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Namaskar / Hola / vaNakkam / ni hau / Hello :-)


ref : INDOLOGY/messages


This list is a classic example of the mentalities of these

western indologists, who resort to name calling, accuse all

Hindus as fanatics and what not.


As a bystander, it appears the tone of some professors lowers

their status just from their emails. If this is what these people

write in emails, one can imagine what they teach and how they

teach in their class rooms. I sympathise their students.


If some newspaper would bring this whole set of dicussions out in

public, I am sure the name, fame and reputation of not only the

professors would come down, but that of their institutions will

also suffer.


I got so upset that I wrote my thoughts in tamil, after reading a

series of mails in German and/or Dutch. I cannot believe that

professors would stoop to such low levels, when it is an

unwritten understanding that discussions would be in English.


I am sorry for writing in Tamil and I hope many would be able to

read them.


In this day and age, if such remarks like 'racist', 'hindu

fanatics', 'hindu fundamentalists' et al are written with no

basis or any thought, that too by professors who are Indologists,

it gives a good idea what more nonsense would have been written

by them in the past centuries.


Students learn from teachers both from their teachings and their

manners. Teachers must set an example themselves, no matter what.

Sadly a lot of professors and scholars are poor examples going by

their attitudes that gets reflected in their emails. I think most

of these people must take some time off from this list, and read

'thirukkuraL' and its meanings.


Now, please don't tell me 'who are you to advice me?'. You would

only add insult to yourself. It could be me or someone who could

have expressed the thoughts I did in this email.


My physics professor once got angry at me for asking a question

in the class. At the end of the class, he spoke to me personally

in his room. He said he appreciated questions from his students,

but the tone and tenor of questions must be polite and proper.

Although I did not intentionally use the phrase I used in my

question in the class, I appreciated his stance and his personal

courtesy to tell this to me, in a friendly tone.


I hardly see even a trace of my professor's good attitude here on

this list. And my professor has a Ph.D in physics and another

Ph.D in mathematics, was well versed in other areas as well.


My suggestions :


1. All those who used 'hindu fanatics' and 'hindu

fundamentalists' and similar comments, please apologise to the



2. All those who used a non-english langauage in their emails to

this list, please apologise to the list.


I did voluntarily to set an example.

I hope the PhDs and double PhDs will do the same.


None of you will lose anything in life, I am sure, if you apologise.


3. May all the learned people continue their discussions in

english without any personal attacks, name calling from now on.


This will ensure silent readers of the list, like me to keep

reading the mails, and learn something, however great or small,

from the mails posted.


shanti shanti shanti




LSK - /messages/lsk/

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