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Radhekrishna Sath Sangam's " Science and Hinduism" . . ."VIGYAANA VEDHAA"

Visit this blog to read about Guruparampara prabhaavam. Who told there is no

science in Hinduism? Just Read the Articles in this site about Science and

Hinduism. Realise the ultimate power and Glory of Ancient Sacred Evergreen

Hinduism . . . .((Updating on 7th and 22nd of Every Month))

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Science and Hinduism


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANG Dear Readers,In our last posting we gave you a comparison

of the scientific law of conservation of energy and its 'spiritual version'

having its base in 'Srimad Bhagwad Gita'. We said we would continue our

discussions on that topic in our next posting.However we are diverting our

discussion to a different law in this posting.In this posting we will discuss

on a different scientific statement and link it with hinduism.It goes as

follows :"To every action there is always opposed an

equal reaction".This statement is the third law of motion, established by 'Issac

Newton'.We will take an example for a better understanding.Imagine a boy kicking

open a door. The force exerted by the boy on the door accelerates thedoor (it

flies open); at the same time, the door exerts an equal but opposite force on

the boy, which decelerates the boy (his foot loses forward velocity).The boy

will be painfully aware of the 'reaction' force to his 'action' particularly if

his foot is bare.Let F stand for force,FBD for force exerted by the boy on the

door and FDB for force exerted by the door on the boy.Then according to this

law,FBD = -FDBi.e the force exerted by the boy on the door equals the force

exerted by the door on the boy.However since there is a negative sign before

FDB it means that the force exerted by thedoor on the boy is in a

direction opposite to the direction in which the boy is exerting force onthe

door.We will continue with more examples on this law in our next posting. Till

then Radhekrishna.Sarvam Guruvarpanam.

# posted by Krishna : 10:01 AM 0 comments

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Science and Hinduism


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANG Dear readers,In our last posting we explained to you all

the spiritual version of the law of conservation of energy. In this posting we

bring you a comparison between what science says and what hinduism says.*

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.The self can neither be created nor

destroyed.The word ENERGY in the law

corresponds to the word ATMAN or SELF in SRIMAD BHAGWAD GITA. * Energy can be

converted from one form to another.The self moves from one body to another.The

conversion of energy from one form to another corresponds with the ATMAN or

SELF moving from one body to another. When a person dies i.e to say his body

perishes, the soul moves in search of another body.Thus body is temporary but

soul is permanent.In the sameway different forms of energy are temporary but

the energy is the same.* The total amount of energy in the universe always

remains constant.

#006600">The Paramatma or the Supersoul is always constant.The concept of

totality of energy corresponds to the Paramatma or Supersoul i.e Lord

Krishna.Just as the Supersoul remains constant, in the same way the total

quantum of energy in the universe remains constant.* Energy and its forms are

different from each other. Atman and the bodies in which it resides are

different from each other.Forms of energy are different from each other.This

corresponds to the difference between the bodies in which atman resides.

#006600">Now after reading this explanation do tell, is the Bhagwad Gita or for

that matter Hinduism, outdated? Only a moron would say such a thing even after

reading all the above explanation. We will continue with our postings related

to linking this law with hinduism in our next posting.Till then do continuous

chanting, Radhekrishna.Sarvam Guruvarpanam

# posted by Krishna : 11:21 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Science and Hinduism


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGDear Readers,In our last topic we said we would tell you

the sprirtual version of the scientific law.Did you all know that this law has

its source in one of the most famous scriptures of Hinduism,Srimad Bhagwad

Gita?Alright then this is how it goes...In the second chapter of Srimad Bhagwad

Gita, The Supreme One; Lord Krishna reveals the 'shaastra' regarding the 'self'

or 'atman'

or 'soul' to Arjuna who, seeing his Guru's and cousin brothers on the

battlefield feels that he must not fight with them.His natural courage gets

lost due to love and compassion in a misplaced situation. Hethinks war to be

unrighteous even though it was the highest duty for warriors (Kshatriyas).So he

takes refuge in Sri Krishna to know what his right duty was. Sri Krishna

thinking that Arjuna's delusion would not come to an end except by the

knowledge of the real nature of the self, atman or soul explains to Arjuna:Chp

2 verse 20 :Na jaayathe mriyathe vaa kadhaachhinnaayam bhoothvaa bhavithaa vaa

na bhooya:AjO nithya: shaasHvathO(a)yam puraaNO na hanyathE hanyamaanE

SHareereExplanation : It (the self) is never born; it never dies; having come

into being once, It neverceases to be. Unborn, eternal, abiding and

primeval, It is not slain when the body is slain.Chp 2 verse 22 :Vaasaamsi

jeerNaani yatHa vihaaya navaani gruhNaathi Naro(a)paraaNiTatHaa sHareeraaNi

vihaaya jeerNaanyanyaani samyaathi navaani dheheeExplanation : As a man casts

off worn-out garments and puts on others that are new,so does the embodied self

cast off Its worn out bodies and enters into others that are new.Chp 2 verse 23

:Nainam cHindhanthi sHastraaNi nainam dhahathi paavaka:Na chainam

klEdhayanthyaapO na sHoshayathi maarutha:Explanation : Weapons donot cleave It

(the self), fire does not burn It,waters donot wet It, and the wind does not

dry It.Chp 2 verse 24 :AchcHedhyo(a)yamadhaahyo(a)yamakledhyo(a)sHoshya Eva

chaNithya: sarvaghatha: stHaanurachalo(a)yam sanaathana:Explanation : It cannot

be cleft; It cannot be burnt; It cannot be wetted and It cannot be dried. It is

eternal, all-pervading, stable, immovable and

primeval.Thus it can be concluded by us that "no weapon, not even a nuclear bomb

can destroy the Self !!".From the above four shlokas Krishna explains to Arjuna

that the Self is never born and itnever dies. It moves from one body to

another. It is indestructible, ever existing.Atman does not manifest itself

directly; just like energy. It manifests itself in various forms.Atman is

present in Arjuna as well as in Duryodhana i.e in righteous people as well as

evilminded people. The things that change are the body, mind and intellect

within which theAtman is embodied"APPARENTLY". The word 'apparently' is a

keyword here. One feels that atman is embodied within the framework of the

subtle elements body, mind and intellect ; and also within the five senses.The

quality of a persons soul is measured by the actions performed by him on being

stimulated by his body, mind and intellect and the five senses.Thus if a person

steals something people say 'this person is fradulent'.If one person

causesinjury to another person people will say 'this person has a ruthless

soul'.If a person helps ananimal or bird people say 'This person has a caring

soul'. The soul is hence directly relatedto the senses and subtle elements by

people. If actions performed by using the senses andsubtle elements are

righteous then the soul is praised and vice versa.However in reality atman is

never tainted or affected by the senses or the subtle elements. Itonly appears

as if

the Atman is imprisoned in the body.So readers this was the spiritual version of

the scientific law. Now you know both the versions, however you have read both

the versions seperately. So in our next posting we'll bring you a comparison of

the two versions so that you will have a clear idea.Till then do continuous

chantingRadhekrishna Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna

Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna KrishnaradheSarvam Guruvarpanam.

# posted by Krishna : 7:56 AM 0 comments

Monday, March 21, 2005


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGScience and HinduismDear readers,In our last posting we

began with an altogether new topic - 'Nexus between science and hinduism.' The

objective behind this topic is to state affirmatively that the findings of

modern day science have their roots in the ever existing hinduism.To begin

with; we trace the source of a

scientific law to a few shloka's from theBHAGWAD GITA which was said by THE


discuss about the statement:'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It

can be converted from one form to another.The total amount of energy in the

universe always remains constant'.This is the law of conservation of energy

which students have to study in the ninth standard in their schools.It says

that energy is always present. No one can create it. Also, it is

indestructible.It can be used; by conversion from one form to another to

perform various operations.E.g : potential energy of water stored at a height

can be converted to kinetic energy by allowing it to fall from that height

on turbines.This kinetic energy can be further transformed into electrical

energy because the water falls on the large turbines and makes them to rotate

and thereby activates the electrical generators.The electrical energy so

created can be then used to run anything like a computer in a house, railway

engines, machines in factories etc.Again when electricity is used to run a

computer, electrical energy is converted to sound and light energy.Another fact

which is not covered by the above mentioned law is that energy cannotbe seen

directly.It can be seen, heard and felt through its various forms. For E.g :

energy can be seen when tubelight is switched on; in the form of light, energy

can beheard when a bomb explodes; in the form of sound,energy can be felt when

a windmill is started; in the form of wind,energy can be felt when a geyser is

switched on; in

the form of heat.See how interesting energy is.Some FORMS of it can be seen,

some heard, somefelt!Thus we can see energy through all these forms and not

directly.So when a personasks what is energy and he is shown a tubelight which

emits light on turning a switch 'ON'and is told; the thing that causes the

light to be emitted; THAT IS ENERGY. Howeverthe person might feel that oho!

'LIGHT MEANS ENERGY!!'. He is not wrong. Light is aform of energy. But he is

not right either; because energy is a concept much muchbroader than just

'Light'. So observe that it is very difficult to explain what energyactually

is.This was about the scientific explanation. Now we take you all to an

altogether differentworld.But not now, wait till our next posting when we come

up with the spiritual version of this

scientific law!! Till then do continuous chanting Radhekrishna!!!Sarvam Guruvarpanam

# posted by Krishna : 5:58 PM 0 comments

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Nexus between science and hinduism


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGDear Readers,In our last posting we started a new

topic,"NEXUS BETWEEN SCIENCE AND HINDUISM"We concluded the posting by saying

that there is something that overcomes the limitations of science.Many people

feel that "that something" is a religion when in fact it isn't.That something

is 'HINDUISM'.So many people have got this misconception that Hinduism is just

like any other religion,but dear readers

it is not true.For that matter can anyone answer the question"when did hinduism

originate?"Great spiritual teachers like Shankaracharya, Madhavacharya, Swami

Ramanujar have been preaching people.While preaching they have said 'whatever

has been taught to you isa part of hinduism'.So even these great spiritual

preachers have not known the origin of hinduism; leave alone you or

me!!Hinduism is the perfect way to lead a life full of happiness through

realisation of Lord Krishna.Hinduism includes scriptures like the 4 vedas viz

Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda, the Upanishads, Srimad Bhagwad

Gita, Srimad Bhagwatam and many otherscriptures.All these scriptures have

originated from the Supreme Personality of

Godhead,Shri Krishna.All the existing religions till date are merely subsets of

the universal set known as hinduism.Everything that is taught by all the other

religions can be traced into hinduism. So its not an exaggeration to say that

if streams, ponds, lakes, rivers are part of the ocean then all the other

religions correspond to the streams, lakes, ponds and rivers while hinduism

corresponds to the ocean; i.e its the ever existing source or the 'nucleus'.To

summarise:* Hinduism is not a religion.* Hinduism has neither a beginning nor

and end.* Hinduism is absolute.* Hinduism has answers to all questions.*

Hinduism goes

beyond the reach of science and overcomes the limitations of science. In this

blog we will try to explain to you all, how there exists a nexus between

science and hinduism.But for that you all will have to do a small favour.Dont

be confused....We are just asking you to wait for 15 days! Till our next

posting on 22nd march do continuous chanting Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe

Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna

KrishnaradheSarvam Guruvarpanam

# posted by Krishna : 9:41 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Nexus between science and hinduism


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGDear readers,We kept you guessing last time when we said

we will come up with a new, fresh, interesting topic with our next blog

posting.So lets not keep you all waiting any longer.Science Science covers the

broad field of knowledge that deals with observed facts and therelationships

among those facts.There are various sciences like physical sciences(astronomy,

chemistry, geology, meteorology, physics), life sciences (anatomy,

physiology, genetics, medicine), social science ( anthropology, economics,

politics, psychology, sociology). The scientific process revolves around:1

observing nature2 classifying data3 using logic4 conducting experiments5

forming a hypothesis6 expressing findingsNowadays people have started

developing a feeling that science is everything.They feel that for each and

every phenomenon that occurs, there is a scientific reason for that

pheomenon.They feel that science is absolute and that through science any

question can be answered.Further many people have also formed firm opinions in


minds that tradition, religion and spirituality have little or no value in the

present day world.They feel that these things are outdated.Ignorant are such

people because they fail to understand that science has a beginning.The origin

of science can be traced to the time when man discovered fire.He started

rubbing stones against each other to generate fire.Then came the discovery of

the wheel and thus began the development of science.But such people should note

that whatever has a beginning has an end."Even science has many many

limitations."If the above statement were not true then a challenge to anyone to

answer one simple question : Can science prevent death of a living thing?The

answer has to be No! Apart from the above question there are so many questions

that science has not been able to answer, like how to prevent earthquakes and

tsuanmi's, how to prevent and cure certain diseases.So those people who think

that 'science is everything', please think again......To summarise:* science

has a beginning and an end* science has several limitations* science cannot

answer all questions* science is not absoluteComing to the basic purpose of

writing on this topic, there exists something that helps overcome the

limitations of science,there exists something that goes beyond science,there

exists something that has no beginning and no end,there exists something that

answers all questions!!! What is that something? You would ask! For the answer,

wait till 7th March when we come up with our next posting. A broad hint on what

that something is..... no no then it becomes very easy to guess....

radhekrishna!!keep thinking!!Saravam Guruvarpanam

# posted by Krishna : 9:24 AM 0 comments

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Guru Parampara Prabhavam


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGDear Readers,In our last posting we started with the topic

'Guru Paramapara Prabhavam'and we left you with a question that why our

Gurujiamma has selected Krishna Namam?So as promised here we are with the

answer to that question.The answer lies in Srimad Bhagwatam and Bhagwat

Gita-the former written by the great sage vyasa and the latter uttered by

Bhagwan SriKrishna himself to Arjuna in the battlefield amidst the assembled

soldiers of both sides roaring to go in war at any time and also in the tenets

of Vaishnava philosophy.The incarnation of Lord Krishna in Dwaparayugam is

considered bythe learned sages of yore as "Paripoorna Avataram".Whereas Sri

Rama Avataram in Tretha yugam is considered as

'Apoorna Avataram'Without going much into details of it,it is sufficient to know

that-1) Sri Krishna Avataram is a Poorna Avataram.2) This is the latest in

ages.Bhagwan Sri Krishna right from the day of his birth(Avataram)and even

before that(informing Vasudeva and Devaki in their dream that He is going to be

born in Devaki's womb as per the earlier commitments by Lord to his devotee)

till he breathed his last on the accomplishments of his mission of protecting

the Good and destroying the evil and establishing Dharma in the world, has

shown himself that he is not the ordinary mortal but veritably the Lord Himself

born in the form of a yadava to kill kamsa and to free his parents and

grandfather from jail.Throughout his life span he not only acted as a normal

human being but wherever the occasion demanded he has not hesitated even fora

moment to assume the required form of Lord Krishna and destroyed the evil

forces or helped his devotees in that form.Such

is the multi-faceted manifestation of Sri Krishna.Are you wonderstruck of his

action?On the contrary Sri Rama always tried and faithfully followed

the'Manushya Dharma'-The Dharma ordained for the mortals and throughout his

life he considered himself as the mortal son of Dasharatha by name 'Rama',born

to fulfil certain obligations of Kshtriya kings.So there is a veritable

difference in the approach to each and everything by Lord Rama and Lord Krishna

as fully described in Srimath Ramayanam and Srimath Bhagwatham and

MahaBhagwatham.Suffice to say that 'Sri Krishna' is much more suitable to the

present day world with all its tamifications which in more ways than one is

similar to the period of Lord Krishna.Further in the Bhagwatham it is stressed

that:1) In Kaliyuga 'naamsankeertanam' of Bhagawan's name is the only way to

uplift oneself and it is more than equal to tapas,homam and yagnyam performed

by people of kritha,tretha,dwapara yugas.2) In Bhagwat

Gita Lord Krishna states that the distressed, he who derives wealth and the man

of knowledge worships Him.All those forms are great but He deems the man of

knowledge to be of His very self.Vasudeva is all(Vasudeva Sarvamithi).So men of

knowledge find refuge in Him.But this kind of knowledge comes at the end of many

births.If any devotee seeks to worship with faith in any form He makes that very

faith steadfast(in that form alone).Now you can take refuge under this that Sri

Krishna Namajapam form of worship as enuciated by Poojya Shri Shri Amma is

similar to this. The worshippers of different Gods will go to those Gods.But

His(Sri Krishna's) devotees will come to Him(Sri Krishna).To know the real

Supremacy of Sri Krishna this statement is to be read with utmost faith."Not

knowing His nature as Supreme Lord of all beings,fools disregard the dwelling

in a human form.Sri Krishna has been the cowherd as well as the king.He is the

rites ordained in the Vedas,the rituals taught by

the scriptures,the ancestral offering and herb,the holy syllable "OM".Without

going into too many proofs we can rest our faith in the emphatic statement of

Lord Krishna in sloka 34 chapter 9th theyoga of royal science and royal

mystery."Fix your mind on Me,be My devotee,worship me,bow down to me.Having

thus controlled yourself and regarding me as your Supreme goal,you shall come

to me."The very same words are spoken and ordained by Poojya Shri Shri Amma to

be followed by all who approach her for guidance and blessings.So dear readers

of this article,simply follow Poojya Shri Shri Amma's command and uplift

yourself leading to the ultimate communion with Lord Krishna.ANNANTHAKOTI


BHARAT MATA KI JAI.Our next posting will be on a fresh, new and a very

interesting topic and that topic is ........no not now.....wait till our next

posting on 22nd feb 2005

# posted by Krishna : 5:25 PM 0 comments

Friday, January 21, 2005



RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGDear Readers,In our last posting we concluded the topic

BHAGHAWATGUNANUBHAVANGAL in which we made an attempt to describe the

qualitiesof Lord Krishna The Supreme Personality.And we told you about our next

topic so without further keeping you all guessing here it goes...GURU PARAMPARA



VANDHE GURU PARAMPARAAMThe hierarchy of Sri Vaishnava Guru Parampara starts from

Lakshminathan-The Supreme Lord Sriman Lakshminarayan-The first acharya of

Vaishnavism-starting from vedakalam;the time of vedas.In kaliyuga in the living


RAMANUJAR and his 72 disciples(72 Simhasanathipathis),Sri MANAVALAMAMUNIGAL and

his 8 disciples,THOOPUL SRI VEDANTHA DESIKAR and his disciples and so on and

finally resting on the present individual Acharya.(Asmathacharya Paryandham)The

great Ramanuja 1017AD a thousand years before has established the "VAISHNAVA

SIDDHANTA" for the benefit of the people of this age and propogated it through

his disciples and by himself throughout the lengths and breadths of India and

earned the name of 'SriVaishnava Darsana

Pravarthagal'-one who made the tenets of Sri Vaishnavism acceptable to all and

made all of them to be the devotees Bhagwan Srimann Narayan.Even today the

sishya parampara are keeping the Sri Vaishnava Doctrines intact and propogating

to "the seekers of Bhagwat Anugraham".The uniqueness of Sri Ramanuja's

Achrayathvam lies in the fact that he made no discrimination between high caste

born and the low caste born or other inequalities arising out of

birth,wealth,upbringing etc. but gave importance only to the devotion of the

bhaktas to the Supreme Lord Srimann Narayan and the unreserved acceptance of

the philosophy of Vaishnavism and its propogation.He made known the secret and

sacred "Ashtakshara Mantra" of Sriamann Narayana from the roof top of

Tirukoshtiyur temple to all the assembled people

and earned the wrath of his Guru 'Tirukoshtiyur Nambigal'-When confronted by his

Guru why he has done this sinful act the great Ramanuja replied "by this sinful

act if I go to hell it does not matter-but by hearing the Ashtakshara Mantra

those who have heardand recited that will go to heaven(Vaikuntham)which is much

more profitable than the one individual's sufferings."Such is the unsurpassed

compassion for the oppressed and the down trodden shown by the great Sri

Ramanujacharya.He was the first Guru whose lineage are still today upholdinghis

ideals to the extent possible in the present day world of the 21st

century.Reverting to my Acharya Poojya Shri Shri Amma of Radhekrishna

satsangamto follow......Poojya Shri Shri Amma of Radhekrishnasatsangam is my

Guru, Guide, Philosopher. My

Guru is nearest to my heart and soul and nearest to my dwelling place also.When

you surrender unto my Guru's feet you are sure of your sufferings coming to an

end-not necessarily at once-in fact such expectations are not in consonance

with the natural way of proceedings of men and matters.Everything has a time to

happen and will happen only at that time howsoever you try to advance it.Time

and tide wait for no man.This is true for all times -so man only has to wait

for the time to happen anything good or bad.Poojya Shri Shri Amma can only

guide you how to approach the effects of time to be advantageous to you-my

Guru's advice always will be to place everything under the lotus feet of Sri

Lord Krishna-Sri Radhekrishna to be precise and invoke His blessings by

constantly chanting the all powerful sure result oriented NamaRADHEKRISHNA

KRISHNARADHE,RADHEKRISHNA KRISHNARADHE- the ultimate Phaladatha-Giver of fruits

of your work,actions.My Guru's liberality,nobility,generosity is

unparallel.Knowing fully well that the seeker is not firm in his commitment yet

by the generosity inherently within makes my Guru to offer/try once more with

prayers toLord Radhekrishna for the success of the seekers effort.My Guru's

Saulabhyam-easy accessability is to be believed-at all reasonable times you can

approach my Guru with any of your problems.My Guru will patiently hear all your

problems/sufferings and give worldly wise advice besides asking you to recite

"KRISHNANAMAJAPAM" so that your actions will be fruitful.When you sit under the

benign Thiruvadi(foot) you feel the grace of the Guru even though not a word is

uttered except 'Radhekrishna' by way of admitting you inside to be nearer-both

physically and mentally-to the Guru.You may start talking or you may sit in

silence-when you are silently sitting under the feet of Guru after some


will suddenly speak to you-not direct but to the void space as if addressing the

OMNIPRESENT of your problems-you will be surprised to hear the utterances of

Guru somehow directly related to your problems about which you want to open

your heart to the Guru and seek redressal.Mind reading-not a bad idea to

attribute it to the Guru.-because my Guru is the representative of the

OMNIPRESENT.No wonder that your problems are discussed without your telling

them.My Guru's constant matter of fact statement is chant plenty of

Nama-Namajapam Naraiya Chollungal-My Guru by virtue of the position occupied

can command you but will not-It is a soothing talk.One will always have to

say-yes I will.Whether you are actually doing the Namajapam or not is a

different matter.If you do,the beneficiary is you.If you donot do,ultimate

loser is you and you alone.

130%">My Guru is unaffected by both the propositions.My Guru'sadvice is for your

upliftment.So it is upto you to act.My Guru's suggested remedy need not

necessarily be acceptable or likeable to you.This is not a concern to the

Guru.Bitter pills are given to thechild for early complete cure.So also what

kind of pills-sweet, bitter,hard to digest etc is required is determined based

on the required remedy.So one has to understand things in its proper

perspective.You may wonder why of all the lords names,the Krishna namam is

selected for all the remedy,upliftment,enjoyment of reasonable wordly pleasure

and deriving of reasonable worldly benefitsby my Guru? To know the answer wait

for our next blog

posting on 7th March.Until then Radhekrishna.....Sarvam Guruvarpanam

# posted by Krishna : 1:38 PM 0 comments

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Great Liberator


# posted by Krishna : 11:12 PM 0 comments

Crowned Alive Holiness


# posted by Krishna : 11:09 PM 0 comments

The Incompatible Caretaker

The Ultimate Liberator's Divine Entry !

# posted by Krishna : 10:38 PM 0 comments

The Unsurpassed

The divine Smile ! ! ! ! !

# posted by Krishna : 10:34 PM 0 comments

The Divine Nector


# posted by Krishna : 10:27 PM 0 comments

The Light for the souls


# posted by Krishna : 10:25 PM 0 comments

The Perfect Teacher


# posted by Krishna : 10:21 PM 1 comments

Surrender Yourself


# posted by Krishna : 10:19 PM 0 comments

The Mahathma


# posted by Krishna : 10:17 PM 0 comments

Thursday, January 06, 2005



RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGDear readers, Last time we concluded the topic

Acharya/Guru and His Relevence in SriVAISHNAVA SIDDHANTAM.This new posting is

about the qualities of the Supreme Being about WHOM we have talked in the

previous topic.That Supreme Being is none other than the 'Purushottam'

himself-Lord Krishna.Sri Vaishnavas who believe and practise Vaishnavism

consider and firmly believe that Srimann Narayan with PERIYA

PRATTIYAR(His consort)in Sri Vaikuntam -Mokshapuri-is the only DEIVAM

-BHAGWAN-to be meditated upon.Bhagwan-the abode of six






and accessable.


COMES TO THEIR AID BY HIS NIRHETUKRIPA(Without any provocation and

inducement)Who takes ten steps if his true devotee takes one step towards him!

how good is His Swamithvam.So we mortals should firmly catch hold of him

because you cant find an equal substitute to Him.Then why talk or even think of

anyone better than Him?There is none in the entire universe.The greatest Supreme

Being who is pleased with your unstinted/unfliched devotion/bhakti only;not by

other offerings if it is without devotion.Easily satisfied with our devotional

offering howsoever small or insignificant it may be-leaves,flowers/water

etc.Guides you to the path of renunciation by the simplest method of offering

whatever you do,eat,offer,give away to another,austerity you practise-offer to

him. That offering will free you from the bonds of works you did which earn

good or evil fruit.The one and the only one who declares and swears to his

disciple Arjuna that his devotee never perishes.Such is His abundant grace that

He incarnates himself to deliver the good and destroy the wicked and to

establish dhrama from ages to ages(avataram).The one who recognizes the role of

Acharyas to the upliftment of mortals to become his devotee.He even talked to

the acharyas from his Archavathara dwellings in temples-Kanchi Perarulan to

Tirukanchi Nambi through him to Sri Ramanuja to Emperumana himself to kuresar

to mention a few.Giving moksha to his devotees without any

discrimination-whether the devotee is high or low, rich or poor,man or woman

etc.Such is His unsurpassed compassion towards suffering mankind.This was just

a modest attempt to let all you readers know a bit about the Supreme Being.The

above descriptions are very little to describe Lord Krishna fully.Our next

posting will be on the topic 'Guru Parampara Prabhavam' and in that topic we

will tell you about............................................Well keep

guessing! Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna

Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe

# posted by Krishna : 3:16 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Acharya/Guru and His Relevence in SRI VAISHNAVA SIDDHANTHAM 2


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGSrimath Ramanujaya NamahaAsmath Gurubhyo NamahaSrimann

Narayana ParaBrahmam NamahaDear readers,By reading the first article on this

blog you have realised how fortunate we are to be born as human beings.And also

you all must be very anxious to know the easiest way to reach God that was

talked about in the last article.But all of you must be wondering that the

title of this topic being Acharya/Guru and

His Relevence in SriVAISHNAVA SIDDHANTAM there is nothing so far about it.So

first let all of you know something about the significance of a spiritual Guru

in a person's life.Acharya/Guru's indispensible intervention between the devoid

and the Supreme PERSON in Whom all beings abide and by Whom this world pervades

and who can be attained by undivided devotion is unparallel.The Guru is the

medium through which we mortals can get access to the Supreme Being.The role of

Acharya is to assess the strength and weaknesses,the desires and the pursuits

one makes to attain their objectives and how far one can uplift himself amidst

the conflicting interests that one pursues without the intervention and help of

Guru.So in our life there is an immense necessity of finding a suitable Guru who


devote his time and leisure with "Nirhetu Kripai"(Showing Mercy without any

selfish motive) to guide the tormented souls with little bitter pills and more

sweet soothing encouragements with the sole aim of uplifting the mortals who

come under his fold. There is abolutely no involvement of personal motives of

earning wealth or fame for the Guru.A true Acharya never has any 'moham'

attraction for money or power.Such is the merciful nature (karunai) of

Guru/Preceptor who comes forward to help people who seek his help.A word of

caution-not all persons doing this selfless service as Acharya are

genuine.There are persons who act as Acharya's with the intention of making

money through the already confused people and then vanish in a short time.By

such acts they disgrace themselves and sow the seeds of suspicion in the minds

of the common people who are already confused by their own self created

disbeliefs and who are looking earnestly for a real guru who can

guide them and lead them kindly.HERE THE SEARCH FOR A GURU STARTS. Swami

Emperumanae has pointed out that the person who shows you the DEIVAM-the

supreme being and the person who shows you the dwelling place of such DEIVAM is

the GURU/ACHARYA/PRECEPTOR.Our search ends atleast for many people who are

blessed by the Supreme Being to come in contact with PoojyaShreeShree Amma,the

presiding deity of Sri Radhekrishna Sathsangam.18/17Sriram Colony,off

Chitlapakkam Main Road Tambaram Sanatorium , Chennai-600047.Much has to be told

about the benign grace and the easy accessability-Saulabhyam;and all in a more

detailed description to really understand the greatness of Poojya Shree Shree

Amma which will be described to the best of the ability and little knowledge


#006600">Before embarking on this task I wish to dwell upon the Supreme Being

whom the Guru is going to show you and whose Nirhetukripai we are seeking to

alleviate our sufferings under the kind guidance of Guru.So in our next

articleon 7th Jan 2005 all of you can enjoy BHAGHAWAT GUNANUBHAVANGAL-the

qualities of the Supreme Being. Till then do continuous chanting Radhekrishna

Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna Krishnaradhe Radhekrishna KrishnaradheRadhekrishna


# posted by Krishna : 1:45 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

"The Uplifting Hands"

# posted by Krishna : 12:53 PM 0 comments

Total Surrender

" Surrender Yourself "

# posted by Krishna : 12:50 PM 0 comments

The Mobile Sathsang

The Sacred Living Sanctity's Grace

# posted by Krishna : 12:46 PM 0 comments

The Mischievous Smile

The Sacred Living Sanctity in Mumbai

# posted by Krishna : 12:42 PM 0 comments

Monday, December 06, 2004






# posted by Krishna : 8:50 PM 0 comments

Acharya/Guru and His Relevence in SRI VAISHNAVA SIDDHANTAM


RADHEKRISHNA SATHSANGSrimath Ramanujaya NamahaAsmath Gurubhyo NamahaSrimann

Narayana ParaBrahmam NamahaBharata Bhoomi- The Land of Bharata of yore, is the

land of the Mortal Beings.This is the karma Bhoomi where you can do your

alloted duties and where you can uplift yourself by your steadfast bhakti in

the Supreme imperishable Being.In other Lokas like sevaloka one cannot uplift

himself because they are enjoying the fruits of punya they have earned earlier

and after the Punya gets exhausted they have to come to Maruthya Lokam.But

people born in this bhooloka, they have the chance to raise themselves to the

level of God and by His

grace can enjoy His company in Sri Vaikuntham along with Nithya Sooris.So it is

a unique privilege to be born as a human being i.e Manushya.

Rare are the chances to be born as a human being.The chances of being born in

the lower order from human beings-Pasu Pakshi,Mrugam etc(animals,birds etc) are

much more than the chances of being born as 'Manushya'.For such mercy of the

Supreme Lord of giving us birth as a human being we must be ever grateful to

him and chant his name with bhakti.

Bhagwan says that He is same to all creations.There is none hateful or dear to

Him. BUT THOSE WHO WORSHIP HIM WITH DEVOTION abide in Him and He too abides in

them.To get this unsurpassed karunyam of Lord alone,and to be in the company of

Him we have to worship Him with devotion at all times.No other simpler way is

there to reach Him and be under His benign grace.You cannot find such an

explicit statement anywhere else coming from the mouth of the Supreme Lord, the

Lord of the universe.

Would you like to know more about this easiest way to reach GOD?

Then wait for the continuation of this article.

Continuation of the article on 22nd December 2004.

# posted by Krishna : 1:17 AM 0 comments

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