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Disproprotionate Wealth Case

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Anything disproportionate is viewed with stigma. Proportianate possession is

considered healthy. 'viralukku thagundha vEkkam vEANDum' goes the tamil adage.

One should live within the means. 'aLavukku minjinAl amurdhamum nanju' goes

another reflecting that even the best should not go out of proportions. The

Reserve Bank of India, prescribes for the banks capital adequacy ratio.A bank

should have minimum capital to the extent of at least 9% of Risk based assets.

Anything less than that is considered risky.

A citizen is expected to hold assets in proportion to his income. Anything, over

and above is likely to attract 'disproportionate wealth case'. No this is not a

write-up on contemporary politics nor any essay on economics.


When Sri vAmanan became Thrivikraman -and measured three feet mahabali's son

namuchi questioned the Lord - You should measure the worlds with the old


'..munnaiya vaNNamEa koNdu aLavAi enna" PeriyAzhwAr ThiruMozhi 1-8-8;


What happeend when EmperumAn measured the worlds, the sheer size pierced the

skies and grew out of bounds -viLAkkulai koLLudhal.



Sri Nam-AzhwAr has also suffered from this disproportionate phenomenon. Holding

conversely proportional to the asset, ParAnkusa Nayaki suffers the effects of

disproportion. She explains the fact that this disproportionate assets has made

her suffer and she cannot do anything about that.


What does mARAn possess and what is the possession exceeding the proportion-s?

one may ask. After all, everybody knows that Sri Nam-AzhwAr settled down under

the divine tree for years till he reached the Almighty. Therefore, what he

owned and that too in excess of the permissible levels has to be examined.


Let us go into two pAsuram-s to find the answer. One is from the ninth ten of

thiru-voi-mozhi and another from the ninth ten.


'vurugu mAl nenjam vuyirin param-anRi

perugu mAl vEATkai --en seigEan thoNdAnEAn" 9-6-1; and


'..Aviyin param-alla vEATkai andhOA" 10-3-2;


The mind melts on thinking of the Lord. The soul is subtle and small but the

love, the desire, the longingness, the yearning for EmperumAn is not in tandem

with the soul. It is boundless. It grows in geometric proportions. This love

and desire for the Lord torments the mind, results in sleepless nights, does

not give peace of mind.Oh! devotees, this desire out of proprotions, is

torturing me, What shall I do? This desire manifests itself into unbearable

agony on separation from the Lord.



The same sentiment is voiced in the vEai maru thOLiNai thiru-voi-mozhi 10-3;

when AzhwAr gets restless on thinking that The Almighty will leave as the day

commences and the separation from Him is imminent. The thirst-avA is not in

proportion to the jEvAthmA excalims AzhwAr.


Should one accuse Sri Nam-AzhwAr for possessing wealth disproportionate to his

assets? Perhpas, the disproportinate possessions are relevant in this worldly

parlance. The desire, Sri Nam AzhwAr possessed was divine. It came naturally to

him and cannot be purchased like the materialistic wealth. In fact one should

desire for such, with the blessings of the Lord and get bequeathed such


"Disproportionate Assets"



'sUzhndhaganRAzhndh vuyarndhA mudivil perum-pAzhEyOA --Achith

sUzhndhadhanil periya para-nan malar sOdhiyOA --Chith

Suhndhadhanil periya sudar gnAna inba mEyOA --- ESwaran.

Suzhndhadhanil periya en avA...." The desire of Azhwar exceeding all the three above.




vanamamalai padmanabhan

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