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Historical truths about Indology

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I am sending from the Indic Traditions list,

Prof. Rajiv Malhotra's writing about the practice

of Indology. Any comments from Indology listers

will be appreciated by all in the list.


As one interested in Dravidian studies pursued by

Indologists, it will be nice to know from academic




N. Ganesan




indictraditions, "Rajiv Malhotra" <rajiv.malhotra@a...>


I am sending the email copied below to the newly formed

anti-defamation group called HICAD for their evaluation. It seems that

certain `Dalitistan', `Bahujan' and other anti-Hindu groups are


aggressively to demonize Hinduism as Nazism.


The historical truths are as follows, but these are seldom understood

properly even by most educated Indians:


1. Europeans discovered Sanskrit in the 17th/18th century and got

very impressed by the high culture represented in its vast literature.

Given the similarities with European languages, the field of


was born in Europe. For the first time, Europeans learnt the idea of

grammar and started to develop grammar for European languages. (Gary


of Columbia has researched and found that the thesaurus was also an


borrowed from Sanskrit, along with grammar.)

2. A common source language was postulated, named


Since such a sophisticated contribution could not have come from a

`backward' people, it was assumed that PIE must be of European origin.

3. In the Sanskrit literature, `arya' means


as an adjective. There is no `aryan' noun referring to a


But in a subtle twist, the European Indologists assumed that some


people were the authors of this grand civilization they had discovered


India. Naturally, they had to be from Europe. Hence the Aryan Invasion

Theory was postulated and adopted without review or cross-examination.

4. This Aryanization of German identity filled a vacuum in

seeking the origins and essences of Germans. This was in vogue in


at that time. Italians were secure about identity given the Roman


as to their origins. French had their history, etc. German


from a collection of feudalistic warring states got a shot in the arm


this new theory of race in which they became postulated as the


`Aryans', now spelled with a capital `A' for the first time.

5. It was then concluded that India had deteriorated from its

Aryan origins into `Hinduism' – that is why so often books today


Hinduism as being of recent origin whereas Vedas as German imports

into India

are shown as earlier.

6. This Aryanized German identity had a complex history that

culminated in the rise of the Nazis. They misappropriated the swastika


other `arya' ideas to boost themselves.

7. This was one of the instances of my theory of appropriation

while demonizing the source.


But today, given the vacuum from Indians' lack of understanding of all

this, some groups have used this Nazi misappropriation to depict as


Indic traditions were to blame for Nazism. PLEASE READ THE POST BELOW




Jewish scholars proactively.






Thomas Mountain <brotom@l...>

dalit <dalit > ; Bahujan

<Bahujan> ; llhamlin@b...

<llhamlin@b...> ; andwele@p...


Sunday, April 29, 2001 10:58 PM

[bahujan-forum] Nazism: Its Brahmanic Origin



> Nazism - Its Brahmanic Origin


> by Kalimuthu Dhanasekaran







> The Vedas are veriably a fountain of poison that has periodically

>infested the veins world with its dangerous dogmas. Ramaite


>Kautilyan totalitarianism and Brahmanic Fascism are some of the

>deadly venom that Hinduism has spewed forth onto the world. Nazism is

>another such deadly scourge invented by the Brahminist Vaishnavas


>has devastated the world. The Nazis adopted all their fundamental

>dogmas from Hinduism. Besides the swastika, the Nazis adopted the


>concepts of the superiority of the Aryan race and of course,


>Some of the more famous Indian Nazis are described below :


> Madame Blavatsky -


> The origin of Nazism can be traced back directly to Madame Blavatsky

>and her Theosophical Society. Madame Blavatsky propounded the notion

>of the superiority of the Aryan race, an idea derived from Vedic

>concepts of varnashramadharma (apartheid). These were then used by


>Thule Society in Germany, which was the direct precursor of the


>Socialist Party.


> Savitri Devi -


> She was born Maximiani Portas. 30 Sept. 1905 in Lyon, France, of

>Greek and English parents. There she studied chemistry and gained a

>doctorate in Letters. Travelling widely in Europe and Asia, mastering

>7 languages, including Bengali, her desire to uncover the lost


>of the Aryans led her to India in 1932. She took the name Savitri


>in honour of the Indo-Aryan Sun goddess, and married a Brahman Aryan

>Sri Asit Krisna Mukherji, who was editor of a pro-Axis Magazine, `The




> Savitri Devi [ Savitri ] was an ardent admirer of Hitler, and

>considered him an incarnation of God Vishnu. Hitler would have been a

>good addition to the likes of Fascist Ram, who slaughtered thousands


>innocent Dravidians, and Krishna the Killer, who was responsible for

>the Mahabharat War. This Anglo-Brahmin (remember her parents were

>Greco-English ) settled in India, and played a great role in the


>of Nazism from Anglo-Brahminist Occupied India to Germany.


> In a 1980 article "Hitlerism & the Hindu World" published, in The

>National Socialist, Savitri explained the basis of Esoteric Hitlerism

>and related some of her experiences with the Hindus during the war.

>Quoting Ramana Maharishi, "one of the greatest spiritual


>of modern India", the sage's reply to a question on Hitler was that

> "He is a gnani" . Here is thus an unequivocal connection between the

>Hindu fanatic Maharishi and Hitler. This `gnani', Devi explains, is a

>sage, one who is fully conscious through personal experience "of the

>eternal truths that express the Essence of the Universe." [ Nexus ]

>Indeed, Hitler's extermination of Semitic Jews was merely a later

>re-enactment of the Vedic Hindu-Aryan extermination of `Asuras'


> and `Panis' (Phoenicians).


> Savitri Devi wrote, elaborating the Hindu origin of Nazism [ Nexus ]



> "Well did von Sebottendorff, founder of the famous Thule Society owe

>a lot to his visits to India and his contacts with the Hindus


>of their Hyperborean traditions."

> Of course, the most visible sign betraying the Hindu origin of

>Nazism is the swastika -


> " Devi naturally saw great significance in Hitler's choice of the

>swastika as the symbol of NS; 'the visible link between Hitler and

>orthodox Hinduism' ". [ Nexus ]

> The Bengali Brahmin Asit Krishna Mukherji -


> Another Anglo-Brahmin colonialist responsible for the rise of Hindu

>Nazism was the White Bengali Brahmin Asit Krishna Mukherji.


>was an influential Indian Nazi, as described by Elst (Elst is himself


>virulent White Belgian neo-Hindu-Nazi) [ Elst ]:


> " [ T ]he Bengali scholar Dr. Asit Krishna Mukherji (ca.1898-1977)

>and his French-Greek wife Dr. Maximiani Portas (Lyon 1905- near


>1982) alias Savitri Devi Mukherji, had made the AIT itself the alpha

>and omega of their philosophy." He interpreted the Aryan Invasion and

>the racist verses in the Vedas as as the positive realization of the

>natural hierarchy between the races achieved by the conquering Nordic

>Aryans on the dark-skinned natives. This pandit was a "Brahmin


>of his distant Nordic roots" and he published a pro-Hitler paper, the


>Mercury, a truly Hitlerian paper,

> from 1935 until the British (deciding to over-ride the tremendous

> opposition from the Anglo-Brahmin lobby) closed it down in 1937. He

>was instrumental in establishing the links between the Axis

>representatives and the Congress Nazi-Hindutva leader Subhas Chandra


>who formed a fascist Indian National Army (1943-45) under Facsist

>Japanese tutelage.


> Besides A.K.Mukherji, Bengal has produced many fascist Brahmins. For

> example, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, author of the communal `Bande

> Mataram'. There are many other supporters of Hitler in India, and it

>is only natural that Hindu fanatics should choose to emulate one who

>so closely followed the Vedas !







> References

> [ Elst ] - ` Zydenbos vs. Rajaram: a Case Study in Aryan Invasion


> , by Koenraad Elst, Leuven (Belgium), 21 April 1999.


> [ Savitri ] - ` Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan


> and Neo-Nazism' , by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke


> [ Nexus ] - `Priestess of Hitlerism: Savitri Devi' , The Nexus,


> Publications, Paraparaumu Beach, New Zealand.


> Notes to Electronic Edition

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