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Kundalini Shakti (2)

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Contd from previous post:<br>As Far as I know,

Geeta and Vedas do not mention Kundalini directly. Only

one Upanishad (Kundal Upanishada) has clearly

mentioned it saying Kundalini is the ultimate light staying

in muladhara chakra…this is the life

force.<br><br>Mme Blaivatski (spellings may be wrong)…. had written

that Kundalini's speed is more than the speed of

light…. ( earlier science thought the highest speed is

that of light…but latest discoveries have confirmed

that even speed of light is not

absolute.)<br>Kundalini changes its seat with evolution….and it started

its journey from feet chakra the lowest one and in

human beings it is Muladhara…and Srigant's idea will

come true that with further evolution it seats itself

in Heart Chakra.<br><br>In the beginning the sound

AUM strated the creation of the universe and further

mating of energy in different proportions of 3 gunas

produced the 50 basic sounds, the sounds which have since

lost to us in time. The Kundalini vibrates on these 50

sounds (this sound is like the sound of thousands

waters, described by christian saints).<br><br>Though

Kundalni sleeps in common persons…but it does releases

some energy into our system whenever a sankalpa (vow

to do a work) is made. With this energy we are able

to draw prana and do the work. The pureset and most

powerful energy currents are released by Kundalini for

Sexual Act.<br><br>As we are aware, there are 3 nadis

(nerves) in our spine called Ida, Pingala and Sushumna,

normally the energy released by kundalini travels via Ida

or Pingala because Sushumna is closed in most of the

people.<br>When the energy of Kundalini travels via Ida or

Pingala, it is used for wordly matters…and creates further

ignorance…..but when sushumana is opened by Sadhna the energy

flowing through it, is used in clearing the chakras and

thus removing the ignorance.<br><br>The flow of this

energy from kundalini can be increased by concentrating

on any thing. When ever our thoughts are powerful

and uni-directional, kundalini strats releasing

current…… thus scientists make new inventions, singer sings

beautiful songs, politician attracts public, sadhaka gets

Moksha all by the power of the Kundalini. It is a famous

saying in India that the first dew drop if falls into

the mouth of oyster it becomes a pearl and if it

falls into mouth of a snake it become deadly poison.

Such is the power of Kundalini….its energy can be used

for good ;things or bad things…both<br><br>contd...

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