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writing with blood

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Dear Colleagues,


you will certainly know the story of Candrasarman writing down the

Mahabhasya on the leaves of a tree by using his own blood as an ink.

Having now to refer to a specific text, I realize that I have no

definite idea of the source(s), perhaps I read it in some 'biography'

of Sankara or Patanjali (the Patanjalivijaya, °carita ?). Can you

help me?


Then, an additional question: Do you know of more examples in Indian

literature of writing with one's own blood (I am only aware of the

Kathasaritsagara story).


Grazie mille!


Raffaele Torella





Prof. Raffaele Torella

Chair of Sanskrit

Dipartimento di Studi Orientali

Universita di Roma 'La Sapienza'

fax +39 06 4451209

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