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Creations Vedas appeared and Prayers of Garuda

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Hare Krishna,

All Glories To Sri Sri Guru & Gauranga,

All Glories To Sri Sri Ranganath & Jaganath,

All Glories To Srila Prabhupad & His Disiples


Recently I got a usefull Informations about the Gaurada Purana. Please NJoy IT.



The Background to the Purana

Romaharshana next related how the Garuda Purana had originated. He once went to

the hermitage known as vadrikashrama and met Vedavyasa there. He worshipped

Vedavyasa and asked the sage to tell him about the true nature of Vishnu.

I will, said Vedavyasa, I will tell you the Garuda Purana. I, Narada, Daksha,

Bhrigu and several other sages had once gone to Brahma’s residence in

brahmaloka to pay our respects. We asked Brahma to relate to us the best form

of knowledge.

Garuda was the king of the birds. He pleased Vishnu through tapsaya and Vishnu

appeared before Garuda. What boon do you wish for? he asked Garuda.

Please grant me the boon that I may be your carrier (vahana), answered Garuda.

Grant me the boon that I may be able to prevail over all snakes. And finally

grant me the boon that I may know everything so as to be able to compose a


This boon was granted and Garuda composed the Garuda Purana. He then taught it

to the sage Kashyapa. And Vishnu himself recited the Purana to Brahma, Shiva

and the other gods. Vedavyasa learnt the Purana from Brahma and taught it to

Romaharshana. It was this Purana that Romaharshana was now reciting.


In the beginning there was nothing. Only the divine essence (brahman) was

everywhere. The brahman is the origin of the universe. It has no beginning

and no end. Before creation, there was nothing except the brahman. The

universe was immersed in water.

Then in the water a golden egg (anda) appeared. Vishnu was inside the egg. He

had adopted a physical form so as to create. From Vishnu was created Brahma,

the one with four faces. All that was created Brahma. The one with four faces.

All that was created was inside the egg. Brahma is the creator, Visnu the

preserver and Shiva the destroyer. But it is the same brahma which adopts

these different forms. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are not really separate


At first, Brahma created four types of beings. These are devas (gods), asuras

(demons), pitris (ancestors) and manavas (humans). The gods are stronger

during the day and the demons are stronger at night. Later, Brahma created two

other types of beings. These were the rakshasas (demons) and yakshas

(demi-gods). He also created the gandharvas (singers of heaven).

Snakes were created from Brahma’s hair, sheep from the chest, goats from the

mouth, cows from the stomach, and horses, elephants, donkeys and camels from

the feet. The hair on Brahma’s body became herbs. The brahmanas emerged from

Brahma’s mouth and the kshatriyas from his arms. The third of the four classes

consists of vaishyas. Agriculture and trade are the duties of vaishyas. The

vaishyas came out of Brahma’s thighs. The last of the four classes consists of

shudras. It is the duty of shudras to serve the other three classes. The

shudras emerged from Brahma’s feet.

The four Vedas came out of Brahma’s four mouths. Brahma first created sons

through his mental powers. Their names were Dharma, Rudra, Manu, Sanaka,

Sanatana, Bhrigu, Sanatkumar, Ruchi, Shuddha, Marichi, Atri, Angira, Pulastya,

Pulaha, Kratu, Vashishtha and Narada. Then Daksha was created from Brahma’s

right thumb and Daksha’s wife from Brahma’s left thumb, Daksha and his wife

had several daughters.

>From his own body Brahma also created a man named Svayambhuva Manu and a woman

named Shatarupa. Manu and Shatarupa had two sons named Priyavrata and

Uttanapada and three daughters named Prasuti, Akuti and Devahuti.

The sage Kashyapa was born from Brahma. He married thirteen of Daksha’s

daughters. Their names were Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kala, Anayu, Muni, Kadru,

Prabha, Ira, Krodha, Vinata, Surabhi and Khaga. The sons of Aditi were the

adityas or gods and the sons of Diti were the daityas or demons. Two of Diti’s

sons were Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu. Danu’s sons were the danavas or

demons. Vinata had two sons, Aruna and Garuda, the same Garuda who composed

the Garuda Purana. Kadru’s sons were the snakes. Kroudha’s sons were the

pishachas (cannibalistic demons). Surabhi gave birth to cows and buffaloes.

Ira was the mother of all trees and bushes. Kahaga gave birth to rakshasas and

yakshas and muni to apsaras (dancers of heaven).


The Garuda Purana now has several sections on techniques of praying to Surya

(the sun god), Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth) and Vishnu. The mantras

(incantations) that are to be used are described. For example, if you wanted

to pray to Vishnu, you could say the following.

I pray to you, Lord Vishnu. Take your sudarshana chakra (a bladed discus) and

protect my east. I seek your protection my south. I salute you. Take your

sounanda hala (a plough) and protect my west. O louts-eyes, you alone are my

refuge. Take your shatana mushala (a club and protect my north.

I pray to you, Lord Vishnu. Take your khadga (sword) and charma (shield) and

protect my northcast. Your are the killer of all demons, grant me my desire.

Take our panchajanya (a couch-shell) and anudvadoha (a lotus) and protect my

north-west. Your body is divine. Take your chandramasa khadga (a sword) and

protect my south-east. I salute you. Take your shrivatsa (Vishnu’s necklace)

and protect my south-west. Ascend. O Lord, on Garuda and protect me from the

top. You are invincible. I bow down before you. Also protect me in the



UR's Dasosmi

RamaKrishna Do You



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