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Did Arjuna not worship Lord Krishna

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Q180) Did Arjuna not worship Lord Krishna who was the

human incarnation?


Ans) Arjuna is called as Nara. Nara means a human

being. He perfectly represented the state of a human

being. The human being has always a mixed feeling. He

is a mixture of faith and doubt. Due to faith Pandavas

won the war. But due to the doubt, they were really

defeated because all their sons who are the heirs of

kingdom were killed. Nara was associated with Narayana

for thousands of years. But still he slipped from the

grip. Arjuna was born as a hunter in the next birth.

Sometimes he believed Krishna and sometimes he

doubted. One-day Krishna asked Arjuna to lookup the

top of tree, whether there was a bird. Arjuna told

yes. Then Krishna told whether that was a flower.

Arjuna again told yes. Then Krishna asked Arjuna

regarding his blind support. Then Arjuna told that

whatever Krishna says, it will happen. This is a scene

of full belief. But you see another scene. Arjuna was

prepared to fight with Krishna to protect Gaya. This

is the scene of full doubt. Had he believed Krishna

fully, what is the necessity for him to go to

Himalayas to get Pasupatastram? Just like the present

human being, he was fond of energetic body of God. Due

to this, he did long penance and had the vision of

Shiva, the energetic body. He worshipped Shivalingam

in Himalayas, which is a model representing the

formless God. The Shiva lingam indicates the wave of

energy. It represents God in the form of all pervading

energy. He kept a small statue of Hanuman on the

chariot and the picture of Hanuman on the flag. This

shows that human beings are fond of statues and

pictures. Arjuna also saw Shiva in energetic body

walking before the chariot. But, Krishna was sitting

in the front of chariot as driver. But, he did not

identify Krishna as God. The energetic body in front,

the statue above and the human incarnation in the

front are available. Even Ravana worshipped Shiva

lingam and saw shiva in the energetic body after doing

penance. But, he disbelieved Rama, who is the

incarnation. Hanuman and Gopikas had full faith on the

human incarnation (Rama and Krishna) without any

doubt. Hanuman just slipped in one incident. He fought

with Rama for the sake of his mother. Dharmaraja also

just slipped once. He refused to tell a lie even

though Krishna ordered. Thus both Hanuman and

Dharmaraja were having 99% belief. Ravana stands for

complete disbelief and Arjuna is in between them.

Hanuman and Gopikas are the candidates for IAS

examination. Rama gave a very tough question paper.

Rama was protected by Hanuman in several incidents.

Rama also acted highly selfish by showing lot of

interest on His wife. He told Ravana, to return back

His wife and live happily. If Ravana did this, Rama

will not harm him in spite of his atrocities. That

means Rama is interested in His wife and not in the

welfare of society. Similarly, Gopikas were ripened

sages and were IAS candidates. Krishna acted as a

thief and mischeivous in all respects. Neither Hanuman

nor Gopikas got any doubt. If one understands these

three epics, the salvation can be achieved. They are

not simple stories. Every story has a hidden ocean of

spiritual knowledge. Every Purana has such treasure of

spiritual knowledge. Hanuman and Gopikas never

worshipped formless God or God in energetic body or

God as statues and photos. They worshipped the human

incarnation only with a rock of faith. But Arjuna

worshipped God in other ways. Ramayana and Bhagavatham

speak aobout the achievement of God. Bhaaratam speaks

the problems in such spiritual effort. There is no

difficulty in understanding or in accepting formless

God or God in energetic body or God as statue or

picture. But, the human incarnation shows birth,

death, hunger, illness etc. in the gross body. This

creates doubt. The doubt becomes stronge when the

human incarnation exhibits bad qualities (Rajas and

tamas) through the suble body. Actually God enters

only the energetic bodies or the living bodies. In the

upper world, God is seen in energetic body. But, such

energetic forms are meant only for the souls having

energetic bodies in the upper world. When the soul

leaves the gross body in this world, it immediately

takes energetic body to go to the upper world. In this

world, God eneters animals etc. also but they are not

for preaching. They are only for destroying the

demons. Mainly He enters the human body for the sake

of human beings. Regarding statues and photos, they

are only representative models. You can worship them

assuming that they are God. But actually they are not

God. Similarly you can love your son assuming him as

child Krishna. But you should remember that it is only

representative worship and your son is not actually

Krishna. Thus Brahma Vidya is most difficult in

understanding and accepting human incarnation. Unless

egoism and jealousy are completely destroyed, none can

accept the human incarnation. That is why people see

Brahma Vidya as most difficult subject.




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