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Re:no need to degrade saivaites to extol the virtues vaishnavism

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SrImatE rAmAnujAya nama:

SrI lakshmI narasimha parabrahmaNE nama:


SrImAn rAmachandran ji,

SrI vaishNavism as expounded by SrI rAmAnuja

identifies SrImAn nArAyaNa alone as the ubhaya vibhu.

Although all other gods are much elevated when

compared to us, neverthless they are also bound in the

same samsAra. They are also longing to do kainkaryams

to paramapadanAthan. Serving divya dampathis

uninterruptedly is mOksha. This cannot be granted by

any other god, except SrImAn nArAyaNa himself. VedAs

teach the same truth iteratively, upanishads praise

the same parabhahmaN, and there are unlimited number

of proofs that our AchAryAs furnished from the vEdic

literature to establish this fact firmly. Hence, as

per vaidika sidhAnta, becoming a vaishNava redeems

one's real tattva. We respect other's opinions but

strongly believe what our AchAryas teach us as supreme

truth. To be secular, we cannot deny what is truth.

Our secularism is only limited not to abuse other

person's beliefs, but not to compromise on our very

sidhAnta. As such, neither siva nor saivites are

abused or degraded for the supreme supreme position of

SrImAn nArAyaNa, for it is actual truth. To contradict

with this fact, one should establish contrary

arguement from prasthAna trayee, lest it will not



Please do not be offended by truth, for truth redeems

every one's position.

'satyam Eva jayatE'- that is upanishad sAram.



SrIperumbUdUru vEnkaTa vinOd.





Message: 3

Wed, 29 Jun 2005 09:44:32 +0530


Re: A Peep into Periya ThiruMozhi 154


Respected Dasan Padmanabahan,

I have been very earnestly going through your articles


Divyadesam. Thanks for the good work. I am an ardent

devotee of Vishnu though

I am a saivaite. I consider both Shiva and vishnu as

my two eyes.


Your following lines

It was seen that the chOzha king who was a saivate

had redeemed

Himself by surrendering at the divine feet of

thirunaRaiyUr perumAL.


seems to be an abberation in today's context. It is

not required to degrade saivaites to extolthe virtues

vaishnavism.I am sure you will agree

to the fact that there are better and several other

ways to propagate

the good things.


Thanking you








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Dear Shri Vinodji,

At the outset the meaning of secularism is a simple fact that it denotes freedom

of a person to follow a religion of his choice and secularism never states that

a particular religions virtues can be highlighted by denigrating other sect so

on and so forth.


To propagate and bring about the virtues of Vasihnavism or for that matter any

sect of religion there are several examples and statements which will go very

well with followers of GOD.


After all vaishnavism and saivism are two parts of our great HINDU religion.


In todays context Vaishnavism will score an empahatic victory only when more and

more persons are attracted towards it from other sects for which Divyadesam can

do a great service.


Om namo narayana




vinod sv


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:35 PM

Re:no need to degrade saivaites to extol the virtues vaishnavism

SrI:SrImatE rAmAnujAya nama:SrI lakshmI narasimha parabrahmaNE nama:SrImAn

rAmachandran ji,SrI vaishNavism as expounded by SrI rAmAnujaidentifies SrImAn

nArAyaNa alone as the ubhaya vibhu.Although all other gods are much elevated

whencompared to us, neverthless they are also bound in thesame samsAra. They

are also longing to do kainkaryamsto paramapadanAthan. Serving divya

dampathisuninterruptedly is mOksha. This cannot be granted byany other god,

except SrImAn nArAyaNa himself. VedAsteach the same truth iteratively,

upanishads praisethe same parabhahmaN, and there are unlimited numberof proofs

that our AchAryAs furnished from the vEdicliterature to establish this fact

firmly. Hence, asper vaidika sidhAnta, becoming a vaishNava redeemsone's real

tattva. We respect other's opinions butstrongly believe what our AchAryas teach

us as supremetruth. To be secular, we cannot deny what is truth.Our secularism

is only limited not to abuse otherperson's beliefs, but not to compromise on

our verysidhAnta. As such, neither siva nor saivites areabused or degraded for

the supreme supreme position ofSrImAn nArAyaNa, for it is actual truth. To

contradictwith this fact, one should establish contraryarguement from prasthAna

trayee, lest it will notstand.Please do not be offended by truth, for truth

redeemsevery one's position.'satyam Eva jayatE'- that is upanishad

sAram.dAsOham,SrIperumbUdUru vEnkaTa vinOd.Message: 3 Wed, 29

Jun 2005 09:44:32 +0530 RAMACHANDRAN <pram (AT) dataone (DOT) in>Re: A

Peep into Periya ThiruMozhi 154Respected Dasan Padmanabahan,I have been very

earnestly going through your articlesthrough Divyadesam. Thanks for the good

work. I am an ardentdevotee of Vishnu though I am a saivaite. I consider both

Shiva and vishnu asmy two eyes.Your following lines It was seen that the chOzha

king who was a saivatehad redeemed Himself by surrendering at the divine feet

ofthirunaRaiyUr perumAL.seems to be an abberation in today's context. It isnot

required to degrade saivaites to extolthe virtuesvaishnavism.I am sure you

will agree to the fact that there are better and several otherways to propagate

the good things.Thanking youRamachandran.

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secularism meaning politically different and also ,as such no religion

mentioned or defined secularism. Once man is born he should be obliged to his

parents and religion and caste where he is born, but that does not mean he

has to disapprove others nor interfer in others scriptures this is what

sanathana dharma is .

If u peep into sreevaishnavism site it is but natural u find

supporting vishnu and what our acharyas sayings.


I have seen one photo of lalitha or rajarajeshwari i am not sure but

goddess was sitting on simhasan ,mahavishnu and brahma were sitiing down

near the singasan legs(whatever it is ) . Even after seeing such depictions

no vaishvaites raise words .since it is there faith they r free to do there

kind of pooja .U peep into vaishnava site and protest what our acharyas and

alwars say?


it is not only shaivism and vaishnavism there r many more isms in india which

u r probably not aware .To understand any religion first requirement is to

understand ones own religion.


Secularism is for politicians and if used in spiritual language then all

alwars nayannars r secularists they know what they r upto since we do not

know anything we r confused and afraid of each and every god instead bhakthi

we r cultivating fear hatred and totally forget the real meaning of

religion,and secularism.


person having parents cannot go to others house and call them amma and appa.

he may consider others as parents but biological parents r only parents but

that does not mean he has to look down upon others.


so ,by birth only we already have our own parents ,god everything but thing is

we r knocking wrong doors in anticipation of some wonderful miracles to

happen.Till we r dutiful to our parents ,religion ,god we r confused souls and

confuse others too


thanking u



RAMACHANDRAN <pram (AT) dataone (DOT) in> wrote:

Dear Shri Vinodji,

At the outset the meaning of secularism is a simple fact that it denotes freedom

of a person to follow a religion of his choice and secularism never states that

a particular religions virtues can be highlighted by denigrating other sect so

on and so forth.


To propagate and bring about the virtues of Vasihnavism or for that matter any

sect of religion there are several examples and statements which will go very

well with followers of GOD.


After all vaishnavism and saivism are two parts of our great HINDU religion.


In todays context Vaishnavism will score an empahatic victory only when more and

more persons are attracted towards it from other sects for which Divyadesam can

do a great service.


Om namo narayana




vinod sv


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:35 PM

Re:no need to degrade saivaites to extol the virtues vaishnavism

SrI:SrImatE rAmAnujAya nama:SrI lakshmI narasimha parabrahmaNE nama:SrImAn

rAmachandran ji,SrI vaishNavism as expounded by SrI rAmAnujaidentifies SrImAn

nArAyaNa alone as the ubhaya vibhu.Although all other gods are much elevated

whencompared to us, neverthless they are also bound in thesame samsAra. They

are also longing to do kainkaryamsto paramapadanAthan. Serving divya

dampathisuninterruptedly is mOksha. This cannot be granted byany other god,

except SrImAn nArAyaNa himself. VedAsteach the same truth iteratively,

upanishads praisethe same parabhahmaN, and there are unlimited numberof proofs

that our AchAryAs furnished from the vEdicliterature to establish this fact

firmly. Hence, asper vaidika sidhAnta, becoming a vaishNava redeemsone's real

tattva. We respect other's opinions butstrongly believe what our AchAryas teach

us as supremetruth. To be secular, we cannot deny what is truth.Our secularism

is only limited not to abuse otherperson's beliefs, but not to compromise on

our verysidhAnta. As such, neither siva nor saivites areabused or degraded for

the supreme supreme position ofSrImAn nArAyaNa, for it is actual truth. To

contradictwith this fact, one should establish contraryarguement from prasthAna

trayee, lest it will notstand.Please do not be offended by truth, for truth

redeemsevery one's position.'satyam Eva jayatE'- that is upanishad

sAram.dAsOham,SrIperumbUdUru vEnkaTa vinOd.Message: 3 Wed, 29

Jun 2005 09:44:32 +0530 RAMACHANDRAN <pram (AT) dataone (DOT) in>Re: A

Peep into Periya ThiruMozhi 154Respected Dasan Padmanabahan,I have been very

earnestly going through your articlesthrough

Divyadesam. Thanks for the good work. I am an ardentdevotee of Vishnu though I

am a saivaite. I consider both Shiva and vishnu asmy two eyes.Your following

lines It was seen that the chOzha king who was a saivatehad redeemed Himself

by surrendering at the divine feet ofthirunaRaiyUr perumAL.seems to be an

abberation in today's context. It isnot required to degrade saivaites to

extolthe virtuesvaishnavism.I am sure you will agree to the fact that there are

better and several otherways to propagate the good things.Thanking


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