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- Lakshminarasimhan Sridhar


Tuesday, November 08, 2005 7:12 AM

Svami dESikan thirunakshatram - Sathyagalam

SrI:Dear SrIvaishNavAs,http://www.pbase.com/svami/parthivatn2005Our Beloved

Acharyan Swami Desikan's Thirunakshatram was celebrated atSathyagalam on 6th of

November 2005. Lot of Sri Vaishnavas Particpated in this holy occasion. I am

sure next year there will bemore number of Participants. Sri K R Krishnaswami

svami, (HonSecretary of Sathyagalam Desika Sabha) told, this year there were

moreparticpants inspite of the poor weather condition. H H Parakala Swamicame

at 10 o'clock, did MangalASasanam at Kote Varadharaja PerumalSanadhi and

started ArAdanam to Parakala Mutt Moorthys. In theafternoon, Swami Desikan was

carried to Cauvery Karai and SrI MadhavanBhattar did all the rituals which was

followed by Avabratha Snanam andSathrumurai. Yesterday (07.11.05) was

Kedantapatti Swamis ThiruNakshatram which wasalso celebrated during when

Srimath Parakala Swami gave AnugruhaBhashanam. HH released a Book written By

Sri K R Krishnaswami Mama ,tittled "The Great Epic Creations of Sri Vedantha

Desikan". Itcontains the selected Verses from three great Books

viz.pAdukAsahasram, yAdavAbyudayam and SrImath rahasya traya sAram in

Englishwith meaning. The Book is priced at Rs.100/- . Krishnaswami Mama canbe

reached at krishkrk (AT) hotmail (DOT) com or vaskri (AT) hotmail (DOT) com . Then H HParakala

Swami told every year some book should be released on svamidESikan's

Thirunakshatram Day. I am also pleased to inform you thatRajagopuram work has

begun and request you to send your vaulablecontribution and also see that

before next Thirunakshataram day, theRajagopuram is there in YOUR SATHAYAGALAM

, a place dear to SwamiDesikan (Svami stayed here for 12 long years and

composed : abhItistavam here only) Pic details (corresponding to the last 4

digits):2261 Uthsavar Varadharajan flaked by Ubhaya Nachiyars 2262 Uthsavar

Swami Desikan ( Ninra Thirukolam ) . 2266 H H Parakala Jeer Doing Aradhanam to

the Moorthys of Parakala Mutt 2274 Moolavar Kote Varadharajar 2276 Moolavar

Perun Devi Thayar 2280 Moolavar Swamy Desikan and Koormasanam 2281

Koormasanam2283 Swami in Purapadu 2288 Swami in banks of river cauvery 2290

Closup view of Swami in Ninra thirukolam 2301 Swami in Manjal Kapu before

Avabratha Sananam 2309 Swami In Cauver getting Ready for Avabratha Snanam 2310

-do-23 11 close up 2313 Swami after Snanam 2316 Again in banks of

Cauver after holy snanam 2319 H H Parakala Swami Giving Anugruha Bashanam 2323

H H releasing the Book 2327 H H giving the first copy to Asthana Vidhvan of

Andavan Ashram -Sripuram Temple 2328 Swami giving the copy to SrI K R

Krishnaswami svami.DasanSridhar


7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.12.8/161 - Release 11/3/2005

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