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Fw: Reply to Hare Krishna Das re Rhoda Kouros, elephants 2

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- Bhakti Ananda E.O.H.N.

SATCHMO868 (AT) aol (DOT) com

Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:20 PM

Reply to Hare Krishna Das re Rhoda Kouros, elephants & c


Regarding my INDOLOGY posting "Catholic-Vaishnava Connections..." This is part

of my private reply to H.K.D.


I have tried to interest Satyaraja Prabhu and many other leaders and scholars in

the Movement in the information i have amassed. My conclusion is that they will

not acknowledge this study because of one or several of the following reasons.


They are hostile towards Judaism, Christianity or Catholicism specifically, and

will never really accept that the Biblical Deity is Krishna-Vishnu (ELI-YAHU or



They are afraid to lose their position in the Movement, or the academic

community, by supporting, or even acknowledging, something their leaders may be

hostile to.


They don't want to be exposed as having supressed this information, so they keep supressing it !


Their minds are so polluted with 'New Age' Neo-Gnostic nonsense about Jesus and

Western 'wisdom' or 'esoteric' traditions, that they are incapable of

understanding what i am saying.


Thus after 30 years of being rejected while trying to give this information to

leaders in the Movement, i am now trying to take it directly to the rank-&-file

devotees, and the world in general. Having a chronically ill and disabled body,

and insignificant help from my godbrothers all these years, i have nothing

published, or to send to anyone. I received this donated computer about 2

months ago. This is the first time i have ever been on-line in my life. The

computer is installed over my bed, where i must spend most of my life due to

multiple medical problems. I tell you this, because, as much as i would love

to send you the approximately 150 volumes worth of research i have done, it

will never be possible for me to get this information published without some

substantial help. In the meantime, all i can do is to attempt to tell sincere

persons like yourself, the essence of what i have learned. My Apologies.


Replies in order...


1) It is extremely important for you to realize that the Srimad Bhagavatam,

Gita etc. CANNOT be accurately 'dated' by reference to available Indian or

Hindu sources alone. When we talk about dating, are we speaking of the stories

or philosophy, or of a particular form of these, or of a specific text or

edition, translation or tradition of a literature? Some ancient texts are

collections, and like ancient temples still in use, have cores unimaginably

old, with later structures built onto them Thus 'dating' ancient literatures,

and especially religious texts, may be extremely problematic . However, the

main problem with our current approach to dating Indic Traditions, is the very

idea that they are only Indic Traditions. We begin with a myopic premise,

looking only in India, nearby, or perhaps in Europe for our evidence, when

there is a VAST amount of information IN PLAIN SIGHT and easily accessible

outside of these areas. Sometimes a great amount of valuable relevant

information is available in other areas, which may not be not as available for

the same period in India for a variety of reasons. For instance, the arid

climate and use of stone in other regions has preserved the histories of entire

civilizations, whereas in India, the humidity and use of wood has resulted in

huge losses, with the evidence of entire civilizations almost entirely decaying

back into the Earth.


So, how can a study of ancient inter-racial Messianic Judaism, in the

Mediterranean Region, help us to date Srimad Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita ? It

is very simple.


If we found a copy of Gita in Egyptian, chisled into a temple wall, reliably

dated at 3000 bc, we would have to conclude that Gita existed that early.

Regardless of the evidence in India, or from Sanskrit, Gita would be at least

as 'old' as its earliest known edition in any form. Although i have not found

the Gita, (but i have found related texts), i have found the entire Religion of

the Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, Its God, His Holy Names and Forms, Sacraments,

social order etc. in the Proto-Catholic Mediterranean Inter-racial

Heliopolitan Asyla Federations. This inter-racial tradition among the Semites

eventually came to be called 'Judaism'. With the coming of Jesus Christ,

Apostolic Catholic Christianity evolved out of this inter-racial emanational

and incarnational salvific monotheism. Specifically, the last of the great

Heliopolitan Asyla Federations...that of Serapis centered at Alexandria,

evolved into Catholicism. The stories, rites, theology, symbols etc. of the

Proto-Catholic Serapean Asyla Federations are all those which would be familiar

to any learned Catholic, or Krishna-Balarama Vaishnava even. In fact, it is

Balarama as Sesha-Charaka (the legendary Ayur Vedic Deity, not the late court

Physician) who was worshiped as Eshmun among the Semites, Asklepius among the

Greeks, Asculapius among the Romans and as Serapis in Alexandria. All the

Protestant 'German Higher Criticism' and 'Jesus Seminar' search for the

'Historical Jesus' is fundamentally flawed due to failure to include a study of

the worship of the ancient Healing Deity, Serapis / Asklepius / Eshmun / Charaka


Considering that the tradition of Serapis contained the entire previous regional

Heliopolitan Tradition, which was the indigenous form of what Hindus think of as

Vaishnavism, Shaivism and Shaktism, and that the tradition of Helios goes back

to pre-history in the region, it is a vast field of treasure waiting to be

mined by those interested in all things 'Indian' or 'Hindu'. Early dates

verifiable in Egypt, Jericho, Crete etc. can radically change the parameters of

dating for the related traditions in the Indus-Sarasvati and Gangetic

civilizations. If Krishna worship is proved to exist at 3000 bc in the

Mediterranean, it can no longer be considered a late invention in India.


A few examples...


Prominent worship of Eli Dje Dje Nt / Osiris in His 'Pillar' Form, with His

'Brother' or 'Son' BAAL and 'Sister' Asherah, dated by Egyptian and Semitic

artifacts well before 1000 bc. His great related Barque-pulling festivals at

Thebes and giant Acacia Log Form in Byblos, and numerous other connections




Heri on Garutman or Sesha Nachash well before 1500 bc.



Rhoda and Kouros Helios, their 'expansions' the Maiden Nymphs and cowherd boy

Kouroi, Their Sacred Circle Dance (Chorus), tending 365 sacred white cows,

Kouros Leading the Dance with His Aulos (FLute), on Their Bucolic (GOKULA)

Sacred Lotus Isle of Rhodes, from pre-history, datable from the Minoan Era,



EA in Sumer, Helios Delphinos at Crete (Minoan) and Rhodes, EL Dag (Fish) among

Western Semites and the Regional Flood Epic from Prehistory, datable to

Sumerian and Minoan Eras, 3000 bc. (MATSYA)


Roman era Hyperion Bes as a dwarf (VAMANADEVA)


Pre-historic Cadmus and Crete-Rhodes-related epics, 3000 bc (PARASURAMA)


Pre-atlas World Holder and Oceanus Serpent of Infinity, pre-historic


Also Helios Tortoise World-Holder is Kelemos (KURMA).


Memphite Theology of white SKR-BAAL as Master of Mysteries and Arator / 'Plow



Helios as Wrathful Tri-occulous ( three-eyed), pre-historic, prominently

worshiped in Argos and at Pontus. (VISHNU or LOKESHVARA as TRI-AKSHA /



Memphite-Heliopolitan PTAH-SKR-ASAR forms of HERI.(Pure Land Buddhist

antecedents... shows that Buddhism was originally as theistic, bhakti



Prayers and Litanies of the Names of HERI / ELI -ADON / ATUM / AMN which are

clearly related to HARI's Self-Revelation in the Bhagavad-gita.


Vaishnava Murtis / symbols on Jewish etc. amulets, seals etc.


Volumes could be written with the evidence available on these connections.

Unfortunately, i am having so much trouble with my body right now, that i

cannot sit up any longer to write this letter, so i will have to stop soon. I

hope that you can understand from the above that if the stories in the

Bhagavatam, or elements of the Gita are extant in Heliopolitan Monotheism at 1,

2, 3000 bc and disappearing into pre-history in that region, then THAT is AT

LEAST the age of the same in the Indic / Sanskrit Sources.


For humanity to continue to view its sacred traditions in a bifurcated East

versus West manner must not be allowed to go on. It is destroying us. It has

torn the human family in two. Only prejudice is maintaining this artificial

division between believers of the 'Abrahamic Faiths' and the Eastern Bhakti

Traditions'. If there is no pre-judging (prejudice) going on, then why is no

one talking about this evidence ? Why are the scholars on this site, for

example, not commenting on my postings? Considering their recent behavior, it

is surely not 'beneath them' to read or respond to my submissions. If they

have the time and energy to engage in so muc electronic character asassination,

they surely have enough time to read something with such profound implications

as some of the facts that i have posted.


Do you want to prove the antiquity of Krishna-centric Vaishnava Scriptures ?

You will never succeed by ignoring the evidence from the Western Traditions.

Until Native Indologists and Hindus overcome their own egoism and hatred for

Judaism and Christianity, they will never understand how Krishna is the

pre-historic Father God of all humanity. Neither will the Western scholars

really understand who the Vedic Aryas were.


Answers to your other questions...


The best study of Meghistos Kouros that i am aware of, is the work of Jane

Harrison. She analysed the famous HYMN TO KOUROS, and the influencet of that

analysis can be see throughout her subsequent writings. Her best work on the


not connect Kouros to Rhoda, or Radha and Krishna. She also did not fully

develope the connections between Zeus as Meghistos Kouros, and Helios, Who was

always worshiped in the Meghistos Kouros ( Greatest Ideal of Youth and Beauty)

Form. Neither did she fully develope the connection between the Helios Kouros

of the Heliopolitan Ascetics (the Platonists, Pythagoreans, Orphics,

Asclepiadae etc.) and the Asthetic worship of the Spirit (Daemon) of Love /

Eros. Still, she did connect the Meghistos Kouros to the 'Solar Helios', and

Hero-King / Basileo / Heracles. If she had known about our Tradition of

Krishna Vaishnavism, she surely would have recognized Kouros as Krishna, His

King / Basileos Form as Vasudeva, and His 'Solar' Helios Form as



Any good encyclopedia, especially about mythology, should have references to

Helios and Rhoda or Rhode, the Kouroi, Kore, the Muses, Nymphs, Horae, Chorus /

circle dance of the 'Solar' Deity, the three races (Greek, Semitic and African)

that inhabited ancient Rhodes and worshiped Rhoda and Helios together, Helios

as the favored Deity of monotheists throughout the region, Heliopolitan

Monotheism in Egypt being 'founded' by a 'Ray' / RA (Actis)or 'Son' of Helios

and Rhoda etc.


Please note that due to a confounding of the Hebrew letters Daleth D and Rosh R,

Rhoda becomes DODA in ancient Hebrew Sources, like the 'Old Testament'.


The Master of the Mysteries and Hierophant of Helios and Rhoda was Dio-Nysos.

This is Balarama as Deva-Nyasa, God of anointing or initiation. He Himself is,

'The Anointed One' ie the Hebrew MESHACH or Messiah (Christ). Jewish scholars

have long speculated about their own Eli-Yahu and Shekinah (SHAKTI) 'Bridal

Mysticism' being related to some 'mystery school' in the Mediterranean. I have

positively identified that school as the Divine Love Tradition of Helios Kouros

and Kore Rhoda, on the Sacred Lotus Island (DVIPA) of Rhodes. Thus, the Bridal

Mysticism at the heart of Judaism, Catholicism and Sufi Islam is intimately

related historically and theologically to our own Radha-Krishna conjugal (root

of this word is JUG / YOGA) Divine Love (lobha) Tradition.


Numerous other 'Mysteries' were associated with devotion to the various local,

cosmic and super-cosmic forms of Kouros and Rhoda, manifest through their

'expansions' Dio-nysos (Osiris-Baal) and Shekinah / Hekate / Sekhet (SHAKTI).

Their royal 'expansions' were worshiped as POLIEUS and TYCHE (Fortuna-Moneta or

LAKSHMI) , manifest as the Basileos and Basilea (Vasudeva and Vasudevi) Sacred

King and Queen in their sacred Polis cities. Pol in Greek is Per in Egyptian

and PER / YIR in Hebrew. Like Puri and Bury / Berg in India and Northern

Europe, the Pol / Per was associated with the sacramental social body of

POLIEUS or PURUSHA (Rig Vedic Purusha Sukta).


Regarding the Biblical Indian Elephant Units reference. It is only in the

Septuagint and related CATHOLIC BIBLES. Protestant bibles do not usually have

the same books in them. In FIRST MACHABEES Chapter 1, verse 18, these units

are listed as part of the force Antiochus Epiphanes uses to conquer Egypt.

Later in Chapter 6, his son (also called Antiochus), returning out of Egypt,

with the same army, invades Jerusalem. There is a detailed description of the

elephant units from 6. 34 to 38, wherein it is clearly stated that these units

were commanded by Indians. Most Catholic Bibles say 'Indian' where the Greek

Septuagint says 'Indos'. There are two more mentions in 6.43 and 46.


Did you read about the appearance of Eli-Yahu as the Rider and Two Youths in

SECOND MACHABEES chapter 3 ? Following the Protestant iconoclastic trend, some

recent Catholic Bibles have now obscurred this Theophany by calling it an

angelic appearance. However, reading it in the Greek, it is absolutely, clearly




Regrettably i must stop now.


Please pray for me to somehow carry on this mission to unite all the devotees of

the Lord, with the unifying truth that can set us free from racial and religious

fear and hatred.


your aspiring servant, Bhakti Ananda Goswami

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