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[Y-Indology] Supertribe of Kurus

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>again and again the Kuru supertribe (1200 BCE-900 BCE) developing in the




for details: see :


Early Sanskritization. Origins and development of the Kuru State. B. Kölver

(ed.), Recht, Staat und Verwaltung im klassischen Indien. The state, the

Law, and Administration in Classical India. München : R. Oldenbourg 1997,



slightly earlier version: Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies (EJVS), vol.

1,4, Dec. 1995, http://www.nautilus.shore.net/~india/ejvs


>enlighten us about the situation in the west of

>Khyber pass around 1000 BCE? Who were at that time in the region west of

>Khyber pass and what were their tribal names along with names of their



"kingdom" is probably too much for this early period: better "chieftainsship"



See the very restrained account of


Skjaervo, P. O. The Avesta as a sorce for the early history of the

Iranians. In: G. Erdosy (ed.), The Indo-Aryans of Ancient South Asia,

(Indian Philology and South Asian Studies, IPSAS) 1, Berlin/New York: de

Gruyter 1995, 155-173.



and cf. now, update:


M.W., The Home of the Aryans. Anusantatyai. Fs. für Johanna Narten zum 70.

Geburtstag, ed. A. Hintze & E. Tichy. (Münchener Studien zur

Sprachwissenschaft, Beihefte NF 19) Dettelbach: J.H. Röll 2000, 283-338



Short list , according to the (late) Avestan text, Videvdad 1: (@ = schwa,

as -e- in 'given')



(a) no. 2-5 are NE [and N.] (of the Central Afghani mountain chains:

Hindukush = "upairisaEna" = *upari zyena, cf.JB, Badgis = vaitigaEsa, etc.



Gaauua (with Sugdha), Marghu, Baaxdhii (balhi-ka), Nisaaiia


(b) no. 6-9 are NW:


HaraEuua (accusative HarOiiU-m = sarayu), VaEk@r@ta, Uruuaa, Xn@nta

(with V@hrkaana = *vRkaana )


© no. 12-13 are W:


Ragha, Caxra (*cakra)


(f) no. 14-15 are E:


Var@na (*varna, = varNu) , Hapta H@ndu (= sapta sindhu)


Remain numbers (10) Haraxvaitii (= sarasvatii) and (11) HaEtumant

(*setumant), which are located south to the central mountains of



(d, e) SW/SE 10: Haraxvaitii, 11: HaEtumant


(g) central: Airiian@m VaEjah (*aryaanaam *vejas = Central Afgh.


and Upa AodaESu RanghAiia^o (on the sources of the Ranghaa= rasaa)


Add the names of the western Iranians: Medes (maada) and Persians (paarsa =

*paarzva) in the Tehran and Fars (Shiraz) areas.



Cheers, MW>


Michael Witzel

Department of Sanskrit & Indian Studies, Harvard University

2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge MA 02138, USA


ph. 1- 617-496 2990 (also messages)

home page: http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~witzel/mwpage.htm


Elect. Journ. of Vedic Studies: http://nautilus.shore.net/~india/ejvs/

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