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i am chandrababu from tambaram(chennai),

devotee of bhagawan krishna searching for two weeks of

beautiful posters of lord krishna. now when i saw your

message, it is pleasent suprise. i think it is send by

our lord in the form of balaji.

Another request can i get the websites address to

download movie and songs of lord krishna and lord rama

in tamil, telugu, kannada language i.e sampoorna



hare krishna



--- Balaji A <balajimails wrote:


> harE krshNa! aazhwaargaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam!

> Dear Devotees,

> Here is an excellent link which contains images of

> shree krshNa in more

> than 150 postures and pastimes:

> http://www.krishna.com/main.php?id=455

> Download and feel yourself being with lord krshNa

> in the past. Really very

> excellent pictures.

> - Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!







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Dear Chandra Babu & Other Devotees,


Good that you have searched for Lord Krishna for two weeks. You have to search

more, more, more and more for Lord Krishna + his true devotees for more

knowledge of our true father - Lord Krishna.


Here is the link where you can download and listen (online) the songs of Lord krshNa:





- Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!

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hare krishna:

dear balaji,

I once again say thanks to you for

sending address to listen the songs on our lord




hare krishna


--- Balaji A <balajimails wrote:


> harE krshNa! aazhwaargaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam!

> Dear Chandra Babu & Other Devotees,

> Good that you have searched for Lord Krishna for

> two weeks. You have to

> search more, more, more and more for Lord Krishna +

> his true devotees for

> more knowledge of our true father - Lord Krishna.

> Here is the link where you can download and listen

> (online) the songs of

> Lord krshNa:

> http://www.devotionalsongs.com/sri_krishna.htm

> http://www.devotionalsongs.com/venkanna.htm

> - Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!








Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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chandra Babu <chandrababureddy > wrote:

hare krishna: dear balaji, I once again say thanks to

you for sending address to listen the songs on our

lordkrishnachandrababuhare krishna--- Balaji A <balajimails > wrote:>

harE krshNa! aazhwaargaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam!> Dear Chandra Babu & Other

Devotees,> Good that you have searched for Lord Krishna for> two weeks. You

have to> search more, more, more and more for Lord Krishna +> his true devotees

for> more knowledge of our true father - Lord Krishna.> Here is the link where

you can download and listen> (online) the songs of> Lord krshNa:>


http://www.devotionalsongs.com/venkanna.htm> - Balaji - The Servant of

Devotees!> Mail -

PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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Hare Krishna, prabhuji,


I saw the site, but i m unable to download and play

the songs. Please could u guide me.




rajesh naidu



--- chandra Babu <chandrababureddy wrote:


> hare krishna:

> dear balaji,

> I once again say thanks to you for

> sending address to listen the songs on our lord

> krishna


> chandrababu

> hare krishna


> --- Balaji A <balajimails wrote:


> > harE krshNa! aazhwaargaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam!

> > Dear Chandra Babu & Other Devotees,

> > Good that you have searched for Lord Krishna for

> > two weeks. You have to

> > search more, more, more and more for Lord Krishna

> +

> > his true devotees for

> > more knowledge of our true father - Lord Krishna.

> > Here is the link where you can download and

> listen

> > (online) the songs of

> > Lord krshNa:

> > http://www.devotionalsongs.com/sri_krishna.htm

> > http://www.devotionalsongs.com/venkanna.htm

> > - Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!

> >







> Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005








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Dear Mr. Balaji.


Please can u forward me the photos of lord krishna (baby). I like to have such

collection.. I am sending a photo sample of my collection.


Please see the attachment file for the photo






Balaji A <balajimails > wrote:

harE krshNa! aazhwaargaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam!


Dear Devotee Rajesh,


To hear those songs, you need RealPlayer. Click below to download RealPlayer:





- Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!

India Matrimony: Find your partner now.

Attachment: (image/pjpeg) krsna_baby2.jpg [not stored]

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harE krshNa! aazhwaargaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam!


Dear Devotee Rajesh,


Click on the below link:





There you will find MORE THAN 100 IMAGES of cute lord krshNa - our father, the

supreme. There you can keep on visiting pages one after the other for more



- Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!

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harE krshNa! aazhwaargaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam!


Dear Devotee Rajesh,


I also wanted to know that where you downloaded that great image of Lord

Krishna, which was very great in image quality. It was really beautiful.


- Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!

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Dear All,


Kindly visit http://www.devotionalsongs.com/venkanna.htm

the songs are very sweet that as if u r in trimala.. thanks a lot for

sending such good sites...







>rajesh u <samskrta2004



>Re: divine photos

>Mon, 24 Oct 2005 03:51:19 +0100 (BST)











>chandra Babu <chandrababureddy wrote:

>hare krishna:

> dear balaji,

> I once again say thanks to you for

>sending address to listen the songs on our lord




>hare krishna


>--- Balaji A <balajimails wrote:


> > harE krshNa! aazhwaargaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam!

> > Dear Chandra Babu & Other Devotees,

> > Good that you have searched for Lord Krishna for

> > two weeks. You have to

> > search more, more, more and more for Lord Krishna +

> > his true devotees for

> > more knowledge of our true father - Lord Krishna.

> > Here is the link where you can download and listen

> > (online) the songs of

> > Lord krshNa:

> > http://www.devotionalsongs.com/sri_krishna.htm

> > http://www.devotionalsongs.com/venkanna.htm

> > - Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!

> >

Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005











> Visit your group "" on the web.








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