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Protest to Article in Bhavan's journal

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The heading may sound to be paradox. It may be construed as an element of null set.


However, the statement is true in the context of none other than our EmperumAn.


Sri NamAzhvAr categorically mentions


'yAnum piRapp-il pal-piRavip perumAnai maRapponRinRi enRum magizhvanEa" ThriuvAimozhi 2-9-4;

"I will never forget the Lord who is birthless with multiple births"


If one has birth he cannot be termed as birthless.On the contrary, if one is

birthless, he cannot be termed as one with sevral births.

The onbadhinAyirappaDi clearly sums up this point

"karma vasyamAna piRAvi inRikkEA irukkach seidhEA - samsArigaLukku vuNDAna

krupAdhisiyathAlEA asankyAvathArangaLaip paNNi aruLum.'

Though not bound by kArmic effects, out of mercy towards the AtmAs stuck in the

samsAram, takes incarnations.


That is what upanishads corroborate 'ajAyamAnOA bahUthA vijAyathEA'


EmperumAn descends to the earth to rescue the souls. He takes up this task upon

Himself as He is not able to tolerate the insults poured on


" Eswaran avatharithuch seiyyum Anaith thozhilgaL ellAm bhAgavathApachAram

poRamAiyinAlEA ' This is the sRevachana bhUshanam sUthram No. 192;


Though the Lord can decimate these vandals with His sankalpam-s He comes down

personally to vanquish them.





1. The Lord is birthless - as he is not bound by kArmic effects.


2. EmperumAn out of immense mercy takes up birth.


3. He cannot tolerate the insults inflicted on His deovtees and takes upon

Himself all taks to remove their sufferings.


(to be continued)



vanamamalai padmanbhan


Thiruppathy Raguveeradayal


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:27 AM

Re: Protest to Article in Bhavan's journal

It is indeed a great shock that "Bhavan's Journal" nurtured so passionatelyby

the great doyen Dr Munshi to upkeep and focus all our tradional values,should

act exactly in the opposite way. And fortunately its readership isdwindling

and as madam has pointed out it needs to be totally ignoredOn 13/03/06,

Padmanabhan <aazhwar > wrote:>> It is not shocking to note such

blatant allegations against the Lord> Himself in these magazines. These so

called secular magazines in the name of> research articles write all sorts of

things against basic tenets of vEdhic> cannotations.>> However, let us discuss

a few of the points from AzvAr-angle> dAsan> vanamamalai padmanabhan> -----

Original Message -----> sarojram18> Oppiliappan>

Sunday, March 12, 2006 4:35 PM> Protest to

Article in Bhavan's journal>>> Excerpts from Bhavanâ?Ts journal dt.15 Jan

2006- Article â?~Life beyond> incarnationâ?T by Parur S Ganesan.>> The

author has quoted the two slokas â?~yada yada hi dharmasyaâ?T> and

â?~Paritranaya sadhunamâ?T and he writes, â?~While the mission> statement in

the former sloka is gentle and passive the same in the> latter was

aggressive, even smacking violence.> The purpose of the article seems to be

that even an incarnation> cannot escape the result of His karma.> He

further says â?~ the first three incarnations were in line with the> first

objective. Ithowever turned out to be terribly violent in> Narasimha, crafty

in Vamana, violent again in the two Ramas and> Krishna.â?T> â?~ The Lord as

Narasimha not only indulged in extreme violence of> tearing off the chest and

intestines of Hiranyakasipu but in a fit> of anger, lost His senses and

evenrank His blood and Swallowed his> raw flesh before trembling Prahlada

and others.â?T> About Vamana he writes,â?T Vamana tricked Emperor Mahabali

by> exploiting the latterâ?Ts munificence.â?T>> About Krishna, â?~ Krishna

did indulge in few annihilations but there> was no horror story except the

killing of Kamsa . This is however> overlooked as a juvenile act. In the

Bhagavatgita, however, he> advocated violence.>> About Rama, â?~Skippiong

the optionof bargaining peace he opted for war> and killed Ravana.â?T He

futher justifies the abduction of Sita as> retaliation of the maiming of

Surpanakha..â?TExcept keeping Sita as> captive Ravana never went beyond

rajaneethi. Yet Ramaindulged in> arson,mass destruction and killing of

innocent citizens of Lanka.â?T>> Even a superficial reader of Ramayana and

Bhagavata can see the> absurdities and distortions of facts in this article

.. Though every> one of the statements made in the article can be refuted I

think it> is a sheer waste of time to indulge in denying what is obviously

an> untruth. However I have voiced my protest to the editor and have sent>

my article on the significance of Dasavatara>>>>>>>>>

Hinduism Fund raising Beliefs> Religion>>>>


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