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I do not believe in GOD. I do not believe in

religion. :(<br> <br> I love this earth, this Universe and

its living and non-living things. I love kindness,

helping others and honesy. I also love anger, greed,

selfishness,leg-pulling. I love violent animals besides loving dogs, cats

and dolphins.I love moon, rainbow, flowers and

rivers. I also love thunderstorms, earthquakes, and

volcanoes.<br><br>:) :) :)<br> Am i doing sadhna or i am a sinner


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hello dear,<br><br>U r doing Sadhna. But U r a

little ignorant about the fact that, Nature & God are

not different things. God or Almighty is an

"Antharyami" or omnipresent in all the things that U


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hariom<br><br>well its sadhana... Any actions done with great concentration and

devotion becomes Sadhana. now if the actions stand for righteousness or not

thats a different story.<br><br>mpatel

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Now there's an interesting question...

<br><br>What exactly is a righteous action? When is

<br>something good, and when is it bad?<br><br>I found this

story a while ago, and I am sorry, I<br>do not remember

who originally told it:<br><br>Once there was a

Farmer who every week took a 10<br>mile journey on foot

from his farm to a small<br>town where he would do his

weekly business. Each<br>morning of this weekly trek he

would pass a known<br>Spiritual Master dressed in his

humble robes and<br>sandals. Each time the Master would

nod and<br>smile, and the Farmer would nod and

smile.<br><br>One day while passing the Master said, "Hello,

my<br>friend."<br><br>To which the Farmer replied, "Good

Morning,<br>Master. And a truly grand morning it is, Master.<br>You

see, I am just a poor Farmer. Until yesterday<br>my

wife, my 18 year-old son and I had a very hard<br>life.

Then yesterday morning a beautiful mare<br>showed up

in our small pasture. I went to all of<br>our

neighbors and asked if they knew who owned<br>this

magnificent animal, yet no one claimed her,<br>nor did they

know to whom she belonged. So now it<br>seems we have

a horse to help us with our chores!<br>Isn't that

wonderful, Master?"<br><br>The Master replied, "I do not

know." and walked <br>on. The puzzled Farmer walked back

to his home, <br>curious as to why the Master had

said that.<br><br>The next week, when the Farmer and

the Master <br>passed on the road, the Farmer

appeared<br>upset. "What is the matter, my friend?" <br>the Master

asked.<br><br>"The mare I told you about last week, Master. She

<br>ran away last night. Isn't that terrible?"<br><br>"I

do not know." the Master replied, and walked<br>on

down the road.<br><br>The Farmer was becoming a bit

agitated by the<br>Master's seemingly uncaring attitude

toward his<br>recent plight. He proceeded homeward full

of <br>thought about it.<br><br>The next week, the

Farmer met the Master and was<br>very excited to see

Him. "Master, Master! Last<br>night the mare returned

to our home. She brought<br>with her a powerful

black stallion and a young<br>colt! Isn't that

wonderful Master! Isn't that<br>incredible!"<br><br>To

which the Master responded, "I do not know."<br><br>By

this time the Farmer was amazed by the callous

<br>manner in which the Master was greeting such

<br>obviously wonderful news. He mumbled to himself <br>as he

walked on down the road toward home.<br><br>The next

week, the Farmer met the Master on the<br>road, and the

Master smiled and nodded. The <br>Farmer said, "I do not

understand you, Master.<br>First I give you good news, then

bad, then good<br>again. I ask you what you think

about my fortune <br>and all you can say is 'I do not

know'. Well<br>today I have some very bad news indeed,

to which<br>I am certain you will agree. You see my

Son was<br>riding our new stallion the other day and

he fell<br>and broke his leg in three places. He

will have<br>to be in bed for the next four to six

months<br>and will not be able to help with the harvest.

<br>That IS very bad news, don't you think?"<br><br>To

which the Master said, "I do not know, and

I<br>understand that you think you do. Things are not<br>always

as they appear." The Master smiled and<br>walked on

down the road.<br><br>The Farmer was now getting angry

with the Master,<br>and he stomped down the road

toward his home<br>mumbling under his breath all the

way. How was he<br>going to handle the harvest with

his Son in bed <br>with a broken leg?<br><br>Weeks

went by before the Farmer saw the Master <br>again.

With his Son in bed, the harvest was <br>occupying all

of the Farmer's time and he had no <br>time or

energy to go to market after long days <br>harvesting in

the fields.<br><br>When the Farmer had caught up on

his work, he<br>hitched up the new wagon he had just

purchased <br>(with the sale of the young colt) to the

strong <br>stallion to take all of his goods to market.

On<br>the road he passed the Master.<br><br>--cont'd..

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"Good Morning, Master." He said. The

Master<br>nodded and smiled. Climbing down from the wagon,<br>the

Farmer said, "An amazing thing has happened,<br>Master.

There has been a conflict just over the<br>mountains

and all of the able-bodied young men in<br>our

Country have been called to war. It is a<br>battle from

which few if any of our fine young<br>men are likely to

return."<br><br>The Master nodded knowingly.<br><br>"Master, my son

is still in bed nursing his <br>broken leg back to

health. He will not be able to<br>go fight in this battle

where certainly he would<br>have lost his life." The

Farmer paused looking at<br>the Master.<br><br>The

Master asked, "How are you with this, my

friend?"<br><br>The Farmer replied, "I do not know."<br><br>To which

the Master responded, "Good Morning,

Master."<br><br>The Farmer and the Master shared a smile and a

<br>nod and each went on down the

road.<br><br><br>Namaste. :)<br>Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

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tks mani, paatel and cathy. If Prempujari really

loves all, then as Patel said every thing is god, it

leads to Vedanta. I am pasting an old post of SS on

LOVE<br>_______________<br><br>What is Love ?

Is it love which a teenager expressese

forced by its adulthood harmones ? Is it the feeling of

the mother for her tiny child, forced by the genes?

Is it a demand of our ego forcing us to like an

individual for some gains ? The force of Love is so powerful

that it has changed history…. It was love which made

Ranjha, prince of Hazara (now in Pakistan) work as a

cowherd boy in his beloveds kingdom.. It was love which

forced Farhaad to dig a river in mountains to get his

love….. It was love which took head of Mirza, the lover

of Sahiba…..it was love that made Gopis of

Vrindavana weep for Krishna…. It was love which brought

blessings on the lips of Christ while being crucified. It

was love that made Ravana fight with Rama……It was

Love that made Tagore write Gitanjali….It was love

that Vivekananada used his youth and energy on

spreading the message of god…….and it is love that we are

discussing Love here !!!<br><br> What is this strange

feeling, which overtakes us….makes us a slave of its

design ? Why do we love in the first place ? Be it for

lust, or genetical or biological reasons or

selfishness, these lower feelings are always backed by a

strong force callled Love which translates itself into

lower needs due to some reasons…but what is the

powerful force behind it. so when we talk of love, we shud

really not think of its lower manifestations like sex,

lust, or selfishness, but try to see the powerful

energy behind them…..the force of Divine Love……what is

it ??<br><br>In the beginning the Bramha

(Paramatama, Paramshiva,Purusha), and his shakti (the energy,

prakrity, durga) remain one….At the time of manifestation

of Universes….Shakti feels itself separated from

Purusha<br>and with the reflection of consciousness, the three

gunas start manifestating themselves… This separation

is not real but duality in unity. But while in a

plane where shakti feels itself separated……develops a

force of attraction towards the consciousness.. This

force of meeting and merging back into the supereme

consciousness is the Divine Love. This divine love is present

in every form of Shakti on all planes. shakti is

continuously feeling the "Viraha" (or the feeling of

separation), and manifests in different forms, and enjoys the

bliss of merging/meeting of two forms as that of HER

merging with Shiva.<br><br>(contd)

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Dear sadhaks.. <br><br>I ask again

....<br><br>What exactly is love? Is it a feeling? What does it

feel like? Is it a behavior? What is the behavior of a

person who loves? How do we know it is

love?<br><br>Buddha once said that there are four elements of love --

maitri (love/friendship); karuna (compassion); mudita

(joy); and upeksha (indifference/equanimity. He called

these four qualities Brahmaviharas - dwelling place of

Bhrama. He said these were "immeasurable" <br>because if

"you dwell in them it will grow in you till it

embraces the whole world". (Thich Naht

Hanh)<br><br>Interestingly, these same qualities are mentioned in Patanjalis

Yoga sutras as necessary for those on the path to

union with the ONE. <br><br>Fellow sadhaks ... What

does it mean to you all ? What do you mean when you

talk of love? How does one express one's love for

GOD?<br><br>Tat Twam Asi<br><br>Uma

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I have something to share, i think it will relate

to tatwamasi's question. I was devasted on the death

of my 16 years old son and had a guilt of "duty not

done" towards him. To relieve guilt i wished to donate

to temple or performa a yagya in his name. I sought

advice of my friend Prem who said," Awasthi there is no

need to feed the pot-bellied pundits or give to

already rich temples. do something for the orphanage

started by Saint Parmanand and the blessings of deprived

children will give you peace". I liked the idea, and

purchased some chidren's furnitures and sweaters. we

reached the orphanage & met Sadhvi Ritambhara, the

incharg of the orphanage. She is known as a strict, angry

and disciplined woman, but welcomed us with smile and

accepted our gifts thankfully. Prem Asked her," why you a

sanyasin chose to come back to this society by starting an

orphanage?". <br><br> Rithambhara replied," Look, even after

taking sanyas a question puzzled me why i was made a

woman and what is my duty towards society. I had an

emptiness in me. when guru ji (saint Parmananda) guessed my

curiosity he told me that woman is the manifestation of

Shakti and the duty of Shakti is to LOVE, highest of

which is a mother's love. What shakti is doing in

Universe, is done by a woman in physical world by giving

birth, and by nurturing a child. If a woman does this

duty with devotion, her aim of manifestation is

fulfilled. Now I can not marry and give birth to a child,

but by serving these orphan children <br>my emptiness

is gone and now i feel my meditation is complete.

when i mother these little gods, i feel myself a

mother of the universe.<br><br> this orphanage has also

given name to my relations to guruji. I earlier tried

to give names to my love for guruji but was not

successful. One day swamiji was sleeping and I entered the

room and saw his face. I saw his innocent face, and

suddenly found the name of my love for him. Yes he looked

like a little child and I felt immense love as his

mother. In a flash I was full with joy and ecstasy, i

felt myself perfect woman, as I had become a MOTHER.

<br><br>awasthi<br><br>PS gypsyji, i have no wisdom, pls do not appreciate

me it gives me shame

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dear tatwamsi (difficult word), what did Budhha

know about Love ? He left his wife and little child in

the name of truth.<br><br><br> He left god at home

and searched god in Jungle ! He left truth in Palaces

and searched it in poverty. being indifferent to

world is not love, it is like adultery to God.<br><br>

All is love all is God<br><br>prempujari

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Dear Prempujari,<br>Buddha was not such a

heartless soul. He knew his wife would be taken care of in

the palace. It was his vairagya, that we all accept

as a necessary prerequisite for Saadhana that made

him leave home. Though we may not agree with his

philosophy, we need not question his spirit of renounciation,

you know!<br>Ganesh

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Dear Tatwamasiji<br><br>Love is a Brain Bug as

told by my Guruji.<br><br>Lord Buddha is right. Love

can be felt in many ways.<br><br>This Brain Bug when

got hold of Lord Buddha he left his palace and even

his wife and children.<br><br>The Love of God is

Great. It can be felt - I know I will never be able to

explain it even i use all the words. It is a feeling felt

in the deepest corner of the Heart. Love is

God.<br><br>with regards.<br><br>kumbhokona

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Dear Kumbhokona<br><br>Thank you for using the

word Brain Bug. But you should have disclosed the name

who said this.<br><br>Respected Tatwamasiji is right.

Love can be felt in many ways.<br><br>Love is a great

Light. As a Light can remove Darkness - Love can remove

darkness from the heart to Welcome the

Saviour.<br><br>Love is a touch stone - it can change a sinner to a

saint.<br><br>Jesus accepted crucification for His Love for the

Mankind so that we sinners can change our lives to Live

in Love and Light.<br><br>Buddha left his beautiful

wife and child as he found that the Light of the Light

was beckoning him to the Life Everlasting. And we

remember Him till this date.<br><br>My Love has changed my

Life too. Now I am trying to walk in Light with

Love.<br><br>with regards<br><br>nathyogin

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Hi TAT :) I hurled a question to you. don wanna

reply or hv no reply ?<br><br>I'm ATHEIST, so dont tak

Buddha or Krishana or Rama as Gods :( <br>humans with

qualities YESSSSSSS :)<br><br>I would luv Buddha <br>if he

comes back to Yashodhara<br>kisses her on lips,<br>and

says<br>Oh In you I found the truth<br><br>I wud luv

Rama<br>If he embraces ravana<br>and weeps with

love<br>before killing him<br><br>I wud luv Yezdi<br>if he kills

Hussain<br>and commits suicide<br>in his memory<br><br>I wud luv

god<br>if he slides down<br>the rainbow of 7 colors<br>(and

millions unseen colors)<br>and drops into my back

yard<br>to say<br>I love thee<br><br>I luv god<br>who is in

my arms<br>not the one<br>who sleeps like<br>a

useless indifferent KING<br>like a computer

chip<br>calculating <br>my sins and my virtues<br>to PUNISH

ME<br><br>I luv God<br>who gives me a kiss<br>who warms my

bed<br>who becomes trees to soothe my eyes<br>who sings

songs for me like hurling winds<br>who dances by

becoming waves<br>on the Ocean<br>just to make me

laugh<br><br><br>Your God is not mine<br><br>If I am unwanted in this

club, ask me my Tat, my God...to leave your door and

beg somewhere else, the alms of Pure Love<br><br>Prem

pujari<br><br><br>Tat +(love) + Twam +(love)+ Asi +(Love) = Love

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Dear Prem Pujari<br><br>A public question is open

to answers by the members. And members certainly

have. Further I didn't see the question specifically

directed towards me. Poeple don't always react to all the

posts. I apologize if you felt

unattended.<br><br>>>>If I am unwanted in this club>>>

<br><br>Did anyone say anything to you about being unwanted?

<br><br>I personally agree with your definition of "GOD".

If you have read my posts before and in other

clubs.. you will notice I tend to put the word "GOD"

within quotes; indicating that each one has their own

definition of what the word means to them.<br><br>I agree

with your GOD. My GOD does not sit with a ledger book

adding and subtracting. Actually my GOD doesn't do much

except just BE. Within us! Outside us. Everywhere.

Everything. Where the whole is far bigger than the sum of the

parts. It is we who propel activity through our desires

and actions.<br><br>Buddha, Krishna, Christ and other

Masters all have the same message, each looking at the

TRUTH from a different perspective, for a different

audience at different consciouness levels, focusing on

different aspects of the whole picture. Each apparantly

demontrated a different path, though if we look deeper we

find that all the paths tend to include the other.

<br><br>Your poem is beautiful. And you don't need to beg for

anything. You are a member of the family of sadhaks and

your ideas and thoughts are always welcome.

<br><br>Thank you ..<br><br>Love and light<br><br>Tat Twam Asi.

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LOVE-KHALIL GIBRAN<br><br>On Love<br>Then said

Almitra, "Speak to us of Love." <br><br>And he raised his

head and looked upon the people, and there fell a

stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said:

<br><br>When love beckons to you follow him, <br><br>Though

his ways are hard and steep. <br><br>And when his

wings enfold you yield to him, <br><br>Though the sword

hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he

speaks to you believe in him, <br><br>Though his voice

may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste

the garden. <br><br>For even as love crowns you so

shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so

is he for your pruning. <br><br>Even as he ascends

to your height and caresses your tenderest branches

that quiver in the sun, <br><br>So shall he descend to

your roots and shake them in their clinging to the

earth. Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.

<br><br>He threshes you to make you naked. <br><br>He sifts

you to free you from your husks. <br><br>He grinds

you to whiteness. <br><br>He kneads you until you are

pliant; <br><br>And then he assigns you to his sacred

fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred

feast. <br><br>All these things shall love do unto you

that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in

that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

<br><br>But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace

and love's pleasure, <br><br>Then it is better for

you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of

love's threshing-floor, <br><br>Into the seasonless

world where you shall laugh, but not all of your

laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. <br><br>Love

gives naught but itself and takes naught but from

itself. <br><br>Love possesses not nor would it be

possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. When you love

you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather,

I am in the heart of God." <br><br>And think not

you can direct the course of love, if it finds you

worthy, directs your course. <br><br>Love has no other

desire but to fulfil itself. <br><br>But if you love and

must needs have desires, let these be your desires:

<br><br>To melt and be like a running brook that sings its

melody to the night. <br><br>To know the pain of too

much tenderness. <br><br>To be wounded by your own

understanding of love; <br><br>And to bleed willingly and

joyfully. <br><br>To wake at dawn with a winged heart and

give thanks for another day of loving; <br><br>To rest

at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;

<br><br>To return home at eventide with gratitude;

<br><br>And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in

your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.


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i LOVE your name Prem. Prema is Bliss in Godhead.

Is this what you want too? i do.<br><br>If i

understand you correctly, you want to see first and then


bother if i believe in the Brahman. SHOW ME!!! Well this

is alright since belief has nothing to do with the

Infinite. To know God, to attain realization-salvation, you

dont have to believe crap!!<br><br>Some people are

'all at oncers' so ready for realization that they

need only a slight push to get it instantly. A 'great

uttarance' is you like. All at oncers are rare though. Most

of us are gradual progressors like fruit ripening.

We may take many years of practice before 'getting

it'. From the time that Jesus Christ was baptized

until his execution, he only had 3 years to preach what

he knew. Sure he KNEW but his disciples did not.

They repeatly missed his point. But that was ok. They

were a work in progress.<br><br>Religion is not a

closed belief system but is conething that can be an

open experiential system. Budha would doubtlessly

understand if we dont blindly accept things on HIS

authority.<br><br>Faith and belief are two separate things. Faith is

practical, a form of trust so basic to everything that we

neednt think much about it. Faith is knowledge in our

ability to move forward. The other face of faith is love.

Faith is deeper than belief. Faith is knowing our

mother will have supper ready when we get home from

school. Clean jammies at bedtime. Maybe mom did not hit

every part of our little expectaton list, even if we

had to get our own glass of water at night, we still

loved her.<br><br>Belief is conditional. Faith is

unconditional. It does not need to know that Jesus rose from the

dead, that Ram rescued Sitadev. The gopis were told

that Krishna would return to Vrindavana. They will

wait eagerly. Faith allows you to let go and not care

what i or anyone else believes. Even if God is

different than what i thought, i let myself be surprised.

Relax, enjoy the free-fall.<br><br>Someday we will wake

from this dream maya put us in. Then everything will

fall away. We will see God face to face. A darshan

that will blow your mind to pieces!!!!!!!!<br><br>om

tat sat<br><br>>:*)<br>peg

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hmmm, i dont know for sure. Do you mean

Kartikeya, the son of Siva? He is also known as Skanda and

is the God who guides that part of evolution which

is religion, the transformation of the instinctive

into a divine wisdom through the practice of yoga. He

holds vel (spear) of jnana shakti, which is His power

to vanquish darkness or ignorance.<br><br>As a

vaishnavi i do not know too much about Lord Siva and His

Family. Does this answer your question?<br><br>om tat


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