> our existence before, during and after birth.


> “Saara Prakaasikai quotes “GarbhOpanishad” which describes the stages of

> development of the embryo in the womb of the mother thus:


> “Eka raatrOshitam kalilam bhavati, sapta raatrOshitam budabudam,

> ardha-maasaabhyantarENa piNDa: maasaabhyantarE kaTinO bhavati, maasa

> dvayEna sirah kurutE, maasatrayENa paada pradESa: chaturthE gulpha jaTara

> kaTina pradEsa: panchamE prushTvamsa: shashTE mukha naasikaa akshi

> srOtraaNi, saptamE chaitanyam, ashTamE sarva sampoorNO bhavati, navamE

> sarva lakshaNa jnaana karaNa sampanna:”


> Meaning:

> “The nondescript mass forms like a thicket (kalila) on the first day

> For 7 days, it stays in that condition

> On the seventh day, it becomes a bubble (budbudam);

> In 15 days, it becomes a handful of mass (piNdam);

> In a month it gets hardened;

> In two months the head appears;

> In the third month, the feet appear;

> In the fourth month, the knees and the tummy form;

> In the fifth month spinal chord develops;

> In the sixth month, eras, eyes and nose formations appear;

> In the seventh month, symptoms of life appear;

> In the eighth month all limbs form;

> In the ninth month, the formation of human figure takes shape in full”


> (Vide Page 996 0f ‘Srimad Rahasya Traya Saaram” published by Srimad

> Andavan, Sri Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam, Srirangam (3rd Edition-

> 2000)>

> Swami Desika in “Nigamana Adhikaara” of his “Srimad Rahasya Traya Saaram”

> compares this to the processes to which cotton is subjected to right from

> the time of plucking from the plant to the stage when it is turned into a

> piece of cloth.


> “An interesting revelation is that when in the 9th month, the mental and

> sense faculties had fully developed, the Jiva remembers all the good and

> bad deeds it had done during its previous births and looks forward to

> correct

> and evolve itself on birth. But, the moment it falls down on delivery, the

> strange illusion that is “maayaa” overtakes it and it forgets all that and

> starts associating with the mundane objects that lead again to rebirths”

> (Vide page 53 of “Hinduism Rediscovered, ibid)

> Dasoham

> Anbil Ramaswamy

> ==========================================================

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