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A Peep into Periya ThriuMozhi 43

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The Three roles rolled into one



Sri Sadagopan swami finally elaborates on the aspect of Lord Almighty donning

three roles of creation, sustenance and destruction as mentioned by kaliyan in

the final pAsuram of first thirumozhi in the third ten.


mUvarAgiya oruvan


The three fold Cosmic functions (viz)., Creation , Sustenance and Dissolution

of the Universe and its beings are linked to Moovar : Brahma , VishNu and

SivA.Kaliyan states that Lord DevanAthan is the primary cause ofthose three

fold functions and is the Parabrahman withBrahma-VishNU-Rudra Roopam to execute

them. Upanishads recognize that Brahman as the cause for the three fold cosmic

function:yathO vaa imAni bhUthAni Jaayanthe , yEna jaathAni jeevanthi ,yath

prayanthi abhisamvisanthi , tad vijij~nasasava ,TAD BRAHMETHI -- TaittirIya

Upanishad: III.1(Meaning): " That verily from which these beings are born

,that by which when born , they live, that into which , when departing they

enter , THAT , seek to know:THAT IS BRAHMAN "Brahma LakshaNam is given here in

terms of the Trifoldcosmic Function by VaruNaa.Veda VyAsa , the author of

Brahma Soothrams based his VedAntha Soothram ( Janmaadyasya yatah) on the

aboveUpanishadic pasage. Janma ( Creation/origin), Sthithi(Sustenance ) and

Laya (dissolution) have the underlying cause of Brahman , the MoovarAhiya

Oruvan . It is the defining characterestric of Brahman . It is His visEshaNa

lakshaNams.That Brahman carries out the trifold functions (through different

Moorthys) and is the source of the Universe isdescribed by the ChaandhOgya

Upanishad passage:sanmUlah saumya imaah sarvaah prajaah

sdaayatanaahsapratishtithaah --ChAndhOgyam: VI.8.4(meaning): " All these beings

, my dear , are having"Sath"(Brahman) alone as their cause. All these beings

areliving in Sath and all these brings are withdrawn into Sath".Chathur Mukha

BrahmA and Lord Sivan have as indweller (antharyAmi Brahman) VishNu

NaarAyaNan . Infact Brahmanpervades the entire universe as AntharyAmi Brahman

as one of the most important sections of BruhadAraNyaka Upanishadinstructs us.

Sage Yagnyavalya explains the concept ofantharyAmi Brahman to UddAlakaa , the

son of AruNA.Not only does the Brahman dwell in these sentient beings but also

controls them (antaro yamayati).Our Lord of Thiruvaheendhrapuram is thereforethe

Para Brahman (MoovarAhiya Oruvan ) who isthe indweller and controller of

Brahmaa and SivA ,while staying as Himself to perform Sthithi functions. The

Atharva Veda manthrams (Hymns 7 and 8 of Book X)salutes this JyEshta Brahman (

the Para Brahman) andis the supporter of all the three functions

(SarvAdhAran):"Tasmai JyEshtAya BrahmaNE nama: " ( AV X.7.34).He is the Final

reality ( Uchcishta/ut-sista Brahman) " for when nothing exists at the time of

final great dissolution (MahA PraLayam) and the creation passes intoprimordial

matter , devoid of name and form , then the Supreme Self alone persists ( since

He is not subjectto change , decay or death)".


Concluded by

Sri Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan

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