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SV: [Y-Indology] Farewell, Mr. Agarwal

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INDOLOGY, Lars Martin Fosse <lmfosse@o...> wrote:

> kaushal42@n... [sMTP:kaushal42@n...] skrev 13. juni 2001

> 04:05:

> > "Quisling actively encouraged Norwegians to become involved in the

> > war on the German side, believing that Germany's victory was in


> > Norway's victory. About 6,000 Norwegians served the German war


> > and 709 of them fell in battle.24 In fact, 10, 262 Norwegian lives

> > were lost throughout as result of war,25 despite the fact that


> > had adopted a position of neutrality at the outbreak of war and


> > hoped to avoid conflict. "


> For the record, Quisling represented 3% of the population -


> And that included the opportunists that joined him after the German

> occupation was a fact. In the thirties, his "movement" was


> coming apart. And Norway, by the way, was not the only occupied


> with collaborators.


Response - May be true but 3 % is not a negligible number . It

represents hundreds of thousands of people. And the 6000 who fought

for the Nazi butchers is not a negligible number either.


> > Response - heil indeed. Remember it was Herr Fosse who is accusing

> > all of us of being Nazis .What kind of guilt is that ? Guilt by

> > innuendo ?


> Was it now? I don't recall.


Response - Deny blandly when faced with the evidence. it is called

lying. For instance see




Quote by Mr.Fosee "May you prosper in your own little world

of evil fascists, racists and other nasty -ists"



What I did was to point out that we now should

> turn our attention to the moral problems of India, where they

abound, since

> we have been talking so long about the West. In fact, several

years. As I

> said: let us discuss the caste system and the oppression of the

Dalits, let

> us discuss why high-caste Hindus don't want to accept food and

drink from

> "impure" casts, why they have to live separated from others


> and why so many Dalit women get raped by high-caste men. Why

doesn't their

> "impurity" protect them? A fascinating question indeed!


Kaushal - What has this got to do with calling Vishal Agarwal or me

names such as 'fascists, racists etc. etc.


If it makes you feel superior to me to discuss the caste system in

India , pl. feel free to do so, I dont think any of us are stopping

you from doing so, but what has that got to do with calling us names

such as fascist. But it is useless to pretend that pornography,

prostitution,rape, child abuse does not exist in Europe also, see for

instance. None of this has anything to do with this Indology list,

but since you started this train of invective and guilt by innuendo,

you have to be ready to be hoist on your petard.




Teenage sex trafficking in EU(June 13,2001)



An increasing number of East European, African and Asian teenagers

are being smuggled into the European Union (EU), often to work in the

sex industry, a report said on Wednesday.


The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) gave no exact

figures but said on Tuesday surveys of Germany, the Netherlands,

Italy and Belgium left no doubt that trafficking in teenagers was on

the rise throughout the 15-member bloc.


"There is obviously an increase in the number of minors trafficked

for sexual exploitation," the IOM said, adding that others were put

to work in illegal factories or sent out on the streets as

professional beggars.


In Italy, for example, social workers estimate that 16-30 percent of

the prostitutes they help are under-age foreigners, the Geneva-based

agency said. After being brought across the EU's porous borders,

girls and boys aged 12 to 18 would often seek asylum or residence in

a European country before disappearing into the underworld.


Residence was easier to obtain for an unaccompanied minor than for an

adult because authorities frequently could not simply return a young

person to his or her country of origin. Aware of this, smugglers

advised teenagers to claim when seeking asylum that they had been

left homeless, the report said.


Since 1996, the number of young East Europeans, Africans and Asians

seeking asylum in the Netherlands had more than doubled to 4,835 in

2000, while in Germany it had doubled to 10,000 last year from 15

years ago.


With asylum granted, the youths would be sent to reception centres

from which they often escaped to work in prostitution and other

illegal activities, the IOM said.


In the Netherlands, girls from Nigeria or Sierre Leone in particular

quickly left the reception centres and some had been found in

brothels in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.


China was the largest source of immigration by minors into the

Netherlands. Many youths arrived claiming to be second children,

denied any rights or education at home under Beijing's one-child only

official policy, the IOM said.

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