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worshipping the formless GOD

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Q.195) The Sikh Religion says that God is formless. We

have to worship the God in form like human being in

whom the power of God exists and not the God, i.e.,

the beginning stage, which is easy. We have to travel

from simple stage to complicated stage. We have to

worship the formless God finally, which is

complicated. But you are propagating the reverse. Can

you enlighten me on this? (A believer of Sikh




Ans.) Do you think that we have to travel from clarity

to confusion or from confusion to clarity? Anything

becomes complicated when there is confusion. Anything

becomes easy when there is clarity. Clarity is the

real knowledge and confusion is the real ignorance. We

must travel from ignorance to knowledge and not

vice-versa. When you say that God is formless, there

is no complication. God is like all pervading space or

cosmic energy. A 10th class student who has studied

physics can very easily understand this. But when a

particular human being is declared as God the real

complication araises, because He is looking like any

human being. How this particular human being is God

and every human being is not God? You have to analyze

the internal form of the human incarnation and

differentiate Him from an ordinary human being. Lot of

logical analysis is required here only. Moreover

egoism and jealousy attack immediately any one and due

to this no body accepts a particular human being as


Actually God is unimaginable and you cannot say that

He has form or formless. He is not the space, which is

formless. But you imagine Him like space. You have

caught the space only in your imagination and not the

real God. Somebody says that a peculiar animal in the

forest called as Gavaya looks like cow, you have

imagined only the cow and not the Gavaya animal.

Unless you perceive God directly how can you imagine

Him? Your imagination itself is nervous energy. Thus

you perceive the unimaginable God through space and

nervous energy. Both the space and nervous energy are

parts of the creation. If you analyze the human body

it is also energy occupying certain space. Therefore,

you perceive God through the medium of space and

energy. A medium, which is a part of the creation, is

essential to imagine the unimaginable God.

Unimaginable is different from formless. Space is

formless but not unimaginable. First you distinguish

between these two. The Guru of your Sikh Religion is

actually the human incarnation and worshipping Him is

the real worship of God. The reason for your Guru not

encouraging the human incarnation is that the fraud

Gurus are claiming themselves as God. It is really

difficult to recognize the real human incarnation in

which, God dwells. Certainly there is a large

probability of fraud persons who claim themselves as

God and mislead you. But you should not run away from

analyzing the genuine incarnation fearing for the

fraud persons. Any system has loopholes. The system

cannot be rejected due to the loopholes. One cannot

avoid the train journey since there is a risk of

accident. One cannot abolish the examination system

because there is a probability of copying. One cannot

abolish the administration offices of the Government,

as there is probability of corruption. There is a risk

of artificial diamonds to be confused as original

diamonds. Due to this will you avoid purchasing the

necklace of original diamonds? You will take the help

of an expert in selecting the original diamond. The

human incarnation is the most convenient form for the

worship and service. When you say that God is

omni-potent it means that God has all powers. If He

cannot come in human form, He is not having that

power. Then He cannot be omni-potent. When He has the

power to take the human incarnation, He has come in

human form. Who are you to object that? He comes in

human form for those devotees who are fond of

worshipping Him through real service. They like to

talk with God and live with God. They like to serve

the God and see the pleasure in His face. They get

full satisfaction by that. Therefore, God is in human

form for such devotees only. Those who do not like the

human form can worship God through formless inert

items like space, energy etc. or inert forms like

statues. But such worship is not the direct worship

and it is only a representative worship. Neither space

is God nor God is in the space. Similar is the case of

a statue. Both formless space and formful statue stand

as representatives of God only. Of-course God is

pleased with the representative worship also, but the

direct experience of God and the possibility of

pleasing Him to the maximum extent are possible in the

human body only. A devotee by name Jyothi asked a

question about the possiblity of talking with God

directly. She should investigate the human incarntion

at present and can talk directly. The proceedure to

identify the human incarnation based on the scriptures

is extensively explained by Me in several answers to

the questions that are placed in the web-site

(www.universal-spirituality.org). One has to identify

the present human incarnation using that proceedure,

in which the inseparable characteristics of God in the

human incarnation are well explained. God is coming in

human form in every human generation. If He had come

only in a particular human generation God becomes

partial to that generation only. God wants to talk

with His devotees to please them by clearing all their

doubts. This is the main purpose of the human

incarnation of God. If you don’t believe the human

incarnation you need not approach the human

incarnation. But there is a devotee like Jyothi, who

is very much anxious to talk with God. You can neither

object her nor the God to take the human form. You

carry on your representative worship. She is not

objecting you. If you don’t want to purchase the

original diamonds do not purchase. But you should not

object a person who wants to purchase the original

diamond. Thus God provided both the ways separately.

You purchase the artificial diamonds and let somebody

purchases the original diamond. Those who want to pray

God without talking with God, let them have the

representative worship having formless God or statues.

Those who want to pray, talk and worship the living

God, let them have the human incarnation. You should

not object the desire of other devotee and also the

God who is capable to fulfill the desire of that








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