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phala-sruthi 3

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Dear SrEvaishNavites,


pattinam kAvaR poruttEA


Continuing on sri periyAzhwAr's divine and noble thoughts, the final pAsuram-s

of the second thiru-mozhi in the fifth 100:


"vuRagal vuRagal' and ' aravathamaLiyinODum" does not talk of any benefti

whatsover to the person studying these ten pAsuram-s.


On the contrary, true to the word periyAzhwAr and mangaLAsAsanap parar- both

these ninth and tenth pAsuram-s indicate the following


a. 'vuRagal vuRagal" --5-2-9--> Looking at the welfare of the Lord ---> this is

akin to 'nin sEavaDi sevvi thiruk-kAppu'of the first thiruppallANDu pAsuram;


b. "aravathamaLiyinODum" 5-2-10--> This is akin to the words ' adiyOmODum

ninODum" in the first thiruppallANdup pAsuram.



The thinking of the Lord alone exclusively thus put these two pAsuram-s in an exalted stage.


sri periya-vAchAn piLLai's vyakyanam is wonderful in this regard:


The Lord enters the mind of periyAzhwAr with sri pirAtti and also the

srEvaishNavites -aDiyArgaL kuzhAngaLODEA vandhu pugundhu"


further, 'vuRagal vuRagal' --kEzha Eswaran thanakku kAval Ana paDi sollugiRAr.

ippAttil thAm avanukku kAval Ana paDi sollugiRAr.


Earlier, the fact that the Lord was his saviour was mentioned by periyAzhwAr. in

this pAsuram, he is looking after the welfare of the Lord is mentioned.



'Aga ith thiru-mozhiyil, thiruppallANdil arthathai nigamikkiRAr. 'sEvaDi sevvi

thirukkAppu' enRa artham 'vuRgal vuRagalilEa' nigamithAr;

'aDiyOmODum ninnODum' enRa pAttin arthathai 'aravathamaLiyil nigamithAr'


Thus, this thiru-mozhi reflects the essence of thiruppallANDu. the meaning of

'sEvaDi sevvi thirukkAppu' is reflected in the ninth pAsuram 'vuRagal vuRagal';

the menaing of 'adiyOmODum ninODum'-- We should all live for ever without being

separated from YOU- is reflected in this final pAsuram 'aravathamaLiyinODum'


pattinam kAvaR poruttEA



(to be continued)

vanamamalai padmanabhan

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