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Destruction of the Buddhas: Views

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There is a preception that the destruction of the

Buddhas has been widely opposed by Muslims worldwide.

Actually quite a few have supported it. I enclose

two views, since this appears to be a topic of some








The Propaganda Machine of the West and the Ummah

By Khalid Baig




We are dealing with the world's finest propaganda

machine, the mainstream media. Very efficient,

extremely fascinating, dangerously cunning.

Unfortunately, it remains the source for our daily

news, gossip, and propaganda

--- all mixed in the same slick package.




Statues and Idols


This is not a rhetorical question. This is the core of

the matter. To fully

realize its import we need to revisit Islamic

teachings regarding idols and

statues. The Qur'an calls the idols an abomination,

"So shun the abomination of

idols, and shun the word that is false." [Al-Hajj

22:30]. It also warns the

believers: "O you who believe save yourselves and your

families from a Fire

whose fuel is men and stones" [At-Tahreem 66:6]

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

writes in his comments on this verse, "This Fire will

have for its fuel men who

do wrong and are as hard hearted as stones, or stone

idols as symbolical of all

the unbending Falsehoods in life."


At another place the Qur'an says, "Verily, you

unbelievers and the false gods

that you worship besides Allah are but fuel for Hell!

To it will you surely

come!" [Al-Anbiyaa 21:98]. It is amazing that anyone

can read "cultural

treasure" here.


We also know that upon the conquest of Makkah, Prophet

Muhammad Sall-Allahu

alayhi wa sallam, entered the Kabah and personally

struck all the 360 idols

that were housed there. As he struck each one of them,

he recited the verse,

"And say Truth has now arrived and falsehood perished:

for falsehood by its

nature is bound to perish." [Al-Israa 17:81]. He also

sent the companions on

missions to destroy idols all across Arabia and

commanded that the

believers should not leave any idols unbroken.


In commentary on this verse, Mufti Muhammad Shafi, the

late Grand Mufti of

Pakistan, writes, "According to Imam Qurtabi, this

verse shows that to destroy

the idols and other icons of paganism is Wajib

(mandatory). Ibn Munzir said

that pictures and statues made of wood or metal, etc.

are also to be treated as

idols." (Maariful Qur'an, vol. 5, p 509).


Sheikh Yusuf Qardawi On Statues


This commentary informs us that those who are relying

on the argument that

these were statues not idols, and no body worshipped

them, are making a

distinction that does not exist in Shariah. Sheikh

Yusuf Qardawi is more

explicit on this subject. A lengthy quote from him

(taken from his fatwa on

Islam On Line) is appropriate here. He notes,


"Islam has prohibited the keeping of statues in the

Muslim home. According to

the commentary of scholars, a person who keeps statues

in his house is similar

to unbelievers, whose practice it is to keep and

venerate idols in their homes.

The angels are repelled by this; they do not enter

such a house and abandon it.

It is also forbidden to the Muslim to engage in

manufacturing statues, even if

he makes them for non-Muslims.


One of the reasons for this prohibition, although not

the only one, as some

people may suppose, is to safeguard the belief in the

Oneness of God and to be

far-removed from the practices of idolaters, who

fashion statues and idols with

their own hands and then sanctify them, standing

before them in adoration.

Islam's sensitivity in safeguarding the belief in the

Unity of God is very

acute, and assuredly this caution and concern is quite



…the worship of idols originated when people began

making statues of their

dead or pious ancestors in order to remember them.

Gradually they began to

venerate them, adding to this veneration little by

little until they had made

the statues into gods, worshipping them besides God,

asking them for help,

fearing their anger, and imploring them for blessings.

This is what happened,

among earlier communities such as the people of Wadd,

Suwwa' Yaghuth,

Ya'uq, and Nasra. (Names of pagan deities of antiquity

who are mentioned in the

Qur'an (71:23). For an explanation, see for example,

the commentary in Yusuf

'All's translation of the Holy Qur'an, Appendix XIII,

following Surah Nuh (71).



It is not surprising that a religion which seeks to

halt all corruption should

block every passage through which shirk (polytheism),

either open or hidden,

may slip into the minds and hearts of the people.

Among such passageways is the

imitation of idolaters or of the followers of other

religions who have

exaggerated respect for their saints.


Moreover, Islam's legislation is not merely intended

for one or two generations

but is for all mankind for as long as it shall exist

on this planet. What may

seem unlikely in one environment may become acceptable

in another, and what

appears impossible at one time may materialize into

reality at another."




Khalid Baig is a writer on international affairs and

editor of albalagh.net.






>>Important read: Daleel on why the Taliban

blew up of the Statues

>>- from Seerah

>>Tue, 13 Mar 2001 10:46:39 -0800 (PST)




>>The following below (way below after these comments


>>mine)is the daleel from Seerah, proofs that


>>Salallahu a'laihe Wassallam commanded his companions

>>to destroy the idols/statues of the Mushrikoon, at

>>Nakhlah- the goddess al-'Uzza, idol Suwa'; at

>>al-Mashallai to destroy the idol, Manat. Read a

>>snippet of Muzammil (may Allah give him Taufiq &

>>Hidayah) and the response from another Muslim (Abu

>>Omar) giving daleel from the Seerah. Allahu


>>Wallahu A'lam. So do study the Seerah before giving

>>any opinion on this issue. Tawheed must stand and

>>there are no compromising. There are no more

>>worshippers of the idols in Afghanistan anymore, and

>>the Taliban are already in power, thus they are


>>their best to implement the Shar'iyah, thus before

>>fully implementation, of course, Tawheed must be

>>uphold. We do not know whether there had been

>>instances whereby wayward Muslims who are weak in

>>Aqidah could have "mintak hajat", atau asking


>>from this Statues. Look at Syria, some Muslims even

>>enter the Churches, worshipping Statues of "Mother

>>Mary", "Saints", "Jesus", all under the guise of

>>religious integration and peace. Even in Singapore,


>>Loyang a Shrine was built by the Committee for a so

>>called holy Muslim man who died long time ago. In

>>Pulau Besar....Pulau Kusu, the one outside Peoples

>>Assoc at Kallang, etc. Though we may or may not see

>>Muslims going there in Singapore, still it is


>>as a "Muslim" shrine and the non-Muslims have been

>>going there to "ambil nombor ekor", "mintak hajat",



>>From Ibn 'Abbaas (radiyallaahu 'anhu) that when the

>>Messenger of Allaah (Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam)

>>sent Mu'aadth to Yemen, he said: Verily you are


>>to a people from the People of the Book. So let the

>>first of what you call them to be the testification

>>that there is no true deity worthy of worship except

>>Allaah. [and in a narration - the singling out of

>>Allaah] So if they obey you in that, then inform


>>that Allaah has obligated upon them five prayers in

>>every day and night. So if they obey you in that,


>>inform them that Allaah has obligated upon them

>>charity to be taken from their rich, and given to

>>their poor. So if they obey you in that, then beware

>>of the luxuries of their money, and fear the

>>supplication of the oppressed, for verily there is


>>between him and [Allaah] a veil. [bukhaaree in

>>Kitaabuz Zakaat (no. 1395, 1458). Muslim in Kitaabul

>>Eemaan (no. 31). Nisaa'ee in Kitaabuz Zakaat (5/3).

>>Ibn Maajah in Kitaabuz Zakaat (no. 1783) (1/568).

>>Daarimee in Kitaabuz Zakaat (no. 1662) (1/318).




>>Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee says: This

>>hadeeth explains the necessary steps which the


>>to Allaah is obligated to proceed upon. So the first

>>thing - which he is obligated to begin with - is the

>>call to Tawheed, and to single out Allaah in His

>>Oneness with worship, and to keep away from

>>associating partners with Allaah in a lesser or


>>sense. [Mudhkiratunal Hadeeth An-Nabawee (p. 9)]




>>Ibn Abdullah al-atharee








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