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Aum Sadhna- Results(contd)

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Later on I came to know that our Sukshma Eyes

(Ajna Chakra) is activated and it starts seeing the

divine light which is otherwise not visible to physical

eyes. Some people may find the same thing with the

ears. You may listen sounds during and after

meditation. The sounds may vary. It may be a subtle humming

sound, or a sound like a church bell, or chirping of

birds, or of an aeroplane or somebody talking at very

high pitch. Sometimes, you may listen to a song sung

by a group, no word understood but giving happiness.

These are very good signs and denote the progress. When

we drown deep into the meditation, our subtle

faculties are activated and these results are the outcome

of that activation. I vividly remember, one night I

went to sleep after meditation. Hardly had I started

snoring then my sleep was disturbed and I was fully

conscious by a sound of a group singing songs. I heard some

people singing aloud and there was a background music of

Mrindungam (a sort of drum) and flute. I remembered some

labourers were in my neighbourhood on a construction site,

who used to sing in the evening. I got irritated and

thought why these foolish people are singing at the

midnight. When my irritation was unbearable, I opened my

eyes and saw that the time was 2 in the morning. I

rushed out to cry at the labourers and when I opened the

door, it was cool breeze blowing, the sky was silent

studded with bright stars and there was no sound but the

whispering of breeze. The whole town was asleep. I wondered

and came back to sleep. That night, the sound did not

reappear but it came again and again giving me fits of

ecstasy.<br><br> The other notable change you would notice is that

your voice will start changing. You will be the first

to notice it yourself. Particularly, after

meditation, if you speak to some one you will feel it is not

my voice who is speaking. Your voice will become

deeper and clear. This is also a proof of

progress.<br><br>4- (2 - 2.5 years) : Dreams will start playing a

constructive role in your mediation. Now the dreams will be

clearer and will be remembered well. You will start

getting guidance in your dreams. You may start seeing

future in your dreams, not only your future but also of

others. But if you concentrate on meditation, you will

see most of the dreams, clearing your doubts, and

telling you the right path. At this stage, whatever dream

you see you should be very analytical to the minutest

details. The dream may not be in a clear term, but it may

indicate towards some guidance or warning. When I was

doing Om Sadhna, I did it with oooomm, means I chanted

O more than the humming sound.

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