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(Fwd) Mishra: Sanskrit approach

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Here is Madhusudan Mishra's mail with comments about

Prof. Witzel's New EJVS, 7-3: AUTOCHTONOUS ARYANS?,

and his ideas of how to read IVC signs as Sanskrit syllables.



indictraditions, Madhusudan_Mishra@h... wrote:

The Reconstruction of the Ancient Indian History


Two International schools of thought have recently emerged on the

scene of the Ancient Indian History.It is wrong to say that the later

of the two is the most recent and the earleir is very old.They are



The enlightened among the traditional Indians have never regarded

themselves as foreigner to this country.Only when the Britishers

along with the host of the Christian Missionaries came to India,it

was preached that the polyglot India is traditionally multi-racial,

because a greater portion of the population has come from outside,

white in complexion and speaking an inflexional language,who drove

out the dark skinned people speaking an agglutinative language to

South and elsewhere.This mischievous idea was forcefully resented by

the patriotic intelligentsia,who had no political intentions.They

just considered it untrue and fabricated.Jayashankar Prasad,the Hindi

poet plainly said:


We had not come from anywhere else;

our homeland was here itself.


But such patriotic forces succumbed to the pressures of the Indians

themselves educated on the British pattern.Then the text books of

History and other subjects were prepared on this pattern,and the

reports of the archaeological excavations and anthropological

explorations were submitted only following the British advice.


The resentment against the false Indian History is thus not new,

not the product of the last two decades.It is as old as the birth

of the false History itself.But it has been revived mainly by the

western scholars themselves.Right thing has to be put at the right



But the mischief is attempted to be justified by the witness of the

mischief-mongers themselves.As a matter of fact,the old arguments of

the last two centuries should be thrown in the dustbin of disbelief

and the objections should be countered by fresh arguments.It is pity

that one does not hesitate to quote even himself several times to

justify his own lie.


Though the real witness of the Ancient Indian History has now come

out,he is still supposed to be dumb or not prepared to speak.Instead

of making him speak,we ourselves go on speaking and repeating the old



Tulsidas,a saint poet once quoted an honest reporter saying like this:


How can I describe the fair and the dark ones! My speech is blind and

eyes are speechless.


We should devote our energy to the decipherment of the Indus Script,

which is the genuine and first hand witness to the real Ancient Indian

History.On the other hand,we have erected a dummy figure of a ghost

called IE and worship it blindly as deity.Sometimes one is rebuked

for not knowing this ghost properly.


Till the Indus inscriptions themselves speak,the old arguments should

be supposed to be hoax.Our most recent queries have to be replied,and

our certain new convictions must be refuted if false:


1.The numerals of the Indus Script of specific shapes and sizes

exactly coincide with the syllabic order of the Mahesvarasutras.Thus

the Mahesvarasutras of Panini represent the Indus syllabry with some

editing carried out when the language change from the Islating-

Agglutinative to the Inflexional stage.The early form of the Indus

language are thus related.



2.When Panini says (P.1,2.64) "Of deva-deva-devAs only the last should

be retained as plural,it reflects in the Indus texts No.2950,2322,4251



3.When Panini says (P.6,1,64) that "SThA should be read sthA",he seems

to have the root list of the agglutinative Indus,the Mother of

Sanskrit,before him.Such a root is there in the Indus inscriptions

(Sign.no.15,Mahadevan).Panini did not venture to redraft or tamper

with the original root list of his teachers.


4.Panini refers to the secondary suffixes,-cara (P.5,3,53),-maha (P.4,

2,36),etc.:they are really the pluperfect and perfect form of the

agglutinative Indus,the Mother of the Inflexional Sanskrit.One such

sentence,tata maha=the father has grown old,has contracted as tatAmaha

(Grandfather) in Vedic.


5.there is an agglutinative Indus form Sa-Tha (be-past) contracted as

S-Tha,physically lifted and placed in the RV (7-103-7c).It has come

down to Hindi as thA (it was).Can it be explained thru some rule of

the Vedic grammar?


6.The agglutinative Indus form A-Sa (past-be) was reduced to As due

to accent at the inflexional stage.Once it occurs in the RV

(10,129,36).Later,to distinguish persons and numbers,it was extended

as As-am,etc..


7.The Indus text no.8013 (Mahadevan),Sa Tha (embryo circle) reflects

in the RV (10,121,1)-The golden embryo rolled forth.


8.The Indus text no.4094 (Mahadevan),Sa ra Sa (nipple,speed,end)=

from the mountain flows (and stops) (at the end,on the way) says

that it is the beginning of the name of the river which later came

to be called Sarasvati.


9.The Indus text no.4325 (Mahadevan) ta gra Sa ra gha

(God,Sun,Brilliance,Fire-future)=the brilliance of the god Sun will

shine,was paraphrased anew in the RV (3,62,10).It is the seed of the

Savitri mantra.


10.many fossilised and reduced Vedic words reflect in the Indus texts

as clauses:


Vedic Indus


ta'nas(offspring) ta na S (2659,2374,1365,4464,Mahadevan)

From the womb gens come out.


na'g(Night) Na ga (5094,Mahadevan)

The light goes=The darkness comes


s'aM yos(Wellbeing s'a ma yo Sa (1013,Mahadevan)

and welfare) Let evil die,let confort be there


Rta'(order of the la Tha (2124,3083,1268,Mahadevan)

Universe) The time rolls on




11.The urban Indus culture reflects in the pastoral Vedic culture:

the centrally heated room becoming cavity in the earth,Steam engineer

becoming solicitor,the chemical liquid becoming soup,etc..


Vedic Indus


RbI'sa(A cavity in ra bI Su - - -(4304,Mahadevan)

earth from which hot When the fire heats the water

vapours arrive)


yU's (soup) - - yU Si - - - (2420,Mahadevan)

Chemical liquid


RjISa (RV 1,32,6) ra jI Sa - - -


From the fire energy comes


Text 4304 (Mahadevan) reads ra bI Su va Na Tha.


It means: when the fire hits the water,in the dwelling vapour

circulates.The first clause seems to reflect in the Vedic RbIsa(An

abyss from which hot vapours arrive).In the RV,it is vapourised

chamber from which Atri was rescued by Asvins.As a matter of fact,the

RV describes the incidents of the urban Indus culture where the

fireman Atri was rescued by the fire-brigade operated by the Asvins

of the Rapid Action Force.The Asvins were those who were quick in

actions.The Atris,fireman of the urban culture became the fire priest

of the pastoral culture.Later,RbIsa refers to that abyss in which

fruits are amtured as even now in the countryside.It has also turned

into borsi phonetically in which fire is stored to warm the room in

the countryside in the winter.Then it appears that Rabisa was a

centrally heated room in the urban Indus culture which could become

dangerously suffocating.




12.Many obscure Vedic words are sleeping in the ruins of the Indus



ris'Adas=well wisher


parus=stem (pa nu Si,3094,Mahadevan)


manus=a man (ma nu Sa,6227,Mahadevan)


13.In 26 syllables (Text 1623,Mahadevan)a whole incidence has been

described which could comprise a whole paragraph of the modern



An isolating language is not capable of bearing such a load,but the

urbanised socitey made it do like this.


14.The IE numerals between 5-10 are just based on the counting of

syllables of the Sanskrit syllabry as seen thru the syllabic order

of the Mahesvarasutra.In that order,the consonants are presented thus:


ha ya va ra la,

M n'a ma n"a Na na,

jha bha gha Dha dha ja ba ga Da da,

kha pha cha Tha tha ca Ta ta ka pa,

s'a sa Sa Ha

(the first h voiced,the last H voiceless,the capitals

being cerebrals).


Now,counting in opposite direction from pa to ca,there are five

syllables.Putting n'(the 5th nasal) in the middle,pa-n'ca=5.


As \c\ is affricate,Greek has pente.Because,Sa is at the head of three

sybilants,it stands for 3.Therefore,SA SA(3+3)=6.Sanskrit SaS=6.


Counting from Ha to ta via p,there are seven syllables,therefore,

Ha-p-ta=7, the initial sound becoming s in Sanskrit and Latin,

remaining h elsewhere.


Similarly,from Ha to Ta via S,there are eight syllables.Therefore,

Ha-S-Ta=8.The H was lost in Sanskrit,Greek and Latin,but retained in



Then,from na to va,there are nine syllables.Therefore,nava=9.


Finally,from da to jha,there are ten syllables.Therefore,10=dajha.

But,the affricate jh has split as dz'h,where the stop element and

aspiration has been lost and z' devoiced in the Sanskrit das'a.

In Latin and Greek,it is velarised but devoiced and deaspirated to



The Vowel changes are remarkable in all these cases.


15.The word for horse started with the Indus ha-.

Then,ha-s'va was reduced to as'va,ha-rva to arvA in Vedic,ha-spha

(for ha-sapha) to aspa in Avesta,ha-kva to aquus in Latin,ha-pva

to hippos in Greek,ha-rsa to hors in Germanic.


I would request those scholars who believe in the Aryan Invasion

theory to disprove the relationship of Vedic language with the three

stages of the Indus language.


The Vedic culture is the continuation of the Indus culture.When the

urban culture collapsed due to some natural calamity,the pastoral

Vedic culture started.If there is continuity in the language,why

should not there be a continuity in the culture.


Let us get together in knowing more about Indus language than

discussing useless matters to prove the fabricated Aryan Invasion



With best regards,


Madhusudan Mishra


e-mail : madhusudan_mishra@h...

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