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phala sruthi 2

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Dear srEvaishNavites,




AzhwAr's incitement in the final pAsuram of padhigam-s was seen in the preceding post.


These may bring out the attracton of material, power or even the elevation to the upper world.


I personally feel that the call for being among srEvaishNavites and worshipping

the Lord should be put on a different pedestal.


However, the pAsuram-s without any such talk in itself should place in the

highest pedestal - the exalted stage.



I find sri periyAzhwAr giving out lot of pAsuram-s dedicated for being among srEvaishNavites.


What does the first work -thirup-pallANDu -indicate?



''pallANdu enRu pavithiranai...

nallANDu enRu navinruraippAr,namO-nArAyaNAya enRu..

pallANDum paramAthmanai sUzhndhirundhu yEAthuvar pallANDEA" thiruppallANDu 12


Those who recite this 'thiruppallANDu' or sri vishNu chithan, will get elevated

to parama-padham and will always talk of welfare of the Lord, ever-->pallANDum

paramAthmanai sUzhndhu irundhu yEAthuvar pallANDEA.


It may thus be observed that here the benefit of this thiruppallANDu does not

cover any materialistic aspects; It does not give any elevation in births or



It does not just elevate one to the upper world.


It gives the ultimate. Talking of the welfare of the Lord and that too eternally


Does it not then make it in a class of its own?


"pallANDum paramAthmanai sUzhndhirundhu YEathuvar pallANDEA'

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